# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2014-2017 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """This module implements date-time labels layout on graph axes.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals __authors__ = ["P. Kenter"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "04/04/2018" import datetime as dt import logging import math import time import dateutil.tz from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from silx.third_party import enum from .ticklayout import niceNumGeneric _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND = 1000000 SECONDS_PER_MINUTE = 60 SECONDS_PER_HOUR = 60 * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE SECONDS_PER_DAY = 24 * SECONDS_PER_HOUR SECONDS_PER_YEAR = 365.25 * SECONDS_PER_DAY SECONDS_PER_MONTH_AVERAGE = SECONDS_PER_YEAR / 12 # Seconds per average month # No dt.timezone in Python 2.7 so we use dateutil.tz.tzutc _EPOCH = dt.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=dateutil.tz.tzutc()) def timestamp(dtObj): """ Returns POSIX timestamp of a datetime objects. If the dtObj object has a timestamp() method (python 3.3), this is used. Otherwise (e.g. python 2.7) it is calculated here. The POSIX timestamp is a floating point value of the number of seconds since the start of an epoch (typically 1970-01-01). For details see: https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#datetime.datetime.timestamp :param datetime.datetime dtObj: date-time representation. :return: POSIX timestamp :rtype: float """ if hasattr(dtObj, "timestamp"): return dtObj.timestamp() else: # Back ported from Python 3.5 if dtObj.tzinfo is None: return time.mktime((dtObj.year, dtObj.month, dtObj.day, dtObj.hour, dtObj.minute, dtObj.second, -1, -1, -1)) + dtObj.microsecond / 1e6 else: return (dtObj - _EPOCH).total_seconds() @enum.unique class DtUnit(enum.Enum): YEARS = 0 MONTHS = 1 DAYS = 2 HOURS = 3 MINUTES = 4 SECONDS = 5 MICRO_SECONDS = 6 # a fraction of a second def getDateElement(dateTime, unit): """ Picks the date element with the unit from the dateTime E.g. getDateElement(datetime(1970, 5, 6), DtUnit.Day) will return 6 :param datetime dateTime: date/time to pick from :param DtUnit unit: The unit describing the date element. """ if unit == DtUnit.YEARS: return dateTime.year elif unit == DtUnit.MONTHS: return dateTime.month elif unit == DtUnit.DAYS: return dateTime.day elif unit == DtUnit.HOURS: return dateTime.hour elif unit == DtUnit.MINUTES: return dateTime.minute elif unit == DtUnit.SECONDS: return dateTime.second elif unit == DtUnit.MICRO_SECONDS: return dateTime.microsecond else: raise ValueError("Unexpected DtUnit: {}".format(unit)) def setDateElement(dateTime, value, unit): """ Returns a copy of dateTime with the tickStep unit set to value :param datetime.datetime: date time object :param int value: value to set :param DtUnit unit: unit :return: datetime.datetime """ intValue = int(value) _logger.debug("setDateElement({}, {} (int={}), {})" .format(dateTime, value, intValue, unit)) year = dateTime.year month = dateTime.month day = dateTime.day hour = dateTime.hour minute = dateTime.minute second = dateTime.second microsecond = dateTime.microsecond if unit == DtUnit.YEARS: year = intValue elif unit == DtUnit.MONTHS: month = intValue elif unit == DtUnit.DAYS: day = intValue elif unit == DtUnit.HOURS: hour = intValue elif unit == DtUnit.MINUTES: minute = intValue elif unit == DtUnit.SECONDS: second = intValue elif unit == DtUnit.MICRO_SECONDS: microsecond = intValue else: raise ValueError("Unexpected DtUnit: {}".format(unit)) _logger.debug("creating date time {}" .format((year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond))) return dt.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond, tzinfo=dateTime.tzinfo) def roundToElement(dateTime, unit): """ Returns a copy of dateTime with the :param datetime.datetime: date time object :param DtUnit unit: unit :return: datetime.datetime """ year = dateTime.year month = dateTime.month day = dateTime.day hour = dateTime.hour minute = dateTime.minute second = dateTime.second microsecond = dateTime.microsecond if unit.value < DtUnit.YEARS.value: pass # Never round years if unit.value < DtUnit.MONTHS.value: month = 1 if unit.value < DtUnit.DAYS.value: day = 1 if unit.value < DtUnit.HOURS.value: hour = 0 if unit.value < DtUnit.MINUTES.value: minute = 0 if unit.value < DtUnit.SECONDS.value: second = 0 if unit.value < DtUnit.MICRO_SECONDS.value: microsecond = 0 result = dt.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond, tzinfo=dateTime.tzinfo) return result def addValueToDate(dateTime, value, unit): """ Adds a value with unit to a dateTime. Uses dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta from the standard library to do the actual math. This function doesn't allow for fractional month or years, so month and year are truncated to integers before adding. :param datetime dateTime: date time :param float value: value to be added :param DtUnit unit: of the value :return: """ #logger.debug("addValueToDate({}, {}, {})".format(dateTime, value, unit)) if unit == DtUnit.YEARS: intValue = int(value) # floats not implemented in relativeDelta(years) return dateTime + relativedelta(years=intValue) elif unit == DtUnit.MONTHS: intValue = int(value) # floats not implemented in relativeDelta(mohths) return dateTime + relativedelta(months=intValue) elif unit == DtUnit.DAYS: return dateTime + relativedelta(days=value) elif unit == DtUnit.HOURS: return dateTime + relativedelta(hours=value) elif unit == DtUnit.MINUTES: return dateTime + relativedelta(minutes=value) elif unit == DtUnit.SECONDS: return dateTime + relativedelta(seconds=value) elif unit == DtUnit.MICRO_SECONDS: return dateTime + relativedelta(microseconds=value) else: raise ValueError("Unexpected DtUnit: {}".format(unit)) def bestUnit(durationInSeconds): """ Gets the best tick spacing given a duration in seconds. :param durationInSeconds: time span duration in seconds :return: DtUnit enumeration. """ # Based on; https://stackoverflow.com/a/2144398/ # If the duration is longer than two years the tick spacing will be in # years. Else, if the duration is longer than two months, the spacing will # be in months, Etcetera. # # This factor differs per unit. As a baseline it is 2, but for instance, # for Months this needs to be higher (3>), This because it is impossible to # have partial months so the tick spacing is always at least 1 month. A # duration of two months would result in two ticks, which is too few. # months would then results if durationInSeconds > SECONDS_PER_YEAR * 3: return (durationInSeconds / SECONDS_PER_YEAR, DtUnit.YEARS) elif durationInSeconds > SECONDS_PER_MONTH_AVERAGE * 3: return (durationInSeconds / SECONDS_PER_MONTH_AVERAGE, DtUnit.MONTHS) elif durationInSeconds > SECONDS_PER_DAY * 2: return (durationInSeconds / SECONDS_PER_DAY, DtUnit.DAYS) elif durationInSeconds > SECONDS_PER_HOUR * 2: return (durationInSeconds / SECONDS_PER_HOUR, DtUnit.HOURS) elif durationInSeconds > SECONDS_PER_MINUTE * 2: return (durationInSeconds / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE, DtUnit.MINUTES) elif durationInSeconds > 1 * 2: return (durationInSeconds, DtUnit.SECONDS) else: return (durationInSeconds * MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND, DtUnit.MICRO_SECONDS) NICE_DATE_VALUES = { DtUnit.YEARS: [1, 2, 5, 10], DtUnit.MONTHS: [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12], DtUnit.DAYS: [1, 2, 3, 7, 14, 28], DtUnit.HOURS: [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12], DtUnit.MINUTES: [1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30], DtUnit.SECONDS: [1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30], DtUnit.MICRO_SECONDS : [1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0], # floats for microsec } def bestFormatString(spacing, unit): """ Finds the best format string given the spacing and DtUnit. If the spacing is a fractional number < 1 the format string will take this into account :param spacing: spacing between ticks :param DtUnit unit: :return: Format string for use in strftime :rtype: str """ isSmall = spacing < 1 if unit == DtUnit.YEARS: return "%Y-m" if isSmall else "%Y" elif unit == DtUnit.MONTHS: return "%Y-%m-%d" if isSmall else "%Y-%m" elif unit == DtUnit.DAYS: return "%H:%M" if isSmall else "%Y-%m-%d" elif unit == DtUnit.HOURS: return "%H:%M" if isSmall else "%H:%M" elif unit == DtUnit.MINUTES: return "%H:%M:%S" if isSmall else "%H:%M" elif unit == DtUnit.SECONDS: return "%S.%f" if isSmall else "%H:%M:%S" elif unit == DtUnit.MICRO_SECONDS: return "%S.%f" else: raise ValueError("Unexpected DtUnit: {}".format(unit)) def niceDateTimeElement(value, unit, isRound=False): """ Uses the Nice Numbers algorithm to determine a nice value. The fractions are optimized for the unit of the date element. """ niceValues = NICE_DATE_VALUES[unit] elemValue = niceNumGeneric(value, niceValues, isRound=isRound) if unit == DtUnit.YEARS or unit == DtUnit.MONTHS: elemValue = max(1, int(elemValue)) return elemValue def findStartDate(dMin, dMax, nTicks): """ Rounds a date down to the nearest nice number of ticks """ assert dMax > dMin, \ "dMin ({}) should come before dMax ({})".format(dMin, dMax) delta = dMax - dMin lengthSec = delta.total_seconds() _logger.debug("findStartDate: {}, {} (duration = {} sec, {} days)" .format(dMin, dMax, lengthSec, lengthSec / SECONDS_PER_DAY)) length, unit = bestUnit(delta.total_seconds()) niceLength = niceDateTimeElement(length, unit) _logger.debug("Length: {:8.3f} {} (nice = {})" .format(length, unit.name, niceLength)) niceSpacing = niceDateTimeElement(niceLength / nTicks, unit, isRound=True) _logger.debug("Spacing: {:8.3f} {} (nice = {})" .format(niceLength / nTicks, unit.name, niceSpacing)) dVal = getDateElement(dMin, unit) if unit == DtUnit.MONTHS: # TODO: better rounding? niceVal = math.floor((dVal-1) / niceSpacing) * niceSpacing + 1 elif unit == DtUnit.DAYS: niceVal = math.floor((dVal-1) / niceSpacing) * niceSpacing + 1 else: niceVal = math.floor(dVal / niceSpacing) * niceSpacing _logger.debug("StartValue: dVal = {}, niceVal: {} ({})" .format(dVal, niceVal, unit.name)) startDate = roundToElement(dMin, unit) startDate = setDateElement(startDate, niceVal, unit) return startDate, niceSpacing, unit def dateRange(dMin, dMax, step, unit, includeFirstBeyond = False): """ Generates a range of dates :param datetime dMin: start date :param datetime dMax: end date :param int step: the step size :param DtUnit unit: the unit of the step size :param bool includeFirstBeyond: if True the first date later than dMax will be included in the range. If False (the default), the last generated datetime will always be smaller than dMax. :return: """ if (unit == DtUnit.YEARS or unit == DtUnit.MONTHS or unit == DtUnit.MICRO_SECONDS): # Month and years will be converted to integers assert int(step) > 0, "Integer value or tickstep is 0" else: assert step > 0, "tickstep is 0" dateTime = dMin while dateTime < dMax: yield dateTime dateTime = addValueToDate(dateTime, step, unit) if includeFirstBeyond: yield dateTime def calcTicks(dMin, dMax, nTicks): """Returns tick positions. :param datetime.datetime dMin: The min value on the axis :param datetime.datetime dMax: The max value on the axis :param int nTicks: The target number of ticks. The actual number of found ticks may differ. :returns: (list of datetimes, DtUnit) tuple """ _logger.debug("Calc calcTicks({}, {}, nTicks={})" .format(dMin, dMax, nTicks)) startDate, niceSpacing, unit = findStartDate(dMin, dMax, nTicks) result = [] for d in dateRange(startDate, dMax, niceSpacing, unit, includeFirstBeyond=True): result.append(d) assert result[0] <= dMin, \ "First nice date ({}) should be <= dMin {}".format(result[0], dMin) assert result[-1] >= dMax, \ "Last nice date ({}) should be >= dMax {}".format(result[-1], dMax) return result, niceSpacing, unit def calcTicksAdaptive(dMin, dMax, axisLength, tickDensity): """ Calls calcTicks with a variable number of ticks, depending on axisLength """ # At least 2 ticks nticks = max(2, int(round(tickDensity * axisLength))) return calcTicks(dMin, dMax, nticks)