# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2016-2020 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """This module defines a views used by :class:`silx.gui.data.DataViewer`. """ from collections import OrderedDict import logging import numbers import numpy import os import silx.io from silx.utils import deprecation from silx.gui import qt, icons from silx.gui.data.TextFormatter import TextFormatter from silx.io import nxdata from silx.gui.hdf5 import H5Node from silx.io.nxdata import get_attr_as_unicode from silx.gui.colors import Colormap from silx.gui.dialog.ColormapDialog import ColormapDialog __authors__ = ["V. Valls", "P. Knobel"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "19/02/2019" _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # DataViewer modes EMPTY_MODE = 0 PLOT1D_MODE = 10 RECORD_PLOT_MODE = 15 IMAGE_MODE = 20 PLOT2D_MODE = 21 COMPLEX_IMAGE_MODE = 22 PLOT3D_MODE = 30 RAW_MODE = 40 RAW_ARRAY_MODE = 41 RAW_RECORD_MODE = 42 RAW_SCALAR_MODE = 43 RAW_HEXA_MODE = 44 STACK_MODE = 50 HDF5_MODE = 60 NXDATA_MODE = 70 NXDATA_INVALID_MODE = 71 NXDATA_SCALAR_MODE = 72 NXDATA_CURVE_MODE = 73 NXDATA_XYVSCATTER_MODE = 74 NXDATA_IMAGE_MODE = 75 NXDATA_STACK_MODE = 76 NXDATA_VOLUME_MODE = 77 NXDATA_VOLUME_AS_STACK_MODE = 78 def _normalizeData(data): """Returns a normalized data. If the data embed a numpy data or a dataset it is returned. Else returns the input data.""" if isinstance(data, H5Node): if data.is_broken: return None return data.h5py_object return data def _normalizeComplex(data): """Returns a normalized complex data. If the data is a numpy data with complex, returns the absolute value. Else returns the input data.""" if hasattr(data, "dtype"): isComplex = numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.complexfloating) else: isComplex = isinstance(data, numbers.Complex) if isComplex: data = numpy.absolute(data) return data class DataInfo(object): """Store extracted information from a data""" def __init__(self, data): self.__priorities = {} data = self.normalizeData(data) self.isArray = False self.interpretation = None self.isNumeric = False self.isVoid = False self.isComplex = False self.isBoolean = False self.isRecord = False self.hasNXdata = False self.isInvalidNXdata = False self.countNumericColumns = 0 self.shape = tuple() self.dim = 0 self.size = 0 if data is None: return if silx.io.is_group(data): nxd = nxdata.get_default(data) nx_class = get_attr_as_unicode(data, "NX_class") if nxd is not None: self.hasNXdata = True # can we plot it? is_scalar = nxd.signal_is_0d or nxd.interpretation in ["scalar", "scaler"] if not (is_scalar or nxd.is_curve or nxd.is_x_y_value_scatter or nxd.is_image or nxd.is_stack): # invalid: cannot be plotted by any widget self.isInvalidNXdata = True elif nx_class == "NXdata": # group claiming to be NXdata could not be parsed self.isInvalidNXdata = True elif nx_class == "NXroot" or silx.io.is_file(data): # root claiming to have a default entry if "default" in data.attrs: def_entry = data.attrs["default"] if def_entry in data and "default" in data[def_entry].attrs: # and entry claims to have default NXdata self.isInvalidNXdata = True elif "default" in data.attrs: # group claiming to have a default NXdata could not be parsed self.isInvalidNXdata = True if isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray): self.isArray = True elif silx.io.is_dataset(data) and data.shape != tuple(): self.isArray = True else: self.isArray = False if silx.io.is_dataset(data): if "interpretation" in data.attrs: self.interpretation = get_attr_as_unicode(data, "interpretation") else: self.interpretation = None elif self.hasNXdata: self.interpretation = nxd.interpretation else: self.interpretation = None if hasattr(data, "dtype"): if numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.void): # That's a real opaque type, else it is a structured type self.isVoid = data.dtype.fields is None self.isNumeric = numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.number) self.isRecord = data.dtype.fields is not None self.isComplex = numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.complexfloating) self.isBoolean = numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.bool_) elif self.hasNXdata: self.isNumeric = numpy.issubdtype(nxd.signal.dtype, numpy.number) self.isComplex = numpy.issubdtype(nxd.signal.dtype, numpy.complexfloating) self.isBoolean = numpy.issubdtype(nxd.signal.dtype, numpy.bool_) else: self.isNumeric = isinstance(data, numbers.Number) self.isComplex = isinstance(data, numbers.Complex) self.isBoolean = isinstance(data, bool) self.isRecord = False if hasattr(data, "shape"): self.shape = data.shape elif self.hasNXdata: self.shape = nxd.signal.shape else: self.shape = tuple() if self.shape is not None: self.dim = len(self.shape) if hasattr(data, "shape") and data.shape is None: # This test is expected to avoid to fall done on the h5py issue # https://github.com/h5py/h5py/issues/1044 self.size = 0 elif hasattr(data, "size"): self.size = int(data.size) else: self.size = 1 if hasattr(data, "dtype"): if data.dtype.fields is not None: for field in data.dtype.fields: if numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype[field], numpy.number): self.countNumericColumns += 1 def normalizeData(self, data): """Returns a normalized data if the embed a numpy or a dataset. Else returns the data.""" return _normalizeData(data) def cachePriority(self, view, priority): self.__priorities[view] = priority def getPriority(self, view): return self.__priorities[view] class DataViewHooks(object): """A set of hooks defined to custom the behaviour of the data views.""" def getColormap(self, view): """Returns a colormap for this view.""" return None def getColormapDialog(self, view): """Returns a color dialog for this view.""" return None def viewWidgetCreated(self, view, plot): """Called when the widget of the view was created""" return class DataView(object): """Holder for the data view.""" UNSUPPORTED = -1 """Priority returned when the requested data can't be displayed by the view.""" TITLE_PATTERN = "{datapath}{slicing} {permuted}" """Pattern used to format the title of the plot. Supported fields: `{directory}`, `{filename}`, `{datapath}`, `{slicing}`, `{permuted}`. """ def __init__(self, parent, modeId=None, icon=None, label=None): """Constructor :param qt.QWidget parent: Parent of the hold widget """ self.__parent = parent self.__widget = None self.__modeId = modeId if label is None: label = self.__class__.__name__ self.__label = label if icon is None: icon = qt.QIcon() self.__icon = icon self.__hooks = None def getHooks(self): """Returns the data viewer hooks used by this view. :rtype: DataViewHooks """ return self.__hooks def setHooks(self, hooks): """Set the data view hooks to use with this view. :param DataViewHooks hooks: The data view hooks to use """ self.__hooks = hooks def defaultColormap(self): """Returns a default colormap. :rtype: Colormap """ colormap = None if self.__hooks is not None: colormap = self.__hooks.getColormap(self) if colormap is None: colormap = Colormap(name="viridis") return colormap def defaultColorDialog(self): """Returns a default color dialog. :rtype: ColormapDialog """ dialog = None if self.__hooks is not None: dialog = self.__hooks.getColormapDialog(self) if dialog is None: dialog = ColormapDialog() dialog.setModal(False) return dialog def icon(self): """Returns the default icon""" return self.__icon def label(self): """Returns the default label""" return self.__label def modeId(self): """Returns the mode id""" return self.__modeId def normalizeData(self, data): """Returns a normalized data if the embed a numpy or a dataset. Else returns the data.""" return _normalizeData(data) def customAxisNames(self): """Returns names of axes which can be custom by the user and provided to the view.""" return [] def setCustomAxisValue(self, name, value): """ Set the value of a custom axis :param str name: Name of the custom axis :param int value: Value of the custom axis """ pass def isWidgetInitialized(self): """Returns true if the widget is already initialized. """ return self.__widget is not None def select(self): """Called when the view is selected to display the data. """ return def getWidget(self): """Returns the widget hold in the view and displaying the data. :returns: qt.QWidget """ if self.__widget is None: self.__widget = self.createWidget(self.__parent) hooks = self.getHooks() if hooks is not None: hooks.viewWidgetCreated(self, self.__widget) return self.__widget def createWidget(self, parent): """Create the the widget displaying the data :param qt.QWidget parent: Parent of the widget :returns: qt.QWidget """ raise NotImplementedError() def clear(self): """Clear the data from the view""" return None def setData(self, data): """Set the data displayed by the view :param data: Data to display :type data: numpy.ndarray or h5py.Dataset """ return None def __formatSlices(self, indices): """Format an iterable of slice objects :param indices: The slices to format :type indices: Union[None,List[Union[slice,int]]] :rtype: str """ if indices is None: return '' def formatSlice(slice_): start, stop, step = slice_.start, slice_.stop, slice_.step string = ('' if start is None else str(start)) + ':' if stop is not None: string += str(stop) if step not in (None, 1): string += ':' + step return string return '[' + ', '.join( formatSlice(index) if isinstance(index, slice) else str(index) for index in indices) + ']' def titleForSelection(self, selection): """Build title from given selection information. :param NamedTuple selection: Data selected :rtype: str """ if selection is None or selection.filename is None: return None else: directory, filename = os.path.split(selection.filename) try: slicing = self.__formatSlices(selection.slice) except Exception: _logger.debug("Error while formatting slices", exc_info=True) slicing = '[sliced]' permuted = '(permuted)' if selection.permutation is not None else '' try: title = self.TITLE_PATTERN.format( directory=directory, filename=filename, datapath=selection.datapath, slicing=slicing, permuted=permuted) except Exception: _logger.debug("Error while formatting title", exc_info=True) title = selection.datapath + slicing return title def setDataSelection(self, selection): """Set the data selection displayed by the view If called, it have to be called directly after `setData`. :param selection: Data selected :type selection: NamedTuple """ pass def axesNames(self, data, info): """Returns names of the expected axes of the view, according to the input data. A none value will disable the default axes selectior. :param data: Data to display :type data: numpy.ndarray or h5py.Dataset :param DataInfo info: Pre-computed information on the data :rtype: list[str] or None """ return [] def getReachableViews(self): """Returns the views that can be returned by `getMatchingViews`. :param object data: Any object to be displayed :param DataInfo info: Information cached about this data :rtype: List[DataView] """ return [self] def getMatchingViews(self, data, info): """Returns the views according to data and info from the data. :param object data: Any object to be displayed :param DataInfo info: Information cached about this data :rtype: List[DataView] """ priority = self.getCachedDataPriority(data, info) if priority == DataView.UNSUPPORTED: return [] return [self] def getCachedDataPriority(self, data, info): try: priority = info.getPriority(self) except KeyError: priority = self.getDataPriority(data, info) info.cachePriority(self, priority) return priority def getDataPriority(self, data, info): """ Returns the priority of using this view according to a data. - `UNSUPPORTED` means this view can't display this data - `1` means this view can display the data - `100` means this view should be used for this data - `1000` max value used by the views provided by silx - ... :param object data: The data to check :param DataInfo info: Pre-computed information on the data :rtype: int """ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED def __lt__(self, other): return str(self) < str(other) class _CompositeDataView(DataView): """Contains sub views""" def getViews(self): """Returns the direct sub views registered in this view. :rtype: List[DataView] """ raise NotImplementedError() def getReachableViews(self): """Returns all views that can be reachable at on point. This method return any sub view provided (recursivly). :rtype: List[DataView] """ raise NotImplementedError() def getMatchingViews(self, data, info): """Returns sub views matching this data and info. This method return any sub view provided (recursivly). :param object data: Any object to be displayed :param DataInfo info: Information cached about this data :rtype: List[DataView] """ raise NotImplementedError() @deprecation.deprecated(replacement="getReachableViews", since_version="0.10") def availableViews(self): return self.getViews() def isSupportedData(self, data, info): """If true, the composite view allow sub views to access to this data. Else this this data is considered as not supported by any of sub views (incliding this composite view). :param object data: Any object to be displayed :param DataInfo info: Information cached about this data :rtype: bool """ return True class SelectOneDataView(_CompositeDataView): """Data view which can display a data using different view according to the kind of the data.""" def __init__(self, parent, modeId=None, icon=None, label=None): """Constructor :param qt.QWidget parent: Parent of the hold widget """ super(SelectOneDataView, self).__init__(parent, modeId, icon, label) self.__views = OrderedDict() self.__currentView = None def setHooks(self, hooks): """Set the data context to use with this view. :param DataViewHooks hooks: The data view hooks to use """ super(SelectOneDataView, self).setHooks(hooks) if hooks is not None: for v in self.__views: v.setHooks(hooks) def addView(self, dataView): """Add a new dataview to the available list.""" hooks = self.getHooks() if hooks is not None: dataView.setHooks(hooks) self.__views[dataView] = None def getReachableViews(self): views = [] addSelf = False for v in self.__views: if isinstance(v, SelectManyDataView): views.extend(v.getReachableViews()) else: addSelf = True if addSelf: # Single views are hidden by this view views.insert(0, self) return views def getMatchingViews(self, data, info): if not self.isSupportedData(data, info): return [] view = self.__getBestView(data, info) if isinstance(view, SelectManyDataView): return view.getMatchingViews(data, info) else: return [self] def getViews(self): """Returns the list of registered views :rtype: List[DataView] """ return list(self.__views.keys()) def __getBestView(self, data, info): """Returns the best view according to priorities.""" if not self.isSupportedData(data, info): return None views = [(v.getCachedDataPriority(data, info), v) for v in self.__views.keys()] views = filter(lambda t: t[0] > DataView.UNSUPPORTED, views) views = sorted(views, key=lambda t: t[0], reverse=True) if len(views) == 0: return None elif views[0][0] == DataView.UNSUPPORTED: return None else: return views[0][1] def customAxisNames(self): if self.__currentView is None: return return self.__currentView.customAxisNames() def setCustomAxisValue(self, name, value): if self.__currentView is None: return self.__currentView.setCustomAxisValue(name, value) def __updateDisplayedView(self): widget = self.getWidget() if self.__currentView is None: return # load the widget if it is not yet done index = self.__views[self.__currentView] if index is None: w = self.__currentView.getWidget() index = widget.addWidget(w) self.__views[self.__currentView] = index if widget.currentIndex() != index: widget.setCurrentIndex(index) self.__currentView.select() def select(self): self.__updateDisplayedView() if self.__currentView is not None: self.__currentView.select() def createWidget(self, parent): return qt.QStackedWidget() def clear(self): for v in self.__views.keys(): v.clear() def setData(self, data): if self.__currentView is None: return self.__updateDisplayedView() self.__currentView.setData(data) def setDataSelection(self, selection): if self.__currentView is None: return self.__currentView.setDataSelection(selection) def axesNames(self, data, info): view = self.__getBestView(data, info) self.__currentView = view return view.axesNames(data, info) def getDataPriority(self, data, info): view = self.__getBestView(data, info) self.__currentView = view if view is None: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED else: return view.getCachedDataPriority(data, info) def replaceView(self, modeId, newView): """Replace a data view with a custom view. Return True in case of success, False in case of failure. .. note:: This method must be called just after instantiation, before the viewer is used. :param int modeId: Unique mode ID identifying the DataView to be replaced. :param DataViews.DataView newView: New data view :return: True if replacement was successful, else False """ oldView = None for view in self.__views: if view.modeId() == modeId: oldView = view break elif isinstance(view, _CompositeDataView): # recurse hooks = self.getHooks() if hooks is not None: newView.setHooks(hooks) if view.replaceView(modeId, newView): return True if oldView is None: return False # replace oldView with new view in dict self.__views = OrderedDict( (newView, None) if view is oldView else (view, idx) for view, idx in self.__views.items()) return True # NOTE: SelectOneDataView was introduced with silx 0.10 CompositeDataView = SelectOneDataView class SelectManyDataView(_CompositeDataView): """Data view which can select a set of sub views according to the kind of the data. This view itself is abstract and is not exposed. """ def __init__(self, parent, views=None): """Constructor :param qt.QWidget parent: Parent of the hold widget """ super(SelectManyDataView, self).__init__(parent, modeId=None, icon=None, label=None) if views is None: views = [] self.__views = views def setHooks(self, hooks): """Set the data context to use with this view. :param DataViewHooks hooks: The data view hooks to use """ super(SelectManyDataView, self).setHooks(hooks) if hooks is not None: for v in self.__views: v.setHooks(hooks) def addView(self, dataView): """Add a new dataview to the available list.""" hooks = self.getHooks() if hooks is not None: dataView.setHooks(hooks) self.__views.append(dataView) def getViews(self): """Returns the list of registered views :rtype: List[DataView] """ return list(self.__views) def getReachableViews(self): views = [] for v in self.__views: views.extend(v.getReachableViews()) return views def getMatchingViews(self, data, info): """Returns the views according to data and info from the data. :param object data: Any object to be displayed :param DataInfo info: Information cached about this data """ if not self.isSupportedData(data, info): return [] views = [v for v in self.__views if v.getCachedDataPriority(data, info) != DataView.UNSUPPORTED] return views def customAxisNames(self): raise RuntimeError("Abstract view") def setCustomAxisValue(self, name, value): raise RuntimeError("Abstract view") def select(self): raise RuntimeError("Abstract view") def createWidget(self, parent): raise RuntimeError("Abstract view") def clear(self): for v in self.__views: v.clear() def setData(self, data): raise RuntimeError("Abstract view") def axesNames(self, data, info): raise RuntimeError("Abstract view") def getDataPriority(self, data, info): if not self.isSupportedData(data, info): return DataView.UNSUPPORTED priorities = [v.getCachedDataPriority(data, info) for v in self.__views] priorities = [v for v in priorities if v != DataView.UNSUPPORTED] priorities = sorted(priorities) if len(priorities) == 0: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED return priorities[-1] def replaceView(self, modeId, newView): """Replace a data view with a custom view. Return True in case of success, False in case of failure. .. note:: This method must be called just after instantiation, before the viewer is used. :param int modeId: Unique mode ID identifying the DataView to be replaced. :param DataViews.DataView newView: New data view :return: True if replacement was successful, else False """ oldView = None for iview, view in enumerate(self.__views): if view.modeId() == modeId: oldView = view break elif isinstance(view, CompositeDataView): # recurse hooks = self.getHooks() if hooks is not None: newView.setHooks(hooks) if view.replaceView(modeId, newView): return True if oldView is None: return False # replace oldView with new view in dict self.__views[iview] = newView return True class _EmptyView(DataView): """Dummy view to display nothing""" def __init__(self, parent): DataView.__init__(self, parent, modeId=EMPTY_MODE) def axesNames(self, data, info): return None def createWidget(self, parent): return qt.QLabel(parent) def getDataPriority(self, data, info): return DataView.UNSUPPORTED class _Plot1dView(DataView): """View displaying data using a 1d plot""" def __init__(self, parent): super(_Plot1dView, self).__init__( parent=parent, modeId=PLOT1D_MODE, label="Curve", icon=icons.getQIcon("view-1d")) self.__resetZoomNextTime = True def createWidget(self, parent): from silx.gui import plot return plot.Plot1D(parent=parent) def clear(self): self.getWidget().clear() self.__resetZoomNextTime = True def normalizeData(self, data): data = DataView.normalizeData(self, data) data = _normalizeComplex(data) return data def setData(self, data): data = self.normalizeData(data) plotWidget = self.getWidget() legend = "data" plotWidget.addCurve(legend=legend, x=range(len(data)), y=data, resetzoom=self.__resetZoomNextTime) plotWidget.setActiveCurve(legend) self.__resetZoomNextTime = True def setDataSelection(self, selection): self.getWidget().setGraphTitle(self.titleForSelection(selection)) def axesNames(self, data, info): return ["y"] def getDataPriority(self, data, info): if info.size <= 0: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if data is None or not info.isArray or not info.isNumeric: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if info.dim < 1: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if info.interpretation == "spectrum": return 1000 if info.dim == 2 and info.shape[0] == 1: return 210 if info.dim == 1: return 100 else: return 10 class _Plot2dRecordView(DataView): def __init__(self, parent): super(_Plot2dRecordView, self).__init__( parent=parent, modeId=RECORD_PLOT_MODE, label="Curve", icon=icons.getQIcon("view-1d")) self.__resetZoomNextTime = True self._data = None self._xAxisDropDown = None self._yAxisDropDown = None self.__fields = None def createWidget(self, parent): from ._RecordPlot import RecordPlot return RecordPlot(parent=parent) def clear(self): self.getWidget().clear() self.__resetZoomNextTime = True def normalizeData(self, data): data = DataView.normalizeData(self, data) data = _normalizeComplex(data) return data def setData(self, data): self._data = self.normalizeData(data) all_fields = sorted(self._data.dtype.fields.items(), key=lambda e: e[1][1]) numeric_fields = [f[0] for f in all_fields if numpy.issubdtype(f[1][0], numpy.number)] if numeric_fields == self.__fields: # Reuse previously selected fields fieldNameX = self.getWidget().getXAxisFieldName() fieldNameY = self.getWidget().getYAxisFieldName() else: self.__fields = numeric_fields self.getWidget().setSelectableXAxisFieldNames(numeric_fields) self.getWidget().setSelectableYAxisFieldNames(numeric_fields) fieldNameX = None fieldNameY = numeric_fields[0] # If there is a field called time, use it for the x-axis by default if "time" in numeric_fields: fieldNameX = "time" # Use the first field that is not "time" for the y-axis if fieldNameY == "time" and len(numeric_fields) >= 2: fieldNameY = numeric_fields[1] self._plotData(fieldNameX, fieldNameY) if not self._xAxisDropDown: self._xAxisDropDown = self.getWidget().getAxesSelectionToolBar().getXAxisDropDown() self._yAxisDropDown = self.getWidget().getAxesSelectionToolBar().getYAxisDropDown() self._xAxisDropDown.activated.connect(self._onAxesSelectionChaned) self._yAxisDropDown.activated.connect(self._onAxesSelectionChaned) def setDataSelection(self, selection): self.getWidget().setGraphTitle(self.titleForSelection(selection)) def _onAxesSelectionChaned(self): fieldNameX = self._xAxisDropDown.currentData() self._plotData(fieldNameX, self._yAxisDropDown.currentText()) def _plotData(self, fieldNameX, fieldNameY): self.clear() ydata = self._data[fieldNameY] if fieldNameX is None: xdata = numpy.arange(len(ydata)) else: xdata = self._data[fieldNameX] self.getWidget().addCurve(legend="data", x=xdata, y=ydata, resetzoom=self.__resetZoomNextTime) self.getWidget().setXAxisFieldName(fieldNameX) self.getWidget().setYAxisFieldName(fieldNameY) self.__resetZoomNextTime = True def axesNames(self, data, info): return ["data"] def getDataPriority(self, data, info): if info.size <= 0: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if data is None or not info.isRecord: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if info.dim < 1: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if info.countNumericColumns < 2: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if info.interpretation == "spectrum": return 1000 if info.dim == 2 and info.shape[0] == 1: return 210 if info.dim == 1: return 40 else: return 10 class _Plot2dView(DataView): """View displaying data using a 2d plot""" def __init__(self, parent): super(_Plot2dView, self).__init__( parent=parent, modeId=PLOT2D_MODE, label="Image", icon=icons.getQIcon("view-2d")) self.__resetZoomNextTime = True def createWidget(self, parent): from silx.gui import plot widget = plot.Plot2D(parent=parent) widget.setDefaultColormap(self.defaultColormap()) widget.getColormapAction().setColorDialog(self.defaultColorDialog()) widget.getIntensityHistogramAction().setVisible(True) widget.setKeepDataAspectRatio(True) widget.getXAxis().setLabel('X') widget.getYAxis().setLabel('Y') return widget def clear(self): self.getWidget().clear() self.__resetZoomNextTime = True def normalizeData(self, data): data = DataView.normalizeData(self, data) data = _normalizeComplex(data) return data def setData(self, data): data = self.normalizeData(data) self.getWidget().addImage(legend="data", data=data, resetzoom=self.__resetZoomNextTime) self.__resetZoomNextTime = False def setDataSelection(self, selection): self.getWidget().setGraphTitle(self.titleForSelection(selection)) def axesNames(self, data, info): return ["y", "x"] def getDataPriority(self, data, info): if info.size <= 0: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if (data is None or not info.isArray or not (info.isNumeric or info.isBoolean)): return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if info.dim < 2: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if info.interpretation == "image": return 1000 if info.dim == 2: return 200 else: return 190 class _Plot3dView(DataView): """View displaying data using a 3d plot""" def __init__(self, parent): super(_Plot3dView, self).__init__( parent=parent, modeId=PLOT3D_MODE, label="Cube", icon=icons.getQIcon("view-3d")) try: from ._VolumeWindow import VolumeWindow # noqa except ImportError: _logger.warning("3D visualization is not available") _logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True) raise self.__resetZoomNextTime = True def createWidget(self, parent): from ._VolumeWindow import VolumeWindow plot = VolumeWindow(parent) plot.setAxesLabels(*reversed(self.axesNames(None, None))) return plot def clear(self): self.getWidget().clear() self.__resetZoomNextTime = True def setData(self, data): data = self.normalizeData(data) self.getWidget().setData(data) self.__resetZoomNextTime = False def axesNames(self, data, info): return ["z", "y", "x"] def getDataPriority(self, data, info): if info.size <= 0: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if data is None or not info.isArray or not info.isNumeric: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if info.dim < 3: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if min(data.shape) < 2: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if info.dim == 3: return 100 else: return 10 class _ComplexImageView(DataView): """View displaying data using a ComplexImageView""" def __init__(self, parent): super(_ComplexImageView, self).__init__( parent=parent, modeId=COMPLEX_IMAGE_MODE, label="Complex Image", icon=icons.getQIcon("view-2d")) def createWidget(self, parent): from silx.gui.plot.ComplexImageView import ComplexImageView widget = ComplexImageView(parent=parent) widget.setColormap(self.defaultColormap(), mode=ComplexImageView.ComplexMode.ABSOLUTE) widget.setColormap(self.defaultColormap(), mode=ComplexImageView.ComplexMode.SQUARE_AMPLITUDE) widget.setColormap(self.defaultColormap(), mode=ComplexImageView.ComplexMode.REAL) widget.setColormap(self.defaultColormap(), mode=ComplexImageView.ComplexMode.IMAGINARY) widget.getPlot().getColormapAction().setColorDialog(self.defaultColorDialog()) widget.getPlot().getIntensityHistogramAction().setVisible(True) widget.getPlot().setKeepDataAspectRatio(True) widget.getXAxis().setLabel('X') widget.getYAxis().setLabel('Y') return widget def clear(self): self.getWidget().setData(None) def normalizeData(self, data): data = DataView.normalizeData(self, data) return data def setData(self, data): data = self.normalizeData(data) self.getWidget().setData(data) def setDataSelection(self, selection): self.getWidget().getPlot().setGraphTitle( self.titleForSelection(selection)) def axesNames(self, data, info): return ["y", "x"] def getDataPriority(self, data, info): if info.size <= 0: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if data is None or not info.isArray or not info.isComplex: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if info.dim < 2: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if info.interpretation == "image": return 1000 if info.dim == 2: return 200 else: return 190 class _ArrayView(DataView): """View displaying data using a 2d table""" def __init__(self, parent): DataView.__init__(self, parent, modeId=RAW_ARRAY_MODE) def createWidget(self, parent): from silx.gui.data.ArrayTableWidget import ArrayTableWidget widget = ArrayTableWidget(parent) widget.displayAxesSelector(False) return widget def clear(self): self.getWidget().setArrayData(numpy.array([[]])) def setData(self, data): data = self.normalizeData(data) self.getWidget().setArrayData(data) def axesNames(self, data, info): return ["col", "row"] def getDataPriority(self, data, info): if info.size <= 0: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if data is None or not info.isArray or info.isRecord: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if info.dim < 2: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if info.interpretation in ["scalar", "scaler"]: return 1000 return 500 class _StackView(DataView): """View displaying data using a stack of images""" def __init__(self, parent): super(_StackView, self).__init__( parent=parent, modeId=STACK_MODE, label="Image stack", icon=icons.getQIcon("view-2d-stack")) self.__resetZoomNextTime = True def customAxisNames(self): return ["depth"] def setCustomAxisValue(self, name, value): if name == "depth": self.getWidget().setFrameNumber(value) else: raise Exception("Unsupported axis") def createWidget(self, parent): from silx.gui import plot widget = plot.StackView(parent=parent) widget.setColormap(self.defaultColormap()) widget.getPlotWidget().getColormapAction().setColorDialog(self.defaultColorDialog()) widget.setKeepDataAspectRatio(True) widget.setLabels(self.axesNames(None, None)) # hide default option panel widget.setOptionVisible(False) return widget def clear(self): self.getWidget().clear() self.__resetZoomNextTime = True def normalizeData(self, data): data = DataView.normalizeData(self, data) data = _normalizeComplex(data) return data def setData(self, data): data = self.normalizeData(data) self.getWidget().setStack(stack=data, reset=self.__resetZoomNextTime) # Override the colormap, while setStack overwrite it self.getWidget().setColormap(self.defaultColormap()) self.__resetZoomNextTime = False def setDataSelection(self, selection): title = self.titleForSelection(selection) self.getWidget().setTitleCallback( lambda idx: "%s z=%d" % (title, idx)) def axesNames(self, data, info): return ["depth", "y", "x"] def getDataPriority(self, data, info): if info.size <= 0: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if data is None or not info.isArray or not info.isNumeric: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if info.dim < 3: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if info.interpretation == "image": return 500 return 90 class _ScalarView(DataView): """View displaying data using text""" def __init__(self, parent): DataView.__init__(self, parent, modeId=RAW_SCALAR_MODE) def createWidget(self, parent): widget = qt.QTextEdit(parent) widget.setTextInteractionFlags(qt.Qt.TextSelectableByMouse) widget.setAlignment(qt.Qt.AlignLeft | qt.Qt.AlignTop) self.__formatter = TextFormatter(parent) return widget def clear(self): self.getWidget().setText("") def setData(self, data): d = self.normalizeData(data) if silx.io.is_dataset(d): d = d[()] dtype = None if data is not None: if hasattr(data, "dtype"): dtype = data.dtype text = self.__formatter.toString(d, dtype) self.getWidget().setText(text) def axesNames(self, data, info): return [] def getDataPriority(self, data, info): if info.size <= 0: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED data = self.normalizeData(data) if info.shape is None: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if data is None: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if silx.io.is_group(data): return DataView.UNSUPPORTED return 2 class _RecordView(DataView): """View displaying data using text""" def __init__(self, parent): DataView.__init__(self, parent, modeId=RAW_RECORD_MODE) def createWidget(self, parent): from .RecordTableView import RecordTableView widget = RecordTableView(parent) widget.setWordWrap(False) return widget def clear(self): self.getWidget().setArrayData(None) def setData(self, data): data = self.normalizeData(data) widget = self.getWidget() widget.setArrayData(data) if len(data) < 100: widget.resizeRowsToContents() widget.resizeColumnsToContents() def axesNames(self, data, info): return ["data"] def getDataPriority(self, data, info): if info.size <= 0: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if info.isRecord: return 40 if data is None or not info.isArray: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if info.dim == 1: if info.interpretation in ["scalar", "scaler"]: return 1000 if info.shape[0] == 1: return 510 return 500 elif info.isRecord: return 40 return DataView.UNSUPPORTED class _HexaView(DataView): """View displaying data using text""" def __init__(self, parent): DataView.__init__(self, parent, modeId=RAW_HEXA_MODE) def createWidget(self, parent): from .HexaTableView import HexaTableView widget = HexaTableView(parent) return widget def clear(self): self.getWidget().setArrayData(None) def setData(self, data): data = self.normalizeData(data) widget = self.getWidget() widget.setArrayData(data) def axesNames(self, data, info): return [] def getDataPriority(self, data, info): if info.size <= 0: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if info.isVoid: return 2000 return DataView.UNSUPPORTED class _Hdf5View(DataView): """View displaying data using text""" def __init__(self, parent): super(_Hdf5View, self).__init__( parent=parent, modeId=HDF5_MODE, label="HDF5", icon=icons.getQIcon("view-hdf5")) def createWidget(self, parent): from .Hdf5TableView import Hdf5TableView widget = Hdf5TableView(parent) return widget def clear(self): widget = self.getWidget() widget.setData(None) def setData(self, data): widget = self.getWidget() widget.setData(data) def axesNames(self, data, info): return None def getDataPriority(self, data, info): widget = self.getWidget() if widget.isSupportedData(data): return 1 else: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED class _RawView(CompositeDataView): """View displaying data as raw data. This implementation use a 2d-array view, or a record array view, or a raw text output. """ def __init__(self, parent): super(_RawView, self).__init__( parent=parent, modeId=RAW_MODE, label="Raw", icon=icons.getQIcon("view-raw")) self.addView(_HexaView(parent)) self.addView(_ScalarView(parent)) self.addView(_ArrayView(parent)) self.addView(_RecordView(parent)) class _ImageView(CompositeDataView): """View displaying data as 2D image It choose between Plot2D and ComplexImageView widgets """ def __init__(self, parent): super(_ImageView, self).__init__( parent=parent, modeId=IMAGE_MODE, label="Image", icon=icons.getQIcon("view-2d")) self.addView(_ComplexImageView(parent)) self.addView(_Plot2dView(parent)) class _InvalidNXdataView(DataView): """DataView showing a simple label with an error message to inform that a group with @NX_class=NXdata cannot be interpreted by any NXDataview.""" def __init__(self, parent): DataView.__init__(self, parent, modeId=NXDATA_INVALID_MODE) self._msg = "" def createWidget(self, parent): widget = qt.QLabel(parent) widget.setWordWrap(True) widget.setStyleSheet("QLabel { color : red; }") return widget def axesNames(self, data, info): return [] def clear(self): self.getWidget().setText("") def setData(self, data): self.getWidget().setText(self._msg) def getDataPriority(self, data, info): data = self.normalizeData(data) if not info.isInvalidNXdata: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if info.hasNXdata: self._msg = "NXdata seems valid, but cannot be displayed " self._msg += "by any existing plot widget." else: nx_class = get_attr_as_unicode(data, "NX_class") if nx_class == "NXdata": # invalid: could not even be parsed by NXdata self._msg = "Group has @NX_class = NXdata, but could not be interpreted" self._msg += " as valid NXdata." elif nx_class == "NXroot" or silx.io.is_file(data): default_entry = data[data.attrs["default"]] default_nxdata_name = default_entry.attrs["default"] self._msg = "NXroot group provides a @default attribute " self._msg += "pointing to a NXentry which defines its own " self._msg += "@default attribute, " if default_nxdata_name not in default_entry: self._msg += " but no corresponding NXdata group exists." elif get_attr_as_unicode(default_entry[default_nxdata_name], "NX_class") != "NXdata": self._msg += " but the corresponding item is not a " self._msg += "NXdata group." else: self._msg += " but the corresponding NXdata seems to be" self._msg += " malformed." else: self._msg = "Group provides a @default attribute," default_nxdata_name = data.attrs["default"] if default_nxdata_name not in data: self._msg += " but no corresponding NXdata group exists." elif get_attr_as_unicode(data[default_nxdata_name], "NX_class") != "NXdata": self._msg += " but the corresponding item is not a " self._msg += "NXdata group." else: self._msg += " but the corresponding NXdata seems to be" self._msg += " malformed." return 100 class _NXdataBaseDataView(DataView): """Base class for NXdata DataView""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): DataView.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def _updateColormap(self, nxdata): """Update used colormap according to nxdata's SILX_style""" cmap_norm = nxdata.plot_style.signal_scale_type if cmap_norm is not None: self.defaultColormap().setNormalization( 'log' if cmap_norm == 'log' else 'linear') class _NXdataScalarView(_NXdataBaseDataView): """DataView using a table view for displaying NXdata scalars: 0-D signal or n-D signal with *@interpretation=scalar*""" def __init__(self, parent): _NXdataBaseDataView.__init__( self, parent, modeId=NXDATA_SCALAR_MODE) def createWidget(self, parent): from silx.gui.data.ArrayTableWidget import ArrayTableWidget widget = ArrayTableWidget(parent) # widget.displayAxesSelector(False) return widget def axesNames(self, data, info): return ["col", "row"] def clear(self): self.getWidget().setArrayData(numpy.array([[]]), labels=True) def setData(self, data): data = self.normalizeData(data) # data could be a NXdata or an NXentry nxd = nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False) signal = nxd.signal self.getWidget().setArrayData(signal, labels=True) def getDataPriority(self, data, info): data = self.normalizeData(data) if info.hasNXdata and not info.isInvalidNXdata: nxd = nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False) if nxd.signal_is_0d or nxd.interpretation in ["scalar", "scaler"]: return 100 return DataView.UNSUPPORTED class _NXdataCurveView(_NXdataBaseDataView): """DataView using a Plot1D for displaying NXdata curves: 1-D signal or n-D signal with *@interpretation=spectrum*. It also handles basic scatter plots: a 1-D signal with one axis whose values are not monotonically increasing. """ def __init__(self, parent): _NXdataBaseDataView.__init__( self, parent, modeId=NXDATA_CURVE_MODE) def createWidget(self, parent): from silx.gui.data.NXdataWidgets import ArrayCurvePlot widget = ArrayCurvePlot(parent) return widget def axesNames(self, data, info): # disabled (used by default axis selector widget in Hdf5Viewer) return None def clear(self): self.getWidget().clear() def setData(self, data): data = self.normalizeData(data) nxd = nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False) signals_names = [nxd.signal_name] + nxd.auxiliary_signals_names if nxd.axes_dataset_names[-1] is not None: x_errors = nxd.get_axis_errors(nxd.axes_dataset_names[-1]) else: x_errors = None # this fix is necessary until the next release of PyMca (5.2.3 or 5.3.0) # see https://github.com/vasole/pymca/issues/144 and https://github.com/vasole/pymca/pull/145 if not hasattr(self.getWidget(), "setCurvesData") and \ hasattr(self.getWidget(), "setCurveData"): _logger.warning("Using deprecated ArrayCurvePlot API, " "without support of auxiliary signals") self.getWidget().setCurveData(nxd.signal, nxd.axes[-1], yerror=nxd.errors, xerror=x_errors, ylabel=nxd.signal_name, xlabel=nxd.axes_names[-1], title=nxd.title or nxd.signal_name) return self.getWidget().setCurvesData([nxd.signal] + nxd.auxiliary_signals, nxd.axes[-1], yerror=nxd.errors, xerror=x_errors, ylabels=signals_names, xlabel=nxd.axes_names[-1], title=nxd.title or signals_names[0], xscale=nxd.plot_style.axes_scale_types[-1], yscale=nxd.plot_style.signal_scale_type) def getDataPriority(self, data, info): data = self.normalizeData(data) if info.hasNXdata and not info.isInvalidNXdata: if nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False).is_curve: return 100 return DataView.UNSUPPORTED class _NXdataXYVScatterView(_NXdataBaseDataView): """DataView using a Plot1D for displaying NXdata 3D scatters as a scatter of coloured points (1-D signal with 2 axes)""" def __init__(self, parent): _NXdataBaseDataView.__init__( self, parent, modeId=NXDATA_XYVSCATTER_MODE) def createWidget(self, parent): from silx.gui.data.NXdataWidgets import XYVScatterPlot widget = XYVScatterPlot(parent) widget.getScatterView().setColormap(self.defaultColormap()) widget.getScatterView().getScatterToolBar().getColormapAction().setColorDialog( self.defaultColorDialog()) return widget def axesNames(self, data, info): # disabled (used by default axis selector widget in Hdf5Viewer) return None def clear(self): self.getWidget().clear() def setData(self, data): data = self.normalizeData(data) nxd = nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False) x_axis, y_axis = nxd.axes[-2:] if x_axis is None: x_axis = numpy.arange(nxd.signal.size) if y_axis is None: y_axis = numpy.arange(nxd.signal.size) x_label, y_label = nxd.axes_names[-2:] if x_label is not None: x_errors = nxd.get_axis_errors(x_label) else: x_errors = None if y_label is not None: y_errors = nxd.get_axis_errors(y_label) else: y_errors = None self._updateColormap(nxd) self.getWidget().setScattersData(y_axis, x_axis, values=[nxd.signal] + nxd.auxiliary_signals, yerror=y_errors, xerror=x_errors, ylabel=y_label, xlabel=x_label, title=nxd.title, scatter_titles=[nxd.signal_name] + nxd.auxiliary_signals_names, xscale=nxd.plot_style.axes_scale_types[-2], yscale=nxd.plot_style.axes_scale_types[-1]) def getDataPriority(self, data, info): data = self.normalizeData(data) if info.hasNXdata and not info.isInvalidNXdata: if nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False).is_x_y_value_scatter: # It have to be a little more than a NX curve priority return 110 return DataView.UNSUPPORTED class _NXdataImageView(_NXdataBaseDataView): """DataView using a Plot2D for displaying NXdata images: 2-D signal or n-D signals with *@interpretation=image*.""" def __init__(self, parent): _NXdataBaseDataView.__init__( self, parent, modeId=NXDATA_IMAGE_MODE) def createWidget(self, parent): from silx.gui.data.NXdataWidgets import ArrayImagePlot widget = ArrayImagePlot(parent) widget.getPlot().setDefaultColormap(self.defaultColormap()) widget.getPlot().getColormapAction().setColorDialog(self.defaultColorDialog()) return widget def axesNames(self, data, info): # disabled (used by default axis selector widget in Hdf5Viewer) return None def clear(self): self.getWidget().clear() def setData(self, data): data = self.normalizeData(data) nxd = nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False) isRgba = nxd.interpretation == "rgba-image" self._updateColormap(nxd) # last two axes are Y & X img_slicing = slice(-2, None) if not isRgba else slice(-3, -1) y_axis, x_axis = nxd.axes[img_slicing] y_label, x_label = nxd.axes_names[img_slicing] y_scale, x_scale = nxd.plot_style.axes_scale_types[img_slicing] self.getWidget().setImageData( [nxd.signal] + nxd.auxiliary_signals, x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, signals_names=[nxd.signal_name] + nxd.auxiliary_signals_names, xlabel=x_label, ylabel=y_label, title=nxd.title, isRgba=isRgba, xscale=x_scale, yscale=y_scale) def getDataPriority(self, data, info): data = self.normalizeData(data) if info.hasNXdata and not info.isInvalidNXdata: if nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False).is_image: return 100 return DataView.UNSUPPORTED class _NXdataComplexImageView(_NXdataBaseDataView): """DataView using a ComplexImageView for displaying NXdata complex images: 2-D signal or n-D signals with *@interpretation=image*.""" def __init__(self, parent): _NXdataBaseDataView.__init__( self, parent, modeId=NXDATA_IMAGE_MODE) def createWidget(self, parent): from silx.gui.data.NXdataWidgets import ArrayComplexImagePlot widget = ArrayComplexImagePlot(parent, colormap=self.defaultColormap()) widget.getPlot().getColormapAction().setColorDialog(self.defaultColorDialog()) return widget def clear(self): self.getWidget().clear() def setData(self, data): data = self.normalizeData(data) nxd = nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False) self._updateColormap(nxd) # last two axes are Y & X img_slicing = slice(-2, None) y_axis, x_axis = nxd.axes[img_slicing] y_label, x_label = nxd.axes_names[img_slicing] self.getWidget().setImageData( [nxd.signal] + nxd.auxiliary_signals, x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, signals_names=[nxd.signal_name] + nxd.auxiliary_signals_names, xlabel=x_label, ylabel=y_label, title=nxd.title) def axesNames(self, data, info): # disabled (used by default axis selector widget in Hdf5Viewer) return None def getDataPriority(self, data, info): data = self.normalizeData(data) if info.hasNXdata and not info.isInvalidNXdata: nxd = nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False) if nxd.is_image and numpy.iscomplexobj(nxd.signal): return 100 return DataView.UNSUPPORTED class _NXdataStackView(_NXdataBaseDataView): def __init__(self, parent): _NXdataBaseDataView.__init__( self, parent, modeId=NXDATA_STACK_MODE) def createWidget(self, parent): from silx.gui.data.NXdataWidgets import ArrayStackPlot widget = ArrayStackPlot(parent) widget.getStackView().setColormap(self.defaultColormap()) widget.getStackView().getPlotWidget().getColormapAction().setColorDialog(self.defaultColorDialog()) return widget def axesNames(self, data, info): # disabled (used by default axis selector widget in Hdf5Viewer) return None def clear(self): self.getWidget().clear() def setData(self, data): data = self.normalizeData(data) nxd = nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False) signal_name = nxd.signal_name z_axis, y_axis, x_axis = nxd.axes[-3:] z_label, y_label, x_label = nxd.axes_names[-3:] title = nxd.title or signal_name self._updateColormap(nxd) widget = self.getWidget() widget.setStackData( nxd.signal, x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, z_axis=z_axis, signal_name=signal_name, xlabel=x_label, ylabel=y_label, zlabel=z_label, title=title) # Override the colormap, while setStack overwrite it widget.getStackView().setColormap(self.defaultColormap()) def getDataPriority(self, data, info): data = self.normalizeData(data) if info.hasNXdata and not info.isInvalidNXdata: if nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False).is_stack: return 100 return DataView.UNSUPPORTED class _NXdataVolumeView(_NXdataBaseDataView): def __init__(self, parent): _NXdataBaseDataView.__init__( self, parent, label="NXdata (3D)", icon=icons.getQIcon("view-nexus"), modeId=NXDATA_VOLUME_MODE) try: import silx.gui.plot3d # noqa except ImportError: _logger.warning("Plot3dView is not available") _logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True) raise def normalizeData(self, data): data = super(_NXdataVolumeView, self).normalizeData(data) data = _normalizeComplex(data) return data def createWidget(self, parent): from silx.gui.data.NXdataWidgets import ArrayVolumePlot widget = ArrayVolumePlot(parent) return widget def axesNames(self, data, info): # disabled (used by default axis selector widget in Hdf5Viewer) return None def clear(self): self.getWidget().clear() def setData(self, data): data = self.normalizeData(data) nxd = nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False) signal_name = nxd.signal_name z_axis, y_axis, x_axis = nxd.axes[-3:] z_label, y_label, x_label = nxd.axes_names[-3:] title = nxd.title or signal_name widget = self.getWidget() widget.setData( nxd.signal, x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, z_axis=z_axis, signal_name=signal_name, xlabel=x_label, ylabel=y_label, zlabel=z_label, title=title) def getDataPriority(self, data, info): data = self.normalizeData(data) if info.hasNXdata and not info.isInvalidNXdata: if nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False).is_volume: return 150 return DataView.UNSUPPORTED class _NXdataVolumeAsStackView(_NXdataBaseDataView): def __init__(self, parent): _NXdataBaseDataView.__init__( self, parent, label="NXdata (2D)", icon=icons.getQIcon("view-nexus"), modeId=NXDATA_VOLUME_AS_STACK_MODE) def createWidget(self, parent): from silx.gui.data.NXdataWidgets import ArrayStackPlot widget = ArrayStackPlot(parent) widget.getStackView().setColormap(self.defaultColormap()) widget.getStackView().getPlotWidget().getColormapAction().setColorDialog(self.defaultColorDialog()) return widget def axesNames(self, data, info): # disabled (used by default axis selector widget in Hdf5Viewer) return None def clear(self): self.getWidget().clear() def setData(self, data): data = self.normalizeData(data) nxd = nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False) signal_name = nxd.signal_name z_axis, y_axis, x_axis = nxd.axes[-3:] z_label, y_label, x_label = nxd.axes_names[-3:] title = nxd.title or signal_name self._updateColormap(nxd) widget = self.getWidget() widget.setStackData( nxd.signal, x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, z_axis=z_axis, signal_name=signal_name, xlabel=x_label, ylabel=y_label, zlabel=z_label, title=title) # Override the colormap, while setStack overwrite it widget.getStackView().setColormap(self.defaultColormap()) def getDataPriority(self, data, info): data = self.normalizeData(data) if info.isComplex: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if info.hasNXdata and not info.isInvalidNXdata: if nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False).is_volume: return 200 return DataView.UNSUPPORTED class _NXdataComplexVolumeAsStackView(_NXdataBaseDataView): def __init__(self, parent): _NXdataBaseDataView.__init__( self, parent, label="NXdata (2D)", icon=icons.getQIcon("view-nexus"), modeId=NXDATA_VOLUME_AS_STACK_MODE) self._is_complex_data = False def createWidget(self, parent): from silx.gui.data.NXdataWidgets import ArrayComplexImagePlot widget = ArrayComplexImagePlot(parent, colormap=self.defaultColormap()) widget.getPlot().getColormapAction().setColorDialog(self.defaultColorDialog()) return widget def axesNames(self, data, info): # disabled (used by default axis selector widget in Hdf5Viewer) return None def clear(self): self.getWidget().clear() def setData(self, data): data = self.normalizeData(data) nxd = nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False) signal_name = nxd.signal_name z_axis, y_axis, x_axis = nxd.axes[-3:] z_label, y_label, x_label = nxd.axes_names[-3:] title = nxd.title or signal_name self._updateColormap(nxd) self.getWidget().setImageData( [nxd.signal] + nxd.auxiliary_signals, x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, signals_names=[nxd.signal_name] + nxd.auxiliary_signals_names, xlabel=x_label, ylabel=y_label, title=nxd.title) def getDataPriority(self, data, info): data = self.normalizeData(data) if not info.isComplex: return DataView.UNSUPPORTED if info.hasNXdata and not info.isInvalidNXdata: if nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False).is_volume: return 200 return DataView.UNSUPPORTED class _NXdataView(CompositeDataView): """Composite view displaying NXdata groups using the most adequate widget depending on the dimensionality.""" def __init__(self, parent): super(_NXdataView, self).__init__( parent=parent, label="NXdata", modeId=NXDATA_MODE, icon=icons.getQIcon("view-nexus")) self.addView(_InvalidNXdataView(parent)) self.addView(_NXdataScalarView(parent)) self.addView(_NXdataCurveView(parent)) self.addView(_NXdataXYVScatterView(parent)) self.addView(_NXdataComplexImageView(parent)) self.addView(_NXdataImageView(parent)) self.addView(_NXdataStackView(parent)) # The 3D view can be displayed using 2 ways nx3dViews = SelectManyDataView(parent) nx3dViews.addView(_NXdataVolumeAsStackView(parent)) nx3dViews.addView(_NXdataComplexVolumeAsStackView(parent)) try: nx3dViews.addView(_NXdataVolumeView(parent)) except Exception: _logger.warning("NXdataVolumeView is not available") _logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True) self.addView(nx3dViews)