# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2016-2018 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """This module defines a widget able to convert a numpy array from n-dimensions to a numpy array with less dimensions. """ from __future__ import division __authors__ = ["V. Valls"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "29/01/2018" import numpy import functools from silx.gui.widgets.FrameBrowser import HorizontalSliderWithBrowser from silx.gui import qt import silx.utils.weakref class _Axis(qt.QWidget): """Widget displaying an axis. It allows to display and scroll in the axis, and provide a widget to map the axis with a named axis (the one from the view). """ valueChanged = qt.Signal(int) """Emitted when the location on the axis change.""" axisNameChanged = qt.Signal(object) """Emitted when the user change the name of the axis.""" def __init__(self, parent=None): """Constructor :param parent: Parent of the widget """ super(_Axis, self).__init__(parent) self.__axisNumber = None self.__customAxisNames = set([]) self.__label = qt.QLabel(self) self.__axes = qt.QComboBox(self) self.__axes.currentIndexChanged[int].connect(self.__axisMappingChanged) self.__slider = HorizontalSliderWithBrowser(self) self.__slider.valueChanged[int].connect(self.__sliderValueChanged) layout = qt.QHBoxLayout(self) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(self.__label) layout.addWidget(self.__axes) layout.addWidget(self.__slider, 10000) layout.addStretch(1) self.setLayout(layout) def slider(self): """Returns the slider used to display axes location. :rtype: HorizontalSliderWithBrowser """ return self.__slider def setAxis(self, number, position, size): """Set axis information. :param int number: The number of the axis (from the original numpy array) :param int position: The current position in the axis (for a slicing) :param int size: The size of this axis (0..n) """ self.__label.setText("Dimension %s" % number) self.__axisNumber = number self.__slider.setMaximum(size - 1) def axisNumber(self): """Returns the axis number. :rtype: int """ return self.__axisNumber def setAxisName(self, axisName): """Set the current used axis name. If this name is not available an exception is raised. An empty string means that no name is selected. :param str axisName: The new name of the axis :raise ValueError: When the name is not available """ if axisName == "" and self.__axes.count() == 0: self.__axes.setCurrentIndex(-1) self.__updateSliderVisibility() for index in range(self.__axes.count()): name = self.__axes.itemData(index) if name == axisName: self.__axes.setCurrentIndex(index) self.__updateSliderVisibility() return raise ValueError("Axis name '%s' not found", axisName) def axisName(self): """Returns the selected axis name. If no names are selected, an empty string is retruned. :rtype: str """ index = self.__axes.currentIndex() if index == -1: return "" return self.__axes.itemData(index) def setAxisNames(self, axesNames): """Set the available list of names for the axis. :param List[str] axesNames: List of available names """ self.__axes.clear() previous = self.__axes.blockSignals(True) self.__axes.addItem(" ", "") for axis in axesNames: self.__axes.addItem(axis, axis) self.__axes.blockSignals(previous) self.__updateSliderVisibility() def setCustomAxis(self, axesNames): """Set the available list of named axis which can be set to a value. :param List[str] axesNames: List of customable axis names """ self.__customAxisNames = set(axesNames) self.__updateSliderVisibility() def __axisMappingChanged(self, index): """Called when the selected name change. :param int index: Selected index """ self.__updateSliderVisibility() name = self.axisName() self.axisNameChanged.emit(name) def __updateSliderVisibility(self): """Update the visibility of the slider according to axis names and customable axis names.""" name = self.axisName() isVisible = name == "" or name in self.__customAxisNames self.__slider.setVisible(isVisible) def value(self): """Returns the current selected position in the axis. :rtype: int """ return self.__slider.value() def __sliderValueChanged(self, value): """Called when the selected position in the axis change. :param int value: Position of the axis """ self.valueChanged.emit(value) def setNamedAxisSelectorVisibility(self, visible): """Hide or show the named axis combobox. If both the selector and the slider are hidden, hide the entire widget. :param visible: boolean """ self.__axes.setVisible(visible) name = self.axisName() if not visible and name != "": self.setVisible(False) else: self.setVisible(True) class NumpyAxesSelector(qt.QWidget): """Widget to select a view from a numpy array. .. image:: img/NumpyAxesSelector.png The widget is set with an input data using :meth:`setData`, and a requested output dimension using :meth:`setAxisNames`. Widgets are provided to selected expected input axis, and a slice on the non-selected axis. The final selected array can be reached using the getter :meth:`selectedData`, and the event `selectionChanged`. If the input data is a HDF5 Dataset, the selected output data will be a new numpy array. """ dataChanged = qt.Signal() """Emitted when the input data change""" selectedAxisChanged = qt.Signal() """Emitted when the selected axis change""" selectionChanged = qt.Signal() """Emitted when the selected data change""" customAxisChanged = qt.Signal(str, int) """Emitted when a custom axis change""" def __init__(self, parent=None): """Constructor :param parent: Parent of the widget """ super(NumpyAxesSelector, self).__init__(parent) self.__data = None self.__selectedData = None self.__selection = tuple() self.__axis = [] self.__axisNames = [] self.__customAxisNames = set([]) self.__namedAxesVisibility = True layout = qt.QVBoxLayout(self) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.setSizeConstraint(qt.QLayout.SetMinAndMaxSize) self.setLayout(layout) def clear(self): """Clear the widget.""" self.setData(None) def setAxisNames(self, axesNames): """Set the axis names of the output selected data. Axis names are defined from slower to faster axis. The size of the list will constrain the dimension of the resulting array. :param List[str] axesNames: List of distinct strings identifying axis names """ self.__axisNames = list(axesNames) assert len(set(self.__axisNames)) == len(self.__axisNames),\ "Non-unique axes names: %s" % self.__axisNames delta = len(self.__axis) - len(self.__axisNames) if delta < 0: delta = 0 for index, axis in enumerate(self.__axis): previous = axis.blockSignals(True) axis.setAxisNames(self.__axisNames) if index >= delta and index - delta < len(self.__axisNames): axis.setAxisName(self.__axisNames[index - delta]) else: axis.setAxisName("") axis.blockSignals(previous) self.__updateSelectedData() def setCustomAxis(self, axesNames): """Set the available list of named axis which can be set to a value. :param List[str] axesNames: List of customable axis names """ self.__customAxisNames = set(axesNames) for axis in self.__axis: axis.setCustomAxis(self.__customAxisNames) def setData(self, data): """Set the input data unsed by the widget. :param numpy.ndarray data: The input data """ if self.__data is not None: # clean up for widget in self.__axis: self.layout().removeWidget(widget) widget.deleteLater() self.__axis = [] self.__data = data if data is not None: # create expected axes dimensionNumber = len(data.shape) delta = dimensionNumber - len(self.__axisNames) for index in range(dimensionNumber): axis = _Axis(self) axis.setAxis(index, 0, data.shape[index]) axis.setAxisNames(self.__axisNames) axis.setCustomAxis(self.__customAxisNames) if index >= delta and index - delta < len(self.__axisNames): axis.setAxisName(self.__axisNames[index - delta]) # this weak method was expected to be able to delete sub widget callback = functools.partial(silx.utils.weakref.WeakMethodProxy(self.__axisValueChanged), axis) axis.valueChanged.connect(callback) # this weak method was expected to be able to delete sub widget callback = functools.partial(silx.utils.weakref.WeakMethodProxy(self.__axisNameChanged), axis) axis.axisNameChanged.connect(callback) axis.setNamedAxisSelectorVisibility(self.__namedAxesVisibility) self.layout().addWidget(axis) self.__axis.append(axis) self.__normalizeAxisGeometry() self.dataChanged.emit() self.__updateSelectedData() def __normalizeAxisGeometry(self): """Update axes geometry to align all axes components together.""" if len(self.__axis) <= 0: return lineEditWidth = max([a.slider().lineEdit().minimumSize().width() for a in self.__axis]) limitWidth = max([a.slider().limitWidget().minimumSizeHint().width() for a in self.__axis]) for a in self.__axis: a.slider().lineEdit().setFixedWidth(lineEditWidth) a.slider().limitWidget().setFixedWidth(limitWidth) def __axisValueChanged(self, axis, value): name = axis.axisName() if name in self.__customAxisNames: self.customAxisChanged.emit(name, value) else: self.__updateSelectedData() def __axisNameChanged(self, axis, name): """Called when an axis name change. :param _Axis axis: The changed axis :param str name: The new name of the axis """ names = [x.axisName() for x in self.__axis] missingName = set(self.__axisNames) - set(names) - set("") if len(missingName) == 0: missingName = None elif len(missingName) == 1: missingName = list(missingName)[0] else: raise Exception("Unexpected state") axisChanged = True if axis.axisName() == "": # set the removed label to another widget if it is possible availableWidget = None for widget in self.__axis: if widget is axis: continue if widget.axisName() == "": availableWidget = widget break if availableWidget is None: # If there is no other solution we set the name at the same place axisChanged = False availableWidget = axis previous = availableWidget.blockSignals(True) availableWidget.setAxisName(missingName) availableWidget.blockSignals(previous) else: # there is a duplicated name somewhere # we swap it with the missing name or with nothing dupWidget = None for widget in self.__axis: if widget is axis: continue if widget.axisName() == axis.axisName(): dupWidget = widget break if missingName is None: missingName = "" previous = dupWidget.blockSignals(True) dupWidget.setAxisName(missingName) dupWidget.blockSignals(previous) if self.__data is None: return if axisChanged: self.selectedAxisChanged.emit() self.__updateSelectedData() def __updateSelectedData(self): """Update the selected data according to the state of the widget. It fires a `selectionChanged` event. """ if self.__data is None: if self.__selectedData is not None: self.__selectedData = None self.__selection = tuple() self.selectionChanged.emit() return selection = [] axisNames = [] for slider in self.__axis: name = slider.axisName() if name == "": selection.append(slider.value()) else: selection.append(slice(None)) axisNames.append(name) self.__selection = tuple(selection) # get a view with few fixed dimensions # with a h5py dataset, it create a copy # TODO we can reuse the same memory in case of a copy view = self.__data[self.__selection] if set(self.__axisNames) - set(axisNames) != set([]): # Not all the expected axis are there if self.__selectedData is not None: self.__selectedData = None self.__selection = tuple() self.selectionChanged.emit() return # order axis as expected source = [] destination = [] order = [] for index, name in enumerate(self.__axisNames): destination.append(index) source.append(axisNames.index(name)) for _, s in sorted(zip(destination, source)): order.append(s) view = numpy.transpose(view, order) self.__selectedData = view self.selectionChanged.emit() def data(self): """Returns the input data. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return self.__data def selectedData(self): """Returns the output data. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return self.__selectedData def selection(self): """Returns the selection tuple used to slice the data. :rtype: tuple """ return self.__selection def setNamedAxesSelectorVisibility(self, visible): """Show or hide the combo-boxes allowing to map the plot axes to the data dimension. :param visible: Boolean """ self.__namedAxesVisibility = visible for axis in self.__axis: axis.setNamedAxisSelectorVisibility(visible)