#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2016-2018 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """ Example for the use of the ImageFileDialog. """ from __future__ import absolute_import __authors__ = ["V. Valls"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "14/02/2018" import enum import logging from silx.gui import qt from silx.gui.dialog.ImageFileDialog import ImageFileDialog from silx.gui.dialog.DataFileDialog import DataFileDialog import silx.io logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) class Mode(enum.Enum): DEFAULT_FILEDIALOG = 0 IMAGEFILEDIALOG = 1 DATAFILEDIALOG = 2 DATAFILEDIALOG_DATASET = 3 DATAFILEDIALOG_GROUP = 4 DATAFILEDIALOG_NXENTRY = 5 class DialogExample(qt.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(DialogExample, self).__init__(parent) self.__state = {} centralWidget = qt.QWidget(self) layout = qt.QHBoxLayout() centralWidget.setLayout(layout) options = self.createOptions() layout.addWidget(options) buttonGroup = qt.QGroupBox() buttonGroup.setTitle("Create dialog") layout.addWidget(buttonGroup) buttonLayout = qt.QVBoxLayout() buttonGroup.setLayout(buttonLayout) # ImageFileDialog b1 = qt.QPushButton(self) b1.setMinimumHeight(50) b1.setText("Open a dialog") b1.clicked.connect(self.openDialog) buttonLayout.addWidget(b1) b2 = qt.QPushButton(self) b2.setMinimumHeight(50) b2.setText("Open a dialog with state stored") b2.clicked.connect(self.openDialogStoredState) buttonLayout.addWidget(b2) b3 = qt.QPushButton(self) b3.setMinimumHeight(50) b3.setText("Open a dialog at home") b3.clicked.connect(self.openDialogAtHome) buttonLayout.addWidget(b3) b4 = qt.QPushButton(self) b4.setMinimumHeight(50) b4.setText("Open a dialog at computer root") b4.clicked.connect(self.openDialogAtComputer) buttonLayout.addWidget(b4) self.setCentralWidget(centralWidget) def createOptions(self): panel = qt.QGroupBox() panel.setTitle("Options") layout = qt.QVBoxLayout() panel.setLayout(layout) group = qt.QButtonGroup(panel) radio = qt.QRadioButton(panel) radio.setText("Qt QFileDialog") radio.setProperty("Mode", Mode.DEFAULT_FILEDIALOG) group.addButton(radio) layout.addWidget(radio) radio = qt.QRadioButton(panel) radio.setText("silx ImageFileDialog") radio.setProperty("Mode", Mode.IMAGEFILEDIALOG) group.addButton(radio) layout.addWidget(radio) radio = qt.QRadioButton(panel) radio.setChecked(True) radio.setText("silx DataFileDialog") radio.setProperty("Mode", Mode.DATAFILEDIALOG) group.addButton(radio) layout.addWidget(radio) radio = qt.QRadioButton(panel) radio.setText("silx DataFileDialog (filter=dataset)") radio.setProperty("Mode", Mode.DATAFILEDIALOG_DATASET) group.addButton(radio) layout.addWidget(radio) radio = qt.QRadioButton(panel) radio.setText("silx DataFileDialog (filter=group)") radio.setProperty("Mode", Mode.DATAFILEDIALOG_GROUP) group.addButton(radio) layout.addWidget(radio) radio = qt.QRadioButton(panel) radio.setText("silx DataFileDialog (filter=NXentry)") radio.setProperty("Mode", Mode.DATAFILEDIALOG_NXENTRY) group.addButton(radio) layout.addWidget(radio) self.__options = group return panel def printResult(self, dialog, result): if not result: print("Nothing selected") return print("Selection:") if isinstance(dialog, qt.QFileDialog): print("- Files: %s" % dialog.selectedFiles()) elif isinstance(dialog, ImageFileDialog): print("- File: %s" % dialog.selectedFile()) print("- URL: %s" % dialog.selectedUrl()) print("- Data URL: %s" % dialog.selectedDataUrl()) image = dialog.selectedImage() print("- Image: " % (image.dtype, image.shape)) elif isinstance(dialog, DataFileDialog): print("- File: %s" % dialog.selectedFile()) print("- URL: %s" % dialog.selectedUrl()) print("- Data URL: %s" % dialog.selectedDataUrl()) try: data = dialog.selectedData() print("- Data: " % (data.dtype, data.shape)) except Exception as e: print("- Data: %s" % e) url = dialog.selectedDataUrl() with silx.io.open(url.file_path()) as h5: node = h5[url.data_path()] print("- Node: %s" % node) else: assert(False) def createDialog(self): print("") print("-------------------------") print("----- Create dialog -----") print("-------------------------") button = self.__options.checkedButton() mode = button.property("Mode") if mode == Mode.DEFAULT_FILEDIALOG: dialog = qt.QFileDialog(self) dialog.setAcceptMode(qt.QFileDialog.AcceptOpen) elif mode == Mode.IMAGEFILEDIALOG: dialog = ImageFileDialog(self) elif mode == Mode.DATAFILEDIALOG: dialog = DataFileDialog(self) elif mode == Mode.DATAFILEDIALOG_DATASET: dialog = DataFileDialog(self) dialog.setFilterMode(DataFileDialog.FilterMode.ExistingDataset) elif mode == Mode.DATAFILEDIALOG_GROUP: dialog = DataFileDialog(self) dialog.setFilterMode(DataFileDialog.FilterMode.ExistingGroup) elif mode == Mode.DATAFILEDIALOG_NXENTRY: def customFilter(obj): if "NX_class" in obj.attrs: return obj.attrs["NX_class"] in [b"NXentry", u"NXentry"] return False dialog = DataFileDialog(self) dialog.setFilterMode(DataFileDialog.FilterMode.ExistingGroup) dialog.setFilterCallback(customFilter) else: assert(False) return dialog def openDialog(self): # Clear the dialog dialog = self.createDialog() # Execute the dialog as modal result = dialog.exec_() self.printResult(dialog, result) def openDialogStoredState(self): # Clear the dialog dialog = self.createDialog() if dialog.__class__ in self.__state: dialog.restoreState(self.__state[dialog.__class__]) # Execute the dialog as modal result = dialog.exec_() self.__state[dialog.__class__] = dialog.saveState() self.printResult(dialog, result) def openDialogAtHome(self): # Clear the dialog path = qt.QDir.homePath() dialog = self.createDialog() dialog.setDirectory(path) # Execute the dialog as modal result = dialog.exec_() self.printResult(dialog, result) def openDialogAtComputer(self): # Clear the dialog path = "" dialog = self.createDialog() dialog.setDirectory(path) # Execute the dialog as modal result = dialog.exec_() self.printResult(dialog, result) def main(): app = qt.QApplication([]) example = DialogExample() example.show() app.exec_() if __name__ == "__main__": main()