# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """ Module containing widgets displaying stats from items of a plot. """ __authors__ = ["H. Payno"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "24/07/2018" import functools import logging import numpy from collections import OrderedDict import silx.utils.weakref from silx.gui import qt from silx.gui import icons from silx.gui.plot.items.curve import Curve as CurveItem from silx.gui.plot.items.histogram import Histogram as HistogramItem from silx.gui.plot.items.image import ImageBase as ImageItem from silx.gui.plot.items.scatter import Scatter as ScatterItem from silx.gui.plot import stats as statsmdl from silx.gui.widgets.TableWidget import TableWidget from silx.gui.plot.stats.statshandler import StatsHandler, StatFormatter logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class StatsWidget(qt.QWidget): """ Widget displaying a set of :class:`Stat` to be displayed on a :class:`StatsTable` and to be apply on items contained in the :class:`Plot` Also contains options to: * compute statistics on all the data or on visible data only * show statistics of all items or only the active one :param parent: Qt parent :param plot: the plot containing items on which we want statistics. """ sigVisibilityChanged = qt.Signal(bool) NUMBER_FORMAT = '{0:.3f}' class OptionsWidget(qt.QToolBar): def __init__(self, parent=None): qt.QToolBar.__init__(self, parent) self.setIconSize(qt.QSize(16, 16)) action = qt.QAction(self) action.setIcon(icons.getQIcon("stats-active-items")) action.setText("Active items only") action.setToolTip("Display stats for active items only.") action.setCheckable(True) action.setChecked(True) self.__displayActiveItems = action action = qt.QAction(self) action.setIcon(icons.getQIcon("stats-whole-items")) action.setText("All items") action.setToolTip("Display stats for all available items.") action.setCheckable(True) self.__displayWholeItems = action action = qt.QAction(self) action.setIcon(icons.getQIcon("stats-visible-data")) action.setText("Use the visible data range") action.setToolTip("Use the visible data range.
" "If activated the data is filtered to only use" "visible data of the plot." "The filtering is a data sub-sampling." "No interpolation is made to fit data to" "boundaries.") action.setCheckable(True) self.__useVisibleData = action action = qt.QAction(self) action.setIcon(icons.getQIcon("stats-whole-data")) action.setText("Use the full data range") action.setToolTip("Use the full data range.") action.setCheckable(True) action.setChecked(True) self.__useWholeData = action self.addAction(self.__displayWholeItems) self.addAction(self.__displayActiveItems) self.addSeparator() self.addAction(self.__useVisibleData) self.addAction(self.__useWholeData) self.itemSelection = qt.QActionGroup(self) self.itemSelection.setExclusive(True) self.itemSelection.addAction(self.__displayActiveItems) self.itemSelection.addAction(self.__displayWholeItems) self.dataRangeSelection = qt.QActionGroup(self) self.dataRangeSelection.setExclusive(True) self.dataRangeSelection.addAction(self.__useWholeData) self.dataRangeSelection.addAction(self.__useVisibleData) def isActiveItemMode(self): return self.itemSelection.checkedAction() is self.__displayActiveItems def isVisibleDataRangeMode(self): return self.dataRangeSelection.checkedAction() is self.__useVisibleData def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None, stats=None): qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.setLayout(qt.QVBoxLayout()) self.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self._options = self.OptionsWidget(parent=self) self.layout().addWidget(self._options) self._statsTable = StatsTable(parent=self, plot=plot) self.setStats = self._statsTable.setStats self.setStats(stats) self.layout().addWidget(self._statsTable) self.setPlot = self._statsTable.setPlot self._options.itemSelection.triggered.connect( self._optSelectionChanged) self._options.dataRangeSelection.triggered.connect( self._optDataRangeChanged) self._optSelectionChanged() self._optDataRangeChanged() self.setDisplayOnlyActiveItem = self._statsTable.setDisplayOnlyActiveItem self.setStatsOnVisibleData = self._statsTable.setStatsOnVisibleData def showEvent(self, event): self.sigVisibilityChanged.emit(True) qt.QWidget.showEvent(self, event) def hideEvent(self, event): self.sigVisibilityChanged.emit(False) qt.QWidget.hideEvent(self, event) def _optSelectionChanged(self, action=None): self._statsTable.setDisplayOnlyActiveItem(self._options.isActiveItemMode()) def _optDataRangeChanged(self, action=None): self._statsTable.setStatsOnVisibleData(self._options.isVisibleDataRangeMode()) class BasicStatsWidget(StatsWidget): """ Widget defining a simple set of :class:`Stat` to be displayed on a :class:`StatsWidget`. :param parent: Qt parent :param plot: the plot containing items on which we want statistics. """ STATS = StatsHandler(( (statsmdl.StatMin(), StatFormatter()), statsmdl.StatCoordMin(), (statsmdl.StatMax(), StatFormatter()), statsmdl.StatCoordMax(), (('std', numpy.std), StatFormatter()), (('mean', numpy.mean), StatFormatter()), statsmdl.StatCOM() )) def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None): StatsWidget.__init__(self, parent=parent, plot=plot, stats=self.STATS) class StatsTable(TableWidget): """ TableWidget displaying for each curves contained by the Plot some information: * legend * minimal value * maximal value * standard deviation (std) :param parent: The widget's parent. :param plot: :class:`.PlotWidget` instance on which to operate """ COMPATIBLE_KINDS = { 'curve': CurveItem, 'image': ImageItem, 'scatter': ScatterItem, 'histogram': HistogramItem } COMPATIBLE_ITEMS = tuple(COMPATIBLE_KINDS.values()) def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None): TableWidget.__init__(self, parent) """Next freeID for the curve""" self.plot = None self._displayOnlyActItem = False self._statsOnVisibleData = False self._lgdAndKindToItems = {} """Associate to a tuple(legend, kind) the items legend""" self.callbackImage = None self.callbackScatter = None self.callbackCurve = None """Associate the curve legend to his first item""" self._statsHandler = None self._legendsSet = [] """list of legends actually displayed""" self._resetColumns() self.setColumnCount(len(self._columns)) self.setSelectionBehavior(qt.QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) self.setPlot(plot) self.setSortingEnabled(True) def _resetColumns(self): self._columns_index = OrderedDict([('legend', 0), ('kind', 1)]) self._columns = self._columns_index.keys() self.setColumnCount(len(self._columns)) def setStats(self, statsHandler): """ :param statsHandler: Set the statistics to be displayed and how to format them using :rtype: :class:`StatsHandler` """ _statsHandler = statsHandler if statsHandler is None: _statsHandler = StatsHandler(statFormatters=()) if isinstance(_statsHandler, (list, tuple)): _statsHandler = StatsHandler(_statsHandler) assert isinstance(_statsHandler, StatsHandler) self._resetColumns() self.clear() for statName, stat in list(_statsHandler.stats.items()): assert isinstance(stat, statsmdl.StatBase) self._columns_index[statName] = len(self._columns_index) self._statsHandler = _statsHandler self._columns = self._columns_index.keys() self.setColumnCount(len(self._columns)) self._updateItemObserve() self._updateAllStats() def getStatsHandler(self): return self._statsHandler def _updateAllStats(self): for (legend, kind) in self._lgdAndKindToItems: self._updateStats(legend, kind) @staticmethod def _getKind(myItem): if isinstance(myItem, CurveItem): return 'curve' elif isinstance(myItem, ImageItem): return 'image' elif isinstance(myItem, ScatterItem): return 'scatter' elif isinstance(myItem, HistogramItem): return 'histogram' else: return None def setPlot(self, plot): """ Define the plot to interact with :param plot: the plot containing the items on which statistics are applied :rtype: :class:`.PlotWidget` """ if self.plot: self._dealWithPlotConnection(create=False) self.plot = plot self.clear() if self.plot: self._dealWithPlotConnection(create=True) self._updateItemObserve() def _updateItemObserve(self): if self.plot: self.clear() if self._displayOnlyActItem is True: activeCurve = self.plot.getActiveCurve(just_legend=False) activeScatter = self.plot._getActiveItem(kind='scatter', just_legend=False) activeImage = self.plot.getActiveImage(just_legend=False) if activeCurve: self._addItem(activeCurve) if activeImage: self._addItem(activeImage) if activeScatter: self._addItem(activeScatter) else: [self._addItem(curve) for curve in self.plot.getAllCurves()] [self._addItem(image) for image in self.plot.getAllImages()] scatters = self.plot._getItems(kind='scatter', just_legend=False, withhidden=True) [self._addItem(scatter) for scatter in scatters] histograms = self.plot._getItems(kind='histogram', just_legend=False, withhidden=True) [self._addItem(histogram) for histogram in histograms] def _dealWithPlotConnection(self, create=True): """ Manage connection to plot signals Note: connection on Item are managed by the _removeItem function """ if self.plot is None: return if self._displayOnlyActItem: if create is True: if self.callbackImage is None: self.callbackImage = functools.partial(self._activeItemChanged, 'image') self.callbackScatter = functools.partial(self._activeItemChanged, 'scatter') self.callbackCurve = functools.partial(self._activeItemChanged, 'curve') self.plot.sigActiveImageChanged.connect(self.callbackImage) self.plot.sigActiveScatterChanged.connect(self.callbackScatter) self.plot.sigActiveCurveChanged.connect(self.callbackCurve) else: if self.callbackImage is not None: self.plot.sigActiveImageChanged.disconnect(self.callbackImage) self.plot.sigActiveScatterChanged.disconnect(self.callbackScatter) self.plot.sigActiveCurveChanged.disconnect(self.callbackCurve) self.callbackImage = None self.callbackScatter = None self.callbackCurve = None else: if create is True: self.plot.sigContentChanged.connect(self._plotContentChanged) else: self.plot.sigContentChanged.disconnect(self._plotContentChanged) if create is True: self.plot.sigPlotSignal.connect(self._zoomPlotChanged) else: self.plot.sigPlotSignal.disconnect(self._zoomPlotChanged) def clear(self): """ Clear all existing items """ lgdsAndKinds = list(self._lgdAndKindToItems.keys()) for lgdAndKind in lgdsAndKinds: self._removeItem(legend=lgdAndKind[0], kind=lgdAndKind[1]) self._lgdAndKindToItems = {} qt.QTableWidget.clear(self) self.setRowCount(0) # It have to called befor3e accessing to the header items self.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(list(self._columns)) if self._statsHandler is not None: for columnId, name in enumerate(self._columns): item = self.horizontalHeaderItem(columnId) if name in self._statsHandler.stats: stat = self._statsHandler.stats[name] text = stat.name[0].upper() + stat.name[1:] if stat.description is not None: tooltip = stat.description else: tooltip = "" else: text = name[0].upper() + name[1:] tooltip = "" item.setToolTip(tooltip) item.setText(text) if hasattr(self.horizontalHeader(), 'setSectionResizeMode'): # Qt5 self.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode(qt.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) else: # Qt4 self.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(qt.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) self.setColumnHidden(self._columns_index['kind'], True) def _addItem(self, item): assert isinstance(item, self.COMPATIBLE_ITEMS) if (item.getLegend(), self._getKind(item)) in self._lgdAndKindToItems: self._updateStats(item.getLegend(), self._getKind(item)) return self.setRowCount(self.rowCount() + 1) indexTable = self.rowCount() - 1 kind = self._getKind(item) self._lgdAndKindToItems[(item.getLegend(), kind)] = {} # the get item will manage the item creation of not existing _createItem = self._getItem for itemName in self._columns: _createItem(name=itemName, legend=item.getLegend(), kind=kind, indexTable=indexTable) self._updateStats(legend=item.getLegend(), kind=kind) callback = functools.partial( silx.utils.weakref.WeakMethodProxy(self._updateStats), item.getLegend(), kind) item.sigItemChanged.connect(callback) self.setColumnHidden(self._columns_index['kind'], item.getLegend() not in self._legendsSet) self._legendsSet.append(item.getLegend()) def _getItem(self, name, legend, kind, indexTable): if (legend, kind) not in self._lgdAndKindToItems: self._lgdAndKindToItems[(legend, kind)] = {} if not (name in self._lgdAndKindToItems[(legend, kind)] and self._lgdAndKindToItems[(legend, kind)]): if name in ('legend', 'kind'): _item = qt.QTableWidgetItem(type=qt.QTableWidgetItem.Type) if name == 'legend': _item.setText(legend) else: assert name == 'kind' _item.setText(kind) else: if self._statsHandler.formatters[name]: _item = self._statsHandler.formatters[name].tabWidgetItemClass() else: _item = qt.QTableWidgetItem() tooltip = self._statsHandler.stats[name].getToolTip(kind=kind) if tooltip is not None: _item.setToolTip(tooltip) _item.setFlags(qt.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | qt.Qt.ItemIsSelectable) self.setItem(indexTable, self._columns_index[name], _item) self._lgdAndKindToItems[(legend, kind)][name] = _item return self._lgdAndKindToItems[(legend, kind)][name] def _removeItem(self, legend, kind): if (legend, kind) not in self._lgdAndKindToItems or not self.plot: return self.firstItem = self._lgdAndKindToItems[(legend, kind)]['legend'] del self._lgdAndKindToItems[(legend, kind)] self.removeRow(self.firstItem.row()) self._legendsSet.remove(legend) self.setColumnHidden(self._columns_index['kind'], legend not in self._legendsSet) def _updateCurrentStats(self): for lgdAndKind in self._lgdAndKindToItems: self._updateStats(lgdAndKind[0], lgdAndKind[1]) def _updateStats(self, legend, kind, event=None): if self._statsHandler is None: return assert kind in ('curve', 'image', 'scatter', 'histogram') if kind == 'curve': item = self.plot.getCurve(legend) elif kind == 'image': item = self.plot.getImage(legend) elif kind == 'scatter': item = self.plot.getScatter(legend) elif kind == 'histogram': item = self.plot.getHistogram(legend) else: raise ValueError('kind not managed') if not item or (item.getLegend(), kind) not in self._lgdAndKindToItems: return assert isinstance(item, self.COMPATIBLE_ITEMS) statsValDict = self._statsHandler.calculate(item, self.plot, self._statsOnVisibleData) lgdItem = self._lgdAndKindToItems[(item.getLegend(), kind)]['legend'] assert lgdItem rowStat = lgdItem.row() for statName, statVal in list(statsValDict.items()): assert statName in self._lgdAndKindToItems[(item.getLegend(), kind)] tableItem = self._getItem(name=statName, legend=item.getLegend(), kind=kind, indexTable=rowStat) tableItem.setText(str(statVal)) def currentChanged(self, current, previous): if current.row() >= 0: legendItem = self.item(current.row(), self._columns_index['legend']) assert legendItem kindItem = self.item(current.row(), self._columns_index['kind']) kind = kindItem.text() if kind == 'curve': self.plot.setActiveCurve(legendItem.text()) elif kind == 'image': self.plot.setActiveImage(legendItem.text()) elif kind == 'scatter': self.plot._setActiveItem('scatter', legendItem.text()) elif kind == 'histogram': # active histogram not managed by the plot actually pass else: raise ValueError('kind not managed') qt.QTableWidget.currentChanged(self, current, previous) def setDisplayOnlyActiveItem(self, displayOnlyActItem): """ :param bool displayOnlyActItem: True if we want to only show active item """ if self._displayOnlyActItem == displayOnlyActItem: return self._displayOnlyActItem = displayOnlyActItem self._dealWithPlotConnection(create=False) self._updateItemObserve() self._dealWithPlotConnection(create=True) def setStatsOnVisibleData(self, b): """ .. warning:: When visible data is activated we will process to a simple filtering of visible data by the user. The filtering is a simple data sub-sampling. No interpolation is made to fit data to boundaries. :param bool b: True if we want to apply statistics only on visible data """ if self._statsOnVisibleData != b: self._statsOnVisibleData = b self._updateCurrentStats() def _activeItemChanged(self, kind, previous, current): """Callback used when plotting only the active item""" assert kind in ('curve', 'image', 'scatter', 'histogram') self._updateItemObserve() def _plotContentChanged(self, action, kind, legend): """Callback used when plotting all the plot items""" if kind not in ('curve', 'image', 'scatter', 'histogram'): return if kind == 'curve': item = self.plot.getCurve(legend) elif kind == 'image': item = self.plot.getImage(legend) elif kind == 'scatter': item = self.plot.getScatter(legend) elif kind == 'histogram': item = self.plot.getHistogram(legend) else: raise ValueError('kind not managed') if action == 'add': if item is None: raise ValueError('Item from legend "%s" do not exists' % legend) self._addItem(item) elif action == 'remove': self._removeItem(legend, kind) def _zoomPlotChanged(self, event): if self._statsOnVisibleData is True: if 'event' in event and event['event'] == 'limitsChanged': self._updateCurrentStats()