# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2017 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """ This modules provides tool buttons to send the content of a plot to a print preview page. The plot content can then be moved on the page and resized prior to printing. Classes ------- - :class:`PrintPreviewToolButton` - :class:`SingletonPrintPreviewToolButton` Examples -------- Simple example ++++++++++++++ .. code-block:: python from silx.gui import qt from silx.gui.plot import PlotWidget from silx.gui.plot.PrintPreviewToolButton import PrintPreviewToolButton import numpy app = qt.QApplication([]) pw = PlotWidget() toolbar = qt.QToolBar(pw) toolbutton = PrintPreviewToolButton(parent=toolbar, plot=pw) pw.addToolBar(toolbar) toolbar.addWidget(toolbutton) pw.show() x = numpy.arange(1000) y = x / numpy.sin(x) pw.addCurve(x, y) app.exec_() Singleton example +++++++++++++++++ This example illustrates how to print the content of several different plots on the same page. The plots all instantiate a :class:`SingletonPrintPreviewToolButton`, which relies on a singleton widget (:class:`silx.gui.widgets.PrintPreview.SingletonPrintPreviewDialog`). .. image:: img/printPreviewMultiPlot.png .. code-block:: python from silx.gui import qt from silx.gui.plot import PlotWidget from silx.gui.plot.PrintPreviewToolButton import SingletonPrintPreviewToolButton import numpy app = qt.QApplication([]) plot_widgets = [] for i in range(3): pw = PlotWidget() toolbar = qt.QToolBar(pw) toolbutton = SingletonPrintPreviewToolButton(parent=toolbar, plot=pw) pw.addToolBar(toolbar) toolbar.addWidget(toolbutton) pw.show() plot_widgets.append(pw) x = numpy.arange(1000) plot_widgets[0].addCurve(x, numpy.sin(x * 2 * numpy.pi / 1000)) plot_widgets[1].addCurve(x, numpy.cos(x * 2 * numpy.pi / 1000)) plot_widgets[2].addCurve(x, numpy.tan(x * 2 * numpy.pi / 1000)) app.exec_() """ from __future__ import absolute_import import logging from io import StringIO from .. import qt from .. import icons from . import PlotWidget from ..widgets.PrintPreview import PrintPreviewDialog, SingletonPrintPreviewDialog from ..widgets.PrintGeometryDialog import PrintGeometryDialog __authors__ = ["P. Knobel"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "18/07/2017" _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # _logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) class PrintPreviewToolButton(qt.QToolButton): """QToolButton to open a :class:`PrintPreviewDialog` (if not already open) and add the current plot to its page to be printed. :param parent: See :class:`QAction` :param plot: :class:`.PlotWidget` instance on which to operate """ def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None): super(PrintPreviewToolButton, self).__init__(parent) if not isinstance(plot, PlotWidget): raise TypeError("plot parameter must be a PlotWidget") self.plot = plot self.setIcon(icons.getQIcon('document-print')) printGeomAction = qt.QAction("Print geometry", self) printGeomAction.setToolTip("Define a print geometry prior to sending " "the plot to the print preview dialog") printGeomAction.setIcon(icons.getQIcon('shape-rectangle')) # fixme: icon not displayed in menu printGeomAction.triggered.connect(self._setPrintConfiguration) printPreviewAction = qt.QAction("Print preview", self) printPreviewAction.setToolTip("Send plot to the print preview dialog") printPreviewAction.setIcon(icons.getQIcon('document-print')) # fixme: icon not displayed printPreviewAction.triggered.connect(self._plotToPrintPreview) menu = qt.QMenu(self) menu.addAction(printGeomAction) menu.addAction(printPreviewAction) self.setMenu(menu) self.setPopupMode(qt.QToolButton.InstantPopup) self._printPreviewDialog = None self._printConfigurationDialog = None self._printGeometry = {"xOffset": 0.1, "yOffset": 0.1, "width": 0.9, "height": 0.9, "units": "page", "keepAspectRatio": True} @property def printPreviewDialog(self): """Lazy loaded :class:`PrintPreviewDialog`""" # if changes are made here, don't forget making them in # SingletonPrintPreviewToolButton.printPreviewDialog as well if self._printPreviewDialog is None: self._printPreviewDialog = PrintPreviewDialog(self.parent()) return self._printPreviewDialog def _plotToPrintPreview(self): """Grab the plot widget and send it to the print preview dialog. Make sure the print preview dialog is shown and raised.""" self.printPreviewDialog.ensurePrinterIsSet() if qt.HAS_SVG: svgRenderer, viewBox = self._getSvgRendererAndViewbox() self.printPreviewDialog.addSvgItem(svgRenderer, viewBox=viewBox) else: _logger.warning("Missing QtSvg library, using a raster image") if qt.BINDING in ["PyQt4", "PySide"]: pixmap = qt.QPixmap.grabWidget(self.plot.centralWidget()) else: # PyQt5 and hopefully PyQt6+ pixmap = self.plot.centralWidget().grab() self.printPreviewDialog.addPixmap(pixmap) self.printPreviewDialog.show() self.printPreviewDialog.raise_() def _getSvgRendererAndViewbox(self): """Return a SVG renderer displaying the plot and its viewbox (interactively specified by the user the first time this is called). The size of the renderer is adjusted to the printer configuration and to the geometry configuration (width, height, ratio) specified by the user.""" imgData = StringIO() assert self.plot.saveGraph(imgData, fileFormat="svg"), \ "Unable to save graph" imgData.flush() imgData.seek(0) svgData = imgData.read() svgRenderer = qt.QSvgRenderer() viewbox = self._getViewBox() svgRenderer.setViewBox(viewbox) xml_stream = qt.QXmlStreamReader(svgData.encode(errors="replace")) # This is for PyMca compatibility, to share a print preview with PyMca plots svgRenderer._viewBox = viewbox svgRenderer._svgRawData = svgData.encode(errors="replace") svgRenderer._svgRendererData = xml_stream if not svgRenderer.load(xml_stream): raise RuntimeError("Cannot interpret svg data") return svgRenderer, viewbox def _getViewBox(self): """ """ printer = self.printPreviewDialog.printer dpix = printer.logicalDpiX() dpiy = printer.logicalDpiY() availableWidth = printer.width() availableHeight = printer.height() config = self._printGeometry width = config['width'] height = config['height'] xOffset = config['xOffset'] yOffset = config['yOffset'] units = config['units'] keepAspectRatio = config['keepAspectRatio'] aspectRatio = self._getPlotAspectRatio() # convert the offsets to dots if units.lower() in ['inch', 'inches']: xOffset = xOffset * dpix yOffset = yOffset * dpiy if width is not None: width = width * dpix if height is not None: height = height * dpiy elif units.lower() in ['cm', 'centimeters']: xOffset = (xOffset / 2.54) * dpix yOffset = (yOffset / 2.54) * dpiy if width is not None: width = (width / 2.54) * dpix if height is not None: height = (height / 2.54) * dpiy else: # page units xOffset = availableWidth * xOffset yOffset = availableHeight * yOffset if width is not None: width = availableWidth * width if height is not None: height = availableHeight * height availableWidth -= xOffset availableHeight -= yOffset if width is not None: if (availableWidth + 0.1) < width: txt = "Available width %f is less than requested width %f" % \ (availableWidth, width) raise ValueError(txt) if height is not None: if (availableHeight + 0.1) < height: txt = "Available height %f is less than requested height %f" % \ (availableHeight, height) raise ValueError(txt) if keepAspectRatio: bodyWidth = width or availableWidth bodyHeight = bodyWidth * aspectRatio if bodyHeight > availableHeight: bodyHeight = availableHeight bodyWidth = bodyHeight / aspectRatio else: bodyWidth = width or availableWidth bodyHeight = height or availableHeight return qt.QRectF(xOffset, yOffset, bodyWidth, bodyHeight) def _setPrintConfiguration(self): """Open a dialog to prompt the user to adjust print geometry parameters.""" self.printPreviewDialog.ensurePrinterIsSet() if self._printConfigurationDialog is None: self._printConfigurationDialog = PrintGeometryDialog(self.parent()) self._printConfigurationDialog.setPrintGeometry(self._printGeometry) if self._printConfigurationDialog.exec_(): self._printGeometry = self._printConfigurationDialog.getPrintGeometry() def _getPlotAspectRatio(self): widget = self.plot.centralWidget() graphWidth = float(widget.width()) graphHeight = float(widget.height()) return graphHeight / graphWidth class SingletonPrintPreviewToolButton(PrintPreviewToolButton): """This class is similar to its parent class :class:`PrintPreviewToolButton` but it uses a singleton print preview widget. This allows for several plots to send their content to the same print page, and for users to arrange them.""" def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None): PrintPreviewToolButton.__init__(self, parent, plot) @property def printPreviewDialog(self): if self._printPreviewDialog is None: self._printPreviewDialog = SingletonPrintPreviewDialog(self.parent()) return self._printPreviewDialog if __name__ == '__main__': import numpy app = qt.QApplication([]) pw = PlotWidget() toolbar = qt.QToolBar(pw) toolbutton = PrintPreviewToolButton(parent=toolbar, plot=pw) pw.addToolBar(toolbar) toolbar.addWidget(toolbutton) pw.show() x = numpy.arange(1000) y = x / numpy.sin(x) pw.addCurve(x, y) app.exec_()