.. currentmodule:: silx.gui :mod:`plot`: 1D and 2D Plot widgets =================================== .. toctree:: :hidden: getting_started.rst .. currentmodule:: silx.gui.plot .. automodule:: silx.gui.plot For an introduction to the widgets of this package, see :doc:`getting_started`. For examples of custom plot actions, see :doc:`plotactions_examples`. Widgets gallery --------------- The :mod:`silx.gui.plot` package provides the following plotting widgets: .. |imgPlotWidget| image:: img/PlotWidget.png :height: 150px :align: middle .. |imgPlotWindow| image:: img/PlotWindow.png :height: 150px :align: middle .. |imgPlot1D| image:: img/Plot1D.png :height: 150px :align: middle .. |imgPlot2D| image:: img/Plot2D.png :height: 150px :align: middle .. |imgImageView| image:: img/ImageView.png :height: 150px :align: middle .. |imgStackView| image:: img/StackView.png :height: 150px :align: middle .. list-table:: :widths: 1 4 :header-rows: 1 * - Widget - Description * - |imgPlotWidget| - :class:`PlotWidget` is the base Qt widget providing a plot area. Other plot widgets are based on this one and provides the same API. * - |imgPlotWindow| - :class:`PlotWindow` adds a toolbar to :class:`PlotWidget`. The content of this toolbar can be configured from the :class:`PlotWindow` constructor or by hiding its content afterward. * - |imgPlot1D| - :class:`.Plot1D` is a :class:`PlotWindow` configured with tools useful for curves. * - |imgPlot2D| - :class:`.Plot2D` is a :class:`PlotWindow` configured with tools useful for images. * - |imgImageView| - :class:`ImageView` adds side histograms to a :class:`.Plot2D` widget. * - |imgStackView| - :class:`StackView` is a widget designed to display an image from a stack of images in a :class:`PlotWindow` widget, with a frame browser to navigate in the stack. The profile tool can do a 2D profile on the stack of images. It also provides (and uses) widgets that can be attached to a :class:`PlotWidget`: .. |imgPositionInfo| image:: img/PositionInfo.png :width: 300px :align: middle .. |imgLimitsToolBar| image:: img/LimitsToolBar.png :width: 300px :align: middle .. |imgColorbar| image:: img/logColorbar.png :height: 150px :align: middle .. list-table:: :widths: 1 4 :header-rows: 1 * - Widget - Description * - |imgPositionInfo| - :class:`.PlotTools.PositionInfo` is a widget displaying mouse position and information of a :class:`PlotWidget` associated to the mouse position. * - |imgLimitsToolBar| - :class:`.PlotTools.LimitsToolBar` is a QToolBar displaying and controlling the limits of a :class:`PlotWidget`. * - |imgColorbar| - :class:`.ColorBar.ColorBarWidget` display colormap gradient and can be linked with a plot to display the colormap Public modules -------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 plotwidget.rst plotwindow.rst imageview.rst stackview.rst plot.rst items.rst plotactions.rst plottools.rst profile.rst roi.rst Internals --------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 dev.rst