# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2016 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """ This module contains an :class:`SafeFileSystemModel`. """ __authors__ = ["V. Valls"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "22/11/2017" import sys import os.path import logging import weakref from silx.gui import qt from silx.third_party import six from .SafeFileIconProvider import SafeFileIconProvider _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class _Item(object): def __init__(self, fileInfo): self.__fileInfo = fileInfo self.__parent = None self.__children = None self.__absolutePath = None def isDrive(self): if sys.platform == "win32": return self.parent().parent() is None else: return False def isRoot(self): return self.parent() is None def isFile(self): """ Returns true if the path is a file. It avoid to access to the `Qt.QFileInfo` in case the file is a drive. """ if self.isDrive(): return False return self.__fileInfo.isFile() def isDir(self): """ Returns true if the path is a directory. The default `qt.QFileInfo.isDir` can freeze the file system with network drives. This function avoid the freeze in case of browsing the root. """ if self.isDrive(): # A drive is a directory, we don't have to synchronize the # drive to know that return True return self.__fileInfo.isDir() def absoluteFilePath(self): """ Returns an absolute path including the file name. This function uses in most cases the default `qt.QFileInfo.absoluteFilePath`. But it is known to freeze the file system with network drives. This function uses `qt.QFileInfo.filePath` in case of root drives, to avoid this kind of issues. In case of drive, the result is the same, while the file path is already absolute. :rtype: str """ if self.__absolutePath is None: if self.isRoot(): path = "" elif self.isDrive(): path = self.__fileInfo.filePath() else: path = os.path.join(self.parent().absoluteFilePath(), self.__fileInfo.fileName()) if path == "": return "/" self.__absolutePath = path return self.__absolutePath def child(self): self.populate() return self.__children def childAt(self, position): self.populate() return self.__children[position] def childCount(self): self.populate() return len(self.__children) def indexOf(self, item): self.populate() return self.__children.index(item) def parent(self): parent = self.__parent if parent is None: return None return parent() def filePath(self): return self.__fileInfo.filePath() def fileName(self): if self.isDrive(): name = self.absoluteFilePath() if name[-1] == "/": name = name[:-1] return name return os.path.basename(self.absoluteFilePath()) def fileInfo(self): """ Returns the Qt file info. :rtype: Qt.QFileInfo """ return self.__fileInfo def _setParent(self, parent): self.__parent = weakref.ref(parent) def findChildrenByPath(self, path): if path == "": return self path = path.replace("\\", "/") if path[-1] == "/": path = path[:-1] names = path.split("/") caseSensitive = qt.QFSFileEngine(path).caseSensitive() count = len(names) cursor = self for name in names: for item in cursor.child(): if caseSensitive: same = item.fileName() == name else: same = item.fileName().lower() == name.lower() if same: cursor = item count -= 1 break else: return None if count == 0: break else: return None return cursor def populate(self): if self.__children is not None: return self.__children = [] if self.isRoot(): items = qt.QDir.drives() else: directory = qt.QDir(self.absoluteFilePath()) filters = qt.QDir.AllEntries | qt.QDir.Hidden | qt.QDir.System items = directory.entryInfoList(filters) for fileInfo in items: i = _Item(fileInfo) self.__children.append(i) i._setParent(self) class _RawFileSystemModel(qt.QAbstractItemModel): """ This class implement a file system model and try to avoid freeze. On Qt4, :class:`qt.QFileSystemModel` is known to freeze the file system when network drives are available. To avoid this behaviour, this class does not use `qt.QFileInfo.absoluteFilePath` nor `qt.QFileInfo.canonicalPath` to reach information on drives. This model do not take care of sorting and filtering. This features are managed by another model, by composition. And because it is the end of life of Qt4, we do not implement asynchronous loading of files as it is done by :class:`qt.QFileSystemModel`, nor some useful features. """ __directoryLoadedSync = qt.Signal(str) """This signal is connected asynchronously to a slot. It allows to emit directoryLoaded as an asynchronous signal.""" directoryLoaded = qt.Signal(str) """This signal is emitted when the gatherer thread has finished to load the path.""" rootPathChanged = qt.Signal(str) """This signal is emitted whenever the root path has been changed to a newPath.""" NAME_COLUMN = 0 SIZE_COLUMN = 1 TYPE_COLUMN = 2 LAST_MODIFIED_COLUMN = 3 def __init__(self, parent=None): qt.QAbstractItemModel.__init__(self, parent) self.__computer = _Item(qt.QFileInfo()) self.__header = "Name", "Size", "Type", "Last modification" self.__currentPath = "" self.__iconProvider = SafeFileIconProvider() self.__directoryLoadedSync.connect(self.__emitDirectoryLoaded, qt.Qt.QueuedConnection) def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=qt.Qt.DisplayRole): if orientation == qt.Qt.Horizontal: if role == qt.Qt.DisplayRole: return self.__header[section] if role == qt.Qt.TextAlignmentRole: return qt.Qt.AlignRight if section == 1 else qt.Qt.AlignLeft return None def flags(self, index): if not index.isValid(): return 0 return qt.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | qt.Qt.ItemIsSelectable def columnCount(self, parent=qt.QModelIndex()): return len(self.__header) def rowCount(self, parent=qt.QModelIndex()): item = self.__getItem(parent) return item.childCount() def data(self, index, role=qt.Qt.DisplayRole): if not index.isValid(): return None column = index.column() if role in [qt.Qt.DisplayRole, qt.Qt.EditRole]: if column == self.NAME_COLUMN: return self.__displayName(index) elif column == self.SIZE_COLUMN: return self.size(index) elif column == self.TYPE_COLUMN: return self.type(index) elif column == self.LAST_MODIFIED_COLUMN: return self.lastModified(index) else: _logger.warning("data: invalid display value column %d", index.column()) elif role == qt.QFileSystemModel.FilePathRole: return self.filePath(index) elif role == qt.QFileSystemModel.FileNameRole: return self.fileName(index) elif role == qt.Qt.DecorationRole: if column == self.NAME_COLUMN: icon = self.fileIcon(index) if icon is None or icon.isNull(): if self.isDir(index): self.__iconProvider.icon(qt.QFileIconProvider.Folder) else: self.__iconProvider.icon(qt.QFileIconProvider.File) return icon elif role == qt.Qt.TextAlignmentRole: if column == self.SIZE_COLUMN: return qt.Qt.AlignRight elif role == qt.QFileSystemModel.FilePermissions: return self.permissions(index) return None def index(self, *args, **kwargs): path_api = False path_api |= len(args) >= 1 and isinstance(args[0], six.string_types) path_api |= "path" in kwargs if path_api: return self.__indexFromPath(*args, **kwargs) else: return self.__index(*args, **kwargs) def __index(self, row, column, parent=qt.QModelIndex()): if parent.isValid() and parent.column() != 0: return None parentItem = self.__getItem(parent) item = parentItem.childAt(row) return self.createIndex(row, column, item) def __indexFromPath(self, path, column=0): """ Uses the index(str) C++ API :rtype: qt.QModelIndex """ if path == "": return qt.QModelIndex() item = self.__computer.findChildrenByPath(path) if item is None: return qt.QModelIndex() return self.createIndex(item.parent().indexOf(item), column, item) def parent(self, index): if not index.isValid(): return qt.QModelIndex() item = self.__getItem(index) if index is None: return qt.QModelIndex() parent = item.parent() if parent is None or parent is self.__computer: return qt.QModelIndex() return self.createIndex(parent.parent().indexOf(parent), 0, parent) def __emitDirectoryLoaded(self, path): self.directoryLoaded.emit(path) def __emitRootPathChanged(self, path): self.rootPathChanged.emit(path) def __getItem(self, index): if not index.isValid(): return self.__computer item = index.internalPointer() return item def fileIcon(self, index): item = self.__getItem(index) if self.__iconProvider is not None: fileInfo = item.fileInfo() result = self.__iconProvider.icon(fileInfo) else: style = qt.QApplication.instance().style() if item.isRoot(): result = style.standardIcon(qt.QStyle.SP_ComputerIcon) elif item.isDrive(): result = style.standardIcon(qt.QStyle.SP_DriveHDIcon) elif item.isDir(): result = style.standardIcon(qt.QStyle.SP_DirIcon) else: result = style.standardIcon(qt.QStyle.SP_FileIcon) return result def _item(self, index): item = self.__getItem(index) return item def fileInfo(self, index): item = self.__getItem(index) result = item.fileInfo() return result def __fileIcon(self, index): item = self.__getItem(index) result = item.fileName() return result def __displayName(self, index): item = self.__getItem(index) result = item.fileName() return result def fileName(self, index): item = self.__getItem(index) result = item.fileName() return result def filePath(self, index): item = self.__getItem(index) result = item.fileInfo().filePath() return result def isDir(self, index): item = self.__getItem(index) result = item.isDir() return result def lastModified(self, index): item = self.__getItem(index) result = item.fileInfo().lastModified() return result def permissions(self, index): item = self.__getItem(index) result = item.fileInfo().permissions() return result def size(self, index): item = self.__getItem(index) result = item.fileInfo().size() return result def type(self, index): item = self.__getItem(index) if self.__iconProvider is not None: fileInfo = item.fileInfo() result = self.__iconProvider.type(fileInfo) else: if item.isRoot(): result = "Computer" elif item.isDrive(): result = "Drive" elif item.isDir(): result = "Directory" else: fileInfo = item.fileInfo() result = fileInfo.suffix() return result # File manipulation # bool remove(const QModelIndex & index) const # bool rmdir(const QModelIndex & index) const # QModelIndex mkdir(const QModelIndex & parent, const QString & name) # Configuration def rootDirectory(self): return qt.QDir(self.rootPath()) def rootPath(self): return self.__currentPath def setRootPath(self, path): if self.__currentPath == path: return self.__currentPath = path item = self.__computer.findChildrenByPath(path) self.__emitRootPathChanged(path) if item is None or item.parent() is None: return qt.QModelIndex() index = self.createIndex(item.parent().indexOf(item), 0, item) self.__directoryLoadedSync.emit(path) return index def iconProvider(self): # FIXME: invalidate the model return self.__iconProvider def setIconProvider(self, provider): # FIXME: invalidate the model self.__iconProvider = provider # bool resolveSymlinks() const # void setResolveSymlinks(bool enable) def setNameFilterDisables(self, enable): return None def nameFilterDisables(self): return None def myComputer(self, role=qt.Qt.DisplayRole): return None def setNameFilters(self, filters): return def nameFilters(self): return None def filter(self): return self.__filters def setFilter(self, filters): return def setReadOnly(self, enable): assert(enable is True) def isReadOnly(self): return False class SafeFileSystemModel(qt.QSortFilterProxyModel): """ This class implement a file system model and try to avoid freeze. On Qt4, :class:`qt.QFileSystemModel` is known to freeze the file system when network drives are available. To avoid this behaviour, this class does not use `qt.QFileInfo.absoluteFilePath` nor `qt.QFileInfo.canonicalPath` to reach information on drives. And because it is the end of life of Qt4, we do not implement asynchronous loading of files as it is done by :class:`qt.QFileSystemModel`, nor some useful features. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): qt.QSortFilterProxyModel.__init__(self, parent=parent) self.__nameFilterDisables = sys.platform == "darwin" self.__nameFilters = [] self.__filters = qt.QDir.AllEntries | qt.QDir.NoDotAndDotDot | qt.QDir.AllDirs sourceModel = _RawFileSystemModel(self) self.setSourceModel(sourceModel) @property def directoryLoaded(self): return self.sourceModel().directoryLoaded @property def rootPathChanged(self): return self.sourceModel().rootPathChanged def index(self, *args, **kwargs): path_api = False path_api |= len(args) >= 1 and isinstance(args[0], six.string_types) path_api |= "path" in kwargs if path_api: return self.__indexFromPath(*args, **kwargs) else: return self.__index(*args, **kwargs) def __index(self, row, column, parent=qt.QModelIndex()): return qt.QSortFilterProxyModel.index(self, row, column, parent) def __indexFromPath(self, path, column=0): """ Uses the index(str) C++ API :rtype: qt.QModelIndex """ if path == "": return qt.QModelIndex() index = self.sourceModel().index(path, column) index = self.mapFromSource(index) return index def lessThan(self, leftSourceIndex, rightSourceIndex): sourceModel = self.sourceModel() sortColumn = self.sortColumn() if sortColumn == _RawFileSystemModel.NAME_COLUMN: leftItem = sourceModel._item(leftSourceIndex) rightItem = sourceModel._item(rightSourceIndex) if sys.platform != "darwin": # Sort directories before files leftIsDir = leftItem.isDir() rightIsDir = rightItem.isDir() if leftIsDir ^ rightIsDir: return leftIsDir return leftItem.fileName().lower() < rightItem.fileName().lower() elif sortColumn == _RawFileSystemModel.SIZE_COLUMN: left = sourceModel.fileInfo(leftSourceIndex) right = sourceModel.fileInfo(rightSourceIndex) return left.size() < right.size() elif sortColumn == _RawFileSystemModel.TYPE_COLUMN: left = sourceModel.type(leftSourceIndex) right = sourceModel.type(rightSourceIndex) return left < right elif sortColumn == _RawFileSystemModel.LAST_MODIFIED_COLUMN: left = sourceModel.fileInfo(leftSourceIndex) right = sourceModel.fileInfo(rightSourceIndex) return left.lastModified() < right.lastModified() else: _logger.warning("Unsupported sorted column %d", sortColumn) return False def __filtersAccepted(self, item, filters): """ Check individual flag filters. """ if not (filters & (qt.QDir.Dirs | qt.QDir.AllDirs)): # Hide dirs if item.isDir(): return False if not (filters & qt.QDir.Files): # Hide files if item.isFile(): return False if not (filters & qt.QDir.Drives): # Hide drives if item.isDrive(): return False fileInfo = item.fileInfo() if fileInfo is None: return False filterPermissions = (filters & qt.QDir.PermissionMask) != 0 if filterPermissions and (filters & (qt.QDir.Dirs | qt.QDir.Files)): if (filters & qt.QDir.Readable): # Hide unreadable if not fileInfo.isReadable(): return False if (filters & qt.QDir.Writable): # Hide unwritable if not fileInfo.isWritable(): return False if (filters & qt.QDir.Executable): # Hide unexecutable if not fileInfo.isExecutable(): return False if (filters & qt.QDir.NoSymLinks): # Hide sym links if fileInfo.isSymLink(): return False if not (filters & qt.QDir.System): # Hide system if not item.isDir() and not item.isFile(): return False fileName = item.fileName() isDot = fileName == "." isDotDot = fileName == ".." if not (filters & qt.QDir.Hidden): # Hide hidden if not (isDot or isDotDot) and fileInfo.isHidden(): return False if filters & (qt.QDir.NoDot | qt.QDir.NoDotDot | qt.QDir.NoDotAndDotDot): # Hide parent/self references if filters & qt.QDir.NoDot: if isDot: return False if filters & qt.QDir.NoDotDot: if isDotDot: return False if filters & qt.QDir.NoDotAndDotDot: if isDot or isDotDot: return False return True def filterAcceptsRow(self, sourceRow, sourceParent): if not sourceParent.isValid(): return True sourceModel = self.sourceModel() index = sourceModel.index(sourceRow, 0, sourceParent) if not index.isValid(): return True item = sourceModel._item(index) filters = self.__filters if item.isDrive(): # Let say a user always have access to a drive # It avoid to access to fileInfo then avoid to freeze the file # system return True if not self.__filtersAccepted(item, filters): return False if self.__nameFilterDisables: return True if item.isDir() and (filters & qt.QDir.AllDirs): # dont apply the filters to directory names return True return self.__nameFiltersAccepted(item) def __nameFiltersAccepted(self, item): if len(self.__nameFilters) == 0: return True fileName = item.fileName() for reg in self.__nameFilters: if reg.exactMatch(fileName): return True return False def setNameFilterDisables(self, enable): self.__nameFilterDisables = enable self.invalidate() def nameFilterDisables(self): return self.__nameFilterDisables def myComputer(self, role=qt.Qt.DisplayRole): return self.sourceModel().myComputer(role) def setNameFilters(self, filters): self.__nameFilters = [] isCaseSensitive = self.__filters & qt.QDir.CaseSensitive caseSensitive = qt.Qt.CaseSensitive if isCaseSensitive else qt.Qt.CaseInsensitive for f in filters: reg = qt.QRegExp(f, caseSensitive, qt.QRegExp.Wildcard) self.__nameFilters.append(reg) self.invalidate() def nameFilters(self): return [f.pattern() for f in self.__nameFilters] def filter(self): return self.__filters def setFilter(self, filters): self.__filters = filters # In case of change of case sensitivity self.setNameFilters(self.nameFilters()) self.invalidate() def setReadOnly(self, enable): assert(enable is True) def isReadOnly(self): return False def rootPath(self): return self.sourceModel().rootPath() def setRootPath(self, path): index = self.sourceModel().setRootPath(path) index = self.mapFromSource(index) return index def flags(self, index): sourceModel = self.sourceModel() index = self.mapToSource(index) filters = sourceModel.flags(index) if self.__nameFilterDisables and not sourceModel.isDir(index): item = sourceModel._item(index) if not self.__nameFiltersAccepted(item): filters &= ~qt.Qt.ItemIsEnabled return filters def fileIcon(self, index): sourceModel = self.sourceModel() index = self.mapToSource(index) return sourceModel.fileIcon(index) def fileInfo(self, index): sourceModel = self.sourceModel() index = self.mapToSource(index) return sourceModel.fileInfo(index) def fileName(self, index): sourceModel = self.sourceModel() index = self.mapToSource(index) return sourceModel.fileName(index) def filePath(self, index): sourceModel = self.sourceModel() index = self.mapToSource(index) return sourceModel.filePath(index) def isDir(self, index): sourceModel = self.sourceModel() index = self.mapToSource(index) return sourceModel.isDir(index) def lastModified(self, index): sourceModel = self.sourceModel() index = self.mapToSource(index) return sourceModel.lastModified(index) def permissions(self, index): sourceModel = self.sourceModel() index = self.mapToSource(index) return sourceModel.permissions(index) def size(self, index): sourceModel = self.sourceModel() index = self.mapToSource(index) return sourceModel.size(index) def type(self, index): sourceModel = self.sourceModel() index = self.mapToSource(index) return sourceModel.type(index)