# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2020 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """Image stack view with data prefetch capabilty.""" __authors__ = ["H. Payno"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "04/03/2019" from silx.gui import icons, qt from silx.gui.plot import Plot2D from silx.gui.utils import concurrent from silx.io.url import DataUrl from silx.io.utils import get_data from collections import OrderedDict from silx.gui.widgets.FrameBrowser import HorizontalSliderWithBrowser import time import threading import typing import logging _logger = logging.getLogger(__file__) class _PlotWithWaitingLabel(qt.QWidget): """Image plot widget with an overlay 'waiting' status. """ class AnimationThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, label): self.running = True self._label = label self.animated_icon = icons.getWaitIcon() self.animated_icon.register(self._label) super(_PlotWithWaitingLabel.AnimationThread, self).__init__() def run(self): while self.running: time.sleep(0.05) icon = self.animated_icon.currentIcon() self.future_result = concurrent.submitToQtMainThread( self._label.setPixmap, icon.pixmap(30, state=qt.QIcon.On)) def stop(self): """Stop the update thread""" self.animated_icon.unregister(self._label) self.running = False self.join(2) def __init__(self, parent): super(_PlotWithWaitingLabel, self).__init__(parent=parent) layout = qt.QStackedLayout(self) layout.setStackingMode(qt.QStackedLayout.StackAll) self._waiting_label = qt.QLabel(parent=self) self._waiting_label.setAlignment(qt.Qt.AlignHCenter | qt.Qt.AlignVCenter) layout.addWidget(self._waiting_label) self._plot = Plot2D(parent=self) layout.addWidget(self._plot) self.updateThread = _PlotWithWaitingLabel.AnimationThread(self._waiting_label) self.updateThread.start() def close(self) -> bool: super(_PlotWithWaitingLabel, self).close() self.updateThread.stop() def setWaiting(self, activate=True): if activate is True: self._plot.clear() self._waiting_label.show() else: self._waiting_label.hide() def setData(self, data): self.setWaiting(activate=False) self._plot.addImage(data=data) def clear(self): self._plot.clear() self.setWaiting(False) def getPlotWidget(self): return self._plot class _HorizontalSlider(HorizontalSliderWithBrowser): sigCurrentUrlIndexChanged = qt.Signal(int) def __init__(self, parent): super(_HorizontalSlider, self).__init__(parent=parent) # connect signal / slot self.valueChanged.connect(self._urlChanged) def setUrlIndex(self, index): self.setValue(index) self.sigCurrentUrlIndexChanged.emit(index) def _urlChanged(self, value): self.sigCurrentUrlIndexChanged.emit(value) class UrlList(qt.QWidget): """List of URLs the user to select an URL""" sigCurrentUrlChanged = qt.Signal(str) """Signal emitted when the active/current url change""" def __init__(self, parent=None): super(UrlList, self).__init__(parent) self.setLayout(qt.QVBoxLayout()) self.layout().setSpacing(0) self.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self._listWidget = qt.QListWidget(parent=self) self.layout().addWidget(self._listWidget) # connect signal / Slot self._listWidget.currentItemChanged.connect(self._notifyCurrentUrlChanged) # expose API self.currentItem = self._listWidget.currentItem def setUrls(self, urls: list) -> None: url_names = [] [url_names.append(url.path()) for url in urls] self._listWidget.addItems(url_names) def _notifyCurrentUrlChanged(self, current, previous): self.sigCurrentUrlChanged.emit(current.text()) def setUrl(self, url: DataUrl) -> None: assert isinstance(url, DataUrl) sel_items = self._listWidget.findItems(url.path(), qt.Qt.MatchExactly) if sel_items is None: _logger.warning(url.path(), ' is not registered in the list.') else: assert len(sel_items) == 1 item = sel_items[0] self._listWidget.setCurrentItem(item) self.sigCurrentUrlChanged.emit(item.text()) class _ToggleableUrlSelectionTable(qt.QWidget): _BUTTON_ICON = qt.QStyle.SP_ToolBarHorizontalExtensionButton # noqa sigCurrentUrlChanged = qt.Signal(str) """Signal emitted when the active/current url change""" def __init__(self, parent=None) -> None: qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.setLayout(qt.QGridLayout()) self._toggleButton = qt.QPushButton(parent=self) self.layout().addWidget(self._toggleButton, 0, 2, 1, 1) self._toggleButton.setSizePolicy(qt.QSizePolicy.Fixed, qt.QSizePolicy.Fixed) self._urlsTable = UrlList(parent=self) self.layout().addWidget(self._urlsTable, 1, 1, 1, 2) # set up self._setButtonIcon(show=True) # Signal / slot connection self._toggleButton.clicked.connect(self.toggleUrlSelectionTable) self._urlsTable.sigCurrentUrlChanged.connect(self._propagateSignal) # expose API self.setUrls = self._urlsTable.setUrls self.setUrl = self._urlsTable.setUrl self.currentItem = self._urlsTable.currentItem def toggleUrlSelectionTable(self): visible = not self.urlSelectionTableIsVisible() self._setButtonIcon(show=visible) self._urlsTable.setVisible(visible) def _setButtonIcon(self, show): style = qt.QApplication.instance().style() # return a QIcon icon = style.standardIcon(self._BUTTON_ICON) if show is False: pixmap = icon.pixmap(32, 32).transformed(qt.QTransform().scale(-1, 1)) icon = qt.QIcon(pixmap) self._toggleButton.setIcon(icon) def urlSelectionTableIsVisible(self): return self._urlsTable.isVisible() def _propagateSignal(self, url): self.sigCurrentUrlChanged.emit(url) class UrlLoader(qt.QThread): """ Thread use to load DataUrl """ def __init__(self, parent, url): super(UrlLoader, self).__init__(parent=parent) assert isinstance(url, DataUrl) self.url = url self.data = None def run(self): try: self.data = get_data(self.url) except IOError: self.data = None class ImageStack(qt.QMainWindow): """Widget loading on the fly images contained the given urls. It prefetches images close to the displayed one. """ N_PRELOAD = 10 sigLoaded = qt.Signal(str) """Signal emitted when new data is available""" sigCurrentUrlChanged = qt.Signal(str) """Signal emitted when the current url change""" def __init__(self, parent=None) -> None: super(ImageStack, self).__init__(parent) self.__n_prefetch = ImageStack.N_PRELOAD self._loadingThreads = [] self.setWindowFlags(qt.Qt.Widget) self._current_url = None self._url_loader = UrlLoader "class to instantiate for loading urls" # main widget self._plot = _PlotWithWaitingLabel(parent=self) self._plot.setAttribute(qt.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose, True) self.setWindowTitle("Image stack") self.setCentralWidget(self._plot) # dock widget: url table self._tableDockWidget = qt.QDockWidget(parent=self) self._urlsTable = _ToggleableUrlSelectionTable(parent=self) self._tableDockWidget.setWidget(self._urlsTable) self._tableDockWidget.setFeatures(qt.QDockWidget.DockWidgetMovable) self.addDockWidget(qt.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, self._tableDockWidget) # dock widget: qslider self._sliderDockWidget = qt.QDockWidget(parent=self) self._slider = _HorizontalSlider(parent=self) self._sliderDockWidget.setWidget(self._slider) self.addDockWidget(qt.Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea, self._sliderDockWidget) self._sliderDockWidget.setFeatures(qt.QDockWidget.DockWidgetMovable) self.reset() # connect signal / slot self._urlsTable.sigCurrentUrlChanged.connect(self.setCurrentUrl) self._slider.sigCurrentUrlIndexChanged.connect(self.setCurrentUrlIndex) def close(self) -> bool: self._freeLoadingThreads() self._plot.close() super(ImageStack, self).close() def setUrlLoaderClass(self, urlLoader: typing.Type[UrlLoader]) -> None: """ :param urlLoader: define the class to call for loading urls. warning: this should be a class object and not a class instance. """ assert isinstance(urlLoader, type(UrlLoader)) self._url_loader = urlLoader def getUrlLoaderClass(self): """ :return: class to instantiate for loading urls :rtype: typing.Type[UrlLoader] """ return self._url_loader def _freeLoadingThreads(self): for thread in self._loadingThreads: thread.blockSignals(True) thread.wait(5) self._loadingThreads.clear() def getPlotWidget(self) -> Plot2D: """ Returns the PlotWidget contained in this window :return: PlotWidget contained in this window :rtype: Plot2D """ return self._plot.getPlotWidget() def reset(self) -> None: """Clear the plot and remove any link to url""" self._freeLoadingThreads() self._urls = None self._urlIndexes = None self._urlData = OrderedDict({}) self._current_url = None self._plot.clear() def _preFetch(self, urls: list) -> None: """Pre-fetch the given urls if necessary :param urls: list of DataUrl to prefetch :type: list """ for url in urls: if url.path() not in self._urlData: self._load(url) def _load(self, url): """ Launch background load of a DataUrl :param url: :type: DataUrl """ assert isinstance(url, DataUrl) url_path = url.path() assert url_path in self._urlIndexes loader = self._url_loader(parent=self, url=url) loader.finished.connect(self._urlLoaded, qt.Qt.QueuedConnection) self._loadingThreads.append(loader) loader.start() def _urlLoaded(self) -> None: """ :param url: restul of DataUrl.path() function :return: """ sender = self.sender() assert isinstance(sender, UrlLoader) url = sender.url.path() if url in self._urlIndexes: self._urlData[url] = sender.data if self.getCurrentUrl().path() == url: self._plot.setData(self._urlData[url]) if sender in self._loadingThreads: self._loadingThreads.remove(sender) self.sigLoaded.emit(url) def setNPrefetch(self, n: int) -> None: """ Define the number of url to prefetch around :param int n: number of url to prefetch on left and right sides. In total n*2 DataUrl will be prefetch """ self.__n_prefetch = n current_url = self.getCurrentUrl() if current_url is not None: self.setCurrentUrl(current_url) def getNPrefetch(self) -> int: """ :return: number of url to prefetch on left and right sides. In total will load 2* NPrefetch DataUrls """ return self.__n_prefetch def setUrls(self, urls: list) -> None: """list of urls within an index. Warning: urls should contain an image compatible with the silx.gui.plot.Plot class :param urls: urls we want to set in the stack. Key is the index (position in the stack), value is the DataUrl :type: list """ def createUrlIndexes(): indexes = OrderedDict() for index, url in enumerate(urls): indexes[index] = url return indexes urls_with_indexes = createUrlIndexes() urlsToIndex = self._urlsToIndex(urls_with_indexes) self.reset() self._urls = urls_with_indexes self._urlIndexes = urlsToIndex old_url_table = self._urlsTable.blockSignals(True) self._urlsTable.setUrls(urls=list(self._urls.values())) self._urlsTable.blockSignals(old_url_table) old_slider = self._slider.blockSignals(True) self._slider.setMaximum(len(self._urls) - 1) self._slider.blockSignals(old_slider) if self.getCurrentUrl() in self._urls: self.setCurrentUrl(self.getCurrentUrl()) else: first_url = self._urls[list(self._urls.keys())[0]] self.setCurrentUrl(first_url) def getUrls(self) -> tuple: """ :return: tuple of urls :rtype: tuple """ return tuple(self._urlIndexes.keys()) def _getNextUrl(self, url: DataUrl) -> typing.Union[None, DataUrl]: """ return the next url in the stack :param url: url for which we want the next url :type: DataUrl :return: next url in the stack or None if `url` is the last one :rtype: Union[None, DataUrl] """ assert isinstance(url, DataUrl) if self._urls is None: return None else: index = self._urlIndexes[url.path()] indexes = list(self._urls.keys()) res = list(filter(lambda x: x > index, indexes)) if len(res) == 0: return None else: return self._urls[res[0]] def _getPreviousUrl(self, url: DataUrl) -> typing.Union[None, DataUrl]: """ return the previous url in the stack :param url: url for which we want the previous url :type: DataUrl :return: next url in the stack or None if `url` is the last one :rtype: Union[None, DataUrl] """ if self._urls is None: return None else: index = self._urlIndexes[url.path()] indexes = list(self._urls.keys()) res = list(filter(lambda x: x < index, indexes)) if len(res) == 0: return None else: return self._urls[res[-1]] def _getNNextUrls(self, n: int, url: DataUrl) -> list: """ Deduce the next urls in the stack after `url` :param n: the number of url store after `url` :type: int :param url: url for which we want n next url :type: DataUrl :return: list of next urls. :rtype: list """ res = [] next_free = self._getNextUrl(url=url) while len(res) < n and next_free is not None: assert isinstance(next_free, DataUrl) res.append(next_free) next_free = self._getNextUrl(res[-1]) return res def _getNPreviousUrls(self, n: int, url: DataUrl): """ Deduce the previous urls in the stack after `url` :param n: the number of url store after `url` :type: int :param url: url for which we want n previous url :type: DataUrl :return: list of previous urls. :rtype: list """ res = [] next_free = self._getPreviousUrl(url=url) while len(res) < n and next_free is not None: res.insert(0, next_free) next_free = self._getPreviousUrl(res[0]) return res def setCurrentUrlIndex(self, index: int): """ Define the url to be displayed :param index: url to be displayed :type: int """ if index >= len(self._urls): raise ValueError('requested index out of bounds') else: return self.setCurrentUrl(self._urls[index]) def setCurrentUrl(self, url: typing.Union[DataUrl, str]) -> None: """ Define the url to be displayed :param url: url to be displayed :type: DataUrl """ assert isinstance(url, (DataUrl, str)) if isinstance(url, str): url = DataUrl(path=url) if url != self._current_url: self._current_url = url self.sigCurrentUrlChanged.emit(url.path()) old_url_table = self._urlsTable.blockSignals(True) old_slider = self._slider.blockSignals(True) self._urlsTable.setUrl(url) self._slider.setUrlIndex(self._urlIndexes[url.path()]) if self._current_url is None: self._plot.clear() else: if self._current_url.path() in self._urlData: self._plot.setData(self._urlData[url.path()]) else: self._load(url) self._notifyLoading() self._preFetch(self._getNNextUrls(self.__n_prefetch, url)) self._preFetch(self._getNPreviousUrls(self.__n_prefetch, url)) self._urlsTable.blockSignals(old_url_table) self._slider.blockSignals(old_slider) def getCurrentUrl(self) -> typing.Union[None, DataUrl]: """ :return: url currently displayed :rtype: Union[None, DataUrl] """ return self._current_url def getCurrentUrlIndex(self) -> typing.Union[None, int]: """ :return: index of the url currently displayed :rtype: Union[None, int] """ if self._current_url is None: return None else: return self._urlIndexes[self._current_url.path()] @staticmethod def _urlsToIndex(urls): """util, return a dictionary with url as key and index as value""" res = {} for index, url in urls.items(): res[url.path()] = index return res def _notifyLoading(self): """display a simple image of loading...""" self._plot.setWaiting(activate=True)