# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # Copyright (C) 2004-2018 V.A. Sole, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # This file is part of the PyMca X-ray Fluorescence Toolkit developed at # the ESRF by the Software group. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ######################################################################### */ """This module defines widgets used to build a fit configuration dialog. The resulting dialog widget outputs a dictionary of configuration parameters. """ from silx.gui import qt __authors__ = ["P. Knobel"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "30/11/2016" class TabsDialog(qt.QDialog): """Dialog widget containing a QTabWidget :attr:`tabWidget` and a buttons: # - buttonHelp - buttonDefaults - buttonOk - buttonCancel This dialog defines a __len__ returning the number of tabs, and an __iter__ method yielding the tab widgets. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): qt.QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.tabWidget = qt.QTabWidget(self) layout = qt.QVBoxLayout(self) layout.addWidget(self.tabWidget) layout2 = qt.QHBoxLayout(None) # self.buttonHelp = qt.QPushButton(self) # self.buttonHelp.setText("Help") # layout2.addWidget(self.buttonHelp) self.buttonDefault = qt.QPushButton(self) self.buttonDefault.setText("Undo changes") layout2.addWidget(self.buttonDefault) spacer = qt.QSpacerItem(20, 20, qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, qt.QSizePolicy.Minimum) layout2.addItem(spacer) self.buttonOk = qt.QPushButton(self) self.buttonOk.setText("OK") layout2.addWidget(self.buttonOk) self.buttonCancel = qt.QPushButton(self) self.buttonCancel.setText("Cancel") layout2.addWidget(self.buttonCancel) layout.addLayout(layout2) self.buttonOk.clicked.connect(self.accept) self.buttonCancel.clicked.connect(self.reject) def __len__(self): """Return number of tabs""" return self.tabWidget.count() def __iter__(self): """Return the next tab widget in :attr:`tabWidget` every time this method is called. :return: Tab widget :rtype: QWidget """ for widget_index in range(len(self)): yield self.tabWidget.widget(widget_index) def addTab(self, page, label): """Add a new tab :param page: Content of new page. Must be a widget with a get() method returning a dictionary. :param str label: Tab label """ self.tabWidget.addTab(page, label) def getTabLabels(self): """ Return a list of all tab labels in :attr:`tabWidget` """ return [self.tabWidget.tabText(i) for i in range(len(self))] class TabsDialogData(TabsDialog): """This dialog adds a data attribute to :class:`TabsDialog`. Data input in widgets, such as text entries or checkboxes, is stored in an attribute :attr:`output` when the user clicks the OK button. A default dictionary can be supplied when this dialog is initialized, to be used as default data for :attr:`output`. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, modal=True, default=None): """ :param parent: Parent :class:`QWidget` :param modal: If `True`, dialog is modal, meaning this dialog remains in front of it's parent window and disables it until the user is done interacting with the dialog :param default: Default dictionary, used to initialize and reset :attr:`output`. """ TabsDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.setModal(modal) self.setWindowTitle("Fit configuration") self.output = {} self.default = {} if default is None else default self.buttonDefault.clicked.connect(self._resetDefault) # self.keyPressEvent(qt.Qt.Key_Enter). def keyPressEvent(self, event): """Redefining this method to ignore Enter key (for some reason it activates buttonDefault callback which resets all widgets) """ if event.key() in [qt.Qt.Key_Enter, qt.Qt.Key_Return]: return TabsDialog.keyPressEvent(self, event) def accept(self): """When *OK* is clicked, update :attr:`output` with data from various widgets """ self.output.update(self.default) # loop over all tab widgets (uses TabsDialog.__iter__) for tabWidget in self: self.output.update(tabWidget.get()) # avoid pathological None cases for key in self.output.keys(): if self.output[key] is None: if key in self.default: self.output[key] = self.default[key] super(TabsDialogData, self).accept() def reject(self): """When the *Cancel* button is clicked, reinitialize :attr:`output` and quit """ self.setDefault() super(TabsDialogData, self).reject() def _resetDefault(self, checked): self.setDefault() def setDefault(self, newdefault=None): """Reinitialize :attr:`output` with :attr:`default` or with new dictionary ``newdefault`` if provided. Call :meth:`setDefault` for each tab widget, if available. """ self.output = {} if newdefault is None: newdefault = self.default else: self.default = newdefault self.output.update(newdefault) for tabWidget in self: if hasattr(tabWidget, "setDefault"): tabWidget.setDefault(self.output) class ConstraintsPage(qt.QGroupBox): """Checkable QGroupBox widget filled with QCheckBox widgets, to configure the fit estimation for standard fit theories. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, title="Set constraints"): super(ConstraintsPage, self).__init__(parent) self.setTitle(title) self.setToolTip("Disable 'Set constraints' to remove all " + "constraints on all fit parameters") self.setCheckable(True) layout = qt.QVBoxLayout(self) self.setLayout(layout) self.positiveHeightCB = qt.QCheckBox("Force positive height/area", self) self.positiveHeightCB.setToolTip("Fit must find positive peaks") layout.addWidget(self.positiveHeightCB) self.positionInIntervalCB = qt.QCheckBox("Force position in interval", self) self.positionInIntervalCB.setToolTip( "Fit must position peak within X limits") layout.addWidget(self.positionInIntervalCB) self.positiveFwhmCB = qt.QCheckBox("Force positive FWHM", self) self.positiveFwhmCB.setToolTip("Fit must find a positive FWHM") layout.addWidget(self.positiveFwhmCB) self.sameFwhmCB = qt.QCheckBox("Force same FWHM for all peaks", self) self.sameFwhmCB.setToolTip("Fit must find same FWHM for all peaks") layout.addWidget(self.sameFwhmCB) self.quotedEtaCB = qt.QCheckBox("Force Eta between 0 and 1", self) self.quotedEtaCB.setToolTip( "Fit must find Eta between 0 and 1 for pseudo-Voigt function") layout.addWidget(self.quotedEtaCB) layout.addStretch() self.setDefault() def setDefault(self, default_dict=None): """Set default state for all widgets. :param default_dict: If a default config dictionary is provided as a parameter, its values are used as default state.""" if default_dict is None: default_dict = {} # this one uses reverse logic: if checked, NoConstraintsFlag must be False self.setChecked( not default_dict.get('NoConstraintsFlag', False)) self.positiveHeightCB.setChecked( default_dict.get('PositiveHeightAreaFlag', True)) self.positionInIntervalCB.setChecked( default_dict.get('QuotedPositionFlag', False)) self.positiveFwhmCB.setChecked( default_dict.get('PositiveFwhmFlag', True)) self.sameFwhmCB.setChecked( default_dict.get('SameFwhmFlag', False)) self.quotedEtaCB.setChecked( default_dict.get('QuotedEtaFlag', False)) def get(self): """Return a dictionary of constraint flags, to be processed by the :meth:`configure` method of the selected fit theory.""" ddict = { 'NoConstraintsFlag': not self.isChecked(), 'PositiveHeightAreaFlag': self.positiveHeightCB.isChecked(), 'QuotedPositionFlag': self.positionInIntervalCB.isChecked(), 'PositiveFwhmFlag': self.positiveFwhmCB.isChecked(), 'SameFwhmFlag': self.sameFwhmCB.isChecked(), 'QuotedEtaFlag': self.quotedEtaCB.isChecked(), } return ddict class SearchPage(qt.QWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(SearchPage, self).__init__(parent) layout = qt.QVBoxLayout(self) self.manualFwhmGB = qt.QGroupBox("Define FWHM manually", self) self.manualFwhmGB.setCheckable(True) self.manualFwhmGB.setToolTip( "If disabled, the FWHM parameter used for peak search is " + "estimated based on the highest peak in the data") layout.addWidget(self.manualFwhmGB) # ------------ GroupBox fwhm-------------------------- layout2 = qt.QHBoxLayout(self.manualFwhmGB) self.manualFwhmGB.setLayout(layout2) label = qt.QLabel("Fwhm Points", self.manualFwhmGB) layout2.addWidget(label) self.fwhmPointsSpin = qt.QSpinBox(self.manualFwhmGB) self.fwhmPointsSpin.setRange(0, 999999) self.fwhmPointsSpin.setToolTip("Typical peak fwhm (number of data points)") layout2.addWidget(self.fwhmPointsSpin) # ---------------------------------------------------- self.manualScalingGB = qt.QGroupBox("Define scaling manually", self) self.manualScalingGB.setCheckable(True) self.manualScalingGB.setToolTip( "If disabled, the Y scaling used for peak search is " + "estimated automatically") layout.addWidget(self.manualScalingGB) # ------------ GroupBox scaling----------------------- layout3 = qt.QHBoxLayout(self.manualScalingGB) self.manualScalingGB.setLayout(layout3) label = qt.QLabel("Y Scaling", self.manualScalingGB) layout3.addWidget(label) self.yScalingEntry = qt.QLineEdit(self.manualScalingGB) self.yScalingEntry.setToolTip( "Data values will be multiplied by this value prior to peak" + " search") self.yScalingEntry.setValidator(qt.QDoubleValidator(self)) layout3.addWidget(self.yScalingEntry) # ---------------------------------------------------- # ------------------- grid layout -------------------- containerWidget = qt.QWidget(self) layout4 = qt.QHBoxLayout(containerWidget) containerWidget.setLayout(layout4) label = qt.QLabel("Sensitivity", containerWidget) layout4.addWidget(label) self.sensitivityEntry = qt.QLineEdit(containerWidget) self.sensitivityEntry.setToolTip( "Peak search sensitivity threshold, expressed as a multiple " + "of the standard deviation of the noise.\nMinimum value is 1 " + "(to be detected, peak must be higher than the estimated noise)") sensivalidator = qt.QDoubleValidator(self) sensivalidator.setBottom(1.0) self.sensitivityEntry.setValidator(sensivalidator) layout4.addWidget(self.sensitivityEntry) # ---------------------------------------------------- layout.addWidget(containerWidget) self.forcePeakPresenceCB = qt.QCheckBox("Force peak presence", self) self.forcePeakPresenceCB.setToolTip( "If peak search algorithm is unsuccessful, place one peak " + "at the maximum of the curve") layout.addWidget(self.forcePeakPresenceCB) layout.addStretch() self.setDefault() def setDefault(self, default_dict=None): """Set default values for all widgets. :param default_dict: If a default config dictionary is provided as a parameter, its values are used as default values.""" if default_dict is None: default_dict = {} self.manualFwhmGB.setChecked( not default_dict.get('AutoFwhm', True)) self.fwhmPointsSpin.setValue( default_dict.get('FwhmPoints', 8)) self.sensitivityEntry.setText( str(default_dict.get('Sensitivity', 1.0))) self.manualScalingGB.setChecked( not default_dict.get('AutoScaling', False)) self.yScalingEntry.setText( str(default_dict.get('Yscaling', 1.0))) self.forcePeakPresenceCB.setChecked( default_dict.get('ForcePeakPresence', False)) def get(self): """Return a dictionary of peak search parameters, to be processed by the :meth:`configure` method of the selected fit theory.""" ddict = { 'AutoFwhm': not self.manualFwhmGB.isChecked(), 'FwhmPoints': self.fwhmPointsSpin.value(), 'Sensitivity': safe_float(self.sensitivityEntry.text()), 'AutoScaling': not self.manualScalingGB.isChecked(), 'Yscaling': safe_float(self.yScalingEntry.text()), 'ForcePeakPresence': self.forcePeakPresenceCB.isChecked() } return ddict class BackgroundPage(qt.QGroupBox): """Background subtraction configuration, specific to fittheories estimation functions.""" def __init__(self, parent=None, title="Subtract strip background prior to estimation"): super(BackgroundPage, self).__init__(parent) self.setTitle(title) self.setCheckable(True) self.setToolTip( "The strip algorithm strips away peaks to compute the " + "background signal.\nAt each iteration, a sample is compared " + "to the average of the two samples at a given distance in both" + " directions,\n and if its value is higher than the average," "it is replaced by the average.") layout = qt.QGridLayout(self) self.setLayout(layout) for i, label_text in enumerate( ["Strip width (in samples)", "Number of iterations", "Strip threshold factor"]): label = qt.QLabel(label_text) layout.addWidget(label, i, 0) self.stripWidthSpin = qt.QSpinBox(self) self.stripWidthSpin.setToolTip( "Width, in number of samples, of the strip operator") self.stripWidthSpin.setRange(1, 999999) layout.addWidget(self.stripWidthSpin, 0, 1) self.numIterationsSpin = qt.QSpinBox(self) self.numIterationsSpin.setToolTip( "Number of iterations of the strip algorithm") self.numIterationsSpin.setRange(1, 999999) layout.addWidget(self.numIterationsSpin, 1, 1) self.thresholdFactorEntry = qt.QLineEdit(self) self.thresholdFactorEntry.setToolTip( "Factor used by the strip algorithm to decide whether a sample" + "value should be stripped.\nThe value must be higher than the " + "average of the 2 samples at +- w times this factor.\n") self.thresholdFactorEntry.setValidator(qt.QDoubleValidator(self)) layout.addWidget(self.thresholdFactorEntry, 2, 1) self.smoothStripGB = qt.QGroupBox("Apply smoothing prior to strip", self) self.smoothStripGB.setCheckable(True) self.smoothStripGB.setToolTip( "Apply a smoothing before subtracting strip background" + " in fit and estimate processes") smoothlayout = qt.QHBoxLayout(self.smoothStripGB) label = qt.QLabel("Smoothing width (Savitsky-Golay)") smoothlayout.addWidget(label) self.smoothingWidthSpin = qt.QSpinBox(self) self.smoothingWidthSpin.setToolTip( "Width parameter for Savitsky-Golay smoothing (number of samples, must be odd)") self.smoothingWidthSpin.setRange(3, 101) self.smoothingWidthSpin.setSingleStep(2) smoothlayout.addWidget(self.smoothingWidthSpin) layout.addWidget(self.smoothStripGB, 3, 0, 1, 2) layout.setRowStretch(4, 1) self.setDefault() def setDefault(self, default_dict=None): """Set default values for all widgets. :param default_dict: If a default config dictionary is provided as a parameter, its values are used as default values.""" if default_dict is None: default_dict = {} self.setChecked( default_dict.get('StripBackgroundFlag', True)) self.stripWidthSpin.setValue( default_dict.get('StripWidth', 2)) self.numIterationsSpin.setValue( default_dict.get('StripIterations', 5000)) self.thresholdFactorEntry.setText( str(default_dict.get('StripThreshold', 1.0))) self.smoothStripGB.setChecked( default_dict.get('SmoothingFlag', False)) self.smoothingWidthSpin.setValue( default_dict.get('SmoothingWidth', 3)) def get(self): """Return a dictionary of background subtraction parameters, to be processed by the :meth:`configure` method of the selected fit theory. """ ddict = { 'StripBackgroundFlag': self.isChecked(), 'StripWidth': self.stripWidthSpin.value(), 'StripIterations': self.numIterationsSpin.value(), 'StripThreshold': safe_float(self.thresholdFactorEntry.text()), 'SmoothingFlag': self.smoothStripGB.isChecked(), 'SmoothingWidth': self.smoothingWidthSpin.value() } return ddict def safe_float(string_, default=1.0): """Convert a string into a float. If the conversion fails, return the default value. """ try: ret = float(string_) except ValueError: return default else: return ret def safe_int(string_, default=1): """Convert a string into a integer. If the conversion fails, return the default value. """ try: ret = int(float(string_)) except ValueError: return default else: return ret def getFitConfigDialog(parent=None, default=None, modal=True): """Instantiate and return a fit configuration dialog, adapted for configuring standard fit theories from :mod:`silx.math.fit.fittheories`. :return: Instance of :class:`TabsDialogData` with 3 tabs: :class:`ConstraintsPage`, :class:`SearchPage` and :class:`BackgroundPage` """ tdd = TabsDialogData(parent=parent, default=default) tdd.addTab(ConstraintsPage(), label="Constraints") tdd.addTab(SearchPage(), label="Peak search") tdd.addTab(BackgroundPage(), label="Background") # apply default to newly added pages tdd.setDefault() return tdd def main(): a = qt.QApplication([]) mw = qt.QMainWindow() mw.show() tdd = getFitConfigDialog(mw, default={"a": 1}) tdd.show() tdd.exec_() print("TabsDialogData result: ", tdd.result()) print("TabsDialogData output: ", tdd.output) a.exec_() if __name__ == "__main__": main()