# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2014-2017 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """This module implements labels layout on graph axes.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals __authors__ = ["T. Vincent"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "18/10/2016" import math # utils ####################################################################### def numberOfDigits(tickSpacing): """Returns the number of digits to display for text label. :param float tickSpacing: Step between ticks in data space. :return: Number of digits to show for labels. :rtype: int """ nfrac = int(-math.floor(math.log10(tickSpacing))) if nfrac < 0: nfrac = 0 return nfrac # Nice Numbers ################################################################ def _niceNum(value, isRound=False): expvalue = math.floor(math.log10(value)) frac = value/pow(10., expvalue) if isRound: if frac < 1.5: nicefrac = 1. elif frac < 3.: nicefrac = 2. elif frac < 7.: nicefrac = 5. else: nicefrac = 10. else: if frac <= 1.: nicefrac = 1. elif frac <= 2.: nicefrac = 2. elif frac <= 5.: nicefrac = 5. else: nicefrac = 10. return nicefrac * pow(10., expvalue) def niceNumbers(vMin, vMax, nTicks=5): """Returns tick positions. This function implements graph labels layout using nice numbers by Paul Heckbert from "Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990. See `C code `_. :param float vMin: The min value on the axis :param float vMax: The max value on the axis :param int nTicks: The number of ticks to position :returns: min, max, increment value of tick positions and number of fractional digit to show :rtype: tuple """ vrange = _niceNum(vMax - vMin, False) spacing = _niceNum(vrange / nTicks, True) graphmin = math.floor(vMin / spacing) * spacing graphmax = math.ceil(vMax / spacing) * spacing nfrac = numberOfDigits(spacing) return graphmin, graphmax, spacing, nfrac def _frange(start, stop, step): """range for float (including stop).""" assert step >= 0. while start <= stop: yield start start += step def ticks(vMin, vMax, nbTicks=5): """Returns tick positions and labels using nice numbers algorithm. This enforces ticks to be within [vMin, vMax] range. It returns at least 1 tick (when vMin == vMax). :param float vMin: The min value on the axis :param float vMax: The max value on the axis :param int nbTicks: The number of ticks to position :returns: tick positions and corresponding text labels :rtype: 2-tuple: list of float, list of string """ assert vMin <= vMax if vMin == vMax: positions = [vMin] nfrac = 0 else: start, end, step, nfrac = niceNumbers(vMin, vMax, nbTicks) positions = [t for t in _frange(start, end, step) if vMin <= t <= vMax] # Makes sure there is at least 2 ticks if len(positions) < 2: positions = [vMin, vMax] nfrac = numberOfDigits(vMax - vMin) # Generate labels format_ = '%g' if nfrac == 0 else '%.{}f'.format(nfrac) labels = [format_ % tick for tick in positions] return positions, labels def niceNumbersAdaptative(vMin, vMax, axisLength, tickDensity): """Returns tick positions using :func:`niceNumbers` and a density of ticks. axisLength and tickDensity are based on the same unit (e.g., pixel). :param float vMin: The min value on the axis :param float vMax: The max value on the axis :param float axisLength: The length of the axis. :param float tickDensity: The density of ticks along the axis. :returns: min, max, increment value of tick positions and number of fractional digit to show :rtype: tuple """ # At least 2 ticks nticks = max(2, int(round(tickDensity * axisLength))) tickmin, tickmax, step, nfrac = niceNumbers(vMin, vMax, nticks) return tickmin, tickmax, step, nfrac # Nice Numbers for log scale ################################################## def niceNumbersForLog10(minLog, maxLog, nTicks=5): """Return tick positions for logarithmic scale :param float minLog: log10 of the min value on the axis :param float maxLog: log10 of the max value on the axis :param int nTicks: The number of ticks to position :returns: log10 of min, max, increment value of tick positions and number of fractional digit to show :rtype: tuple of int """ graphminlog = math.floor(minLog) graphmaxlog = math.ceil(maxLog) rangelog = graphmaxlog - graphminlog if rangelog <= nTicks: spacing = 1. else: spacing = math.floor(rangelog / nTicks) graphminlog = math.floor(graphminlog / spacing) * spacing graphmaxlog = math.ceil(graphmaxlog / spacing) * spacing nfrac = numberOfDigits(spacing) return int(graphminlog), int(graphmaxlog), int(spacing), nfrac def niceNumbersAdaptativeForLog10(vMin, vMax, axisLength, tickDensity): """Returns tick positions using :func:`niceNumbers` and a density of ticks. axisLength and tickDensity are based on the same unit (e.g., pixel). :param float vMin: The min value on the axis :param float vMax: The max value on the axis :param float axisLength: The length of the axis. :param float tickDensity: The density of ticks along the axis. :returns: log10 of min, max, increment value of tick positions and number of fractional digit to show :rtype: tuple """ # At least 2 ticks nticks = max(2, int(round(tickDensity * axisLength))) tickmin, tickmax, step, nfrac = niceNumbersForLog10(vMin, vMax, nticks) return tickmin, tickmax, step, nfrac def computeLogSubTicks(ticks, lowBound, highBound): """Return the sub ticks for the log scale for all given ticks if subtick is in [lowBound, highBound] :param ticks: log10 of the ticks :param lowBound: the lower boundary of ticks :param highBound: the higher boundary of ticks :return: all the sub ticks contained in ticks (log10) """ if len(ticks) < 1: return [] res = [] for logPos in ticks: dataOrigPos = logPos for index in range(2, 10): dataPos = dataOrigPos * index if lowBound <= dataPos <= highBound: res.append(dataPos) return res