Metadata-Version: 1.1 Name: silx Version: 0.5.0 Summary: Software library for X-Ray data analysis Home-page: Author: data analysis unit Author-email: License: UNKNOWN Description: silx toolkit ============ The silx project aims at providing a collection of Python packages to support the development of data assessment, reduction and analysis applications at synchrotron radiation facilities. It aims at providing reading/writing different file formats, data reduction routines and a set of Qt widgets to browse and visualize data. The current version provides : * reading `HDF5 `_ file format (with support of `SPEC `_ file format) * histogramming * fitting * 1D and 2D visualization using multiple backends (matplotlib or OpenGL) * image plot widget with a set of associated tools (See `changelog file `_). * Unified browser for HDF5, SPEC and image file formats supporting inspection and visualization of n-dimensional datasets. * Unified viewer (silx view filename) for HDF5, SPEC and image file formats * OpenGL-based widget to display 3D scalar field with isosurface and cutting plane. * image alignement (sift - OpenCL implementation) Installation ------------ To install silx, run:: pip install silx To install silx locally, run:: pip install silx --user On Linux, to install silx with pip, you must install numpy first. Unofficial packages for different distributions are available : - Unofficial Debian8 packages are available at - CentOS 7 rpm packages are provided by Max IV at the following url: - Fedora 23 rpm packages are provided by Max IV at - Arch Linux (AUR) packages are also available: On Windows, pre-compiled binaries (aka Python wheels) are available for Python 2.7, 3.5 and 3.6. On Mac OS X, pre-compiled binaries (aka Python wheels) are available for Python 2.7. The latest development version can be obtained from the git repository:: git clone cd silx pip install . [--user] Dependencies ------------ * `Python `_ 2.7, 3.4 or above. * `numpy `_ The GUI widgets of the silx package depend on the following extra packages: * A Qt binding: `PyQt5, PyQt4 `_ (using API version 2) or `PySide `_ * `matplotlib `_ for the silx.gui.plot package * `PyOpenGL `_ for the silx.gui.plot3d package Most modules and functions dealing with `HDF5 `_ input/output depend on the following extra package: * `h5py `_ * `ipython `_ and `qtconsole `_ is required by Supported platforms: Linux, Windows, Mac OS X. Documentation ------------- Documentation of releases is available at Latest documentation (nightly build) is available at To build the documentation from the source (requires `Sphinx `_), run:: python build build_doc Testing ------- - Travis CI status: |Travis Status| - Appveyor CI status: |Appveyor Status| To run the tests from the python interpreter, run: >>> import silx.test >>> silx.test.run_tests() To run the tests, from the source directory, run:: python Examples -------- Some examples are available in the source code repository. For example:: python examples/{} License ------- The source code of silx is licensed under the MIT and LGPL licenses. See the `copyright file `_ for details. .. |Travis Status| image:: :target: .. |Appveyor Status| image:: :target: Platform: UNKNOWN Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta Classifier: Environment :: Console Classifier: Environment :: MacOS X Classifier: Environment :: Win32 (MS Windows) Classifier: Environment :: X11 Applications :: Qt Classifier: Intended Audience :: Education Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+) Classifier: Natural Language :: English Classifier: Operating System :: MacOS Classifier: Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows Classifier: Operating System :: POSIX Classifier: Programming Language :: Cython Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Physics Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules