# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2016-2018 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """Module containing several widgets associated to a colormap. """ __authors__ = ["H. Payno", "T. Vincent"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "24/04/2018" import logging import weakref import numpy from ._utils import ticklayout from .. import qt from silx.gui import colors _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ColorBarWidget(qt.QWidget): """Colorbar widget displaying a colormap It uses a description of colormap as dict compatible with :class:`Plot`. .. image:: img/linearColorbar.png :width: 80px :align: center To run the following sample code, a QApplication must be initialized. >>> from silx.gui.plot import Plot2D >>> from silx.gui.plot.ColorBar import ColorBarWidget >>> plot = Plot2D() # Create a plot widget >>> plot.show() >>> colorbar = ColorBarWidget(plot=plot, legend='Colormap') # Associate the colorbar with it >>> colorbar.show() Initializer parameters: :param parent: See :class:`QWidget` :param plot: PlotWidget the colorbar is attached to (optional) :param str legend: the label to set to the colorbar """ sigVisibleChanged = qt.Signal(bool) """Emitted when the property `visible` have changed.""" def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None, legend=None): self._isConnected = False self._plotRef = None self._colormap = None self._data = None super(ColorBarWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.__buildGUI() self.setLegend(legend) self.setPlot(plot) def __buildGUI(self): self.setLayout(qt.QHBoxLayout()) # create color scale widget self._colorScale = ColorScaleBar(parent=self, colormap=None) self.layout().addWidget(self._colorScale) # legend (is the right group) self.legend = _VerticalLegend('', self) self.layout().addWidget(self.legend) self.layout().setSizeConstraint(qt.QLayout.SetMinAndMaxSize) def getPlot(self): """Returns the :class:`Plot` associated to this widget or None""" return None if self._plotRef is None else self._plotRef() def setPlot(self, plot): """Associate a plot to the ColorBar :param plot: the plot to associate with the colorbar. If None will remove any connection with a previous plot. """ self._disconnectPlot() self._plotRef = None if plot is None else weakref.ref(plot) self._connectPlot() def _disconnectPlot(self): """Disconnect from Plot signals""" plot = self.getPlot() if plot is not None and self._isConnected: self._isConnected = False plot.sigActiveImageChanged.disconnect( self._activeImageChanged) plot.sigActiveScatterChanged.disconnect( self._activeScatterChanged) plot.sigPlotSignal.disconnect(self._defaultColormapChanged) def _connectPlot(self): """Connect to Plot signals""" plot = self.getPlot() if plot is not None and not self._isConnected: activeImageLegend = plot.getActiveImage(just_legend=True) activeScatterLegend = plot._getActiveItem( kind='scatter', just_legend=True) if activeImageLegend is None and activeScatterLegend is None: # Show plot default colormap self._syncWithDefaultColormap() elif activeImageLegend is not None: # Show active image colormap self._activeImageChanged(None, activeImageLegend) elif activeScatterLegend is not None: # Show active scatter colormap self._activeScatterChanged(None, activeScatterLegend) plot.sigActiveImageChanged.connect(self._activeImageChanged) plot.sigActiveScatterChanged.connect(self._activeScatterChanged) plot.sigPlotSignal.connect(self._defaultColormapChanged) self._isConnected = True def setVisible(self, isVisible): # isHidden looks to be always synchronized, while isVisible is not wasHidden = self.isHidden() qt.QWidget.setVisible(self, isVisible) if wasHidden != self.isHidden(): self.sigVisibleChanged.emit(not self.isHidden()) def showEvent(self, event): self._connectPlot() def hideEvent(self, event): self._disconnectPlot() def getColormap(self): """ :return: the :class:`.Colormap` colormap displayed in the colorbar. """ return self.getColorScaleBar().getColormap() def setColormap(self, colormap, data=None): """Set the colormap to be displayed. :param colormap: The colormap to apply on the ColorBarWidget :type colormap: :class:`.Colormap` :param numpy.ndarray data: the data to display, needed if the colormap require an autoscale """ self._data = data self.getColorScaleBar().setColormap(colormap=colormap, data=data) if self._colormap is not None: self._colormap.sigChanged.disconnect(self._colormapHasChanged) self._colormap = colormap if self._colormap is not None: self._colormap.sigChanged.connect(self._colormapHasChanged) def _colormapHasChanged(self): """handler of the Colormap.sigChanged signal """ assert self._colormap is not None self.setColormap(colormap=self._colormap, data=self._data) def setLegend(self, legend): """Set the legend displayed along the colorbar :param str legend: The label """ if legend is None or legend == "": self.legend.hide() self.legend.setText("") else: assert type(legend) is str self.legend.show() self.legend.setText(legend) def getLegend(self): """ Returns the legend displayed along the colorbar :return: return the legend displayed along the colorbar :rtype: str """ return self.legend.getText() def _activeScatterChanged(self, previous, legend): """Handle plot active scatter changed""" plot = self.getPlot() # Do not handle active scatter while there is an image if plot.getActiveImage() is not None: return if legend is None: # No active scatter, display no colormap self.setColormap(colormap=None) return # Sync with active scatter activeScatter = plot._getActiveItem(kind='scatter') self.setColormap(colormap=activeScatter.getColormap(), data=activeScatter.getValueData(copy=False)) def _activeImageChanged(self, previous, legend): """Handle plot active image changed""" plot = self.getPlot() if legend is None: # No active image, try with active scatter activeScatterLegend = plot._getActiveItem( kind='scatter', just_legend=True) # No more active image, use active scatter if any self._activeScatterChanged(None, activeScatterLegend) else: # Sync with active image image = plot.getActiveImage().getData(copy=False) # RGB(A) image, display default colormap if image.ndim != 2: self.setColormap(colormap=None) return # data image, sync with image colormap # do we need the copy here : used in the case we are changing # vmin and vmax but should have already be done by the plot self.setColormap(colormap=plot.getActiveImage().getColormap(), data=image) def _defaultColormapChanged(self, event): """Handle plot default colormap changed""" if (event['event'] == 'defaultColormapChanged' and self.getPlot().getActiveImage() is None): # No active image, take default colormap update into account self._syncWithDefaultColormap() def _syncWithDefaultColormap(self, data=None): """Update colorbar according to plot default colormap""" self.setColormap(self.getPlot().getDefaultColormap(), data) def getColorScaleBar(self): """ :return: return the :class:`ColorScaleBar` used to display ColorScale and ticks""" return self._colorScale class _VerticalLegend(qt.QLabel): """Display vertically the given text """ def __init__(self, text, parent=None): """ :param text: the legend :param parent: the Qt parent if any """ qt.QLabel.__init__(self, text, parent) self.setLayout(qt.QVBoxLayout()) self.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) def paintEvent(self, event): painter = qt.QPainter(self) painter.setFont(self.font()) painter.translate(0, self.rect().height()) painter.rotate(270) newRect = qt.QRect(0, 0, self.rect().height(), self.rect().width()) painter.drawText(newRect, qt.Qt.AlignHCenter, self.text()) fm = qt.QFontMetrics(self.font()) preferedHeight = fm.width(self.text()) preferedWidth = fm.height() self.setFixedWidth(preferedWidth) self.setMinimumHeight(preferedHeight) class ColorScaleBar(qt.QWidget): """This class is making the composition of a :class:`_ColorScale` and a :class:`_TickBar`. It is the simplest widget displaying ticks and colormap gradient. .. image:: img/colorScaleBar.png :width: 150px :align: center To run the following sample code, a QApplication must be initialized. >>> colormap = Colormap(name='gray', ... norm='log', ... vmin=1, ... vmax=100000, ... ) >>> colorscale = ColorScaleBar(parent=None, ... colormap=colormap ) >>> colorscale.show() Initializer parameters : :param colormap: the colormap to be displayed :param parent: the Qt parent if any :param displayTicksValues: display the ticks value or only the '-' """ _TEXT_MARGIN = 5 """The tick bar need a margin to display all labels at the correct place. So the ColorScale should have the same margin in order for both to fit""" def __init__(self, parent=None, colormap=None, data=None, displayTicksValues=True): super(ColorScaleBar, self).__init__(parent) self.minVal = None """Value set to the _minLabel""" self.maxVal = None """Value set to the _maxLabel""" self.setLayout(qt.QGridLayout()) # create the left side group (ColorScale) self.colorScale = _ColorScale(colormap=colormap, data=data, parent=self, margin=ColorScaleBar._TEXT_MARGIN) if colormap: vmin, vmax = colormap.getColormapRange(data) else: vmin, vmax = colors.DEFAULT_MIN_LIN, colors.DEFAULT_MAX_LIN norm = colormap.getNormalization() if colormap else colors.Colormap.LINEAR self.tickbar = _TickBar(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, norm=norm, parent=self, displayValues=displayTicksValues, margin=ColorScaleBar._TEXT_MARGIN) self.layout().addWidget(self.tickbar, 1, 0, 1, 1, qt.Qt.AlignRight) self.layout().addWidget(self.colorScale, 1, 1, qt.Qt.AlignLeft) self.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.layout().setSpacing(0) # max label self._maxLabel = qt.QLabel(str(1.0), parent=self) self._maxLabel.setToolTip(str(0.0)) self.layout().addWidget(self._maxLabel, 0, 0, 1, 2, qt.Qt.AlignRight) # min label self._minLabel = qt.QLabel(str(0.0), parent=self) self._minLabel.setToolTip(str(0.0)) self.layout().addWidget(self._minLabel, 2, 0, 1, 2, qt.Qt.AlignRight) self.layout().setSizeConstraint(qt.QLayout.SetMinAndMaxSize) self.layout().setColumnStretch(0, 1) self.layout().setRowStretch(1, 1) def getTickBar(self): """ :return: the instanciation of the :class:`_TickBar` """ return self.tickbar def getColorScale(self): """ :return: the instanciation of the :class:`_ColorScale` """ return self.colorScale def getColormap(self): """ :returns: the colormap. :rtype: :class:`.Colormap` """ return self.colorScale.getColormap() def setColormap(self, colormap, data=None): """Set the new colormap to be displayed :param Colormap colormap: the colormap to set :param numpy.ndarray data: the data to display, needed if the colormap require an autoscale """ self.colorScale.setColormap(colormap, data) if colormap is not None: vmin, vmax = colormap.getColormapRange(data) norm = colormap.getNormalization() else: vmin, vmax = None, None norm = None self.tickbar.update(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, norm=norm) self._setMinMaxLabels(vmin, vmax) def setMinMaxVisible(self, val=True): """Change visibility of the min label and the max label :param val: if True, set the labels visible, otherwise set it not visible """ self._minLabel.setVisible(val) self._maxLabel.setVisible(val) def _updateMinMax(self): """Update the min and max label if we are in the case of the configuration 'minMaxValueOnly'""" if self.minVal is None: text, tooltip = '', '' else: if self.minVal == 0 or 0 <= numpy.log10(abs(self.minVal)) < 7: text = '%.7g' % self.minVal else: text = '%.2e' % self.minVal tooltip = repr(self.minVal) self._minLabel.setText(text) self._minLabel.setToolTip(tooltip) if self.maxVal is None: text, tooltip = '', '' else: if self.maxVal == 0 or 0 <= numpy.log10(abs(self.maxVal)) < 7: text = '%.7g' % self.maxVal else: text = '%.2e' % self.maxVal tooltip = repr(self.maxVal) self._maxLabel.setText(text) self._maxLabel.setToolTip(tooltip) def _setMinMaxLabels(self, minVal, maxVal): """Change the value of the min and max labels to be displayed. :param minVal: the minimal value of the TickBar (not str) :param maxVal: the maximal value of the TickBar (not str) """ # bad hack to try to display has much information as possible self.minVal = minVal self.maxVal = maxVal self._updateMinMax() def resizeEvent(self, event): qt.QWidget.resizeEvent(self, event) self._updateMinMax() class _ColorScale(qt.QWidget): """Widget displaying the colormap colorScale. Show matching value between the gradient color (from the colormap) at mouse position and value. .. image:: img/colorScale.png :width: 20px :align: center To run the following sample code, a QApplication must be initialized. >>> colormap = Colormap(name='viridis', ... norm='log', ... vmin=1, ... vmax=100000, ... ) >>> colorscale = ColorScale(parent=None, ... colormap=colormap) >>> colorscale.show() Initializer parameters : :param colormap: the colormap to be displayed :param parent: the Qt parent if any :param int margin: the top and left margin to apply. .. warning:: Value drawing will be done at the center of ticks. So if no margin is done your values drawing might not be fully done for extrems values. """ _NB_CONTROL_POINTS = 256 def __init__(self, colormap, parent=None, margin=5, data=None): qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self._colormap = None self.margin = margin self.setColormap(colormap, data) self.setLayout(qt.QVBoxLayout()) self.setSizePolicy(qt.QSizePolicy.Fixed, qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding) # needed to get the mouse event without waiting for button click self.setMouseTracking(True) self.setMargin(margin) self.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setMinimumHeight(self._NB_CONTROL_POINTS // 2 + 2 * self.margin) self.setFixedWidth(25) def setColormap(self, colormap, data=None): """Set the new colormap to be displayed :param dict colormap: the colormap to set :param data: Optional data for which to compute colormap range. """ self._colormap = colormap self.setEnabled(colormap is not None) if colormap is None: self.vmin, self.vmax = None, None else: assert colormap.getNormalization() in colors.Colormap.NORMALIZATIONS self.vmin, self.vmax = self._colormap.getColormapRange(data=data) self._updateColorGradient() self.update() def getColormap(self): """Returns the colormap :rtype: :class:`.Colormap` """ return None if self._colormap is None else self._colormap def _updateColorGradient(self): """Compute the color gradient""" colormap = self.getColormap() if colormap is None: return indices = numpy.linspace(0., 1., self._NB_CONTROL_POINTS) colors = colormap.getNColors(nbColors=self._NB_CONTROL_POINTS) self._gradient = qt.QLinearGradient(0, 1, 0, 0) self._gradient.setCoordinateMode(qt.QGradient.StretchToDeviceMode) self._gradient.setStops( [(i, qt.QColor(*color)) for i, color in zip(indices, colors)] ) def paintEvent(self, event): """""" painter = qt.QPainter(self) if self.getColormap() is not None: painter.setBrush(self._gradient) penColor = self.palette().color(qt.QPalette.Active, qt.QPalette.Foreground) else: penColor = self.palette().color(qt.QPalette.Disabled, qt.QPalette.Foreground) painter.setPen(penColor) painter.drawRect(qt.QRect( 0, self.margin, self.width() - 1., self.height() - 2. * self.margin - 1.)) def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): tooltip = str(self.getValueFromRelativePosition( self._getRelativePosition(event.y()))) qt.QToolTip.showText(event.globalPos(), tooltip, self) super(_ColorScale, self).mouseMoveEvent(event) def _getRelativePosition(self, yPixel): """yPixel : pixel position into _ColorScale widget reference """ # widgets are bottom-top referencial but we display in top-bottom referential return 1. - (yPixel - self.margin) / float(self.height() - 2 * self.margin) def getValueFromRelativePosition(self, value): """Return the value in the colorMap from a relative position in the ColorScaleBar (y) :param value: float value in [0, 1] :return: the value in [colormap['vmin'], colormap['vmax']] """ colormap = self.getColormap() if colormap is None: return value = max(0.0, value) value = min(value, 1.0) vmin = self.vmin vmax = self.vmax if colormap.getNormalization() == colors.Colormap.LINEAR: return vmin + (vmax - vmin) * value elif colormap.getNormalization() == colors.Colormap.LOGARITHM: rpos = (numpy.log10(vmax) - numpy.log10(vmin)) * value + numpy.log10(vmin) return numpy.power(10., rpos) else: err = "normalization type (%s) is not managed by the _ColorScale Widget" % colormap['normalization'] raise ValueError(err) def setMargin(self, margin): """Define the margin to fit with a TickBar object. This is needed since we can only paint on the viewport of the widget. Didn't work with a simple setContentsMargins :param int margin: the margin to apply on the top and bottom. """ self.margin = margin self.update() class _TickBar(qt.QWidget): """Bar grouping the ticks displayed To run the following sample code, a QApplication must be initialized. >>> bar = _TickBar(1, 1000, norm='log', parent=None, displayValues=True) >>> bar.show() .. image:: img/tickbar.png :width: 40px :align: center :param int vmin: smaller value of the range of values :param int vmax: higher value of the range of values :param str norm: normalization type to be displayed. Valid values are 'linear' and 'log' :param parent: the Qt parent if any :param bool displayValues: if True display the values close to the tick, Otherwise only signal it by '-' :param int nticks: the number of tick we want to display. Should be an unsigned int ot None. If None, let the Tick bar find the optimal number of ticks from the tick density. :param int margin: margin to set on the top and bottom """ _WIDTH_DISP_VAL = 45 """widget width when displayed with ticks labels""" _WIDTH_NO_DISP_VAL = 10 """widget width when displayed without ticks labels""" _FONT_SIZE = 10 """font size for ticks labels""" _LINE_WIDTH = 10 """width of the line to mark a tick""" DEFAULT_TICK_DENSITY = 0.015 def __init__(self, vmin, vmax, norm, parent=None, displayValues=True, nticks=None, margin=5): super(_TickBar, self).__init__(parent) self.margin = margin self._nticks = None self.ticks = () self.subTicks = () self._forcedDisplayType = None self.ticksDensity = _TickBar.DEFAULT_TICK_DENSITY self._vmin = vmin self._vmax = vmax self._norm = norm self.displayValues = displayValues self.setTicksNumber(nticks) self.setMargin(margin) self.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self._resetWidth() def setTicksValuesVisible(self, val): self.displayValues = val self._resetWidth() def _resetWidth(self): width = self._WIDTH_DISP_VAL if self.displayValues else self._WIDTH_NO_DISP_VAL self.setFixedWidth(width) def update(self, vmin, vmax, norm): self._vmin = vmin self._vmax = vmax self._norm = norm self.computeTicks() qt.QWidget.update(self) def setMargin(self, margin): """Define the margin to fit with a _ColorScale object. This is needed since we can only paint on the viewport of the widget :param int margin: the margin to apply on the top and bottom. """ self.margin = margin def setTicksNumber(self, nticks): """Set the number of ticks to display. :param nticks: the number of tick to be display. Should be an unsigned int ot None. If None, let the :class:`_TickBar` find the optimal number of ticks from the tick density. """ self._nticks = nticks self.computeTicks() qt.QWidget.update(self) def setTicksDensity(self, density): """If you let :class:`_TickBar` deal with the number of ticks (nticks=None) then you can specify a ticks density to be displayed. """ if density < 0.0: raise ValueError('Density should be a positive value') self.ticksDensity = density def computeTicks(self): """This function compute ticks values labels. It is called at each update and each resize event. Deal only with linear and log scale. """ nticks = self._nticks if nticks is None: nticks = self._getOptimalNbTicks() if self._vmin == self._vmax: # No range: no ticks self.ticks = () self.subTicks = () elif self._norm == colors.Colormap.LOGARITHM: self._computeTicksLog(nticks) elif self._norm == colors.Colormap.LINEAR: self._computeTicksLin(nticks) else: err = 'TickBar - Wrong normalization %s' % self._norm raise ValueError(err) # update the form font = qt.QFont() font.setPixelSize(_TickBar._FONT_SIZE) self.form = self._getFormat(font) def _computeTicksLog(self, nticks): logMin = numpy.log10(self._vmin) logMax = numpy.log10(self._vmax) lowBound, highBound, spacing, self._nfrac = ticklayout.niceNumbersForLog10(logMin, logMax, nticks) self.ticks = numpy.power(10., numpy.arange(lowBound, highBound, spacing)) if spacing == 1: self.subTicks = ticklayout.computeLogSubTicks(ticks=self.ticks, lowBound=numpy.power(10., lowBound), highBound=numpy.power(10., highBound)) else: self.subTicks = [] def resizeEvent(self, event): qt.QWidget.resizeEvent(self, event) self.computeTicks() def _computeTicksLin(self, nticks): _min, _max, _spacing, self._nfrac = ticklayout.niceNumbers(self._vmin, self._vmax, nticks) self.ticks = numpy.arange(_min, _max, _spacing) self.subTicks = [] def _getOptimalNbTicks(self): return max(2, int(round(self.ticksDensity * self.rect().height()))) def paintEvent(self, event): painter = qt.QPainter(self) font = painter.font() font.setPixelSize(_TickBar._FONT_SIZE) painter.setFont(font) # paint ticks for val in self.ticks: self._paintTick(val, painter, majorTick=True) # paint subticks for val in self.subTicks: self._paintTick(val, painter, majorTick=False) def _getRelativePosition(self, val): """Return the relative position of val according to min and max value """ if self._norm == colors.Colormap.LINEAR: return 1 - (val - self._vmin) / (self._vmax - self._vmin) elif self._norm == colors.Colormap.LOGARITHM: return 1 - (numpy.log10(val) - numpy.log10(self._vmin)) / (numpy.log10(self._vmax) - numpy.log(self._vmin)) else: raise ValueError('Norm is not recognized') def _paintTick(self, val, painter, majorTick=True): """ :param bool majorTick: if False will never draw text and will set a line with a smaller width """ fm = qt.QFontMetrics(painter.font()) viewportHeight = self.rect().height() - self.margin * 2 - 1 relativePos = self._getRelativePosition(val) height = viewportHeight * relativePos height += self.margin lineWidth = _TickBar._LINE_WIDTH if majorTick is False: lineWidth /= 2 painter.drawLine(qt.QLine(self.width() - lineWidth, height, self.width(), height)) if self.displayValues and majorTick is True: painter.drawText(qt.QPoint(0.0, height + (fm.height() / 2)), self.form.format(val)) def setDisplayType(self, disType): """Set the type of display we want to set for ticks labels :param str disType: The type of display we want to set. disType values can be : - 'std' for standard, meaning only a formatting on the number of digits is done - 'e' for scientific display - None to let the _TickBar guess the best display for this kind of data. """ if disType not in (None, 'std', 'e'): raise ValueError("display type not recognized, value should be in (None, 'std', 'e'") self._forcedDisplayType = disType def _getStandardFormat(self): return "{0:.%sf}" % self._nfrac def _getFormat(self, font): if self._forcedDisplayType is None: return self._guessType(font) elif self._forcedDisplayType is 'std': return self._getStandardFormat() elif self._forcedDisplayType is 'e': return self._getScientificForm() else: err = 'Forced type for display %s is not recognized' % self._forcedDisplayType raise ValueError(err) def _getScientificForm(self): return "{0:.0e}" def _guessType(self, font): """Try fo find the better format to display the tick's labels :param QFont font: the font we want want to use durint the painting """ form = self._getStandardFormat() fm = qt.QFontMetrics(font) width = 0 for tick in self.ticks: width = max(fm.width(form.format(tick)), width) # if the length of the string are too long we are mooving to scientific # display if width > _TickBar._WIDTH_DISP_VAL - _TickBar._LINE_WIDTH: return self._getScientificForm() else: return form