# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2014-2018 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ############################################################################*/ """OpenGL Plot backend.""" from __future__ import division __authors__ = ["T. Vincent"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "01/08/2018" from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple from ctypes import c_void_p import logging import numpy from .._utils import FLOAT32_MINPOS from . import BackendBase from ... import colors from ... import qt from ..._glutils import gl from ... import _glutils as glu from .glutils import ( GLPlotCurve2D, GLPlotColormap, GLPlotRGBAImage, GLPlotFrame2D, mat4Ortho, mat4Identity, LEFT, RIGHT, BOTTOM, TOP, Text2D, Shape2D) from .glutils.PlotImageFile import saveImageToFile _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # TODO idea: BackendQtMixIn class to share code between mpl and gl # TODO check if OpenGL is available # TODO make an off-screen mesa backend # Bounds ###################################################################### class Range(namedtuple('Range', ('min_', 'max_'))): """Describes a 1D range""" @property def range_(self): return self.max_ - self.min_ @property def center(self): return 0.5 * (self.min_ + self.max_) class Bounds(object): """Describes plot bounds with 2 y axis""" def __init__(self, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, y2Min, y2Max): self._xAxis = Range(xMin, xMax) self._yAxis = Range(yMin, yMax) self._y2Axis = Range(y2Min, y2Max) def __repr__(self): return "x: %s, y: %s, y2: %s" % (repr(self._xAxis), repr(self._yAxis), repr(self._y2Axis)) @property def xAxis(self): return self._xAxis @property def yAxis(self): return self._yAxis @property def y2Axis(self): return self._y2Axis # Content ##################################################################### class PlotDataContent(object): """Manage plot data content: images and curves. This class is only meant to work with _OpenGLPlotCanvas. """ _PRIMITIVE_TYPES = 'curve', 'image' def __init__(self): self._primitives = OrderedDict() # For images and curves def add(self, primitive): """Add a curve or image to the content dictionary. This function generates the key in the dict from the primitive. :param primitive: The primitive to add. :type primitive: Instance of GLPlotCurve2D, GLPlotColormap, GLPlotRGBAImage. """ if isinstance(primitive, GLPlotCurve2D): primitiveType = 'curve' elif isinstance(primitive, (GLPlotColormap, GLPlotRGBAImage)): primitiveType = 'image' else: raise RuntimeError('Unsupported object type: %s', primitive) key = primitiveType, primitive.info['legend'] self._primitives[key] = primitive def get(self, primitiveType, legend): """Get the corresponding primitive of given type with given legend. :param str primitiveType: Type of primitive ('curve' or 'image'). :param str legend: The legend of the primitive to retrieve. :return: The corresponding curve or None if no such curve. """ assert primitiveType in self._PRIMITIVE_TYPES return self._primitives.get((primitiveType, legend)) def pop(self, primitiveType, key): """Pop the corresponding curve or return None if no such curve. :param str primitiveType: :param str key: :return: """ assert primitiveType in self._PRIMITIVE_TYPES return self._primitives.pop((primitiveType, key), None) def zOrderedPrimitives(self, reverse=False): """List of primitives sorted according to their z order. It is a stable sort (as sorted): Original order is preserved when key is the same. :param bool reverse: Ascending (True, default) or descending (False). """ return sorted(self._primitives.values(), key=lambda primitive: primitive.info['zOrder'], reverse=reverse) def primitives(self): """Iterator over all primitives.""" return self._primitives.values() def primitiveKeys(self, primitiveType): """Iterator over primitives of a specific type.""" assert primitiveType in self._PRIMITIVE_TYPES for type_, key in self._primitives.keys(): if type_ == primitiveType: yield key def getBounds(self, xPositive=False, yPositive=False): """Bounds of the data. Can return strictly positive bounds (for log scale). In this case, curves are clipped to their smaller positive value and images with negative min are ignored. :param bool xPositive: True to get strictly positive range. :param bool yPositive: True to get strictly positive range. :return: The range of data for x, y and y2, or default (1., 100.) if no range found for one dimension. :rtype: Bounds """ xMin, yMin, y2Min = float('inf'), float('inf'), float('inf') xMax = 0. if xPositive else -float('inf') if yPositive: yMax, y2Max = 0., 0. else: yMax, y2Max = -float('inf'), -float('inf') for item in self._primitives.values(): # To support curve <= 0. and log and bypass images: # If positive only, uses x|yMinPos if available # and bypass other data with negative min bounds if xPositive: itemXMin = getattr(item, 'xMinPos', item.xMin) if itemXMin is None or itemXMin < FLOAT32_MINPOS: continue else: itemXMin = item.xMin if yPositive: itemYMin = getattr(item, 'yMinPos', item.yMin) if itemYMin is None or itemYMin < FLOAT32_MINPOS: continue else: itemYMin = item.yMin if itemXMin < xMin: xMin = itemXMin if item.xMax > xMax: xMax = item.xMax if item.info.get('yAxis') == 'right': if itemYMin < y2Min: y2Min = itemYMin if item.yMax > y2Max: y2Max = item.yMax else: if itemYMin < yMin: yMin = itemYMin if item.yMax > yMax: yMax = item.yMax # One of the limit has not been updated, return default range if xMin >= xMax: xMin, xMax = 1., 100. if yMin >= yMax: yMin, yMax = 1., 100. if y2Min >= y2Max: y2Min, y2Max = 1., 100. return Bounds(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, y2Min, y2Max) # shaders ##################################################################### _baseVertShd = """ attribute vec2 position; uniform mat4 matrix; uniform bvec2 isLog; const float oneOverLog10 = 0.43429448190325176; void main(void) { vec2 posTransformed = position; if (isLog.x) { posTransformed.x = oneOverLog10 * log(position.x); } if (isLog.y) { posTransformed.y = oneOverLog10 * log(position.y); } gl_Position = matrix * vec4(posTransformed, 0.0, 1.0); } """ _baseFragShd = """ uniform vec4 color; uniform int hatchStep; uniform float tickLen; void main(void) { if (tickLen != 0.) { if (mod((gl_FragCoord.x + gl_FragCoord.y) / tickLen, 2.) < 1.) { gl_FragColor = color; } else { discard; } } else if (hatchStep == 0 || mod(gl_FragCoord.x - gl_FragCoord.y, float(hatchStep)) == 0.) { gl_FragColor = color; } else { discard; } } """ _texVertShd = """ attribute vec2 position; attribute vec2 texCoords; uniform mat4 matrix; varying vec2 coords; void main(void) { gl_Position = matrix * vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0); coords = texCoords; } """ _texFragShd = """ uniform sampler2D tex; varying vec2 coords; void main(void) { gl_FragColor = texture2D(tex, coords); gl_FragColor.a = 1.0; } """ # BackendOpenGL ############################################################### _current_context = None def _getContext(): assert _current_context is not None return _current_context class BackendOpenGL(BackendBase.BackendBase, glu.OpenGLWidget): """OpenGL-based Plot backend. WARNINGS: Unless stated otherwise, this API is NOT thread-safe and MUST be called from the main thread. When numpy arrays are passed as arguments to the API (through :func:`addCurve` and :func:`addImage`), they are copied only if required. So, the caller should not modify these arrays afterwards. """ _sigPostRedisplay = qt.Signal() """Signal handling automatic asynchronous replot""" def __init__(self, plot, parent=None, f=qt.Qt.WindowFlags()): glu.OpenGLWidget.__init__(self, parent, alphaBufferSize=8, depthBufferSize=0, stencilBufferSize=0, version=(2, 1), f=f) BackendBase.BackendBase.__init__(self, plot, parent) self.matScreenProj = mat4Identity() self._progBase = glu.Program( _baseVertShd, _baseFragShd, attrib0='position') self._progTex = glu.Program( _texVertShd, _texFragShd, attrib0='position') self._plotFBOs = {} self._keepDataAspectRatio = False self._crosshairCursor = None self._mousePosInPixels = None self._markers = OrderedDict() self._items = OrderedDict() self._plotContent = PlotDataContent() # For images and curves self._glGarbageCollector = [] self._plotFrame = GLPlotFrame2D( margins={'left': 100, 'right': 50, 'top': 50, 'bottom': 50}) # Make postRedisplay asynchronous using Qt signal self._sigPostRedisplay.connect( super(BackendOpenGL, self).postRedisplay, qt.Qt.QueuedConnection) self.setAutoFillBackground(False) self.setMouseTracking(True) # QWidget _MOUSE_BTNS = {1: 'left', 2: 'right', 4: 'middle'} def contextMenuEvent(self, event): """Override QWidget.contextMenuEvent to implement the context menu""" # Makes sure it is overridden (issue with PySide) BackendBase.BackendBase.contextMenuEvent(self, event) def sizeHint(self): return qt.QSize(8 * 80, 6 * 80) # Mimic MatplotlibBackend def mousePressEvent(self, event): xPixel = event.x() * self.getDevicePixelRatio() yPixel = event.y() * self.getDevicePixelRatio() btn = self._MOUSE_BTNS[event.button()] self._plot.onMousePress(xPixel, yPixel, btn) event.accept() def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): xPixel = event.x() * self.getDevicePixelRatio() yPixel = event.y() * self.getDevicePixelRatio() # Handle crosshair inXPixel, inYPixel = self._mouseInPlotArea(xPixel, yPixel) isCursorInPlot = inXPixel == xPixel and inYPixel == yPixel previousMousePosInPixels = self._mousePosInPixels self._mousePosInPixels = (xPixel, yPixel) if isCursorInPlot else None if (self._crosshairCursor is not None and previousMousePosInPixels != self._mousePosInPixels): # Avoid replot when cursor remains outside plot area self._plot._setDirtyPlot(overlayOnly=True) self._plot.onMouseMove(xPixel, yPixel) event.accept() def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): xPixel = event.x() * self.getDevicePixelRatio() yPixel = event.y() * self.getDevicePixelRatio() btn = self._MOUSE_BTNS[event.button()] self._plot.onMouseRelease(xPixel, yPixel, btn) event.accept() def wheelEvent(self, event): xPixel = event.x() * self.getDevicePixelRatio() yPixel = event.y() * self.getDevicePixelRatio() if hasattr(event, 'angleDelta'): # Qt 5 delta = event.angleDelta().y() else: # Qt 4 support delta = event.delta() angleInDegrees = delta / 8. self._plot.onMouseWheel(xPixel, yPixel, angleInDegrees) event.accept() def leaveEvent(self, _): self._plot.onMouseLeaveWidget() # OpenGLWidget API def initializeGL(self): gl.testGL() gl.glClearColor(1., 1., 1., 1.) gl.glClearStencil(0) gl.glEnable(gl.GL_BLEND) # gl.glBlendFunc(gl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, gl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) gl.glBlendFuncSeparate(gl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, gl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, gl.GL_ONE, gl.GL_ONE) # For lines gl.glHint(gl.GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, gl.GL_NICEST) # For points gl.glEnable(gl.GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE) # OpenGL 2 gl.glEnable(gl.GL_POINT_SPRITE) # OpenGL 2 # gl.glEnable(gl.GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE) def _paintDirectGL(self): self._renderPlotAreaGL() self._plotFrame.render() self._renderMarkersGL() self._renderOverlayGL() def _paintFBOGL(self): context = glu.getGLContext() plotFBOTex = self._plotFBOs.get(context) if (self._plot._getDirtyPlot() or self._plotFrame.isDirty or plotFBOTex is None): self._plotVertices = numpy.array(((-1., -1., 0., 0.), (1., -1., 1., 0.), (-1., 1., 0., 1.), (1., 1., 1., 1.)), dtype=numpy.float32) if plotFBOTex is None or \ plotFBOTex.shape[1] != self._plotFrame.size[0] or \ plotFBOTex.shape[0] != self._plotFrame.size[1]: if plotFBOTex is not None: plotFBOTex.discard() plotFBOTex = glu.FramebufferTexture( gl.GL_RGBA, shape=(self._plotFrame.size[1], self._plotFrame.size[0]), minFilter=gl.GL_NEAREST, magFilter=gl.GL_NEAREST, wrap=(gl.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, gl.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE)) self._plotFBOs[context] = plotFBOTex with plotFBOTex: gl.glClear(gl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT) self._renderPlotAreaGL() self._plotFrame.render() # Render plot in screen coords gl.glViewport(0, 0, self._plotFrame.size[0], self._plotFrame.size[1]) self._progTex.use() texUnit = 0 gl.glUniform1i(self._progTex.uniforms['tex'], texUnit) gl.glUniformMatrix4fv(self._progTex.uniforms['matrix'], 1, gl.GL_TRUE, mat4Identity().astype(numpy.float32)) stride = self._plotVertices.shape[-1] * self._plotVertices.itemsize gl.glEnableVertexAttribArray(self._progTex.attributes['position']) gl.glVertexAttribPointer(self._progTex.attributes['position'], 2, gl.GL_FLOAT, gl.GL_FALSE, stride, self._plotVertices) texCoordsPtr = c_void_p(self._plotVertices.ctypes.data + 2 * self._plotVertices.itemsize) # Better way? gl.glEnableVertexAttribArray(self._progTex.attributes['texCoords']) gl.glVertexAttribPointer(self._progTex.attributes['texCoords'], 2, gl.GL_FLOAT, gl.GL_FALSE, stride, texCoordsPtr) with plotFBOTex.texture: gl.glDrawArrays(gl.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, len(self._plotVertices)) self._renderMarkersGL() self._renderOverlayGL() def paintGL(self): global _current_context _current_context = self.context() glu.setGLContextGetter(_getContext) # Release OpenGL resources for item in self._glGarbageCollector: item.discard() self._glGarbageCollector = [] gl.glClear(gl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT) # Check if window is large enough plotWidth, plotHeight = self.getPlotBoundsInPixels()[2:] if plotWidth <= 2 or plotHeight <= 2: return # self._paintDirectGL() self._paintFBOGL() glu.setGLContextGetter() _current_context = None def _nonOrthoAxesLineMarkerPrimitives(self, marker, pixelOffset): """Generates the vertices and label for a line marker. :param dict marker: Description of a line marker :param int pixelOffset: Offset of text from borders in pixels :return: Line vertices and Text label or None :rtype: 2-tuple (2x2 numpy.array of float, Text2D) """ label, vertices = None, None xCoord, yCoord = marker['x'], marker['y'] assert xCoord is None or yCoord is None # Specific to line markers # Get plot corners in data coords plotLeft, plotTop, plotWidth, plotHeight = self.getPlotBoundsInPixels() corners = [(plotLeft, plotTop), (plotLeft, plotTop + plotHeight), (plotLeft + plotWidth, plotTop + plotHeight), (plotLeft + plotWidth, plotTop)] corners = numpy.array([self.pixelToData(x, y, axis='left', check=False) for (x, y) in corners]) borders = { 'right': (corners[3], corners[2]), 'top': (corners[0], corners[3]), 'bottom': (corners[2], corners[1]), 'left': (corners[1], corners[0]) } textLayouts = { # align, valign, offsets 'right': (RIGHT, BOTTOM, (-1., -1.)), 'top': (LEFT, TOP, (1., 1.)), 'bottom': (LEFT, BOTTOM, (1., -1.)), 'left': (LEFT, BOTTOM, (1., -1.)) } if xCoord is None: # Horizontal line in data space if marker['text'] is not None: # Find intersection of hline with borders in data # Order is important as it stops at first intersection for border_name in ('right', 'top', 'bottom', 'left'): (x0, y0), (x1, y1) = borders[border_name] if min(y0, y1) <= yCoord < max(y0, y1): xIntersect = (yCoord - y0) * (x1 - x0) / (y1 - y0) + x0 # Add text label pixelPos = self.dataToPixel( xIntersect, yCoord, axis='left', check=False) align, valign, offsets = textLayouts[border_name] x = pixelPos[0] + offsets[0] * pixelOffset y = pixelPos[1] + offsets[1] * pixelOffset label = Text2D(marker['text'], x, y, color=marker['color'], bgColor=(1., 1., 1., 0.5), align=align, valign=valign) break # Stop at first intersection xMin, xMax = corners[:, 0].min(), corners[:, 0].max() vertices = numpy.array( ((xMin, yCoord), (xMax, yCoord)), dtype=numpy.float32) else: # yCoord is None: vertical line in data space if marker['text'] is not None: # Find intersection of hline with borders in data # Order is important as it stops at first intersection for border_name in ('top', 'bottom', 'right', 'left'): (x0, y0), (x1, y1) = borders[border_name] if min(x0, x1) <= xCoord < max(x0, x1): yIntersect = (xCoord - x0) * (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0) + y0 # Add text label pixelPos = self.dataToPixel( xCoord, yIntersect, axis='left', check=False) align, valign, offsets = textLayouts[border_name] x = pixelPos[0] + offsets[0] * pixelOffset y = pixelPos[1] + offsets[1] * pixelOffset label = Text2D(marker['text'], x, y, color=marker['color'], bgColor=(1., 1., 1., 0.5), align=align, valign=valign) break # Stop at first intersection yMin, yMax = corners[:, 1].min(), corners[:, 1].max() vertices = numpy.array( ((xCoord, yMin), (xCoord, yMax)), dtype=numpy.float32) return vertices, label def _renderMarkersGL(self): if len(self._markers) == 0: return plotWidth, plotHeight = self.getPlotBoundsInPixels()[2:] # Render in plot area gl.glScissor(self._plotFrame.margins.left, self._plotFrame.margins.bottom, plotWidth, plotHeight) gl.glEnable(gl.GL_SCISSOR_TEST) gl.glViewport(0, 0, self._plotFrame.size[0], self._plotFrame.size[1]) # Prepare vertical and horizontal markers rendering self._progBase.use() gl.glUniformMatrix4fv( self._progBase.uniforms['matrix'], 1, gl.GL_TRUE, self.matScreenProj.astype(numpy.float32)) gl.glUniform2i(self._progBase.uniforms['isLog'], False, False) gl.glUniform1i(self._progBase.uniforms['hatchStep'], 0) gl.glUniform1f(self._progBase.uniforms['tickLen'], 0.) posAttrib = self._progBase.attributes['position'] labels = [] pixelOffset = 3 for marker in self._markers.values(): xCoord, yCoord = marker['x'], marker['y'] if ((self._plotFrame.xAxis.isLog and xCoord is not None and xCoord <= 0) or (self._plotFrame.yAxis.isLog and yCoord is not None and yCoord <= 0)): # Do not render markers with negative coords on log axis continue if xCoord is None or yCoord is None: if not self.isDefaultBaseVectors(): # Non-orthogonal axes vertices, label = self._nonOrthoAxesLineMarkerPrimitives( marker, pixelOffset) if label is not None: labels.append(label) else: # Orthogonal axes pixelPos = self.dataToPixel( xCoord, yCoord, axis='left', check=False) if xCoord is None: # Horizontal line in data space if marker['text'] is not None: x = self._plotFrame.size[0] - \ self._plotFrame.margins.right - pixelOffset y = pixelPos[1] - pixelOffset label = Text2D(marker['text'], x, y, color=marker['color'], bgColor=(1., 1., 1., 0.5), align=RIGHT, valign=BOTTOM) labels.append(label) width = self._plotFrame.size[0] vertices = numpy.array(((0, pixelPos[1]), (width, pixelPos[1])), dtype=numpy.float32) else: # yCoord is None: vertical line in data space if marker['text'] is not None: x = pixelPos[0] + pixelOffset y = self._plotFrame.margins.top + pixelOffset label = Text2D(marker['text'], x, y, color=marker['color'], bgColor=(1., 1., 1., 0.5), align=LEFT, valign=TOP) labels.append(label) height = self._plotFrame.size[1] vertices = numpy.array(((pixelPos[0], 0), (pixelPos[0], height)), dtype=numpy.float32) self._progBase.use() gl.glUniform4f(self._progBase.uniforms['color'], *marker['color']) gl.glEnableVertexAttribArray(posAttrib) gl.glVertexAttribPointer(posAttrib, 2, gl.GL_FLOAT, gl.GL_FALSE, 0, vertices) gl.glLineWidth(1) gl.glDrawArrays(gl.GL_LINES, 0, len(vertices)) else: pixelPos = self.dataToPixel( xCoord, yCoord, axis='left', check=True) if pixelPos is None: # Do not render markers outside visible plot area continue if marker['text'] is not None: x = pixelPos[0] + pixelOffset y = pixelPos[1] + pixelOffset label = Text2D(marker['text'], x, y, color=marker['color'], bgColor=(1., 1., 1., 0.5), align=LEFT, valign=TOP) labels.append(label) # For now simple implementation: using a curve for each marker # Should pack all markers to a single set of points markerCurve = GLPlotCurve2D( numpy.array((pixelPos[0],), dtype=numpy.float64), numpy.array((pixelPos[1],), dtype=numpy.float64), marker=marker['symbol'], markerColor=marker['color'], markerSize=11) markerCurve.render(self.matScreenProj, False, False) markerCurve.discard() gl.glViewport(0, 0, self._plotFrame.size[0], self._plotFrame.size[1]) # Render marker labels for label in labels: label.render(self.matScreenProj) gl.glDisable(gl.GL_SCISSOR_TEST) def _renderOverlayGL(self): # Render crosshair cursor if self._crosshairCursor is not None: plotWidth, plotHeight = self.getPlotBoundsInPixels()[2:] # Scissor to plot area gl.glScissor(self._plotFrame.margins.left, self._plotFrame.margins.bottom, plotWidth, plotHeight) gl.glEnable(gl.GL_SCISSOR_TEST) self._progBase.use() gl.glUniform2i(self._progBase.uniforms['isLog'], False, False) gl.glUniform1f(self._progBase.uniforms['tickLen'], 0.) posAttrib = self._progBase.attributes['position'] matrixUnif = self._progBase.uniforms['matrix'] colorUnif = self._progBase.uniforms['color'] hatchStepUnif = self._progBase.uniforms['hatchStep'] # Render crosshair cursor in screen frame but with scissor if (self._crosshairCursor is not None and self._mousePosInPixels is not None): gl.glViewport( 0, 0, self._plotFrame.size[0], self._plotFrame.size[1]) gl.glUniformMatrix4fv(matrixUnif, 1, gl.GL_TRUE, self.matScreenProj.astype(numpy.float32)) color, lineWidth = self._crosshairCursor gl.glUniform4f(colorUnif, *color) gl.glUniform1i(hatchStepUnif, 0) xPixel, yPixel = self._mousePosInPixels xPixel, yPixel = xPixel + 0.5, yPixel + 0.5 vertices = numpy.array(((0., yPixel), (self._plotFrame.size[0], yPixel), (xPixel, 0.), (xPixel, self._plotFrame.size[1])), dtype=numpy.float32) gl.glEnableVertexAttribArray(posAttrib) gl.glVertexAttribPointer(posAttrib, 2, gl.GL_FLOAT, gl.GL_FALSE, 0, vertices) gl.glLineWidth(lineWidth) gl.glDrawArrays(gl.GL_LINES, 0, len(vertices)) gl.glDisable(gl.GL_SCISSOR_TEST) def _renderPlotAreaGL(self): plotWidth, plotHeight = self.getPlotBoundsInPixels()[2:] self._plotFrame.renderGrid() gl.glScissor(self._plotFrame.margins.left, self._plotFrame.margins.bottom, plotWidth, plotHeight) gl.glEnable(gl.GL_SCISSOR_TEST) # Matrix trBounds = self._plotFrame.transformedDataRanges if trBounds.x[0] == trBounds.x[1] or \ trBounds.y[0] == trBounds.y[1]: return isXLog = self._plotFrame.xAxis.isLog isYLog = self._plotFrame.yAxis.isLog gl.glViewport(self._plotFrame.margins.left, self._plotFrame.margins.bottom, plotWidth, plotHeight) # Render images and curves # sorted is stable: original order is preserved when key is the same for item in self._plotContent.zOrderedPrimitives(): if item.info.get('yAxis') == 'right': item.render(self._plotFrame.transformedDataY2ProjMat, isXLog, isYLog) else: item.render(self._plotFrame.transformedDataProjMat, isXLog, isYLog) # Render Items gl.glViewport(0, 0, self._plotFrame.size[0], self._plotFrame.size[1]) self._progBase.use() gl.glUniformMatrix4fv(self._progBase.uniforms['matrix'], 1, gl.GL_TRUE, self.matScreenProj.astype(numpy.float32)) gl.glUniform2i(self._progBase.uniforms['isLog'], False, False) gl.glUniform1f(self._progBase.uniforms['tickLen'], 0.) for item in self._items.values(): if ((isXLog and numpy.min(item['x']) < FLOAT32_MINPOS) or (isYLog and numpy.min(item['y']) < FLOAT32_MINPOS)): # Ignore items <= 0. on log axes continue closed = item['shape'] != 'polylines' points = [self.dataToPixel(x, y, axis='left', check=False) for (x, y) in zip(item['x'], item['y'])] shape2D = Shape2D(points, fill=item['fill'], fillColor=item['color'], stroke=True, strokeColor=item['color'], strokeClosed=closed) posAttrib = self._progBase.attributes['position'] colorUnif = self._progBase.uniforms['color'] hatchStepUnif = self._progBase.uniforms['hatchStep'] shape2D.render(posAttrib, colorUnif, hatchStepUnif) gl.glDisable(gl.GL_SCISSOR_TEST) def resizeGL(self, width, height): if width == 0 or height == 0: # Do not resize return self._plotFrame.size = ( int(self.getDevicePixelRatio() * width), int(self.getDevicePixelRatio() * height)) self.matScreenProj = mat4Ortho(0, self._plotFrame.size[0], self._plotFrame.size[1], 0, 1, -1) # Store current ranges previousXRange = self.getGraphXLimits() previousYRange = self.getGraphYLimits(axis='left') previousYRightRange = self.getGraphYLimits(axis='right') (xMin, xMax), (yMin, yMax), (y2Min, y2Max) = \ self._plotFrame.dataRanges self.setLimits(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, y2Min, y2Max) # If plot range has changed, then emit signal if previousXRange != self.getGraphXLimits(): self._plot.getXAxis()._emitLimitsChanged() if previousYRange != self.getGraphYLimits(axis='left'): self._plot.getYAxis(axis='left')._emitLimitsChanged() if previousYRightRange != self.getGraphYLimits(axis='right'): self._plot.getYAxis(axis='right')._emitLimitsChanged() # Add methods @staticmethod def _castArrayTo(v): """Returns best floating type to cast the array to. :param numpy.ndarray v: Array to cast :rtype: numpy.dtype :raise ValueError: If dtype is not supported """ if numpy.issubdtype(v.dtype, numpy.floating): return numpy.float32 if v.itemsize <= 4 else numpy.float64 elif numpy.issubdtype(v.dtype, numpy.integer): return numpy.float32 if v.itemsize <= 2 else numpy.float64 else: raise ValueError('Unsupported data type') def addCurve(self, x, y, legend, color, symbol, linewidth, linestyle, yaxis, xerror, yerror, z, selectable, fill, alpha, symbolsize): for parameter in (x, y, legend, color, symbol, linewidth, linestyle, yaxis, z, selectable, fill, symbolsize): assert parameter is not None assert yaxis in ('left', 'right') # Convert input data x = numpy.array(x, copy=False) y = numpy.array(y, copy=False) # Check if float32 is enough if (self._castArrayTo(x) is numpy.float32 and self._castArrayTo(y) is numpy.float32): dtype = numpy.float32 else: dtype = numpy.float64 x = numpy.array(x, dtype=dtype, copy=False, order='C') y = numpy.array(y, dtype=dtype, copy=False, order='C') # Convert errors to float32 if xerror is not None: xerror = numpy.array( xerror, dtype=numpy.float32, copy=False, order='C') if yerror is not None: yerror = numpy.array( yerror, dtype=numpy.float32, copy=False, order='C') # Handle axes log scale: convert data if self._plotFrame.xAxis.isLog: logX = numpy.log10(x) if xerror is not None: # Transform xerror so that # log10(x) +/- xerror' = log10(x +/- xerror) if hasattr(xerror, 'shape') and len(xerror.shape) == 2: xErrorMinus, xErrorPlus = xerror[0], xerror[1] else: xErrorMinus, xErrorPlus = xerror, xerror xErrorMinus = logX - numpy.log10(x - xErrorMinus) xErrorPlus = numpy.log10(x + xErrorPlus) - logX xerror = numpy.array((xErrorMinus, xErrorPlus), dtype=numpy.float32) x = logX isYLog = (yaxis == 'left' and self._plotFrame.yAxis.isLog) or ( yaxis == 'right' and self._plotFrame.y2Axis.isLog) if isYLog: logY = numpy.log10(y) if yerror is not None: # Transform yerror so that # log10(y) +/- yerror' = log10(y +/- yerror) if hasattr(yerror, 'shape') and len(yerror.shape) == 2: yErrorMinus, yErrorPlus = yerror[0], yerror[1] else: yErrorMinus, yErrorPlus = yerror, yerror yErrorMinus = logY - numpy.log10(y - yErrorMinus) yErrorPlus = numpy.log10(y + yErrorPlus) - logY yerror = numpy.array((yErrorMinus, yErrorPlus), dtype=numpy.float32) y = logY # TODO check if need more filtering of error (e.g., clip to positive) # TODO check and improve this if (len(color) == 4 and type(color[3]) in [type(1), numpy.uint8, numpy.int8]): color = numpy.array(color, dtype=numpy.float32) / 255. if isinstance(color, numpy.ndarray) and color.ndim == 2: colorArray = color color = None else: colorArray = None color = colors.rgba(color) if alpha < 1.: # Apply image transparency if colorArray is not None and colorArray.shape[1] == 4: # multiply alpha channel colorArray[:, 3] = colorArray[:, 3] * alpha if color is not None: color = color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3] * alpha behaviors = set() if selectable: behaviors.add('selectable') curve = GLPlotCurve2D(x, y, colorArray, xError=xerror, yError=yerror, lineStyle=linestyle, lineColor=color, lineWidth=linewidth, marker=symbol, markerColor=color, markerSize=symbolsize, fillColor=color if fill else None, isYLog=isYLog) curve.info = { 'legend': legend, 'zOrder': z, 'behaviors': behaviors, 'yAxis': 'left' if yaxis is None else yaxis, } if yaxis == "right": self._plotFrame.isY2Axis = True self._plotContent.add(curve) return legend, 'curve' def addImage(self, data, legend, origin, scale, z, selectable, draggable, colormap, alpha): for parameter in (data, legend, origin, scale, z, selectable, draggable): assert parameter is not None behaviors = set() if selectable: behaviors.add('selectable') if draggable: behaviors.add('draggable') if data.ndim == 2: # Ensure array is contiguous and eventually convert its type if data.dtype in (numpy.float32, numpy.uint8, numpy.uint16): data = numpy.array(data, copy=False, order='C') else: _logger.info( 'addImage: Convert %s data to float32', str(data.dtype)) data = numpy.array(data, dtype=numpy.float32, order='C') colormapIsLog = colormap.getNormalization() == 'log' cmapRange = colormap.getColormapRange(data=data) colormapLut = colormap.getNColors(nbColors=256) image = GLPlotColormap(data, origin, scale, colormapLut, colormapIsLog, cmapRange, alpha) image.info = { 'legend': legend, 'zOrder': z, 'behaviors': behaviors } self._plotContent.add(image) elif len(data.shape) == 3: # For RGB, RGBA data assert data.shape[2] in (3, 4) if numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.floating): data = numpy.array(data, dtype=numpy.float32, copy=False) elif numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.integer): data = numpy.array(data, dtype=numpy.uint8, copy=False) else: raise ValueError('Unsupported data type') image = GLPlotRGBAImage(data, origin, scale, alpha) image.info = { 'legend': legend, 'zOrder': z, 'behaviors': behaviors } if self._plotFrame.xAxis.isLog and image.xMin <= 0.: raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot add image with X <= 0 with X axis log scale') if self._plotFrame.yAxis.isLog and image.yMin <= 0.: raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot add image with Y <= 0 with Y axis log scale') self._plotContent.add(image) else: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported data shape {0}".format(data.shape)) return legend, 'image' def addItem(self, x, y, legend, shape, color, fill, overlay, z): # TODO handle overlay if shape not in ('polygon', 'rectangle', 'line', 'vline', 'hline', 'polylines'): raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported shape {0}".format(shape)) x = numpy.array(x, copy=False) y = numpy.array(y, copy=False) if shape == 'rectangle': xMin, xMax = x x = numpy.array((xMin, xMin, xMax, xMax)) yMin, yMax = y y = numpy.array((yMin, yMax, yMax, yMin)) # TODO is this needed? if self._plotFrame.xAxis.isLog and x.min() <= 0.: raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot add item with X <= 0 with X axis log scale') if self._plotFrame.yAxis.isLog and y.min() <= 0.: raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot add item with Y <= 0 with Y axis log scale') # Ignore fill for polylines to mimic matplotlib fill = fill if shape != 'polylines' else False self._items[legend] = { 'shape': shape, 'color': colors.rgba(color), 'fill': 'hatch' if fill else None, 'x': x, 'y': y } return legend, 'item' def addMarker(self, x, y, legend, text, color, selectable, draggable, symbol, linestyle, linewidth, constraint): if symbol is None: symbol = '+' if linestyle != '-' or linewidth != 1: _logger.warning( 'OpenGL backend does not support marker line style and width.') behaviors = set() if selectable: behaviors.add('selectable') if draggable: behaviors.add('draggable') # Apply constraint to provided position isConstraint = (draggable and constraint is not None and x is not None and y is not None) if isConstraint: x, y = constraint(x, y) self._markers[legend] = { 'x': x, 'y': y, 'legend': legend, 'text': text, 'color': colors.rgba(color), 'behaviors': behaviors, 'constraint': constraint if isConstraint else None, 'symbol': symbol, } return legend, 'marker' # Remove methods def remove(self, item): legend, kind = item if kind == 'curve': curve = self._plotContent.pop('curve', legend) if curve is not None: # Check if some curves remains on the right Y axis y2AxisItems = (item for item in self._plotContent.primitives() if item.info.get('yAxis', 'left') == 'right') self._plotFrame.isY2Axis = next(y2AxisItems, None) is not None self._glGarbageCollector.append(curve) elif kind == 'image': image = self._plotContent.pop('image', legend) if image is not None: self._glGarbageCollector.append(image) elif kind == 'marker': self._markers.pop(legend, False) elif kind == 'item': self._items.pop(legend, False) else: _logger.error('Unsupported kind: %s', str(kind)) # Interaction methods _QT_CURSORS = { BackendBase.CURSOR_DEFAULT: qt.Qt.ArrowCursor, BackendBase.CURSOR_POINTING: qt.Qt.PointingHandCursor, BackendBase.CURSOR_SIZE_HOR: qt.Qt.SizeHorCursor, BackendBase.CURSOR_SIZE_VER: qt.Qt.SizeVerCursor, BackendBase.CURSOR_SIZE_ALL: qt.Qt.SizeAllCursor, } def setGraphCursorShape(self, cursor): if cursor is None: super(BackendOpenGL, self).unsetCursor() else: cursor = self._QT_CURSORS[cursor] super(BackendOpenGL, self).setCursor(qt.QCursor(cursor)) def setGraphCursor(self, flag, color, linewidth, linestyle): if linestyle is not '-': _logger.warning( "BackendOpenGL.setGraphCursor linestyle parameter ignored") if flag: color = colors.rgba(color) crosshairCursor = color, linewidth else: crosshairCursor = None if crosshairCursor != self._crosshairCursor: self._crosshairCursor = crosshairCursor _PICK_OFFSET = 3 # Offset in pixel used for picking def _mouseInPlotArea(self, x, y): xPlot = numpy.clip( x, self._plotFrame.margins.left, self._plotFrame.size[0] - self._plotFrame.margins.right - 1) yPlot = numpy.clip( y, self._plotFrame.margins.top, self._plotFrame.size[1] - self._plotFrame.margins.bottom - 1) return xPlot, yPlot def pickItems(self, x, y, kinds): picked = [] dataPos = self.pixelToData(x, y, axis='left', check=True) if dataPos is not None: # Pick markers if 'marker' in kinds: for marker in reversed(list(self._markers.values())): pixelPos = self.dataToPixel( marker['x'], marker['y'], axis='left', check=False) if pixelPos is None: # negative coord on a log axis continue if marker['x'] is None: # Horizontal line pt1 = self.pixelToData( x, y - self._PICK_OFFSET, axis='left', check=False) pt2 = self.pixelToData( x, y + self._PICK_OFFSET, axis='left', check=False) isPicked = (min(pt1[1], pt2[1]) <= marker['y'] <= max(pt1[1], pt2[1])) elif marker['y'] is None: # Vertical line pt1 = self.pixelToData( x - self._PICK_OFFSET, y, axis='left', check=False) pt2 = self.pixelToData( x + self._PICK_OFFSET, y, axis='left', check=False) isPicked = (min(pt1[0], pt2[0]) <= marker['x'] <= max(pt1[0], pt2[0])) else: isPicked = ( numpy.fabs(x - pixelPos[0]) <= self._PICK_OFFSET and numpy.fabs(y - pixelPos[1]) <= self._PICK_OFFSET) if isPicked: picked.append(dict(kind='marker', legend=marker['legend'])) # Pick image and curves if 'image' in kinds or 'curve' in kinds: for item in self._plotContent.zOrderedPrimitives(reverse=True): if ('image' in kinds and isinstance(item, (GLPlotColormap, GLPlotRGBAImage))): pickedPos = item.pick(*dataPos) if pickedPos is not None: picked.append(dict(kind='image', legend=item.info['legend'])) elif 'curve' in kinds and isinstance(item, GLPlotCurve2D): offset = self._PICK_OFFSET if item.marker is not None: offset = max(item.markerSize / 2., offset) if item.lineStyle is not None: offset = max(item.lineWidth / 2., offset) yAxis = item.info['yAxis'] inAreaPos = self._mouseInPlotArea(x - offset, y - offset) dataPos = self.pixelToData(inAreaPos[0], inAreaPos[1], axis=yAxis, check=True) if dataPos is None: continue xPick0, yPick0 = dataPos inAreaPos = self._mouseInPlotArea(x + offset, y + offset) dataPos = self.pixelToData(inAreaPos[0], inAreaPos[1], axis=yAxis, check=True) if dataPos is None: continue xPick1, yPick1 = dataPos if xPick0 < xPick1: xPickMin, xPickMax = xPick0, xPick1 else: xPickMin, xPickMax = xPick1, xPick0 if yPick0 < yPick1: yPickMin, yPickMax = yPick0, yPick1 else: yPickMin, yPickMax = yPick1, yPick0 # Apply log scale if axis is log if self._plotFrame.xAxis.isLog: xPickMin = numpy.log10(xPickMin) xPickMax = numpy.log10(xPickMax) if (yAxis == 'left' and self._plotFrame.yAxis.isLog) or ( yAxis == 'right' and self._plotFrame.y2Axis.isLog): yPickMin = numpy.log10(yPickMin) yPickMax = numpy.log10(yPickMax) pickedIndices = item.pick(xPickMin, yPickMin, xPickMax, yPickMax) if pickedIndices: picked.append(dict(kind='curve', legend=item.info['legend'], indices=pickedIndices)) return picked # Update curve def setCurveColor(self, curve, color): pass # TODO # Misc. def getWidgetHandle(self): return self def postRedisplay(self): self._sigPostRedisplay.emit() def replot(self): self.update() # async redraw # self.repaint() # immediate redraw def saveGraph(self, fileName, fileFormat, dpi): if dpi is not None: _logger.warning("saveGraph ignores dpi parameter") if fileFormat not in ['png', 'ppm', 'svg', 'tiff']: raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported format: %s' % fileFormat) if not self.isValid(): _logger.error('OpenGL 2.1 not available, cannot save OpenGL image') width, height = self._plotFrame.size data = numpy.zeros((height, width, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8) else: self.makeCurrent() data = numpy.empty( (self._plotFrame.size[1], self._plotFrame.size[0], 3), dtype=numpy.uint8, order='C') context = self.context() framebufferTexture = self._plotFBOs.get(context) if framebufferTexture is None: # Fallback, supports direct rendering mode: _paintDirectGL # might have issues as it can read on-screen framebuffer fboName = self.defaultFramebufferObject() width, height = self._plotFrame.size else: fboName = framebufferTexture.name height, width = framebufferTexture.shape previousFramebuffer = gl.glGetInteger(gl.GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING) gl.glBindFramebuffer(gl.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fboName) gl.glPixelStorei(gl.GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1) gl.glReadPixels(0, 0, width, height, gl.GL_RGB, gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data) gl.glBindFramebuffer(gl.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, previousFramebuffer) # glReadPixels gives bottom to top, # while images are stored as top to bottom data = numpy.flipud(data) # fileName is either a file-like object or a str saveImageToFile(data, fileName, fileFormat) # Graph labels def setGraphTitle(self, title): self._plotFrame.title = title def setGraphXLabel(self, label): self._plotFrame.xAxis.title = label def setGraphYLabel(self, label, axis): if axis == 'left': self._plotFrame.yAxis.title = label else: # right axis if label: _logger.warning('Right axis label not implemented') # Non orthogonal axes def setBaseVectors(self, x=(1., 0.), y=(0., 1.)): """Set base vectors. Useful for non-orthogonal axes. If an axis is in log scale, skew is applied to log transformed values. Base vector does not work well with log axes, to investi """ if x != (1., 0.) and y != (0., 1.): if self._plotFrame.xAxis.isLog: _logger.warning("setBaseVectors disables X axis logarithmic.") self.setXAxisLogarithmic(False) if self._plotFrame.yAxis.isLog: _logger.warning("setBaseVectors disables Y axis logarithmic.") self.setYAxisLogarithmic(False) if self.isKeepDataAspectRatio(): _logger.warning("setBaseVectors disables keepDataAspectRatio.") self.keepDataAspectRatio(False) self._plotFrame.baseVectors = x, y def getBaseVectors(self): return self._plotFrame.baseVectors def isDefaultBaseVectors(self): return self._plotFrame.baseVectors == \ self._plotFrame.DEFAULT_BASE_VECTORS # Graph limits def _setDataRanges(self, xlim=None, ylim=None, y2lim=None): """Set the visible range of data in the plot frame. This clips the ranges to possible values (takes care of float32 range + positive range for log). This also takes care of non-orthogonal axes. This should be moved to PlotFrame. """ # Update axes range with a clipped range if too wide self._plotFrame.setDataRanges(xlim, ylim, y2lim) if not self.isDefaultBaseVectors(): # Update axes range with axes bounds in data coords plotLeft, plotTop, plotWidth, plotHeight = \ self.getPlotBoundsInPixels() self._plotFrame.xAxis.dataRange = sorted([ self.pixelToData(x, y, axis='left', check=False)[0] for (x, y) in ((plotLeft, plotTop + plotHeight), (plotLeft + plotWidth, plotTop + plotHeight))]) self._plotFrame.yAxis.dataRange = sorted([ self.pixelToData(x, y, axis='left', check=False)[1] for (x, y) in ((plotLeft, plotTop + plotHeight), (plotLeft, plotTop))]) self._plotFrame.y2Axis.dataRange = sorted([ self.pixelToData(x, y, axis='right', check=False)[1] for (x, y) in ((plotLeft + plotWidth, plotTop + plotHeight), (plotLeft + plotWidth, plotTop))]) def _ensureAspectRatio(self, keepDim=None): """Update plot bounds in order to keep aspect ratio. Warning: keepDim on right Y axis is not implemented ! :param str keepDim: The dimension to maintain: 'x', 'y' or None. If None (the default), the dimension with the largest range. """ plotWidth, plotHeight = self.getPlotBoundsInPixels()[2:] if plotWidth <= 2 or plotHeight <= 2: return if keepDim is None: dataBounds = self._plotContent.getBounds( self._plotFrame.xAxis.isLog, self._plotFrame.yAxis.isLog) if dataBounds.yAxis.range_ != 0.: dataRatio = dataBounds.xAxis.range_ dataRatio /= float(dataBounds.yAxis.range_) plotRatio = plotWidth / float(plotHeight) # Test != 0 before keepDim = 'x' if dataRatio > plotRatio else 'y' else: # Limit case keepDim = 'x' (xMin, xMax), (yMin, yMax), (y2Min, y2Max) = \ self._plotFrame.dataRanges if keepDim == 'y': dataW = (yMax - yMin) * plotWidth / float(plotHeight) xCenter = 0.5 * (xMin + xMax) xMin = xCenter - 0.5 * dataW xMax = xCenter + 0.5 * dataW elif keepDim == 'x': dataH = (xMax - xMin) * plotHeight / float(plotWidth) yCenter = 0.5 * (yMin + yMax) yMin = yCenter - 0.5 * dataH yMax = yCenter + 0.5 * dataH y2Center = 0.5 * (y2Min + y2Max) y2Min = y2Center - 0.5 * dataH y2Max = y2Center + 0.5 * dataH else: raise RuntimeError('Unsupported dimension to keep: %s' % keepDim) # Update plot frame bounds self._setDataRanges(xlim=(xMin, xMax), ylim=(yMin, yMax), y2lim=(y2Min, y2Max)) def _setPlotBounds(self, xRange=None, yRange=None, y2Range=None, keepDim=None): # Update axes range with a clipped range if too wide self._setDataRanges(xlim=xRange, ylim=yRange, y2lim=y2Range) # Keep data aspect ratio if self.isKeepDataAspectRatio(): self._ensureAspectRatio(keepDim) def setLimits(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, y2min=None, y2max=None): assert xmin < xmax assert ymin < ymax if y2min is None or y2max is None: y2Range = None else: assert y2min < y2max y2Range = y2min, y2max self._setPlotBounds((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax), y2Range) def getGraphXLimits(self): return self._plotFrame.dataRanges.x def setGraphXLimits(self, xmin, xmax): assert xmin < xmax self._setPlotBounds(xRange=(xmin, xmax), keepDim='x') def getGraphYLimits(self, axis): assert axis in ("left", "right") if axis == "left": return self._plotFrame.dataRanges.y else: return self._plotFrame.dataRanges.y2 def setGraphYLimits(self, ymin, ymax, axis): assert ymin < ymax assert axis in ("left", "right") if axis == "left": self._setPlotBounds(yRange=(ymin, ymax), keepDim='y') else: self._setPlotBounds(y2Range=(ymin, ymax), keepDim='y') # Graph axes def getXAxisTimeZone(self): return self._plotFrame.xAxis.timeZone def setXAxisTimeZone(self, tz): self._plotFrame.xAxis.timeZone = tz def isXAxisTimeSeries(self): return self._plotFrame.xAxis.isTimeSeries def setXAxisTimeSeries(self, isTimeSeries): self._plotFrame.xAxis.isTimeSeries = isTimeSeries def setXAxisLogarithmic(self, flag): if flag != self._plotFrame.xAxis.isLog: if flag and self._keepDataAspectRatio: _logger.warning( "KeepDataAspectRatio is ignored with log axes") if flag and not self.isDefaultBaseVectors(): _logger.warning( "setXAxisLogarithmic ignored because baseVectors are set") return self._plotFrame.xAxis.isLog = flag def setYAxisLogarithmic(self, flag): if (flag != self._plotFrame.yAxis.isLog or flag != self._plotFrame.y2Axis.isLog): if flag and self._keepDataAspectRatio: _logger.warning( "KeepDataAspectRatio is ignored with log axes") if flag and not self.isDefaultBaseVectors(): _logger.warning( "setYAxisLogarithmic ignored because baseVectors are set") return self._plotFrame.yAxis.isLog = flag self._plotFrame.y2Axis.isLog = flag def setYAxisInverted(self, flag): if flag != self._plotFrame.isYAxisInverted: self._plotFrame.isYAxisInverted = flag def isYAxisInverted(self): return self._plotFrame.isYAxisInverted def isKeepDataAspectRatio(self): if self._plotFrame.xAxis.isLog or self._plotFrame.yAxis.isLog: return False else: return self._keepDataAspectRatio def setKeepDataAspectRatio(self, flag): if flag and (self._plotFrame.xAxis.isLog or self._plotFrame.yAxis.isLog): _logger.warning("KeepDataAspectRatio is ignored with log axes") if flag and not self.isDefaultBaseVectors(): _logger.warning( "keepDataAspectRatio ignored because baseVectors are set") self._keepDataAspectRatio = flag def setGraphGrid(self, which): assert which in (None, 'major', 'both') self._plotFrame.grid = which is not None # TODO True grid support # Data <-> Pixel coordinates conversion def dataToPixel(self, x, y, axis, check=False): assert axis in ('left', 'right') if x is None or y is None: dataBounds = self._plotContent.getBounds( self._plotFrame.xAxis.isLog, self._plotFrame.yAxis.isLog) if x is None: x = dataBounds.xAxis.center if y is None: if axis == 'left': y = dataBounds.yAxis.center else: y = dataBounds.y2Axis.center result = self._plotFrame.dataToPixel(x, y, axis) if check and result is not None: xPixel, yPixel = result width, height = self._plotFrame.size if (xPixel < self._plotFrame.margins.left or xPixel > (width - self._plotFrame.margins.right) or yPixel < self._plotFrame.margins.top or yPixel > height - self._plotFrame.margins.bottom): return None # (x, y) is out of plot area return result def pixelToData(self, x, y, axis, check): assert axis in ("left", "right") if x is None: x = self._plotFrame.size[0] / 2. if y is None: y = self._plotFrame.size[1] / 2. if check and (x < self._plotFrame.margins.left or x > (self._plotFrame.size[0] - self._plotFrame.margins.right) or y < self._plotFrame.margins.top or y > (self._plotFrame.size[1] - self._plotFrame.margins.bottom)): return None # (x, y) is out of plot area return self._plotFrame.pixelToData(x, y, axis) def getPlotBoundsInPixels(self): return self._plotFrame.plotOrigin + self._plotFrame.plotSize def setAxesDisplayed(self, displayed): BackendBase.BackendBase.setAxesDisplayed(self, displayed) self._plotFrame.displayed = displayed