# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2016-2017 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """Set of widgets to associate with a :class:'PlotWidget'. """ from __future__ import division __authors__ = ["V.A. Sole", "T. Vincent"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "03/03/2017" import logging import numbers import traceback import weakref import numpy from .. import qt _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # PositionInfo ################################################################ class PositionInfo(qt.QWidget): """QWidget displaying coords converted from data coords of the mouse. Provide this widget with a list of couple: - A name to display before the data - A function that takes (x, y) as arguments and returns something that gets converted to a string. If the result is a float it is converted with '%.7g' format. To run the following sample code, a QApplication must be initialized. First, create a PlotWindow and add a QToolBar where to place the PositionInfo widget. >>> from silx.gui.plot import PlotWindow >>> from silx.gui import qt >>> plot = PlotWindow() # Create a PlotWindow to add the widget to >>> toolBar = qt.QToolBar() # Create a toolbar to place the widget in >>> plot.addToolBar(qt.Qt.BottomToolBarArea, toolBar) # Add it to plot Then, create the PositionInfo widget and add it to the toolbar. The PositionInfo widget is created with a list of converters, here to display polar coordinates of the mouse position. >>> import numpy >>> from silx.gui.plot.PlotTools import PositionInfo >>> position = PositionInfo(plot=plot, converters=[ ... ('Radius', lambda x, y: numpy.sqrt(x*x + y*y)), ... ('Angle', lambda x, y: numpy.degrees(numpy.arctan2(y, x)))]) >>> toolBar.addWidget(position) # Add the widget to the toolbar <...> >>> plot.show() # To display the PlotWindow with the position widget :param plot: The PlotWidget this widget is displaying data coords from. :param converters: List of name to display and conversion function from (x, y) in data coords to displayed value. If None, the default, it displays X and Y. :type converters: Iterable of 2-tuple (str, function) :param parent: Parent widget """ def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None, converters=None): assert plot is not None self._plotRef = weakref.ref(plot) super(PositionInfo, self).__init__(parent) if converters is None: converters = (('X', lambda x, y: x), ('Y', lambda x, y: y)) self.autoSnapToActiveCurve = False """Toggle snapping use position to active curve. - True to snap used coordinates to the active curve if the active curve is displayed with symbols and mouse is close enough. If the mouse is not close to a point of the curve, values are displayed in red. - False (the default) to always use mouse coordinates. """ self._fields = [] # To store (QLineEdit, name, function (x, y)->v) # Create a new layout with new widgets layout = qt.QHBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) # layout.setSpacing(0) # Create all QLabel and store them with the corresponding converter for name, func in converters: layout.addWidget(qt.QLabel('' + name + ':')) contentWidget = qt.QLabel() contentWidget.setText('------') contentWidget.setTextInteractionFlags(qt.Qt.TextSelectableByMouse) contentWidget.setFixedWidth( contentWidget.fontMetrics().width('##############')) layout.addWidget(contentWidget) self._fields.append((contentWidget, name, func)) layout.addStretch(1) self.setLayout(layout) # Connect to Plot events plot.sigPlotSignal.connect(self._plotEvent) @property def plot(self): """The :class:`.PlotWindow` this widget is attached to.""" return self._plotRef() def getConverters(self): """Return the list of converters as 2-tuple (name, function).""" return [(name, func) for _label, name, func in self._fields] def _plotEvent(self, event): """Handle events from the Plot. :param dict event: Plot event """ if event['event'] == 'mouseMoved': x, y = event['x'], event['y'] # Position in data styleSheet = "color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" # Default style if self.autoSnapToActiveCurve and self.plot.getGraphCursor(): # Check if near active curve with symbols. styleSheet = "color: rgb(255, 0, 0);" # Style far from curve activeCurve = self.plot.getActiveCurve() if activeCurve: xData = activeCurve.getXData(copy=False) yData = activeCurve.getYData(copy=False) if activeCurve.getSymbol(): # Only handled if symbols on curve closestIndex = numpy.argmin( pow(xData - x, 2) + pow(yData - y, 2)) xClosest = xData[closestIndex] yClosest = yData[closestIndex] closestInPixels = self.plot.dataToPixel( xClosest, yClosest, axis=activeCurve.getYAxis()) if closestInPixels is not None: xPixel, yPixel = event['xpixel'], event['ypixel'] if (abs(closestInPixels[0] - xPixel) < 5 and abs(closestInPixels[1] - yPixel) < 5): # Update label style sheet styleSheet = "color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" # if close enough, wrap to data point coords x, y = xClosest, yClosest for label, name, func in self._fields: label.setStyleSheet(styleSheet) try: value = func(x, y) except: label.setText('Error') _logger.error( "Error while converting coordinates (%f, %f)" "with converter '%s'" % (x, y, name)) _logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) else: if isinstance(value, numbers.Real): value = '%.7g' % value # Use this for floats and int else: value = str(value) # Fallback for other types label.setText(value) # LimitsToolBar ############################################################## class LimitsToolBar(qt.QToolBar): """QToolBar displaying and controlling the limits of a :class:`PlotWidget`. To run the following sample code, a QApplication must be initialized. First, create a PlotWindow: >>> from silx.gui.plot import PlotWindow >>> plot = PlotWindow() # Create a PlotWindow to add the toolbar to Then, create the LimitsToolBar and add it to the PlotWindow. >>> from silx.gui import qt >>> from silx.gui.plot.PlotTools import LimitsToolBar >>> toolbar = LimitsToolBar(plot=plot) # Create the toolbar >>> plot.addToolBar(qt.Qt.BottomToolBarArea, toolbar) # Add it to the plot >>> plot.show() # To display the PlotWindow with the limits toolbar :param parent: See :class:`QToolBar`. :param plot: :class:`PlotWidget` instance on which to operate. :param str title: See :class:`QToolBar`. """ class _FloatEdit(qt.QLineEdit): """Field to edit a float value.""" def __init__(self, value=None, *args, **kwargs): qt.QLineEdit.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.setValidator(qt.QDoubleValidator()) self.setFixedWidth(100) self.setAlignment(qt.Qt.AlignLeft) if value is not None: self.setValue(value) def value(self): return float(self.text()) def setValue(self, value): self.setText('%g' % value) def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None, title='Limits'): super(LimitsToolBar, self).__init__(title, parent) assert plot is not None self._plot = plot self._plot.sigPlotSignal.connect(self._plotWidgetSlot) self._initWidgets() @property def plot(self): """The :class:`PlotWidget` the toolbar is attached to.""" return self._plot def _initWidgets(self): """Create and init Toolbar widgets.""" xMin, xMax = self.plot.getGraphXLimits() yMin, yMax = self.plot.getGraphYLimits() self.addWidget(qt.QLabel('Limits: ')) self.addWidget(qt.QLabel(' X: ')) self._xMinFloatEdit = self._FloatEdit(xMin) self._xMinFloatEdit.editingFinished[()].connect( self._xFloatEditChanged) self.addWidget(self._xMinFloatEdit) self._xMaxFloatEdit = self._FloatEdit(xMax) self._xMaxFloatEdit.editingFinished[()].connect( self._xFloatEditChanged) self.addWidget(self._xMaxFloatEdit) self.addWidget(qt.QLabel(' Y: ')) self._yMinFloatEdit = self._FloatEdit(yMin) self._yMinFloatEdit.editingFinished[()].connect( self._yFloatEditChanged) self.addWidget(self._yMinFloatEdit) self._yMaxFloatEdit = self._FloatEdit(yMax) self._yMaxFloatEdit.editingFinished[()].connect( self._yFloatEditChanged) self.addWidget(self._yMaxFloatEdit) def _plotWidgetSlot(self, event): """Listen to :class:`PlotWidget` events.""" if event['event'] not in ('limitsChanged',): return xMin, xMax = self.plot.getGraphXLimits() yMin, yMax = self.plot.getGraphYLimits() self._xMinFloatEdit.setValue(xMin) self._xMaxFloatEdit.setValue(xMax) self._yMinFloatEdit.setValue(yMin) self._yMaxFloatEdit.setValue(yMax) def _xFloatEditChanged(self): """Handle X limits changed from the GUI.""" xMin, xMax = self._xMinFloatEdit.value(), self._xMaxFloatEdit.value() if xMax < xMin: xMin, xMax = xMax, xMin self.plot.setGraphXLimits(xMin, xMax) def _yFloatEditChanged(self): """Handle Y limits changed from the GUI.""" yMin, yMax = self._yMinFloatEdit.value(), self._yMaxFloatEdit.value() if yMax < yMin: yMin, yMax = yMax, yMin self.plot.setGraphYLimits(yMin, yMax)