# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2016 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """ This module contains utilitaries used by other dialog modules. """ __authors__ = ["V. Valls"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "06/02/2018" try: import fabio except ImportError: fabio = None import silx.io from silx.gui import qt class Codec(object): def __init__(self, any_fabio=False, any_silx=False, fabio_codec=None, auto=False): self.__any_fabio = any_fabio self.__any_silx = any_silx self.fabio_codec = fabio_codec self.__auto = auto def is_autodetect(self): return self.__auto def is_fabio_codec(self): return self.__any_fabio or self.fabio_codec is not None def is_silx_codec(self): return self.__any_silx class FileTypeComboBox(qt.QComboBox): """ A combobox providing all image file formats supported by fabio and silx. It provides access for each fabio codecs individually. """ EXTENSIONS_ROLE = qt.Qt.UserRole + 1 CODEC_ROLE = qt.Qt.UserRole + 2 INDENTATION = u"\u2022 " def __init__(self, parent=None): qt.QComboBox.__init__(self, parent) self.__fabioUrlSupported = True self.__initItems() def setFabioUrlSupproted(self, isSupported): if self.__fabioUrlSupported == isSupported: return self.__fabioUrlSupported = isSupported self.__initItems() def __initItems(self): self.clear() if fabio is not None and self.__fabioUrlSupported: self.__insertFabioFormats() self.__insertSilxFormats() self.__insertAllSupported() self.__insertAnyFiles() def __insertAnyFiles(self): index = self.count() self.addItem("All files (*)") self.setItemData(index, ["*"], role=self.EXTENSIONS_ROLE) self.setItemData(index, Codec(auto=True), role=self.CODEC_ROLE) def __insertAllSupported(self): allExtensions = set([]) for index in range(self.count()): ext = self.itemExtensions(index) allExtensions.update(ext) allExtensions = allExtensions - set("*") list(sorted(list(allExtensions))) index = 0 self.insertItem(index, "All supported files") self.setItemData(index, allExtensions, role=self.EXTENSIONS_ROLE) self.setItemData(index, Codec(auto=True), role=self.CODEC_ROLE) def __insertSilxFormats(self): formats = silx.io.supported_extensions() extensions = [] allExtensions = set([]) for description, ext in formats.items(): allExtensions.update(ext) if ext == []: ext = ["*"] extensions.append((description, ext, "silx")) extensions = list(sorted(extensions)) allExtensions = list(sorted(list(allExtensions))) index = self.count() self.addItem("All supported files, using Silx") self.setItemData(index, allExtensions, role=self.EXTENSIONS_ROLE) self.setItemData(index, Codec(any_silx=True), role=self.CODEC_ROLE) for e in extensions: index = self.count() if len(e[1]) < 10: self.addItem("%s%s (%s)" % (self.INDENTATION, e[0], " ".join(e[1]))) else: self.addItem("%s%s" % (self.INDENTATION, e[0])) codec = Codec(any_silx=True) self.setItemData(index, e[1], role=self.EXTENSIONS_ROLE) self.setItemData(index, codec, role=self.CODEC_ROLE) def __insertFabioFormats(self): formats = fabio.fabioformats.get_classes(reader=True) extensions = [] allExtensions = set([]) for reader in formats: if not hasattr(reader, "DESCRIPTION"): continue if not hasattr(reader, "DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS"): continue ext = reader.DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS ext = ["*.%s" % e for e in ext] allExtensions.update(ext) if ext == []: ext = ["*"] extensions.append((reader.DESCRIPTION, ext, reader.codec_name())) extensions = list(sorted(extensions)) allExtensions = list(sorted(list(allExtensions))) index = self.count() self.addItem("All supported files, using Fabio") self.setItemData(index, allExtensions, role=self.EXTENSIONS_ROLE) self.setItemData(index, Codec(any_fabio=True), role=self.CODEC_ROLE) for e in extensions: index = self.count() if len(e[1]) < 10: self.addItem("%s%s (%s)" % (self.INDENTATION, e[0], " ".join(e[1]))) else: self.addItem(e[0]) codec = Codec(fabio_codec=e[2]) self.setItemData(index, e[1], role=self.EXTENSIONS_ROLE) self.setItemData(index, codec, role=self.CODEC_ROLE) def itemExtensions(self, index): """Returns the extensions associated to an index.""" result = self.itemData(index, self.EXTENSIONS_ROLE) if result is None: result = None return result def currentExtensions(self): """Returns the current selected extensions.""" index = self.currentIndex() return self.itemExtensions(index) def indexFromCodec(self, codecName): for i in range(self.count()): codec = self.itemCodec(i) if codecName == "auto": if codec.is_autodetect(): return i elif codecName == "silx": if codec.is_silx_codec(): return i elif codecName == "fabio": if codec.is_fabio_codec() and codec.fabio_codec is None: return i elif codecName == codec.fabio_codec: return i return -1 def itemCodec(self, index): """Returns the codec associated to an index.""" result = self.itemData(index, self.CODEC_ROLE) if result is None: result = None return result def currentCodec(self): """Returns the current selected codec. None if nothing selected or if the item is not a codec""" index = self.currentIndex() return self.itemCodec(index)