.. currentmodule:: silx.gui :mod:`plot3d`: 3D Visualisation widgets ======================================= .. currentmodule:: silx.gui.plot3d .. automodule:: silx.gui.plot3d Widgets gallery --------------- .. |imgPlot3DWidget| image:: img/Plot3DWidget.png :height: 150px :align: middle .. |imgPlot3DWindow| image:: img/Plot3DWindow.png :height: 150px :align: middle .. |imgScalarFieldView| image:: img/ScalarFieldView.png :height: 150px :align: middle .. |imgSFViewParamTree| image:: img/SFViewParamTree.png :height: 150px :align: middle .. list-table:: :widths: 1 4 :header-rows: 1 * - Widget - Description * - |imgScalarFieldView| - :class:`ScalarFieldView` is a :class:`Plot3DWindow` dedicated to display 3D scalar field. It can display iso-surfaces and an interactive cutting plane. Sample code: :doc:`viewer3dvolume_example`. * - |imgPlot3DWindow| - :class:`Plot3DWindow` is a :class:`QMainWindow` with a :class:`Plot3DWidget` as central widget and toolbars. * - |imgPlot3DWidget| - :class:`Plot3DWidget` is the base Qt widget providing an OpenGL 3D scene. Other widgets are using this widget as the OpenGL scene canvas. * - |imgSFViewParamTree| - :class:`SFViewParamTree` is a :class:`QTreeView` widget that can be attached to a :class:`ScalarFieldView`. It displays current parameters of the :class:`ScalarFieldView` and allows to modify it. Sample code: :doc:`viewer3dvolume_example`. Public modules -------------- The following sub-modules are available: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 plot3dwidget.rst plot3dwindow.rst scalarfieldview.rst sfviewparamtree.rst toolbars.rst actions.rst Sample code ----------- - :doc:`viewer3dvolume_example`: Sample code using :class:`ScalarFieldView` Internals --------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 dev.rst .. toctree:: :hidden: viewer3dvolume_example.rst