# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2015-2019 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """This module provides API to manage colors. """ from __future__ import absolute_import __authors__ = ["T. Vincent", "H.Payno"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "29/01/2019" import numpy import logging import collections from silx.gui import qt from silx import config from silx.math.combo import min_max from silx.math.colormap import cmap as _cmap from silx.utils.exceptions import NotEditableError from silx.utils import deprecation from silx.resources import resource_filename as _resource_filename _logger = logging.getLogger(__file__) try: from matplotlib import cm as _matplotlib_cm except ImportError: _logger.info("matplotlib not available, only embedded colormaps available") _matplotlib_cm = None _COLORDICT = {} """Dictionary of common colors.""" _COLORDICT['b'] = _COLORDICT['blue'] = '#0000ff' _COLORDICT['r'] = _COLORDICT['red'] = '#ff0000' _COLORDICT['g'] = _COLORDICT['green'] = '#00ff00' _COLORDICT['k'] = _COLORDICT['black'] = '#000000' _COLORDICT['w'] = _COLORDICT['white'] = '#ffffff' _COLORDICT['pink'] = '#ff66ff' _COLORDICT['brown'] = '#a52a2a' _COLORDICT['orange'] = '#ff9900' _COLORDICT['violet'] = '#6600ff' _COLORDICT['gray'] = _COLORDICT['grey'] = '#a0a0a4' # _COLORDICT['darkGray'] = _COLORDICT['darkGrey'] = '#808080' # _COLORDICT['lightGray'] = _COLORDICT['lightGrey'] = '#c0c0c0' _COLORDICT['y'] = _COLORDICT['yellow'] = '#ffff00' _COLORDICT['m'] = _COLORDICT['magenta'] = '#ff00ff' _COLORDICT['c'] = _COLORDICT['cyan'] = '#00ffff' _COLORDICT['darkBlue'] = '#000080' _COLORDICT['darkRed'] = '#800000' _COLORDICT['darkGreen'] = '#008000' _COLORDICT['darkBrown'] = '#660000' _COLORDICT['darkCyan'] = '#008080' _COLORDICT['darkYellow'] = '#808000' _COLORDICT['darkMagenta'] = '#800080' _COLORDICT['transparent'] = '#00000000' # FIXME: It could be nice to expose a functional API instead of that attribute COLORDICT = _COLORDICT _LUT_DESCRIPTION = collections.namedtuple("_LUT_DESCRIPTION", ["source", "cursor_color", "preferred"]) """Description of a LUT for internal purpose.""" _AVAILABLE_LUTS = collections.OrderedDict([ ('gray', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('builtin', 'pink', True)), ('reversed gray', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('builtin', 'pink', True)), ('temperature', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('builtin', 'pink', True)), ('red', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('builtin', 'green', True)), ('green', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('builtin', 'pink', True)), ('blue', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('builtin', 'yellow', True)), ('jet', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('matplotlib', 'pink', True)), ('viridis', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('resource', 'pink', True)), ('cividis', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('resource', 'pink', True)), ('magma', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('resource', 'green', True)), ('inferno', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('resource', 'green', True)), ('plasma', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('resource', 'green', True)), ('hsv', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('matplotlib', 'black', True)), ]) """Description for internal porpose of all the default LUT provided by the library.""" DEFAULT_MIN_LIN = 0 """Default min value if in linear normalization""" DEFAULT_MAX_LIN = 1 """Default max value if in linear normalization""" DEFAULT_MIN_LOG = 1 """Default min value if in log normalization""" DEFAULT_MAX_LOG = 10 """Default max value if in log normalization""" def rgba(color, colorDict=None): """Convert color code '#RRGGBB' and '#RRGGBBAA' to a tuple (R, G, B, A) of floats. It also supports RGB(A) from uint8 in [0, 255], float in [0, 1], and QColor as color argument. :param str color: The color to convert :param dict colorDict: A dictionary of color name conversion to color code :returns: RGBA colors as floats in [0., 1.] :rtype: tuple """ if colorDict is None: colorDict = _COLORDICT if hasattr(color, 'getRgbF'): # QColor support color = color.getRgbF() values = numpy.asarray(color).ravel() if values.dtype.kind in 'iuf': # integer or float # Color is an array assert len(values) in (3, 4) # Convert from integers in [0, 255] to float in [0, 1] if values.dtype.kind in 'iu': values = values / 255. # Clip to [0, 1] values[values < 0.] = 0. values[values > 1.] = 1. if len(values) == 3: return values[0], values[1], values[2], 1. else: return tuple(values) # We assume color is a string if not color.startswith('#'): color = colorDict[color] assert len(color) in (7, 9) and color[0] == '#' r = int(color[1:3], 16) / 255. g = int(color[3:5], 16) / 255. b = int(color[5:7], 16) / 255. a = int(color[7:9], 16) / 255. if len(color) == 9 else 1. return r, g, b, a def greyed(color, colorDict=None): """Convert color code '#RRGGBB' and '#RRGGBBAA' to a grey color (R, G, B, A). It also supports RGB(A) from uint8 in [0, 255], float in [0, 1], and QColor as color argument. :param str color: The color to convert :param dict colorDict: A dictionary of color name conversion to color code :returns: RGBA colors as floats in [0., 1.] :rtype: tuple """ r, g, b, a = rgba(color=color, colorDict=colorDict) g = 0.21 * r + 0.72 * g + 0.07 * b return g, g, g, a def asQColor(color): """Convert color code '#RRGGBB' and '#RRGGBBAA' to a `qt.QColor`. It also supports RGB(A) from uint8 in [0, 255], float in [0, 1], and QColor as color argument. :param str color: The color to convert :rtype: qt.QColor """ color = rgba(color) return qt.QColor.fromRgbF(*color) def cursorColorForColormap(colormapName): """Get a color suitable for overlay over a colormap. :param str colormapName: The name of the colormap. :return: Name of the color. :rtype: str """ description = _AVAILABLE_LUTS.get(colormapName, None) if description is not None: color = description.cursor_color if color is not None: return color return 'black' # Colormap loader _COLORMAP_CACHE = {} """Cache already used colormaps as name: color LUT""" def _arrayToRgba8888(colors): """Convert colors from a numpy array using float (0..1) int or uint (0..255) to uint8 RGBA. :param numpy.ndarray colors: Array of float int or uint colors to convert :return: colors as uint8 :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ assert len(colors.shape) == 2 assert colors.shape[1] in (3, 4) if colors.dtype == numpy.uint8: pass elif colors.dtype.kind == 'f': # Each bin is [N, N+1[ except the last one: [255, 256] colors = numpy.clip(colors.astype(numpy.float64) * 256, 0., 255.) colors = colors.astype(numpy.uint8) elif colors.dtype.kind in 'iu': colors = numpy.clip(colors, 0, 255) colors = colors.astype(numpy.uint8) if colors.shape[1] == 3: tmp = numpy.empty((len(colors), 4), dtype=numpy.uint8) tmp[:, 0:3] = colors tmp[:, 3] = 255 colors = tmp return colors def _createColormapLut(name): """Returns the color LUT corresponding to a colormap name :param str name: Name of the colormap to load :returns: Corresponding table of colors :rtype: numpy.ndarray :raise ValueError: If no colormap corresponds to name """ description = _AVAILABLE_LUTS.get(name) use_mpl = False if description is not None: if description.source == "builtin": # Build colormap LUT lut = numpy.zeros((256, 4), dtype=numpy.uint8) lut[:, 3] = 255 if name == 'gray': lut[:, :3] = numpy.arange(256, dtype=numpy.uint8).reshape(-1, 1) elif name == 'reversed gray': lut[:, :3] = numpy.arange(255, -1, -1, dtype=numpy.uint8).reshape(-1, 1) elif name == 'red': lut[:, 0] = numpy.arange(256, dtype=numpy.uint8) elif name == 'green': lut[:, 1] = numpy.arange(256, dtype=numpy.uint8) elif name == 'blue': lut[:, 2] = numpy.arange(256, dtype=numpy.uint8) elif name == 'temperature': # Red lut[128:192, 0] = numpy.arange(2, 255, 4, dtype=numpy.uint8) lut[192:, 0] = 255 # Green lut[:64, 1] = numpy.arange(0, 255, 4, dtype=numpy.uint8) lut[64:192, 1] = 255 lut[192:, 1] = numpy.arange(252, -1, -4, dtype=numpy.uint8) # Blue lut[:64, 2] = 255 lut[64:128, 2] = numpy.arange(254, 0, -4, dtype=numpy.uint8) else: raise RuntimeError("Built-in colormap not implemented") return lut elif description.source == "resource": # Load colormap LUT colors = numpy.load(_resource_filename("gui/colormaps/%s.npy" % name)) # Convert to uint8 and add alpha channel lut = _arrayToRgba8888(colors) return lut elif description.source == "matplotlib": use_mpl = True else: raise RuntimeError("Internal LUT source '%s' unsupported" % description.source) # Here it expect a matplotlib LUTs if use_mpl: # matplotlib is mandatory if _matplotlib_cm is None: raise ValueError("The colormap '%s' expect matplotlib, but matplotlib is not installed" % name) if _matplotlib_cm is not None: # Try to load with matplotlib colormap = _matplotlib_cm.get_cmap(name) lut = colormap(numpy.linspace(0, 1, colormap.N, endpoint=True)) lut = _arrayToRgba8888(lut) return lut raise ValueError("Unknown colormap '%s'" % name) def _getColormap(name): """Returns the color LUT corresponding to a colormap name :param str name: Name of the colormap to load :returns: Corresponding table of colors :rtype: numpy.ndarray :raise ValueError: If no colormap corresponds to name """ name = str(name) if name not in _COLORMAP_CACHE: lut = _createColormapLut(name) _COLORMAP_CACHE[name] = lut return _COLORMAP_CACHE[name] class Colormap(qt.QObject): """Description of a colormap If no `name` nor `colors` are provided, a default gray LUT is used. :param str name: Name of the colormap :param tuple colors: optional, custom colormap. Nx3 or Nx4 numpy array of RGB(A) colors, either uint8 or float in [0, 1]. If 'name' is None, then this array is used as the colormap. :param str normalization: Normalization: 'linear' (default) or 'log' :param float vmin: Lower bound of the colormap or None for autoscale (default) :param float vmax: Upper bounds of the colormap or None for autoscale (default) """ LINEAR = 'linear' """constant for linear normalization""" LOGARITHM = 'log' """constant for logarithmic normalization""" NORMALIZATIONS = (LINEAR, LOGARITHM) """Tuple of managed normalizations""" sigChanged = qt.Signal() """Signal emitted when the colormap has changed.""" def __init__(self, name=None, colors=None, normalization=LINEAR, vmin=None, vmax=None): qt.QObject.__init__(self) self._editable = True assert normalization in Colormap.NORMALIZATIONS if normalization is Colormap.LOGARITHM: if (vmin is not None and vmin < 0) or (vmax is not None and vmax < 0): m = "Unsuported vmin (%s) and/or vmax (%s) given for a log scale." m += ' Autoscale will be performed.' m = m % (vmin, vmax) _logger.warning(m) vmin = None vmax = None self._name = None self._colors = None if colors is not None and name is not None: deprecation.deprecated_warning("Argument", name="silx.gui.plot.Colors", reason="name and colors can't be used at the same time", since_version="0.10.0", skip_backtrace_count=1) colors = None if name is not None: self.setName(name) # And resets colormap LUT elif colors is not None: self.setColormapLUT(colors) else: # Default colormap is grey self.setName("gray") self._normalization = str(normalization) self._vmin = float(vmin) if vmin is not None else None self._vmax = float(vmax) if vmax is not None else None def setFromColormap(self, other): """Set this colormap using information from the `other` colormap. :param ~silx.gui.colors.Colormap other: Colormap to use as reference. """ if not self.isEditable(): raise NotEditableError('Colormap is not editable') if self == other: return old = self.blockSignals(True) name = other.getName() if name is not None: self.setName(name) else: self.setColormapLUT(other.getColormapLUT()) self.setNormalization(other.getNormalization()) self.setVRange(other.getVMin(), other.getVMax()) self.blockSignals(old) self.sigChanged.emit() def getNColors(self, nbColors=None): """Returns N colors computed by sampling the colormap regularly. :param nbColors: The number of colors in the returned array or None for the default value. The default value is the size of the colormap LUT. :type nbColors: int or None :return: 2D array of uint8 of shape (nbColors, 4) :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ # Handle default value for nbColors if nbColors is None: return numpy.array(self._colors, copy=True) else: colormap = self.copy() colormap.setNormalization(Colormap.LINEAR) colormap.setVRange(vmin=None, vmax=None) colors = colormap.applyToData( numpy.arange(int(nbColors), dtype=numpy.int)) return colors def getName(self): """Return the name of the colormap :rtype: str """ return self._name def setName(self, name): """Set the name of the colormap to use. :param str name: The name of the colormap. At least the following names are supported: 'gray', 'reversed gray', 'temperature', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'jet', 'viridis', 'magma', 'inferno', 'plasma'. """ name = str(name) if self._name == name: return if self.isEditable() is False: raise NotEditableError('Colormap is not editable') if name not in self.getSupportedColormaps(): raise ValueError("Colormap name '%s' is not supported" % name) self._name = name self._colors = _getColormap(self._name) self.sigChanged.emit() def getColormapLUT(self, copy=True): """Return the list of colors for the colormap or None if not set. This returns None if the colormap was set with :meth:`setName`. Use :meth:`getNColors` to get the colormap LUT for any colormap. :param bool copy: If true a copy of the numpy array is provided :return: the list of colors for the colormap or None if not set :rtype: numpy.ndarray or None """ if self._name is None: return numpy.array(self._colors, copy=copy) else: return None def setColormapLUT(self, colors): """Set the colors of the colormap. :param numpy.ndarray colors: the colors of the LUT. If float, it is converted from [0, 1] to uint8 range. Otherwise it is casted to uint8. .. warning: this will set the value of name to None """ if self.isEditable() is False: raise NotEditableError('Colormap is not editable') assert colors is not None colors = numpy.array(colors, copy=False) if colors.shape == (): raise TypeError("An array is expected for 'colors' argument. '%s' was found." % type(colors)) assert len(colors) != 0 assert colors.ndim >= 2 colors.shape = -1, colors.shape[-1] self._colors = _arrayToRgba8888(colors) self._name = None self.sigChanged.emit() def getNormalization(self): """Return the normalization of the colormap ('log' or 'linear') :return: the normalization of the colormap :rtype: str """ return self._normalization def setNormalization(self, norm): """Set the norm ('log', 'linear') :param str norm: the norm to set """ if self.isEditable() is False: raise NotEditableError('Colormap is not editable') self._normalization = str(norm) self.sigChanged.emit() def isAutoscale(self): """Return True if both min and max are in autoscale mode""" return self._vmin is None and self._vmax is None def getVMin(self): """Return the lower bound of the colormap :return: the lower bound of the colormap :rtype: float or None """ return self._vmin def setVMin(self, vmin): """Set the minimal value of the colormap :param float vmin: Lower bound of the colormap or None for autoscale (default) value) """ if self.isEditable() is False: raise NotEditableError('Colormap is not editable') if vmin is not None: if self._vmax is not None and vmin > self._vmax: err = "Can't set vmin because vmin >= vmax. " \ "vmin = %s, vmax = %s" % (vmin, self._vmax) raise ValueError(err) self._vmin = vmin self.sigChanged.emit() def getVMax(self): """Return the upper bounds of the colormap or None :return: the upper bounds of the colormap or None :rtype: float or None """ return self._vmax def setVMax(self, vmax): """Set the maximal value of the colormap :param float vmax: Upper bounds of the colormap or None for autoscale (default) """ if self.isEditable() is False: raise NotEditableError('Colormap is not editable') if vmax is not None: if self._vmin is not None and vmax < self._vmin: err = "Can't set vmax because vmax <= vmin. " \ "vmin = %s, vmax = %s" % (self._vmin, vmax) raise ValueError(err) self._vmax = vmax self.sigChanged.emit() def isEditable(self): """ Return if the colormap is editable or not :return: editable state of the colormap :rtype: bool """ return self._editable def setEditable(self, editable): """ Set the editable state of the colormap :param bool editable: is the colormap editable """ assert type(editable) is bool self._editable = editable self.sigChanged.emit() def getColormapRange(self, data=None): """Return (vmin, vmax) :return: the tuple vmin, vmax fitting vmin, vmax, normalization and data if any given :rtype: tuple """ vmin = self._vmin vmax = self._vmax assert vmin is None or vmax is None or vmin <= vmax # TODO handle this in setters if self.getNormalization() == self.LOGARITHM: # Handle negative bounds as autoscale if vmin is not None and (vmin is not None and vmin <= 0.): mess = 'negative vmin, moving to autoscale for lower bound' _logger.warning(mess) vmin = None if vmax is not None and (vmax is not None and vmax <= 0.): mess = 'negative vmax, moving to autoscale for upper bound' _logger.warning(mess) vmax = None if vmin is None or vmax is None: # Handle autoscale # Get min/max from data if data is not None: data = numpy.array(data, copy=False) if data.size == 0: # Fallback an array but no data min_, max_ = self._getDefaultMin(), self._getDefaultMax() else: if self.getNormalization() == self.LOGARITHM: result = min_max(data, min_positive=True, finite=True) min_ = result.min_positive # >0 or None max_ = result.maximum # can be <= 0 else: min_, max_ = min_max(data, min_positive=False, finite=True) # Handle fallback if min_ is None or not numpy.isfinite(min_): min_ = self._getDefaultMin() if max_ is None or not numpy.isfinite(max_): max_ = self._getDefaultMax() else: # Fallback if no data is provided min_, max_ = self._getDefaultMin(), self._getDefaultMax() if vmin is None: # Set vmin respecting provided vmax vmin = min_ if vmax is None else min(min_, vmax) if vmax is None: vmax = max(max_, vmin) # Handle max_ <= 0 for log scale return vmin, vmax def setVRange(self, vmin, vmax): """Set the bounds of the colormap :param vmin: Lower bound of the colormap or None for autoscale (default) :param vmax: Upper bounds of the colormap or None for autoscale (default) """ if self.isEditable() is False: raise NotEditableError('Colormap is not editable') if vmin is not None and vmax is not None: if vmin > vmax: err = "Can't set vmin and vmax because vmin >= vmax " \ "vmin = %s, vmax = %s" % (vmin, vmax) raise ValueError(err) if self._vmin == vmin and self._vmax == vmax: return self._vmin = vmin self._vmax = vmax self.sigChanged.emit() def __getitem__(self, item): if item == 'autoscale': return self.isAutoscale() elif item == 'name': return self.getName() elif item == 'normalization': return self.getNormalization() elif item == 'vmin': return self.getVMin() elif item == 'vmax': return self.getVMax() elif item == 'colors': return self.getColormapLUT() else: raise KeyError(item) def _toDict(self): """Return the equivalent colormap as a dictionary (old colormap representation) :return: the representation of the Colormap as a dictionary :rtype: dict """ return { 'name': self._name, 'colors': self.getColormapLUT(), 'vmin': self._vmin, 'vmax': self._vmax, 'autoscale': self.isAutoscale(), 'normalization': self._normalization } def _setFromDict(self, dic): """Set values to the colormap from a dictionary :param dict dic: the colormap as a dictionary """ if self.isEditable() is False: raise NotEditableError('Colormap is not editable') name = dic['name'] if 'name' in dic else None colors = dic['colors'] if 'colors' in dic else None if name is not None and colors is not None: if isinstance(colors, int): # Filter out argument which was supported but never used _logger.info("Unused 'colors' from colormap dictionary filterer.") colors = None vmin = dic['vmin'] if 'vmin' in dic else None vmax = dic['vmax'] if 'vmax' in dic else None if 'normalization' in dic: normalization = dic['normalization'] else: warn = 'Normalization not given in the dictionary, ' warn += 'set by default to ' + Colormap.LINEAR _logger.warning(warn) normalization = Colormap.LINEAR if name is None and colors is None: err = 'The colormap should have a name defined or a tuple of colors' raise ValueError(err) if normalization not in Colormap.NORMALIZATIONS: err = 'Given normalization is not recoginized (%s)' % normalization raise ValueError(err) # If autoscale, then set boundaries to None if dic.get('autoscale', False): vmin, vmax = None, None if name is not None: self.setName(name) else: self.setColormapLUT(colors) self._vmin = vmin self._vmax = vmax self._autoscale = True if (vmin is None and vmax is None) else False self._normalization = normalization self.sigChanged.emit() @staticmethod def _fromDict(dic): colormap = Colormap() colormap._setFromDict(dic) return colormap def copy(self): """Return a copy of the Colormap. :rtype: silx.gui.colors.Colormap """ return Colormap(name=self._name, colors=self.getColormapLUT(), vmin=self._vmin, vmax=self._vmax, normalization=self._normalization) def applyToData(self, data): """Apply the colormap to the data :param numpy.ndarray data: The data to convert. """ vmin, vmax = self.getColormapRange(data) normalization = self.getNormalization() return _cmap(data, self._colors, vmin, vmax, normalization) @staticmethod def getSupportedColormaps(): """Get the supported colormap names as a tuple of str. The list should at least contain and start by: ('gray', 'reversed gray', 'temperature', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'viridis', 'magma', 'inferno', 'plasma') :rtype: tuple """ colormaps = set() if _matplotlib_cm is not None: colormaps.update(_matplotlib_cm.cmap_d.keys()) colormaps.update(_AVAILABLE_LUTS.keys()) colormaps = tuple(cmap for cmap in sorted(colormaps) if cmap not in _AVAILABLE_LUTS.keys()) return tuple(_AVAILABLE_LUTS.keys()) + colormaps def __str__(self): return str(self._toDict()) def _getDefaultMin(self): return DEFAULT_MIN_LIN if self._normalization == Colormap.LINEAR else DEFAULT_MIN_LOG def _getDefaultMax(self): return DEFAULT_MAX_LIN if self._normalization == Colormap.LINEAR else DEFAULT_MAX_LOG def __eq__(self, other): """Compare colormap values and not pointers""" if other is None: return False if not isinstance(other, Colormap): return False return (self.getName() == other.getName() and self.getNormalization() == other.getNormalization() and self.getVMin() == other.getVMin() and self.getVMax() == other.getVMax() and numpy.array_equal(self.getColormapLUT(), other.getColormapLUT()) ) _SERIAL_VERSION = 1 def restoreState(self, byteArray): """ Read the colormap state from a QByteArray. :param qt.QByteArray byteArray: Stream containing the state :return: True if the restoration sussseed :rtype: bool """ if self.isEditable() is False: raise NotEditableError('Colormap is not editable') stream = qt.QDataStream(byteArray, qt.QIODevice.ReadOnly) className = stream.readQString() if className != self.__class__.__name__: _logger.warning("Classname mismatch. Found %s." % className) return False version = stream.readUInt32() if version != self._SERIAL_VERSION: _logger.warning("Serial version mismatch. Found %d." % version) return False name = stream.readQString() isNull = stream.readBool() if not isNull: vmin = stream.readQVariant() else: vmin = None isNull = stream.readBool() if not isNull: vmax = stream.readQVariant() else: vmax = None normalization = stream.readQString() # emit change event only once old = self.blockSignals(True) try: self.setName(name) self.setNormalization(normalization) self.setVRange(vmin, vmax) finally: self.blockSignals(old) self.sigChanged.emit() return True def saveState(self): """ Save state of the colomap into a QDataStream. :rtype: qt.QByteArray """ data = qt.QByteArray() stream = qt.QDataStream(data, qt.QIODevice.WriteOnly) stream.writeQString(self.__class__.__name__) stream.writeUInt32(self._SERIAL_VERSION) stream.writeQString(self.getName()) stream.writeBool(self.getVMin() is None) if self.getVMin() is not None: stream.writeQVariant(self.getVMin()) stream.writeBool(self.getVMax() is None) if self.getVMax() is not None: stream.writeQVariant(self.getVMax()) stream.writeQString(self.getNormalization()) return data _PREFERRED_COLORMAPS = None """ Tuple of preferred colormap names accessed with :meth:`preferredColormaps`. """ def preferredColormaps(): """Returns the name of the preferred colormaps. This list is used by widgets allowing to change the colormap like the :class:`ColormapDialog` as a subset of colormap choices. :rtype: tuple of str """ global _PREFERRED_COLORMAPS if _PREFERRED_COLORMAPS is None: # Initialize preferred colormaps default_preferred = [] for name, info in _AVAILABLE_LUTS.items(): if (info.preferred and (info.source != 'matplotlib' or _matplotlib_cm is not None)): default_preferred.append(name) setPreferredColormaps(default_preferred) return tuple(_PREFERRED_COLORMAPS) def setPreferredColormaps(colormaps): """Set the list of preferred colormap names. Warning: If a colormap name is not available it will be removed from the list. :param colormaps: Not empty list of colormap names :type colormaps: iterable of str :raise ValueError: if the list of available preferred colormaps is empty. """ supportedColormaps = Colormap.getSupportedColormaps() colormaps = [cmap for cmap in colormaps if cmap in supportedColormaps] if len(colormaps) == 0: raise ValueError("Cannot set preferred colormaps to an empty list") global _PREFERRED_COLORMAPS _PREFERRED_COLORMAPS = colormaps def registerLUT(name, colors, cursor_color='black', preferred=True): """Register a custom LUT to be used with `Colormap` objects. It can override existing LUT names. :param str name: Name of the LUT as defined to configure colormaps :param numpy.ndarray colors: The custom LUT to register. Nx3 or Nx4 numpy array of RGB(A) colors, either uint8 or float in [0, 1]. :param bool preferred: If true, this LUT will be displayed as part of the preferred colormaps in dialogs. :param str cursor_color: Color used to display overlay over images using colormap with this LUT. """ description = _LUT_DESCRIPTION('user', cursor_color, preferred=preferred) colors = _arrayToRgba8888(colors) _AVAILABLE_LUTS[name] = description if preferred: # Invalidate the preferred cache global _PREFERRED_COLORMAPS if _PREFERRED_COLORMAPS is not None: if name not in _PREFERRED_COLORMAPS: _PREFERRED_COLORMAPS.append(name) else: # The cache is not yet loaded, it's fine pass # Register the cache as the LUT was already loaded _COLORMAP_CACHE[name] = colors