# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2016 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """ This module contains an :class:`ImageFileDialog`. """ __authors__ = ["V. Valls"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "12/02/2018" import logging from silx.gui.plot import actions from silx.gui import qt from silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget import PlotWidget from .AbstractDataFileDialog import AbstractDataFileDialog import silx.io import fabio _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class _ImageSelection(qt.QWidget): """Provide a widget allowing to select an image from an hypercube by selecting a slice.""" selectionChanged = qt.Signal() """Emitted when the selection change.""" def __init__(self, parent=None): qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.__shape = None self.__axis = [] layout = qt.QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(layout) def hasVisibleSelectors(self): return self.__visibleSliders > 0 def isUsed(self): if self.__shape is None: return None return len(self.__shape) > 2 def getSelectedData(self, data): slicing = self.slicing() image = data[slicing] return image def setData(self, data): shape = data.shape if self.__shape is not None: # clean up for widget in self.__axis: self.layout().removeWidget(widget) widget.deleteLater() self.__axis = [] self.__shape = shape self.__visibleSliders = 0 if shape is not None: # create expected axes for index in range(len(shape) - 2): axis = qt.QSlider(self) axis.setMinimum(0) axis.setMaximum(shape[index] - 1) axis.setOrientation(qt.Qt.Horizontal) if shape[index] == 1: axis.setVisible(False) else: self.__visibleSliders += 1 axis.valueChanged.connect(self.__axisValueChanged) self.layout().addWidget(axis) self.__axis.append(axis) self.selectionChanged.emit() def __axisValueChanged(self): self.selectionChanged.emit() def slicing(self): slicing = [] for axes in self.__axis: slicing.append(axes.value()) return tuple(slicing) def setSlicing(self, slicing): for i, value in enumerate(slicing): if i > len(self.__axis): break self.__axis[i].setValue(value) class _ImagePreview(qt.QWidget): """Provide a preview of the selected image""" def __init__(self, parent=None): super(_ImagePreview, self).__init__(parent) self.__data = None self.__plot = PlotWidget(self) self.__plot.setAxesDisplayed(False) self.__plot.setKeepDataAspectRatio(True) layout = qt.QVBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(self.__plot) self.setLayout(layout) def resizeEvent(self, event): self.__updateConstraints() return qt.QWidget.resizeEvent(self, event) def sizeHint(self): return qt.QSize(200, 200) def plot(self): return self.__plot def setData(self, data, fromDataSelector=False): if data is None: self.clear() return resetzoom = not fromDataSelector previousImage = self.data() if previousImage is not None and data.shape != previousImage.shape: resetzoom = True self.__plot.addImage(legend="data", data=data, resetzoom=resetzoom) self.__data = data self.__updateConstraints() def __updateConstraints(self): """ Update the constraints depending on the size of the widget """ image = self.data() if image is None: return size = self.size() if size.width() == 0 or size.height() == 0: return heightData, widthData = image.shape widthContraint = heightData * size.width() / size.height() if widthContraint > widthData: heightContraint = heightData else: heightContraint = heightData * size.height() / size.width() widthContraint = widthData midWidth, midHeight = widthData * 0.5, heightData * 0.5 heightContraint, widthContraint = heightContraint * 0.5, widthContraint * 0.5 axis = self.__plot.getXAxis() axis.setLimitsConstraints(midWidth - widthContraint, midWidth + widthContraint) axis = self.__plot.getYAxis() axis.setLimitsConstraints(midHeight - heightContraint, midHeight + heightContraint) def __imageItem(self): image = self.__plot.getImage("data") return image def data(self): if self.__data is not None: if hasattr(self.__data, "name"): # in case of HDF5 if self.__data.name is None: # The dataset was closed self.__data = None return self.__data def colormap(self): image = self.__imageItem() if image is not None: return image.getColormap() return self.__plot.getDefaultColormap() def setColormap(self, colormap): self.__plot.setDefaultColormap(colormap) def clear(self): self.__data = None image = self.__imageItem() if image is not None: self.__plot.removeImage(legend="data") class ImageFileDialog(AbstractDataFileDialog): """The `ImageFileDialog` class provides a dialog that allow users to select an image from a file. The `ImageFileDialog` class enables a user to traverse the file system in order to select one file. Then to traverse the file to select a frame or a slice of a dataset. .. image:: img/imagefiledialog_h5.png It supports fast access to image files using `FabIO`. Which is not the case of the default silx API. Image files still also can be available using the NeXus layout, by editing the file type combo box. .. image:: img/imagefiledialog_edf.png The selected data is an numpy array with 2 dimension. Using an `ImageFileDialog` can be done like that. .. code-block:: python dialog = ImageFileDialog() result = dialog.exec_() if result: print("Selection:") print(dialog.selectedFile()) print(dialog.selectedUrl()) print(dialog.selectedImage()) else: print("Nothing selected") """ def selectedImage(self): """Returns the selected image data as numpy :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ url = self.selectedUrl() return silx.io.get_data(url) def _createPreviewWidget(self, parent): previewWidget = _ImagePreview(parent) previewWidget.setSizePolicy(qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding) return previewWidget def _createSelectorWidget(self, parent): return _ImageSelection(parent) def _createPreviewToolbar(self, parent, dataPreviewWidget, dataSelectorWidget): plot = dataPreviewWidget.plot() toolbar = qt.QToolBar(parent) toolbar.setIconSize(qt.QSize(16, 16)) toolbar.setStyleSheet("QToolBar { border: 0px }") toolbar.addAction(actions.mode.ZoomModeAction(plot, parent)) toolbar.addAction(actions.mode.PanModeAction(plot, parent)) toolbar.addSeparator() toolbar.addAction(actions.control.ResetZoomAction(plot, parent)) toolbar.addSeparator() toolbar.addAction(actions.control.ColormapAction(plot, parent)) return toolbar def _isDataSupportable(self, data): """Check if the selected data can be supported at one point. If true, the data selector will be checked and it will update the data preview. Else the selecting is disabled. :rtype: bool """ if not hasattr(data, "dtype"): # It is not an HDF5 dataset nor a fabio image wrapper return False if data is None or data.shape is None: return False if data.dtype.kind not in set(["f", "u", "i", "b"]): return False dim = len(data.shape) return dim >= 2 def _isFabioFilesSupported(self): return True def _isDataSupported(self, data): """Check if the data can be returned by the dialog. If true, this data can be returned by the dialog and the open button while be enabled. If false the button will be disabled. :rtype: bool """ dim = len(data.shape) return dim == 2 def _displayedDataInfo(self, dataBeforeSelection, dataAfterSelection): """Returns the text displayed under the data preview. This zone is used to display error in case or problem of data selection or problems with IO. :param numpy.ndarray dataAfterSelection: Data as it is after the selection widget (basically the data from the preview widget) :param numpy.ndarray dataAfterSelection: Data as it is before the selection widget (basically the data from the browsing widget) :rtype: bool """ destination = self.__formatShape(dataAfterSelection.shape) source = self.__formatShape(dataBeforeSelection.shape) return u"%s \u2192 %s" % (source, destination) def __formatShape(self, shape): result = [] for s in shape: if isinstance(s, slice): v = u"\u2026" else: v = str(s) result.append(v) return u" \u00D7 ".join(result)