Generate silx fat binary for Windows ==================================== Pre-requisites -------------- - PyInstaller must be installed. It is best to use the development version to use package specific hooks up-to-date. Run either:: pip install -r requirements-dev.txt or:: pip install - silx and all its dependencies must be INSTALLED:: pip install silx[full] or from the source directory:: pip install .[full] Procedure --------- - Go to the `package/windows` folder in the source directory - Run `pyinstaller pyinstaller.spec`. This generates a fat binary in `package/windows/dist/silx/` for the generic launcher `silx.exe`. - Run `pyinstaller pyinstaller-silx-view.spec`. This generates a fat binary in `package/windows/dist/silx-view/` for the silx view command `silx-view.exe`. - Copy `silx-view.exe` and `silx-view.exe.manifest` to `package/windows/dist/silx/`. This is a hack until PyInstaller supports multiple executables (see - Zip `package\windows\dist\silx` to make the application available as a single zip file.