path: root/src/silx/math/chistogramnd.pyx
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1 files changed, 1251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/silx/math/chistogramnd.pyx b/src/silx/math/chistogramnd.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8484f35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silx/math/chistogramnd.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,1251 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (C) 2016-2018 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ############################################################################*/
+__authors__ = ["D. Naudet"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "02/10/2017"
+cimport numpy as cnumpy # noqa
+cimport cython
+import numpy as np
+cimport silx.math.histogramnd_c as histogramnd_c
+def chistogramnd(sample,
+ histo_range,
+ n_bins,
+ weights=None,
+ weight_min=None,
+ weight_max=None,
+ last_bin_closed=False,
+ histo=None,
+ weighted_histo=None,
+ wh_dtype=None):
+ """Computes the multidimensional histogram of some data.
+ :param sample:
+ The data to be histogrammed.
+ Its shape must be either
+ (N,) if it contains one dimensional coordinates,
+ or an (N,D) array where the rows are the
+ coordinates of points in a D dimensional space.
+ The following dtypes are supported : :class:`numpy.float64`,
+ :class:`numpy.float32`, :class:`numpy.int32`.
+ .. warning:: if sample is not a C_CONTIGUOUS ndarray (e.g : a non
+ contiguous slice) then histogramnd will have to do make an internal
+ copy.
+ :type sample: :class:`numpy.array`
+ :param histo_range:
+ A (N, 2) array containing the histogram range along each dimension,
+ where N is the sample's number of dimensions.
+ :type histo_range: array_like
+ :param n_bins:
+ The number of bins :
+ * a scalar (same number of bins for all dimensions)
+ * a D elements array (number of bins for each dimensions)
+ :type n_bins: scalar or array_like
+ :param weights:
+ A N elements numpy array of values associated with
+ each sample.
+ The values of the *weighted_histo* array
+ returned by the function are equal to the sum of
+ the weights associated with the samples falling
+ into each bin.
+ The following dtypes are supported : :class:`numpy.float64`,
+ :class:`numpy.float32`, :class:`numpy.int32`.
+ .. note:: If None, the weighted histogram returned will be None.
+ :type weights: *optional*, :class:`numpy.array`
+ :param weight_min:
+ Use this parameter to filter out all samples whose
+ weights are lower than this value.
+ .. note:: This value will be cast to the same type
+ as *weights*.
+ :type weight_min: *optional*, scalar
+ :param weight_max:
+ Use this parameter to filter out all samples whose
+ weights are higher than this value.
+ .. note:: This value will be cast to the same type
+ as *weights*.
+ :type weight_max: *optional*, scalar
+ :param last_bin_closed:
+ By default the last bin is half
+ open (i.e.: [x,y) ; x included, y
+ excluded), like all the other bins.
+ Set this parameter to true if you want
+ the LAST bin to be closed.
+ :type last_bin_closed: *optional*, :class:`python.boolean`
+ :param histo:
+ Use this parameter if you want to pass your
+ own histogram array instead of the one
+ created by this function. New values
+ will be added to this array. The returned array
+ will then be this one (same reference).
+ .. warning:: If the histo array was created by a previous
+ call to histogramnd then the user is
+ responsible for providing the same parameters
+ (*n_bins*, *histo_range*, ...).
+ :type histo: *optional*, :class:`numpy.array`
+ :param weighted_histo:
+ Use this parameter if you want to pass your
+ own weighted histogram array instead of
+ the created by this function. New
+ values will be added to this array. The returned array
+ will then be this one (same reference).
+ .. warning:: If the weighted_histo array was created by a previous
+ call to histogramnd then the user is
+ responsible for providing the same parameters
+ (*n_bins*, *histo_range*, ...).
+ .. warning:: if weighted_histo is not a C_CONTIGUOUS ndarray (e.g : a
+ non contiguous slice) then histogramnd will have to do make an
+ internal copy.
+ :type weighted_histo: *optional*, :class:`numpy.array`
+ :param wh_dtype: type of the weighted histogram array. This parameter is
+ ignored if *weighted_histo* is provided. If not provided, the
+ weighted histogram array will contain values of the same type as
+ *weights*. Allowed values are : `numpu.double` and `numpy.float32`.
+ :type wh_dtype: *optional*, numpy data type
+ :return: Histogram (bin counts, always returned), weighted histogram of
+ the sample (or *None* if weights is *None*) and bin edges for each
+ dimension.
+ :rtype: *tuple* (:class:`numpy.array`, :class:`numpy.array`, `tuple`) or
+ (:class:`numpy.array`, None, `tuple`)
+ """
+ if wh_dtype is None:
+ wh_dtype = np.double
+ elif wh_dtype not in (np.double, np.float32):
+ raise ValueError('<wh_dtype> type not supported : {0}.'.format(wh_dtype))
+ if (weighted_histo is not None and
+ weighted_histo.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] is False):
+ raise ValueError('<weighted_histo> must be a C_CONTIGUOUS numpy array.')
+ if histo is not None and histo.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] is False:
+ raise ValueError('<histo> must be a C_CONTIGUOUS numpy array.')
+ s_shape = sample.shape
+ n_dims = 1 if len(s_shape) == 1 else s_shape[1]
+ if weights is not None:
+ w_shape = weights.shape
+ # making sure the sample and weights sizes are coherent
+ # 2 different cases : 2D sample (N,M) and 1D (N)
+ if len(w_shape) != 1 or w_shape[0] != s_shape[0]:
+ raise ValueError('<weights> must be an array whose length '
+ 'is equal to the number of samples.')
+ weights_type = weights.dtype
+ else:
+ weights_type = None
+ # just in case those arent numpy arrays
+ # (this allows the user to provide native python lists,
+ # => easier for testing)
+ i_histo_range = histo_range
+ histo_range = np.array(histo_range)
+ err_histo_range = False
+ if n_dims == 1:
+ if histo_range.shape == (2,):
+ pass
+ elif histo_range.shape == (1, 2):
+ histo_range.shape = -1
+ else:
+ err_histo_range = True
+ elif n_dims != 1 and histo_range.shape != (n_dims, 2):
+ err_histo_range = True
+ if err_histo_range:
+ raise ValueError('<histo_range> error : expected {n_dims} sets of '
+ 'lower and upper bin edges, '
+ 'got the following instead : {histo_range}. '
+ '(provided <sample> contains '
+ '{n_dims}D values)'
+ ''.format(histo_range=i_histo_range,
+ n_dims=n_dims))
+ # check range value
+ if np.inf in histo_range:
+ raise ValueError('Range parameter should be finite value')
+ if np.nan in histo_range:
+ raise ValueError('Range value can\'t be nan')
+ # checking n_bins size
+ n_bins = np.array(n_bins, ndmin=1)
+ if len(n_bins) == 1:
+ n_bins = np.tile(n_bins, n_dims)
+ elif n_bins.shape != (n_dims,):
+ raise ValueError('n_bins must be either a scalar (same number '
+ 'of bins for all dimensions) or '
+ 'an array (number of bins for each '
+ 'dimension).')
+ # checking if None is in n_bins, otherwise a rather cryptic
+ # exception is thrown when calling np.zeros
+ # also testing for negative/null values
+ if np.any(np.equal(n_bins, None)) or np.any(n_bins <= 0):
+ raise ValueError('<n_bins> : only positive values allowed.')
+ output_shape = tuple(n_bins)
+ # checking the histo array, if provided
+ if histo is None:
+ histo = np.zeros(output_shape, dtype=np.uint32)
+ else:
+ if histo.shape != output_shape:
+ raise ValueError('Provided <histo> array doesn\'t have '
+ 'a shape compatible with <n_bins> '
+ ': should be {0} instead of {1}.'
+ ''.format(output_shape, histo.shape))
+ if histo.dtype != np.uint32:
+ raise ValueError('Provided <histo> array doesn\'t have '
+ 'the expected type '
+ ': should be {0} instead of {1}.'
+ ''.format(np.uint32, histo.dtype))
+ # checking the weighted_histo array, if provided
+ if weights_type is None:
+ # no weights provided, not creating the weighted_histo array
+ weighted_histo = None
+ elif weighted_histo is None:
+ # weights provided, but no weighted_histo, creating it
+ if wh_dtype is None:
+ wh_dtype = weights_type
+ weighted_histo = np.zeros(output_shape, dtype=wh_dtype)
+ else:
+ # weighted_histo provided, checking shape/dtype
+ if weighted_histo.shape != output_shape:
+ raise ValueError('Provided <weighted_histo> array doesn\'t have '
+ 'a shape compatible with <n_bins> '
+ ': should be {0} instead of {1}.'
+ ''.format(output_shape, weighted_histo.shape))
+ if (weighted_histo.dtype != np.float64 and
+ weighted_histo.dtype != np.float32):
+ raise ValueError('Provided <weighted_histo> array doesn\'t have '
+ 'the expected type '
+ ': should be {0} or {1} instead of {2}.'
+ ''.format(np.double,
+ np.float32,
+ weighted_histo.dtype))
+ option_flags = 0
+ if weight_min is not None:
+ option_flags |= histogramnd_c.HISTO_WEIGHT_MIN
+ else:
+ weight_min = 0
+ if weight_max is not None:
+ option_flags |= histogramnd_c.HISTO_WEIGHT_MAX
+ else:
+ weight_max = 0
+ if last_bin_closed is not None and last_bin_closed:
+ option_flags |= histogramnd_c.HISTO_LAST_BIN_CLOSED
+ sample_type = sample.dtype
+ sample_type = sample_type.newbyteorder('N')
+ n_elem = sample.size // n_dims
+ bin_edges = np.zeros(n_bins.sum() + n_bins.size, dtype=np.double)
+ # wanted to store the functions in a dict (with the supported types
+ # as keys, but I couldn't find a way to make it work with cdef
+ # functions. so I have to explicitly list them all...
+ def raise_unsupported_type():
+ raise TypeError('Case not supported - sample:{0} '
+ 'and weights:{1}.'
+ ''.format(sample_type, weights_type))
+ sample_c = np.ascontiguousarray(sample.reshape((sample.size,)),
+ dtype=sample_type)
+ weights_c = (np.ascontiguousarray(weights.reshape((weights.size,)),
+ dtype=weights.dtype.newbyteorder('N'))
+ if weights is not None else None)
+ histo_range_c = np.ascontiguousarray(histo_range.reshape((histo_range.size,)),
+ dtype=np.double)
+ n_bins_c = np.ascontiguousarray(n_bins.reshape((n_bins.size,)),
+ dtype=np.int32)
+ histo_c = histo.reshape((histo.size,))
+ if weighted_histo is not None:
+ cumul_c = weighted_histo.reshape((weighted_histo.size,))
+ else:
+ cumul_c = None
+ bin_edges_c = np.ascontiguousarray(bin_edges.reshape((bin_edges.size,)),
+ dtype=bin_edges.dtype.newbyteorder('N'))
+ rc = 0
+ if weighted_histo is None or weighted_histo.dtype == np.double:
+ if sample_type == np.float64:
+ if weights_type == np.float64 or weights_type is None:
+ rc = _histogramnd_double_double_double(sample_c,
+ weights_c,
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ histo_range_c,
+ n_bins_c,
+ histo_c,
+ cumul_c,
+ bin_edges_c,
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min=weight_min,
+ weight_max=weight_max)
+ elif weights_type == np.float32:
+ rc = _histogramnd_double_float_double(sample_c,
+ weights_c,
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ histo_range_c,
+ n_bins_c,
+ histo_c,
+ cumul_c,
+ bin_edges_c,
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min=weight_min,
+ weight_max=weight_max)
+ elif weights_type == np.int32:
+ rc = _histogramnd_double_int32_t_double(sample_c,
+ weights_c,
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ histo_range_c,
+ n_bins_c,
+ histo_c,
+ cumul_c,
+ bin_edges_c,
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min=weight_min,
+ weight_max=weight_max)
+ else:
+ raise_unsupported_type()
+ # endif sample_type == np.float64
+ elif sample_type == np.float32:
+ if weights_type == np.float64 or weights_type is None:
+ rc = _histogramnd_float_double_double(sample_c,
+ weights_c,
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ histo_range_c,
+ n_bins_c,
+ histo_c,
+ cumul_c,
+ bin_edges_c,
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min=weight_min,
+ weight_max=weight_max)
+ elif weights_type == np.float32:
+ rc = _histogramnd_float_float_double(sample_c,
+ weights_c,
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ histo_range_c,
+ n_bins_c,
+ histo_c,
+ cumul_c,
+ bin_edges_c,
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min=weight_min,
+ weight_max=weight_max)
+ elif weights_type == np.int32:
+ rc = _histogramnd_float_int32_t_double(sample_c,
+ weights_c,
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ histo_range_c,
+ n_bins_c,
+ histo_c,
+ cumul_c,
+ bin_edges_c,
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min=weight_min,
+ weight_max=weight_max)
+ else:
+ raise_unsupported_type()
+ # endif sample_type == np.float32
+ elif sample_type == np.int32:
+ if weights_type == np.float64 or weights_type is None:
+ rc = _histogramnd_int32_t_double_double(sample_c,
+ weights_c,
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ histo_range_c,
+ n_bins_c,
+ histo_c,
+ cumul_c,
+ bin_edges_c,
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min=weight_min,
+ weight_max=weight_max)
+ elif weights_type == np.float32:
+ rc = _histogramnd_int32_t_float_double(sample_c,
+ weights_c,
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ histo_range_c,
+ n_bins_c,
+ histo_c,
+ cumul_c,
+ bin_edges_c,
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min=weight_min,
+ weight_max=weight_max)
+ elif weights_type == np.int32:
+ rc = _histogramnd_int32_t_int32_t_double(sample_c,
+ weights_c,
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ histo_range_c,
+ n_bins_c,
+ histo_c,
+ cumul_c,
+ bin_edges_c,
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min=weight_min,
+ weight_max=weight_max)
+ else:
+ raise_unsupported_type()
+ # endif sample_type == np.int32:
+ else:
+ raise_unsupported_type()
+ # endif weighted_histo is None or weighted_histo.dtype == np.double:
+ elif weighted_histo.dtype == np.float32:
+ if sample_type == np.float64:
+ if weights_type == np.float64 or weights_type is None:
+ rc = _histogramnd_double_double_float(sample_c,
+ weights_c,
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ histo_range_c,
+ n_bins_c,
+ histo_c,
+ cumul_c,
+ bin_edges_c,
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min=weight_min,
+ weight_max=weight_max)
+ elif weights_type == np.float32:
+ rc = _histogramnd_double_float_float(sample_c,
+ weights_c,
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ histo_range_c,
+ n_bins_c,
+ histo_c,
+ cumul_c,
+ bin_edges_c,
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min=weight_min,
+ weight_max=weight_max)
+ elif weights_type == np.int32:
+ rc = _histogramnd_double_int32_t_float(sample_c,
+ weights_c,
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ histo_range_c,
+ n_bins_c,
+ histo_c,
+ cumul_c,
+ bin_edges_c,
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min=weight_min,
+ weight_max=weight_max)
+ else:
+ raise_unsupported_type()
+ # endif sample_type == np.float64
+ elif sample_type == np.float32:
+ if weights_type == np.float64 or weights_type is None:
+ rc = _histogramnd_float_double_float(sample_c,
+ weights_c,
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ histo_range_c,
+ n_bins_c,
+ histo_c,
+ cumul_c,
+ bin_edges_c,
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min=weight_min,
+ weight_max=weight_max)
+ elif weights_type == np.float32:
+ rc = _histogramnd_float_float_float(sample_c,
+ weights_c,
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ histo_range_c,
+ n_bins_c,
+ histo_c,
+ cumul_c,
+ bin_edges_c,
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min=weight_min,
+ weight_max=weight_max)
+ elif weights_type == np.int32:
+ rc = _histogramnd_float_int32_t_float(sample_c,
+ weights_c,
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ histo_range_c,
+ n_bins_c,
+ histo_c,
+ cumul_c,
+ bin_edges_c,
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min=weight_min,
+ weight_max=weight_max)
+ else:
+ raise_unsupported_type()
+ # endif sample_type == np.float32
+ elif sample_type == np.int32:
+ if weights_type == np.float64 or weights_type is None:
+ rc = _histogramnd_int32_t_double_float(sample_c,
+ weights_c,
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ histo_range_c,
+ n_bins_c,
+ histo_c,
+ cumul_c,
+ bin_edges_c,
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min=weight_min,
+ weight_max=weight_max)
+ elif weights_type == np.float32:
+ rc = _histogramnd_int32_t_float_float(sample_c,
+ weights_c,
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ histo_range_c,
+ n_bins_c,
+ histo_c,
+ cumul_c,
+ bin_edges_c,
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min=weight_min,
+ weight_max=weight_max)
+ elif weights_type == np.int32:
+ rc = _histogramnd_int32_t_int32_t_float(sample_c,
+ weights_c,
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ histo_range_c,
+ n_bins_c,
+ histo_c,
+ cumul_c,
+ bin_edges_c,
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min=weight_min,
+ weight_max=weight_max)
+ else:
+ raise_unsupported_type()
+ # endif sample_type == np.int32:
+ else:
+ raise_unsupported_type()
+ # end elseif weighted_histo.dtype == np.float32:
+ else:
+ # this isnt supposed to happen since weighted_histo type was checked earlier
+ raise_unsupported_type()
+ if rc != histogramnd_c.HISTO_OK:
+ if rc == histogramnd_c.HISTO_ERR_ALLOC:
+ raise MemoryError('histogramnd failed to allocate memory.')
+ else:
+ raise Exception('histogramnd returned an error : {0}'
+ ''.format(rc))
+ edges = []
+ offset = 0
+ for i_dim in range(n_dims):
+ edges.append(bin_edges[offset:offset + n_bins[i_dim] + 1])
+ offset += n_bins[i_dim] + 1
+ return histo, weighted_histo, tuple(edges)
+# =====================
+# double sample, double cumul
+# =====================
+cdef int _histogramnd_double_double_double(double[:] sample,
+ double[:] weights,
+ int n_dims,
+ int n_elem,
+ double[:] histo_range,
+ int[:] n_bins,
+ cnumpy.uint32_t[:] histo,
+ double[:] cumul,
+ double[:] bin_edges,
+ int option_flags,
+ double weight_min,
+ double weight_max) nogil:
+ return histogramnd_c.histogramnd_double_double_double(&sample[0],
+ &weights[0],
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ &histo_range[0],
+ &n_bins[0],
+ &histo[0],
+ &cumul[0],
+ &bin_edges[0],
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min,
+ weight_max)
+cdef int _histogramnd_double_float_double(double[:] sample,
+ float[:] weights,
+ int n_dims,
+ int n_elem,
+ double[:] histo_range,
+ int[:] n_bins,
+ cnumpy.uint32_t[:] histo,
+ double[:] cumul,
+ double[:] bin_edges,
+ int option_flags,
+ float weight_min,
+ float weight_max) nogil:
+ return histogramnd_c.histogramnd_double_float_double(&sample[0],
+ &weights[0],
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ &histo_range[0],
+ &n_bins[0],
+ &histo[0],
+ &cumul[0],
+ &bin_edges[0],
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min,
+ weight_max)
+cdef int _histogramnd_double_int32_t_double(double[:] sample,
+ cnumpy.int32_t[:] weights,
+ int n_dims,
+ int n_elem,
+ double[:] histo_range,
+ int[:] n_bins,
+ cnumpy.uint32_t[:] histo,
+ double[:] cumul,
+ double[:] bin_edges,
+ int option_flags,
+ cnumpy.int32_t weight_min,
+ cnumpy.int32_t weight_max) nogil:
+ return histogramnd_c.histogramnd_double_int32_t_double(&sample[0],
+ &weights[0],
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ &histo_range[0],
+ &n_bins[0],
+ &histo[0],
+ &cumul[0],
+ &bin_edges[0],
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min,
+ weight_max)
+# =====================
+# float sample, double cumul
+# =====================
+cdef int _histogramnd_float_double_double(float[:] sample,
+ double[:] weights,
+ int n_dims,
+ int n_elem,
+ double[:] histo_range,
+ int[:] n_bins,
+ cnumpy.uint32_t[:] histo,
+ double[:] cumul,
+ double[:] bin_edges,
+ int option_flags,
+ double weight_min,
+ double weight_max) nogil:
+ return histogramnd_c.histogramnd_float_double_double(&sample[0],
+ &weights[0],
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ &histo_range[0],
+ &n_bins[0],
+ &histo[0],
+ &cumul[0],
+ &bin_edges[0],
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min,
+ weight_max)
+cdef int _histogramnd_float_float_double(float[:] sample,
+ float[:] weights,
+ int n_dims,
+ int n_elem,
+ double[:] histo_range,
+ int[:] n_bins,
+ cnumpy.uint32_t[:] histo,
+ double[:] cumul,
+ double[:] bin_edges,
+ int option_flags,
+ float weight_min,
+ float weight_max) nogil:
+ return histogramnd_c.histogramnd_float_float_double(&sample[0],
+ &weights[0],
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ &histo_range[0],
+ &n_bins[0],
+ &histo[0],
+ &cumul[0],
+ &bin_edges[0],
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min,
+ weight_max)
+cdef int _histogramnd_float_int32_t_double(float[:] sample,
+ cnumpy.int32_t[:] weights,
+ int n_dims,
+ int n_elem,
+ double[:] histo_range,
+ int[:] n_bins,
+ cnumpy.uint32_t[:] histo,
+ double[:] cumul,
+ double[:] bin_edges,
+ int option_flags,
+ cnumpy.int32_t weight_min,
+ cnumpy.int32_t weight_max) nogil:
+ return histogramnd_c.histogramnd_float_int32_t_double(&sample[0],
+ &weights[0],
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ &histo_range[0],
+ &n_bins[0],
+ &histo[0],
+ &cumul[0],
+ &bin_edges[0],
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min,
+ weight_max)
+# =====================
+# numpy.int32_t sample, double cumul
+# =====================
+cdef int _histogramnd_int32_t_double_double(cnumpy.int32_t[:] sample,
+ double[:] weights,
+ int n_dims,
+ int n_elem,
+ double[:] histo_range,
+ int[:] n_bins,
+ cnumpy.uint32_t[:] histo,
+ double[:] cumul,
+ double[:] bin_edges,
+ int option_flags,
+ double weight_min,
+ double weight_max) nogil:
+ return histogramnd_c.histogramnd_int32_t_double_double(&sample[0],
+ &weights[0],
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ &histo_range[0],
+ &n_bins[0],
+ &histo[0],
+ &cumul[0],
+ &bin_edges[0],
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min,
+ weight_max)
+cdef int _histogramnd_int32_t_float_double(cnumpy.int32_t[:] sample,
+ float[:] weights,
+ int n_dims,
+ int n_elem,
+ double[:] histo_range,
+ int[:] n_bins,
+ cnumpy.uint32_t[:] histo,
+ double[:] cumul,
+ double[:] bin_edges,
+ int option_flags,
+ float weight_min,
+ float weight_max) nogil:
+ return histogramnd_c.histogramnd_int32_t_float_double(&sample[0],
+ &weights[0],
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ &histo_range[0],
+ &n_bins[0],
+ &histo[0],
+ &cumul[0],
+ &bin_edges[0],
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min,
+ weight_max)
+cdef int _histogramnd_int32_t_int32_t_double(cnumpy.int32_t[:] sample,
+ cnumpy.int32_t[:] weights,
+ int n_dims,
+ int n_elem,
+ double[:] histo_range,
+ int[:] n_bins,
+ cnumpy.uint32_t[:] histo,
+ double[:] cumul,
+ double[:] bin_edges,
+ int option_flags,
+ cnumpy.int32_t weight_min,
+ cnumpy.int32_t weight_max) nogil:
+ return histogramnd_c.histogramnd_int32_t_int32_t_double(&sample[0],
+ &weights[0],
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ &histo_range[0],
+ &n_bins[0],
+ &histo[0],
+ &cumul[0],
+ &bin_edges[0],
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min,
+ weight_max)
+# =====================
+# double sample, float cumul
+# =====================
+cdef int _histogramnd_double_double_float(double[:] sample,
+ double[:] weights,
+ int n_dims,
+ int n_elem,
+ double[:] histo_range,
+ int[:] n_bins,
+ cnumpy.uint32_t[:] histo,
+ float[:] cumul,
+ double[:] bin_edges,
+ int option_flags,
+ double weight_min,
+ double weight_max) nogil:
+ return histogramnd_c.histogramnd_double_double_float(&sample[0],
+ &weights[0],
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ &histo_range[0],
+ &n_bins[0],
+ &histo[0],
+ &cumul[0],
+ &bin_edges[0],
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min,
+ weight_max)
+cdef int _histogramnd_double_float_float(double[:] sample,
+ float[:] weights,
+ int n_dims,
+ int n_elem,
+ double[:] histo_range,
+ int[:] n_bins,
+ cnumpy.uint32_t[:] histo,
+ float[:] cumul,
+ double[:] bin_edges,
+ int option_flags,
+ float weight_min,
+ float weight_max) nogil:
+ return histogramnd_c.histogramnd_double_float_float(&sample[0],
+ &weights[0],
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ &histo_range[0],
+ &n_bins[0],
+ &histo[0],
+ &cumul[0],
+ &bin_edges[0],
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min,
+ weight_max)
+cdef int _histogramnd_double_int32_t_float(double[:] sample,
+ cnumpy.int32_t[:] weights,
+ int n_dims,
+ int n_elem,
+ double[:] histo_range,
+ int[:] n_bins,
+ cnumpy.uint32_t[:] histo,
+ float[:] cumul,
+ double[:] bin_edges,
+ int option_flags,
+ cnumpy.int32_t weight_min,
+ cnumpy.int32_t weight_max) nogil:
+ return histogramnd_c.histogramnd_double_int32_t_float(&sample[0],
+ &weights[0],
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ &histo_range[0],
+ &n_bins[0],
+ &histo[0],
+ &cumul[0],
+ &bin_edges[0],
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min,
+ weight_max)
+# =====================
+# float sample, float cumul
+# =====================
+cdef int _histogramnd_float_double_float(float[:] sample,
+ double[:] weights,
+ int n_dims,
+ int n_elem,
+ double[:] histo_range,
+ int[:] n_bins,
+ cnumpy.uint32_t[:] histo,
+ float[:] cumul,
+ double[:] bin_edges,
+ int option_flags,
+ double weight_min,
+ double weight_max) nogil:
+ return histogramnd_c.histogramnd_float_double_float(&sample[0],
+ &weights[0],
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ &histo_range[0],
+ &n_bins[0],
+ &histo[0],
+ &cumul[0],
+ &bin_edges[0],
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min,
+ weight_max)
+cdef int _histogramnd_float_float_float(float[:] sample,
+ float[:] weights,
+ int n_dims,
+ int n_elem,
+ double[:] histo_range,
+ int[:] n_bins,
+ cnumpy.uint32_t[:] histo,
+ float[:] cumul,
+ double[:] bin_edges,
+ int option_flags,
+ float weight_min,
+ float weight_max) nogil:
+ return histogramnd_c.histogramnd_float_float_float(&sample[0],
+ &weights[0],
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ &histo_range[0],
+ &n_bins[0],
+ &histo[0],
+ &cumul[0],
+ &bin_edges[0],
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min,
+ weight_max)
+cdef int _histogramnd_float_int32_t_float(float[:] sample,
+ cnumpy.int32_t[:] weights,
+ int n_dims,
+ int n_elem,
+ double[:] histo_range,
+ int[:] n_bins,
+ cnumpy.uint32_t[:] histo,
+ float[:] cumul,
+ double[:] bin_edges,
+ int option_flags,
+ cnumpy.int32_t weight_min,
+ cnumpy.int32_t weight_max) nogil:
+ return histogramnd_c.histogramnd_float_int32_t_float(&sample[0],
+ &weights[0],
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ &histo_range[0],
+ &n_bins[0],
+ &histo[0],
+ &cumul[0],
+ &bin_edges[0],
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min,
+ weight_max)
+# =====================
+# numpy.int32_t sample, float cumul
+# =====================
+cdef int _histogramnd_int32_t_double_float(cnumpy.int32_t[:] sample,
+ double[:] weights,
+ int n_dims,
+ int n_elem,
+ double[:] histo_range,
+ int[:] n_bins,
+ cnumpy.uint32_t[:] histo,
+ float[:] cumul,
+ double[:] bin_edges,
+ int option_flags,
+ double weight_min,
+ double weight_max) nogil:
+ return histogramnd_c.histogramnd_int32_t_double_float(&sample[0],
+ &weights[0],
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ &histo_range[0],
+ &n_bins[0],
+ &histo[0],
+ &cumul[0],
+ &bin_edges[0],
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min,
+ weight_max)
+cdef int _histogramnd_int32_t_float_float(cnumpy.int32_t[:] sample,
+ float[:] weights,
+ int n_dims,
+ int n_elem,
+ double[:] histo_range,
+ int[:] n_bins,
+ cnumpy.uint32_t[:] histo,
+ float[:] cumul,
+ double[:] bin_edges,
+ int option_flags,
+ float weight_min,
+ float weight_max) nogil:
+ return histogramnd_c.histogramnd_int32_t_float_float(&sample[0],
+ &weights[0],
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ &histo_range[0],
+ &n_bins[0],
+ &histo[0],
+ &cumul[0],
+ &bin_edges[0],
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min,
+ weight_max)
+cdef int _histogramnd_int32_t_int32_t_float(cnumpy.int32_t[:] sample,
+ cnumpy.int32_t[:] weights,
+ int n_dims,
+ int n_elem,
+ double[:] histo_range,
+ int[:] n_bins,
+ cnumpy.uint32_t[:] histo,
+ float[:] cumul,
+ double[:] bin_edges,
+ int option_flags,
+ cnumpy.int32_t weight_min,
+ cnumpy.int32_t weight_max) nogil:
+ return histogramnd_c.histogramnd_int32_t_int32_t_float(&sample[0],
+ &weights[0],
+ n_dims,
+ n_elem,
+ &histo_range[0],
+ &n_bins[0],
+ &histo[0],
+ &cumul[0],
+ &bin_edges[0],
+ option_flags,
+ weight_min,
+ weight_max)