# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2017 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """This package provides a class sharred by widgets to format HDF5 data as text.""" __authors__ = ["V. Valls"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "06/06/2018" import numpy from silx.third_party import six from silx.gui import qt from silx.gui.data.TextFormatter import TextFormatter try: import h5py except ImportError: h5py = None class Hdf5Formatter(qt.QObject): """Formatter to convert HDF5 data to string. """ formatChanged = qt.Signal() """Emitted when properties of the formatter change.""" def __init__(self, parent=None, textFormatter=None): """ Constructor :param qt.QObject parent: Owner of the object :param TextFormatter formatter: Text formatter """ qt.QObject.__init__(self, parent) if textFormatter is not None: self.__formatter = textFormatter else: self.__formatter = TextFormatter(self) self.__formatter.formatChanged.connect(self.__formatChanged) def textFormatter(self): """Returns the used text formatter :rtype: TextFormatter """ return self.__formatter def setTextFormatter(self, textFormatter): """Set the text formatter to be used :param TextFormatter textFormatter: The text formatter to use """ if textFormatter is None: raise ValueError("Formatter expected but None found") if self.__formatter is textFormatter: return self.__formatter.formatChanged.disconnect(self.__formatChanged) self.__formatter = textFormatter self.__formatter.formatChanged.connect(self.__formatChanged) self.__formatChanged() def __formatChanged(self): self.formatChanged.emit() def humanReadableShape(self, dataset): if dataset.shape is None: return "none" if dataset.shape == tuple(): return "scalar" shape = [str(i) for i in dataset.shape] text = u" \u00D7 ".join(shape) return text def humanReadableValue(self, dataset): if dataset.shape is None: return "No data" dtype = dataset.dtype if dataset.dtype.type == numpy.void: if dtype.fields is None: return "Raw data" if dataset.shape == tuple(): numpy_object = dataset[()] text = self.__formatter.toString(numpy_object, dtype=dataset.dtype) else: if dataset.size < 5 and dataset.compression is None: numpy_object = dataset[0:5] text = self.__formatter.toString(numpy_object, dtype=dataset.dtype) else: dimension = len(dataset.shape) if dataset.compression is not None: text = "Compressed %dD data" % dimension else: text = "%dD data" % dimension return text def humanReadableType(self, dataset, full=False): if hasattr(dataset, "dtype"): dtype = dataset.dtype else: # Fallback... dtype = type(dataset) return self.humanReadableDType(dtype, full) def humanReadableDType(self, dtype, full=False): if dtype == six.binary_type or numpy.issubdtype(dtype, numpy.string_): text = "string" if full: text = "ASCII " + text return text elif dtype == six.text_type or numpy.issubdtype(dtype, numpy.unicode_): text = "string" if full: text = "UTF-8 " + text return text elif dtype.type == numpy.object_: ref = h5py.check_dtype(ref=dtype) if ref is not None: return "reference" vlen = h5py.check_dtype(vlen=dtype) if vlen is not None: text = self.humanReadableDType(vlen, full=full) if full: text = "variable-length " + text return text return "object" elif dtype.type == numpy.bool_: return "bool" elif dtype.type == numpy.void: if dtype.fields is None: return "opaque" else: if not full: return "compound" else: fields = sorted(dtype.fields.items(), key=lambda e: e[1][1]) compound = [d[1][0] for d in fields] compound = [self.humanReadableDType(d) for d in compound] return "compound(%s)" % ", ".join(compound) elif numpy.issubdtype(dtype, numpy.integer): if h5py is not None: enumType = h5py.check_dtype(enum=dtype) if enumType is not None: return "enum" text = str(dtype.newbyteorder('N')) if numpy.issubdtype(dtype, numpy.floating): if hasattr(numpy, "float128") and dtype == numpy.float128: text = "float80" if full: text += " (padding 128bits)" elif hasattr(numpy, "float96") and dtype == numpy.float96: text = "float80" if full: text += " (padding 96bits)" if full: if dtype.byteorder == "<": text = "Little-endian " + text elif dtype.byteorder == ">": text = "Big-endian " + text elif dtype.byteorder == "=": text = "Native " + text dtype = dtype.newbyteorder('N') return text def humanReadableHdf5Type(self, dataset): """Format the internal HDF5 type as a string""" t = dataset.id.get_type() class_ = t.get_class() if class_ == h5py.h5t.NO_CLASS: return "NO_CLASS" elif class_ == h5py.h5t.INTEGER: return "INTEGER" elif class_ == h5py.h5t.FLOAT: return "FLOAT" elif class_ == h5py.h5t.TIME: return "TIME" elif class_ == h5py.h5t.STRING: charset = t.get_cset() strpad = t.get_strpad() text = "" if strpad == h5py.h5t.STR_NULLTERM: text += "NULLTERM" elif strpad == h5py.h5t.STR_NULLPAD: text += "NULLPAD" elif strpad == h5py.h5t.STR_SPACEPAD: text += "SPACEPAD" else: text += "UNKNOWN_STRPAD" if t.is_variable_str(): text += " VARIABLE" if charset == h5py.h5t.CSET_ASCII: text += " ASCII" elif charset == h5py.h5t.CSET_UTF8: text += " UTF8" else: text += " UNKNOWN_CSET" return text + " STRING" elif class_ == h5py.h5t.BITFIELD: return "BITFIELD" elif class_ == h5py.h5t.OPAQUE: return "OPAQUE" elif class_ == h5py.h5t.COMPOUND: return "COMPOUND" elif class_ == h5py.h5t.REFERENCE: return "REFERENCE" elif class_ == h5py.h5t.ENUM: return "ENUM" elif class_ == h5py.h5t.VLEN: return "VLEN" elif class_ == h5py.h5t.ARRAY: return "ARRAY" else: return "UNKNOWN_CLASS"