# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2004-2020 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """Utility functions, toolbars and actions to create profile on images and stacks of images""" __authors__ = ["V.A. Sole", "T. Vincent", "P. Knobel", "H. Payno"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "12/04/2019" import weakref from .. import qt from . import actions from .tools.profile import core from .tools.profile import manager from .tools.profile import rois from silx.gui.widgets.MultiModeAction import MultiModeAction from silx.utils.deprecation import deprecated from silx.utils.deprecation import deprecated_warning from .tools import roi as roi_mdl from silx.gui.plot import items @deprecated(replacement="silx.gui.plot.tools.profile.createProfile", since_version="0.13.0") def createProfile(roiInfo, currentData, origin, scale, lineWidth, method): return core.createProfile(roiInfo, currentData, origin, scale, lineWidth, method) class _CustomProfileManager(manager.ProfileManager): """This custom profile manager uses a single predefined profile window if it is specified. Else the behavior is the same as the default ProfileManager """ def setProfileWindow(self, profileWindow): self.__profileWindow = profileWindow def createProfileWindow(self, plot, roi): if self.__profileWindow is not None: return self.__profileWindow else: return super(_CustomProfileManager, self).createProfileWindow(plot, roi) def clearProfileWindow(self, profileWindow): if self.__profileWindow is not None: self.__profileWindow.setProfile(None) else: return super(_CustomProfileManager, self).clearProfileWindow(profileWindow) class ProfileToolBar(qt.QToolBar): """QToolBar providing profile tools operating on a :class:`PlotWindow`. Attributes: - plot: Associated :class:`PlotWindow` on which the profile line is drawn. - actionGroup: :class:`QActionGroup` of available actions. To run the following sample code, a QApplication must be initialized. First, create a PlotWindow and add a :class:`ProfileToolBar`. >>> from silx.gui.plot import PlotWindow >>> from silx.gui.plot.Profile import ProfileToolBar >>> plot = PlotWindow() # Create a PlotWindow >>> toolBar = ProfileToolBar(plot=plot) # Create a profile toolbar >>> plot.addToolBar(toolBar) # Add it to plot >>> plot.show() # To display the PlotWindow with the profile toolbar :param plot: :class:`PlotWindow` instance on which to operate. :param profileWindow: Plot widget instance where to display the profile curve or None to create one. :param str title: See :class:`QToolBar`. :param parent: See :class:`QToolBar`. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None, profileWindow=None, title=None): super(ProfileToolBar, self).__init__(title, parent) assert plot is not None if title is not None: deprecated_warning("Attribute", name="title", reason="removed", since_version="0.13.0", only_once=True, skip_backtrace_count=1) self._plotRef = weakref.ref(plot) # If a profileWindow is defined, # It will be used to display all the profiles self._manager = _CustomProfileManager(self, plot) self._manager.setProfileWindow(profileWindow) self._manager.setDefaultColorFromCursorColor(True) self._manager.setItemType(image=True) self._manager.setActiveItemTracking(True) # Actions self._browseAction = actions.mode.ZoomModeAction(plot, parent=self) self._browseAction.setVisible(False) self.freeLineAction = None self._createProfileActions() self._editor = self._manager.createEditorAction(self) # ActionGroup self.actionGroup = qt.QActionGroup(self) self.actionGroup.addAction(self._browseAction) self.actionGroup.addAction(self.hLineAction) self.actionGroup.addAction(self.vLineAction) self.actionGroup.addAction(self.lineAction) self.actionGroup.addAction(self._editor) modes = MultiModeAction(self) modes.addAction(self.hLineAction) modes.addAction(self.vLineAction) modes.addAction(self.lineAction) if self.freeLineAction is not None: modes.addAction(self.freeLineAction) modes.addAction(self.crossAction) self.__multiAction = modes # Add actions to ToolBar self.addAction(self._browseAction) self.addAction(modes) self.addAction(self._editor) self.addAction(self.clearAction) plot.sigActiveImageChanged.connect(self._activeImageChanged) self._activeImageChanged() def _createProfileActions(self): self.hLineAction = self._manager.createProfileAction(rois.ProfileImageHorizontalLineROI, self) self.vLineAction = self._manager.createProfileAction(rois.ProfileImageVerticalLineROI, self) self.lineAction = self._manager.createProfileAction(rois.ProfileImageLineROI, self) self.freeLineAction = self._manager.createProfileAction(rois.ProfileImageDirectedLineROI, self) self.crossAction = self._manager.createProfileAction(rois.ProfileImageCrossROI, self) self.clearAction = self._manager.createClearAction(self) def getPlotWidget(self): """The :class:`.PlotWidget` associated to the toolbar.""" return self._plotRef() @property @deprecated(since_version="0.13.0", replacement="getPlotWidget()") def plot(self): return self.getPlotWidget() def _setRoiActionEnabled(self, itemKind, enabled): for action in self.__multiAction.getMenu().actions(): if not isinstance(action, roi_mdl.CreateRoiModeAction): continue roiClass = action.getRoiClass() if issubclass(itemKind, roiClass.ITEM_KIND): action.setEnabled(enabled) def _activeImageChanged(self, previous=None, legend=None): """Handle active image change to toggle actions""" if legend is None: self._setRoiActionEnabled(items.ImageStack, False) self._setRoiActionEnabled(items.ImageBase, False) else: plot = self.getPlotWidget() image = plot.getActiveImage() # Disable for empty image enabled = image.getData(copy=False).size > 0 self._setRoiActionEnabled(type(image), enabled) @property @deprecated(since_version="0.6.0") def browseAction(self): return self._browseAction @property @deprecated(replacement="getProfilePlot", since_version="0.5.0") def profileWindow(self): return self.getProfilePlot() def getProfileManager(self): """Return the manager of the profiles. :rtype: ProfileManager """ return self._manager @deprecated(since_version="0.13.0") def getProfilePlot(self): """Return plot widget in which the profile curve or the profile image is plotted. """ window = self.getProfileMainWindow() if window is None: return None return window.getCurrentPlotWidget() @deprecated(replacement="getProfileManager().getCurrentRoi().getProfileWindow()", since_version="0.13.0") def getProfileMainWindow(self): """Return window containing the profile curve widget. This can return None if no profile was computed. """ roi = self._manager.getCurrentRoi() if roi is None: return None return roi.getProfileWindow() @property @deprecated(since_version="0.13.0") def overlayColor(self): """This method does nothing anymore. But could be implemented if needed. It was used to set color to use for the ROI. If set to None (the default), the overlay color is adapted to the active image colormap and changes if the active image colormap changes. """ pass @overlayColor.setter @deprecated(since_version="0.13.0") def overlayColor(self, color): """This method does nothing anymore. But could be implemented if needed. """ pass def clearProfile(self): """Remove profile curve and profile area.""" self._manager.clearProfile() @deprecated(since_version="0.13.0") def updateProfile(self): """This method does nothing anymore. But could be implemented if needed. It was used to update the displayed profile and profile ROI. This uses the current active image of the plot and the current ROI. """ pass @deprecated(replacement="clearProfile()", since_version="0.13.0") def hideProfileWindow(self): """Hide profile window. """ self.clearProfile() @deprecated(since_version="0.13.0") def setProfileMethod(self, method): assert method in ('sum', 'mean') roi = self._manager.getCurrentRoi() if roi is None: raise RuntimeError("No profile ROI selected") roi.setProfileMethod(method) @deprecated(since_version="0.13.0") def getProfileMethod(self): roi = self._manager.getCurrentRoi() if roi is None: raise RuntimeError("No profile ROI selected") return roi.getProfileMethod() @deprecated(since_version="0.13.0") def getProfileOptionToolAction(self): return self._editor class Profile3DToolBar(ProfileToolBar): def __init__(self, parent=None, stackview=None, title=None): """QToolBar providing profile tools for an image or a stack of images. :param parent: the parent QWidget :param stackview: :class:`StackView` instance on which to operate. :param str title: See :class:`QToolBar`. :param parent: See :class:`QToolBar`. """ # TODO: add param profileWindow (specify the plot used for profiles) super(Profile3DToolBar, self).__init__(parent=parent, plot=stackview.getPlotWidget()) if title is not None: deprecated_warning("Attribute", name="title", reason="removed", since_version="0.13.0", only_once=True, skip_backtrace_count=1) self.stackView = stackview """:class:`StackView` instance""" def _createProfileActions(self): self.hLineAction = self._manager.createProfileAction(rois.ProfileImageStackHorizontalLineROI, self) self.vLineAction = self._manager.createProfileAction(rois.ProfileImageStackVerticalLineROI, self) self.lineAction = self._manager.createProfileAction(rois.ProfileImageStackLineROI, self) self.crossAction = self._manager.createProfileAction(rois.ProfileImageStackCrossROI, self) self.clearAction = self._manager.createClearAction(self)