Generate silx fat binary for Windows ==================================== Pre-requisites -------------- - `PyInstaller `_ must be installed. Run: ``pip install -r requirements-dev.txt`` - `InnoSetup `_ must be installed and in the ``PATH``. - silx and all its dependencies must be INSTALLED:: pip install silx[full] or from the source directory:: pip install .[full] Procedure --------- - Go to the ``package/windows`` folder in the source directory - Run ``pyinstaller pyinstaller.spec``. This will generates the fat binary in ``package/windows/dist/``. It will then run InnoSetup to create the installer in ``package/windows/artifacts/``. Troubleshooting --------------- In case of issues with anti-virus during the build process, try to re-install PyInstaller from source and rebuild the bootloader: ``` SET PYINSTALLER_COMPILE_BOOTLOADER=1 SET PYINSTALLER_BOOTLOADER_WAF_ARGS=--msvc_target=x64 pip install pyinstaller --no-binary pyinstaller ```