:mod:`silx.sx`: Using silx from Python Interpreter ================================================== .. currentmodule:: silx.sx .. automodule:: silx.sx Plot functions -------------- The following functions plot curves and images with silx widgets: - :func:`plot` for curves - :func:`imshow` for images - :func:`scatter` for scatter plot The :func:`ginput` function handles user selection on those widgets. .. note:: Those functions are not available from a notebook. :func:`plot` ++++++++++++ .. autofunction:: plot :func:`imshow` ++++++++++++++ .. autofunction:: imshow :func:`scatter` +++++++++++++++ .. autofunction:: scatter :func:`ginput` ++++++++++++++ .. autofunction:: ginput 3D plot functions ----------------- The following functions plot 3D data with silx widgets (it requires OpenGL): - :func:`contour3d` for isosurfaces (and cut plane) in a 3D scalar field - :func:`points3d` for 2D/3D scatter plots .. note:: Those functions are not available from a notebook. :func:`contour3d` +++++++++++++++++ .. autofunction:: contour3d :func:`points3d` ++++++++++++++++ .. autofunction:: points3d Widgets ------- The widgets of the :mod:`silx.gui.plot` package are also exposed in this package. See :mod:`silx.gui.plot` for documentation. Input/Output ------------ The content of the :mod:`silx.io` package is also exposed in this package. See :mod:`silx.io` for documentation. Math ---- The following classes from :mod:`silx.math` are exposed in this package: - :class:`~silx.math.histogram.Histogramnd` - :class:`~silx.math.histogram.HistogramndLut` - :class:`~silx.math.fit.leastsq`