Change Log ========== 0.5.0: 2017/05/12 ----------------- * Adds OpenGL backend to 1D and 2D graphics * Adds Object Oriented plot API with Curve, Histogram, Image, ImageRgba and Scatter items. * Implements generic launcher (``silx view``) * NXdataViewer. Module providing NeXus NXdata support * Math/OpenCL. Implementation of median filter. * Plot. Implementation of ColorBar widget. * Plot. Visualization of complex data type. * Plot. Implementation of Scatter Plot Item supporting colormaps and masks. * Plot. StackView now supports axes calibration. * I/O. Supports SPEC files not having #F or #S as first line character. * I/O. Correctly exposes UB matrix when found in file. * ROIs. Simplification of API: setRois, getRois, calculateRois. * ROIs. Correction of calculation bug when the X-axis values were not ordered. * Sift. Moves package from ``silx.image`` to ``silx.opencl``. 0.4.0: 2017/02/01 ----------------- * Adds plot3D package (include visualization of 3-dimensional scalar fields) * Adds data viewer (it can handle n-dimensional data) * Adds StackView (ex. Visualization of stack of images) * Adds depth profile calculation (ex. extract profile of a stack of images) * Adds periodic table widget * Adds ArrayTableWidget * Adds pixel intensity histogram action * Adds histogram parameter to addCurve * Refactoring. Create (include widgets for data) * Refactoring. Rename utils.load as * Changes active curve behavior in Plot. No default active curve is set by default * Fit Action. Add polynomial functions and background customization * PlotWindow. Provide API to access toolbar actions * Handle SPEC, HDF5 and image formats through an unified API * hdf5widget example. Inspect and visualize any datasets * Improves mask tool * Deprecates PlotWindow dock widgets attributes in favor of getter methods 0.3.0: 2016/10/12 ----------------- * Adds OpenCL management * Adds isosurface marching cubes * Adds sift algorithm for image alignement * Adds octaveh5 module to insure communication between octave and python using HDF5 file * Adds silx.utils module containing weakref and html-escape * Adds for flat import (helper for interactive shell) * Adds HDF5 load API (supporting Spec files) to module * Adds SpecFile support for multiple MCA headers * Adds HDF5 TreeView * Adds FitManager to and FitWidget to * Adds ThreadPoolPushButton to silx.gui.widgets * Adds getDataRange function to plot widget * Adds loadUi, Slot and Property to * Adds SVG icons and support * Adds examples for plot actions, HDF5 widget, helper widgets, converter from Spec to HDF5 * Adds tutorials for plot actions, spech5, spectoh5, sift and fitmanager * Improves right axis support for plot widget * Improves mask tool * Refactors widgets constructor: first argument is now the parent widget * Changes plot documentation and add missing module to the documentation 0.2.0: 2016/07/12 ----------------- * Adds bilinear interpolator and line-profile for images to silx.image * Adds Levenberg-Marquardt least-square fitting algorithm to * Histogramnd changed to become a class rather than a function, API and return values changed * Adds HistogramndLut, using a lookup table to bin data onto a regular grid for several sets of data sharing the same coordinates * Adds legend widget and bottom toolbar to PlotWindow * Adds a line-profile toolbar to PlotWindow * Adds ImageView widget with side histograms and profile toolbar * Adds IPython console widget, to be started from PlotWindow toolbar * Adds Plot1D widget for curves and Plot2D widget for images * Adds ROI widget for curves in PlotWindow * Adds a mask widget and toolbar to plot (2D) * Renames to * Adds configuration dictionary dumping/loading to/from JSON and INI files in * Adds specfile wrapper API compatible with legacy wrapper: * Transposes scan data in specfile module to have detector as first index * Set up nigthly build for sources package, debian packages ( and documentation ( 0.1.0: 2016/04/14 ----------------- * Adds project build, documentation and test structure * Adds continuous integration set-up for Travis-CI and Appveyor * Adds Debian packaging support * Adds SPEC file reader, SPEC file conversion to HDF5 in * Adds histogramnd function in silx.math * Adds 1D, 2D plot widget with a toolbar, refactored from PyMca PlotWindow in silx.gui.plot