#!/usr/bin/env python3 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2015-2023 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ __authors__ = ["Jérôme Kieffer", "Thomas Vincent"] __date__ = "07/11/2022" __license__ = "MIT" import sys import os import platform import logging from typing import Optional logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger("silx.setup") from setuptools import Extension from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext try: import numpy except ImportError: raise ImportError( "To install this package, you must install numpy first\n" "(See https://pypi.org/project/numpy)" ) PROJECT = "silx" if sys.version_info.major < 3: logger.error(PROJECT + " no longer supports Python2") if "LANG" not in os.environ and sys.platform == "darwin": print( """WARNING: the LANG environment variable is not defined, an utf-8 LANG is mandatory to use setup.py, you may face unexpected UnicodeError. export LANG=en_US.utf-8 export LC_ALL=en_US.utf-8 """ ) # ############## # # Compiler flags # # ############## # def parse_env_as_bool(key: str, default: Optional[bool] = None) -> Optional[bool]: """Parse `key` env. var. and convert its value to a boolean or None. If it cannot parse it or if None, `default` is returned. """ content = os.environ.get(key, "") value = content.lower() if value in ["1", "true", "yes", "y"]: return True if value in ["0", "false", "no", "n"]: return False if value in ["none", ""]: return default msg = "Env variable '%s' contains '%s'. But a boolean or an empty \ string was expected. Variable ignored." logger.warning(msg, key, content) return default def get_use_openmp_from_env_var() -> bool: """Returns whether or not to build with OpenMP""" use_openmp = parse_env_as_bool("SILX_WITH_OPENMP", default=True) if use_openmp and platform.system() == "Darwin": logger.warning("OpenMP support ignored. Your platform does not support it.") return False return use_openmp USE_OPENMP = get_use_openmp_from_env_var() FORCE_CYTHON = parse_env_as_bool("SILX_FORCE_CYTHON", default=False) class BuildExt(build_ext): """Handle extension compilation. Environment variables can custom the build of extensions, see the install documentation. If building with MSVC, compiler flags are converted from gcc flags. """ COMPILE_ARGS_CONVERTER = {"-fopenmp": "/openmp"} LINK_ARGS_CONVERTER = {"-fopenmp": ""} description = "Build extensions" def patch_extension(self, ext: Extension): """Patch an extension according to requested Cython and OpenMP usage.""" from Cython.Build import cythonize patched_exts = cythonize( [ext], compiler_directives={"embedsignature": True, "language_level": 3}, force=FORCE_CYTHON, ) ext.sources = patched_exts[0].sources # Remove OpenMP flags if OpenMP is disabled if not USE_OPENMP: ext.extra_compile_args = [ f for f in ext.extra_compile_args if f != "-fopenmp" ] ext.extra_link_args = [f for f in ext.extra_link_args if f != "-fopenmp"] # Convert flags from gcc to MSVC if required if self.compiler.compiler_type == "msvc": extra_compile_args = [ self.COMPILE_ARGS_CONVERTER.get(f, f) for f in ext.extra_compile_args ] # Avoid empty arg ext.extra_compile_args = [arg for arg in extra_compile_args if arg] extra_link_args = [ self.LINK_ARGS_CONVERTER.get(f, f) for f in ext.extra_link_args ] # Avoid empty arg ext.extra_link_args = [arg for arg in extra_link_args if arg] def build_extensions(self): for ext in self.extensions: self.patch_extension(ext) build_ext.build_extensions(self) # ##### # # setup # # ##### # def get_project_configuration(): """Returns project arguments for setup""" # Use installed numpy version as minimal required version # This is useful for wheels to advertise the numpy version they were built with numpy_requested_version = ">=%s" % numpy.version.version logger.info("Install requires: numpy %s", numpy_requested_version) install_requires = [ # for most of the computation "numpy%s" % numpy_requested_version, # for version parsing "packaging", # for io support "h5py", "fabio>=0.9", ] if sys.version_info < (3, 9): install_requires.append("setuptools") # For pkg_resources # extras requirements: target 'full' to install all dependencies at once full_requires = [ # opencl "pyopencl", "Mako", # gui "qtconsole", "matplotlib>=3.1.0", "PyOpenGL", "python-dateutil", "PyQt5", # extra "hdf5plugin", "scipy", "Pillow", "bitshuffle", ] test_requires = ["pytest", "pytest-xvfb", "pytest-mock", "bitshuffle"] doc_requires = { "nbsphinx", "pandoc", "pillow", "pydata_sphinx_theme", "sphinx", "sphinx-autodoc-typehints", "sphinx-panels", } extras_require = { "full": full_requires, "doc": doc_requires, "test": test_requires, } # Here for packaging purpose only # Setting the SILX_FULL_INSTALL_REQUIRES environment variable # put all dependencies as install_requires if os.environ.get("SILX_FULL_INSTALL_REQUIRES") is not None: install_requires += full_requires # Set the SILX_INSTALL_REQUIRES_STRIP env. var. to a comma-separated # list of package names to remove them from install_requires install_requires_strip = os.environ.get("SILX_INSTALL_REQUIRES_STRIP") if install_requires_strip is not None: for package_name in install_requires_strip.split(","): install_requires.remove(package_name) def silx_io_specfile_define_macros(): # Locale and platform management if sys.platform == "win32": return [("WIN32", None), ("SPECFILE_POSIX", None)] elif os.name.lower().startswith("posix"): # the best choice is to have _GNU_SOURCE defined # as a compilation flag because that allows the # use of strtod_l use_gnu_source = os.environ.get("SPECFILE_USE_GNU_SOURCE", "False") if use_gnu_source in ("True", "1"): # 1 was the initially supported value return [("_GNU_SOURCE", 1)] return [("SPECFILE_POSIX", None)] else: return [] ext_modules = [ # silx.image Extension( name="silx.image.bilinear", sources=["src/silx/image/bilinear.pyx"], language="c", ), Extension( name="silx.image.marchingsquares._mergeimpl", sources=["src/silx/image/marchingsquares/_mergeimpl.pyx"], include_dirs=[ numpy.get_include(), os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "src", "silx", "utils", "include" ), ], language="c++", extra_link_args=["-fopenmp"], extra_compile_args=["-fopenmp"], ), Extension( name="silx.image.shapes", sources=["src/silx/image/shapes.pyx"], language="c", ), # silx.io Extension( name="silx.io.specfile", sources=[ "src/silx/io/specfile/src/sfheader.c", "src/silx/io/specfile/src/sfinit.c", "src/silx/io/specfile/src/sflists.c", "src/silx/io/specfile/src/sfdata.c", "src/silx/io/specfile/src/sfindex.c", "src/silx/io/specfile/src/sflabel.c", "src/silx/io/specfile/src/sfmca.c", "src/silx/io/specfile/src/sftools.c", "src/silx/io/specfile/src/locale_management.c", "src/silx/io/specfile.pyx", ], define_macros=silx_io_specfile_define_macros(), include_dirs=["src/silx/io/specfile/include"], language="c", ), # silx.math Extension( name="silx.math._colormap", sources=["src/silx/math/_colormap.pyx"], language="c", include_dirs=[ "src/silx/math/include", numpy.get_include(), ], extra_link_args=["-fopenmp"], extra_compile_args=["-fopenmp"], ), Extension( name="silx.math.chistogramnd", sources=[ "src/silx/math/histogramnd/src/histogramnd_c.c", "src/silx/math/chistogramnd.pyx", ], include_dirs=[ "src/silx/math/histogramnd/include", numpy.get_include(), ], language="c", ), Extension( name="silx.math.chistogramnd_lut", sources=["src/silx/math/chistogramnd_lut.pyx"], include_dirs=[ "src/silx/math/histogramnd/include", numpy.get_include(), ], language="c", ), Extension( name="silx.math.combo", sources=["src/silx/math/combo.pyx"], include_dirs=["src/silx/math/include"], language="c", ), Extension( name="silx.math.interpolate", sources=["src/silx/math/interpolate.pyx"], language="c", include_dirs=[ "src/silx/math/include", numpy.get_include(), ], extra_link_args=["-fopenmp"], extra_compile_args=["-fopenmp"], ), Extension( name="silx.math.marchingcubes", sources=[ "src/silx/math/marchingcubes/mc_lut.cpp", "src/silx/math/marchingcubes.pyx", ], include_dirs=[ "src/silx/math/marchingcubes", numpy.get_include(), ], language="c++", ), Extension( name="silx.math.medianfilter.medianfilter", sources=["src/silx/math/medianfilter/medianfilter.pyx"], include_dirs=[ "src/silx/math/medianfilter/include", numpy.get_include(), ], language="c++", extra_link_args=["-fopenmp"], extra_compile_args=["-fopenmp"], ), # silx.math.fit Extension( name="silx.math.fit.filters", sources=[ "src/silx/math/fit/filters/src/smoothnd.c", "src/silx/math/fit/filters/src/snip1d.c", "src/silx/math/fit/filters/src/snip2d.c", "src/silx/math/fit/filters/src/snip3d.c", "src/silx/math/fit/filters/src/strip.c", "src/silx/math/fit/filters.pyx", ], include_dirs=["src/silx/math/fit/filters/include"], language="c", ), Extension( name="silx.math.fit.functions", sources=[ "src/silx/math/fit/functions/src/funs.c", "src/silx/math/fit/functions.pyx", ], include_dirs=["src/silx/math/fit/functions/include"], language="c", ), Extension( name="silx.math.fit.peaks", sources=[ "src/silx/math/fit/peaks/src/peaks.c", "src/silx/math/fit/peaks.pyx", ], include_dirs=["src/silx/math/fit/peaks/include"], language="c", ), ] return dict( install_requires=install_requires, extras_require=extras_require, cmdclass=dict(build_ext=BuildExt), ext_modules=ext_modules, ) if __name__ == "__main__": from setuptools import setup setup(**get_project_configuration())