# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2014-2018 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ############################################################################*/ """ This module provides classes to render 2D lines and scatter plots """ from __future__ import division __authors__ = ["T. Vincent"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "03/04/2017" import math import logging import warnings import numpy from silx.math.combo import min_max from ...._glutils import gl from ...._glutils import Program, vertexBuffer from .GLSupport import buildFillMaskIndices, mat4Identity, mat4Translate _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _MPL_NONES = None, 'None', '', ' ' """Possible values for None""" def _notNaNSlices(array, length=1): """Returns slices of none NaN values in the array. :param numpy.ndarray array: 1D array from which to get slices :param int length: Slices shorter than length gets discarded :return: Array of (start, end) slice indices :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ isnan = numpy.isnan(numpy.array(array, copy=False).reshape(-1)) notnan = numpy.logical_not(isnan) start = numpy.where(numpy.logical_and(isnan[:-1], notnan[1:]))[0] + 1 if notnan[0]: start = numpy.append(0, start) end = numpy.where(numpy.logical_and(notnan[:-1], isnan[1:]))[0] + 1 if notnan[-1]: end = numpy.append(end, len(array)) slices = numpy.transpose((start, end)) if length > 1: # discard slices with less than length values slices = slices[numpy.diff(slices, axis=1).ravel() >= length] return slices # fill ######################################################################## class _Fill2D(object): """Object rendering curve filling as polygons :param numpy.ndarray xData: X coordinates of points :param numpy.ndarray yData: Y coordinates of points :param float baseline: Y value of the 'bottom' of the fill. 0 for linear Y scale, -38 for log Y scale :param List[float] color: RGBA color as 4 float in [0, 1] :param List[float] offset: Translation of coordinates (ox, oy) """ _PROGRAM = Program( vertexShader=""" #version 120 uniform mat4 matrix; attribute float xPos; attribute float yPos; void main(void) { gl_Position = matrix * vec4(xPos, yPos, 0.0, 1.0); } """, fragmentShader=""" #version 120 uniform vec4 color; void main(void) { gl_FragColor = color; } """, attrib0='xPos') def __init__(self, xData=None, yData=None, baseline=0, color=(0., 0., 0., 1.), offset=(0., 0.)): self.xData = xData self.yData = yData self._xFillVboData = None self._yFillVboData = None self.color = color self.offset = offset # Offset baseline self.baseline = baseline - self.offset[1] def prepare(self): """Rendering preparation: build indices and bounding box vertices""" if (self._xFillVboData is None and self.xData is not None and self.yData is not None): # Get slices of not NaN values longer than 1 element isnan = numpy.logical_or(numpy.isnan(self.xData), numpy.isnan(self.yData)) notnan = numpy.logical_not(isnan) start = numpy.where(numpy.logical_and(isnan[:-1], notnan[1:]))[0] + 1 if notnan[0]: start = numpy.append(0, start) end = numpy.where(numpy.logical_and(notnan[:-1], isnan[1:]))[0] + 1 if notnan[-1]: end = numpy.append(end, len(isnan)) slices = numpy.transpose((start, end)) # discard slices with less than length values slices = slices[numpy.diff(slices, axis=1).reshape(-1) >= 2] # Number of points: slice + 2 * leading and trailing points # Twice leading and trailing points to produce degenerated triangles nbPoints = numpy.sum(numpy.diff(slices, axis=1)) + 4 * len(slices) points = numpy.empty((nbPoints, 2), dtype=numpy.float32) offset = 0 for start, end in slices: # Duplicate first point for connecting degenerated triangle points[offset:offset+2] = self.xData[start], self.baseline # 2nd point of the polygon is last point points[offset+2] = self.xData[end-1], self.baseline # Add all points from the data indices = start + buildFillMaskIndices(end - start) points[offset+3:offset+3+len(indices), 0] = self.xData[indices] points[offset+3:offset+3+len(indices), 1] = self.yData[indices] # Duplicate last point for connecting degenerated triangle points[offset+3+len(indices)] = points[offset+3+len(indices)-1] offset += len(indices) + 4 self._xFillVboData, self._yFillVboData = vertexBuffer(points.T) def render(self, matrix): """Perform rendering :param numpy.ndarray matrix: 4x4 transform matrix to use """ self.prepare() if self._xFillVboData is None: return # Nothing to display self._PROGRAM.use() gl.glUniformMatrix4fv( self._PROGRAM.uniforms['matrix'], 1, gl.GL_TRUE, numpy.dot(matrix, mat4Translate(*self.offset)).astype(numpy.float32)) gl.glUniform4f(self._PROGRAM.uniforms['color'], *self.color) xPosAttrib = self._PROGRAM.attributes['xPos'] yPosAttrib = self._PROGRAM.attributes['yPos'] gl.glEnableVertexAttribArray(xPosAttrib) self._xFillVboData.setVertexAttrib(xPosAttrib) gl.glEnableVertexAttribArray(yPosAttrib) self._yFillVboData.setVertexAttrib(yPosAttrib) # Prepare fill mask gl.glEnable(gl.GL_STENCIL_TEST) gl.glStencilMask(1) gl.glStencilFunc(gl.GL_ALWAYS, 1, 1) gl.glStencilOp(gl.GL_INVERT, gl.GL_INVERT, gl.GL_INVERT) gl.glColorMask(gl.GL_FALSE, gl.GL_FALSE, gl.GL_FALSE, gl.GL_FALSE) gl.glDepthMask(gl.GL_FALSE) gl.glDrawArrays(gl.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, self._xFillVboData.size) gl.glStencilFunc(gl.GL_EQUAL, 1, 1) # Reset stencil while drawing gl.glStencilOp(gl.GL_ZERO, gl.GL_ZERO, gl.GL_ZERO) gl.glColorMask(gl.GL_TRUE, gl.GL_TRUE, gl.GL_TRUE, gl.GL_TRUE) gl.glDepthMask(gl.GL_TRUE) # Draw directly in NDC gl.glUniformMatrix4fv(self._PROGRAM.uniforms['matrix'], 1, gl.GL_TRUE, mat4Identity().astype(numpy.float32)) # NDC vertices gl.glVertexAttribPointer( xPosAttrib, 1, gl.GL_FLOAT, gl.GL_FALSE, 0, numpy.array((-1., -1., 1., 1.), dtype=numpy.float32)) gl.glVertexAttribPointer( yPosAttrib, 1, gl.GL_FLOAT, gl.GL_FALSE, 0, numpy.array((-1., 1., -1., 1.), dtype=numpy.float32)) gl.glDrawArrays(gl.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4) gl.glDisable(gl.GL_STENCIL_TEST) def discard(self): """Release VBOs""" if self._xFillVboData is not None: self._xFillVboData.vbo.discard() self._xFillVboData = None self._yFillVboData = None # line ######################################################################## SOLID, DASHED, DASHDOT, DOTTED = '-', '--', '-.', ':' class _Lines2D(object): """Object rendering curve as a polyline :param xVboData: X coordinates VBO :param yVboData: Y coordinates VBO :param colorVboData: VBO of colors :param distVboData: VBO of distance along the polyline :param str style: Line style in: '-', '--', '-.', ':' :param List[float] color: RGBA color as 4 float in [0, 1] :param float width: Line width :param float dashPeriod: Period of dashes :param drawMode: OpenGL drawing mode :param List[float] offset: Translation of coordinates (ox, oy) """ STYLES = SOLID, DASHED, DASHDOT, DOTTED """Supported line styles""" _SOLID_PROGRAM = Program( vertexShader=""" #version 120 uniform mat4 matrix; attribute float xPos; attribute float yPos; attribute vec4 color; varying vec4 vColor; void main(void) { gl_Position = matrix * vec4(xPos, yPos, 0., 1.) ; vColor = color; } """, fragmentShader=""" #version 120 varying vec4 vColor; void main(void) { gl_FragColor = vColor; } """, attrib0='xPos') # Limitation: Dash using an estimate of distance in screen coord # to avoid computing distance when viewport is resized # results in inequal dashes when viewport aspect ratio is far from 1 _DASH_PROGRAM = Program( vertexShader=""" #version 120 uniform mat4 matrix; uniform vec2 halfViewportSize; attribute float xPos; attribute float yPos; attribute vec4 color; attribute float distance; varying float vDist; varying vec4 vColor; void main(void) { gl_Position = matrix * vec4(xPos, yPos, 0., 1.); //Estimate distance in pixels vec2 probe = vec2(matrix * vec4(1., 1., 0., 0.)) * halfViewportSize; float pixelPerDataEstimate = length(probe)/sqrt(2.); vDist = distance * pixelPerDataEstimate; vColor = color; } """, fragmentShader=""" #version 120 /* Dashes: [0, x], [y, z] Dash period: w */ uniform vec4 dash; varying float vDist; varying vec4 vColor; void main(void) { float dist = mod(vDist, dash.w); if ((dist > dash.x && dist < dash.y) || dist > dash.z) { discard; } gl_FragColor = vColor; } """, attrib0='xPos') def __init__(self, xVboData=None, yVboData=None, colorVboData=None, distVboData=None, style=SOLID, color=(0., 0., 0., 1.), width=1, dashPeriod=20, drawMode=None, offset=(0., 0.)): self.xVboData = xVboData self.yVboData = yVboData self.distVboData = distVboData self.colorVboData = colorVboData self.useColorVboData = colorVboData is not None self.color = color self.width = width self._style = None self.style = style self.dashPeriod = dashPeriod self.offset = offset self._drawMode = drawMode if drawMode is not None else gl.GL_LINE_STRIP @property def style(self): """Line style (Union[str,None])""" return self._style @style.setter def style(self, style): if style in _MPL_NONES: self._style = None else: assert style in self.STYLES self._style = style @classmethod def init(cls): """OpenGL context initialization""" gl.glHint(gl.GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, gl.GL_NICEST) def render(self, matrix): """Perform rendering :param numpy.ndarray matrix: 4x4 transform matrix to use """ style = self.style if style is None: return elif style == SOLID: program = self._SOLID_PROGRAM program.use() else: # DASHED, DASHDOT, DOTTED program = self._DASH_PROGRAM program.use() x, y, viewWidth, viewHeight = gl.glGetFloatv(gl.GL_VIEWPORT) gl.glUniform2f(program.uniforms['halfViewportSize'], 0.5 * viewWidth, 0.5 * viewHeight) if self.style == DOTTED: dash = (0.1 * self.dashPeriod, 0.6 * self.dashPeriod, 0.7 * self.dashPeriod, self.dashPeriod) elif self.style == DASHDOT: dash = (0.3 * self.dashPeriod, 0.5 * self.dashPeriod, 0.6 * self.dashPeriod, self.dashPeriod) else: dash = (0.5 * self.dashPeriod, self.dashPeriod, self.dashPeriod, self.dashPeriod) gl.glUniform4f(program.uniforms['dash'], *dash) distAttrib = program.attributes['distance'] gl.glEnableVertexAttribArray(distAttrib) self.distVboData.setVertexAttrib(distAttrib) gl.glEnable(gl.GL_LINE_SMOOTH) matrix = numpy.dot(matrix, mat4Translate(*self.offset)).astype(numpy.float32) gl.glUniformMatrix4fv(program.uniforms['matrix'], 1, gl.GL_TRUE, matrix) colorAttrib = program.attributes['color'] if self.useColorVboData and self.colorVboData is not None: gl.glEnableVertexAttribArray(colorAttrib) self.colorVboData.setVertexAttrib(colorAttrib) else: gl.glDisableVertexAttribArray(colorAttrib) gl.glVertexAttrib4f(colorAttrib, *self.color) xPosAttrib = program.attributes['xPos'] gl.glEnableVertexAttribArray(xPosAttrib) self.xVboData.setVertexAttrib(xPosAttrib) yPosAttrib = program.attributes['yPos'] gl.glEnableVertexAttribArray(yPosAttrib) self.yVboData.setVertexAttrib(yPosAttrib) gl.glLineWidth(self.width) gl.glDrawArrays(self._drawMode, 0, self.xVboData.size) gl.glDisable(gl.GL_LINE_SMOOTH) def _distancesFromArrays(xData, yData): """Returns distances between each points :param numpy.ndarray xData: X coordinate of points :param numpy.ndarray yData: Y coordinate of points :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ deltas = numpy.dstack(( numpy.ediff1d(xData, to_begin=numpy.float32(0.)), numpy.ediff1d(yData, to_begin=numpy.float32(0.))))[0] return numpy.cumsum(numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(deltas ** 2, axis=1))) # points ###################################################################### DIAMOND, CIRCLE, SQUARE, PLUS, X_MARKER, POINT, PIXEL, ASTERISK = \ 'd', 'o', 's', '+', 'x', '.', ',', '*' H_LINE, V_LINE = '_', '|' class _Points2D(object): """Object rendering curve markers :param xVboData: X coordinates VBO :param yVboData: Y coordinates VBO :param colorVboData: VBO of colors :param str marker: Kind of symbol to use, see :attr:`MARKERS`. :param List[float] color: RGBA color as 4 float in [0, 1] :param float size: Marker size :param List[float] offset: Translation of coordinates (ox, oy) """ MARKERS = (DIAMOND, CIRCLE, SQUARE, PLUS, X_MARKER, POINT, PIXEL, ASTERISK, H_LINE, V_LINE) """List of supported markers""" _VERTEX_SHADER = """ #version 120 uniform mat4 matrix; uniform int transform; uniform float size; attribute float xPos; attribute float yPos; attribute vec4 color; varying vec4 vColor; void main(void) { gl_Position = matrix * vec4(xPos, yPos, 0., 1.); vColor = color; gl_PointSize = size; } """ _FRAGMENT_SHADER_SYMBOLS = { DIAMOND: """ float alphaSymbol(vec2 coord, float size) { vec2 centerCoord = abs(coord - vec2(0.5, 0.5)); float f = centerCoord.x + centerCoord.y; return clamp(size * (0.5 - f), 0.0, 1.0); } """, CIRCLE: """ float alphaSymbol(vec2 coord, float size) { float radius = 0.5; float r = distance(coord, vec2(0.5, 0.5)); return clamp(size * (radius - r), 0.0, 1.0); } """, SQUARE: """ float alphaSymbol(vec2 coord, float size) { return 1.0; } """, PLUS: """ float alphaSymbol(vec2 coord, float size) { vec2 d = abs(size * (coord - vec2(0.5, 0.5))); if (min(d.x, d.y) < 0.5) { return 1.0; } else { return 0.0; } } """, X_MARKER: """ float alphaSymbol(vec2 coord, float size) { vec2 pos = floor(size * coord) + 0.5; vec2 d_x = abs(pos.x + vec2(- pos.y, pos.y - size)); if (min(d_x.x, d_x.y) <= 0.5) { return 1.0; } else { return 0.0; } } """, ASTERISK: """ float alphaSymbol(vec2 coord, float size) { /* Combining +, x and circle */ vec2 d_plus = abs(size * (coord - vec2(0.5, 0.5))); vec2 pos = floor(size * coord) + 0.5; vec2 d_x = abs(pos.x + vec2(- pos.y, pos.y - size)); if (min(d_plus.x, d_plus.y) < 0.5) { return 1.0; } else if (min(d_x.x, d_x.y) <= 0.5) { float r = distance(coord, vec2(0.5, 0.5)); return clamp(size * (0.5 - r), 0.0, 1.0); } else { return 0.0; } } """, H_LINE: """ float alphaSymbol(vec2 coord, float size) { float dy = abs(size * (coord.y - 0.5)); if (dy < 0.5) { return 1.0; } else { return 0.0; } } """, V_LINE: """ float alphaSymbol(vec2 coord, float size) { float dx = abs(size * (coord.x - 0.5)); if (dx < 0.5) { return 1.0; } else { return 0.0; } } """ } _FRAGMENT_SHADER_TEMPLATE = """ #version 120 uniform float size; varying vec4 vColor; %s void main(void) { float alpha = alphaSymbol(gl_PointCoord, size); if (alpha <= 0.0) { discard; } else { gl_FragColor = vec4(vColor.rgb, alpha * clamp(vColor.a, 0.0, 1.0)); } } """ _PROGRAMS = {} def __init__(self, xVboData=None, yVboData=None, colorVboData=None, marker=SQUARE, color=(0., 0., 0., 1.), size=7, offset=(0., 0.)): self.color = color self._marker = None self.marker = marker self.size = size self.offset = offset self.xVboData = xVboData self.yVboData = yVboData self.colorVboData = colorVboData self.useColorVboData = colorVboData is not None @property def marker(self): """Symbol used to display markers (str)""" return self._marker @marker.setter def marker(self, marker): if marker in _MPL_NONES: self._marker = None else: assert marker in self.MARKERS self._marker = marker @classmethod def _getProgram(cls, marker): """On-demand shader program creation.""" if marker == PIXEL: marker = SQUARE elif marker == POINT: marker = CIRCLE if marker not in cls._PROGRAMS: cls._PROGRAMS[marker] = Program( vertexShader=cls._VERTEX_SHADER, fragmentShader=(cls._FRAGMENT_SHADER_TEMPLATE % cls._FRAGMENT_SHADER_SYMBOLS[marker]), attrib0='xPos') return cls._PROGRAMS[marker] @classmethod def init(cls): """OpenGL context initialization""" version = gl.glGetString(gl.GL_VERSION) majorVersion = int(version[0]) assert majorVersion >= 2 gl.glEnable(gl.GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE) # OpenGL 2 gl.glEnable(gl.GL_POINT_SPRITE) # OpenGL 2 if majorVersion >= 3: # OpenGL 3 gl.glEnable(gl.GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE) def render(self, matrix): """Perform rendering :param numpy.ndarray matrix: 4x4 transform matrix to use """ if self.marker is None: return program = self._getProgram(self.marker) program.use() matrix = numpy.dot(matrix, mat4Translate(*self.offset)).astype(numpy.float32) gl.glUniformMatrix4fv(program.uniforms['matrix'], 1, gl.GL_TRUE, matrix) if self.marker == PIXEL: size = 1 elif self.marker == POINT: size = math.ceil(0.5 * self.size) + 1 # Mimic Matplotlib point else: size = self.size gl.glUniform1f(program.uniforms['size'], size) # gl.glPointSize(self.size) cAttrib = program.attributes['color'] if self.useColorVboData and self.colorVboData is not None: gl.glEnableVertexAttribArray(cAttrib) self.colorVboData.setVertexAttrib(cAttrib) else: gl.glDisableVertexAttribArray(cAttrib) gl.glVertexAttrib4f(cAttrib, *self.color) xAttrib = program.attributes['xPos'] gl.glEnableVertexAttribArray(xAttrib) self.xVboData.setVertexAttrib(xAttrib) yAttrib = program.attributes['yPos'] gl.glEnableVertexAttribArray(yAttrib) self.yVboData.setVertexAttrib(yAttrib) gl.glDrawArrays(gl.GL_POINTS, 0, self.xVboData.size) gl.glUseProgram(0) # error bars ################################################################## class _ErrorBars(object): """Display errors bars. This is using its own VBO as opposed to fill/points/lines. There is no picking on error bars. It uses 2 vertices per error bars and uses :class:`_Lines2D` to render error bars and :class:`_Points2D` to render the ends. :param numpy.ndarray xData: X coordinates of the data. :param numpy.ndarray yData: Y coordinates of the data. :param xError: The absolute error on the X axis. :type xError: A float, or a numpy.ndarray of float32. If it is an array, it can either be a 1D array of same length as the data or a 2D array with 2 rows of same length as the data: row 0 for negative errors, row 1 for positive errors. :param yError: The absolute error on the Y axis. :type yError: A float, or a numpy.ndarray of float32. See xError. :param float xMin: The min X value already computed by GLPlotCurve2D. :param float yMin: The min Y value already computed by GLPlotCurve2D. :param List[float] color: RGBA color as 4 float in [0, 1] :param List[float] offset: Translation of coordinates (ox, oy) """ def __init__(self, xData, yData, xError, yError, xMin, yMin, color=(0., 0., 0., 1.), offset=(0., 0.)): self._attribs = None self._xMin, self._yMin = xMin, yMin self.offset = offset if xError is not None or yError is not None: self._xData = numpy.array( xData, order='C', dtype=numpy.float32, copy=False) self._yData = numpy.array( yData, order='C', dtype=numpy.float32, copy=False) # This also works if xError, yError is a float/int self._xError = numpy.array( xError, order='C', dtype=numpy.float32, copy=False) self._yError = numpy.array( yError, order='C', dtype=numpy.float32, copy=False) else: self._xData, self._yData = None, None self._xError, self._yError = None, None self._lines = _Lines2D( None, None, color=color, drawMode=gl.GL_LINES, offset=offset) self._xErrPoints = _Points2D( None, None, color=color, marker=V_LINE, offset=offset) self._yErrPoints = _Points2D( None, None, color=color, marker=H_LINE, offset=offset) def _buildVertices(self): """Generates error bars vertices""" nbLinesPerDataPts = (0 if self._xError is None else 2) + \ (0 if self._yError is None else 2) nbDataPts = len(self._xData) # interleave coord+error, coord-error. # xError vertices first if any, then yError vertices if any. xCoords = numpy.empty(nbDataPts * nbLinesPerDataPts * 2, dtype=numpy.float32) yCoords = numpy.empty(nbDataPts * nbLinesPerDataPts * 2, dtype=numpy.float32) if self._xError is not None: # errors on the X axis if len(self._xError.shape) == 2: xErrorMinus, xErrorPlus = self._xError[0], self._xError[1] else: # numpy arrays of len 1 or len(xData) xErrorMinus, xErrorPlus = self._xError, self._xError # Interleave vertices for xError endXError = 4 * nbDataPts xCoords[0:endXError-3:4] = self._xData + xErrorPlus xCoords[1:endXError-2:4] = self._xData xCoords[2:endXError-1:4] = self._xData xCoords[3:endXError:4] = self._xData - xErrorMinus yCoords[0:endXError-3:4] = self._yData yCoords[1:endXError-2:4] = self._yData yCoords[2:endXError-1:4] = self._yData yCoords[3:endXError:4] = self._yData else: endXError = 0 if self._yError is not None: # errors on the Y axis if len(self._yError.shape) == 2: yErrorMinus, yErrorPlus = self._yError[0], self._yError[1] else: # numpy arrays of len 1 or len(yData) yErrorMinus, yErrorPlus = self._yError, self._yError # Interleave vertices for yError xCoords[endXError::4] = self._xData xCoords[endXError+1::4] = self._xData xCoords[endXError+2::4] = self._xData xCoords[endXError+3::4] = self._xData yCoords[endXError::4] = self._yData + yErrorPlus yCoords[endXError+1::4] = self._yData yCoords[endXError+2::4] = self._yData yCoords[endXError+3::4] = self._yData - yErrorMinus return xCoords, yCoords def prepare(self): """Rendering preparation: build indices and bounding box vertices""" if self._xData is None: return if self._attribs is None: xCoords, yCoords = self._buildVertices() xAttrib, yAttrib = vertexBuffer((xCoords, yCoords)) self._attribs = xAttrib, yAttrib self._lines.xVboData = xAttrib self._lines.yVboData = yAttrib # Set xError points using the same VBO as lines self._xErrPoints.xVboData = xAttrib.copy() self._xErrPoints.xVboData.size //= 2 self._xErrPoints.yVboData = yAttrib.copy() self._xErrPoints.yVboData.size //= 2 # Set yError points using the same VBO as lines self._yErrPoints.xVboData = xAttrib.copy() self._yErrPoints.xVboData.size //= 2 self._yErrPoints.xVboData.offset += (xAttrib.itemsize * xAttrib.size // 2) self._yErrPoints.yVboData = yAttrib.copy() self._yErrPoints.yVboData.size //= 2 self._yErrPoints.yVboData.offset += (yAttrib.itemsize * yAttrib.size // 2) def render(self, matrix): """Perform rendering :param numpy.ndarray matrix: 4x4 transform matrix to use """ self.prepare() if self._attribs is not None: self._lines.render(matrix) self._xErrPoints.render(matrix) self._yErrPoints.render(matrix) def discard(self): """Release VBOs""" if self._attribs is not None: self._lines.xVboData, self._lines.yVboData = None, None self._xErrPoints.xVboData, self._xErrPoints.yVboData = None, None self._yErrPoints.xVboData, self._yErrPoints.yVboData = None, None self._attribs[0].vbo.discard() self._attribs = None # curves ###################################################################### def _proxyProperty(*componentsAttributes): """Create a property to access an attribute of attribute(s). Useful for composition. Supports multiple components this way: getter returns the first found, setter sets all """ def getter(self): for compName, attrName in componentsAttributes: try: component = getattr(self, compName) except AttributeError: pass else: return getattr(component, attrName) def setter(self, value): for compName, attrName in componentsAttributes: component = getattr(self, compName) setattr(component, attrName, value) return property(getter, setter) class GLPlotCurve2D(object): def __init__(self, xData, yData, colorData=None, xError=None, yError=None, lineStyle=SOLID, lineColor=(0., 0., 0., 1.), lineWidth=1, lineDashPeriod=20, marker=SQUARE, markerColor=(0., 0., 0., 1.), markerSize=7, fillColor=None, isYLog=False): self.colorData = colorData # Compute x bounds if xError is None: self.xMin, self.xMax = min_max(xData, min_positive=False) else: # Takes the error into account if hasattr(xError, 'shape') and len(xError.shape) == 2: xErrorMinus, xErrorPlus = xError[0], xError[1] else: xErrorMinus, xErrorPlus = xError, xError self.xMin = numpy.nanmin(xData - xErrorMinus) self.xMax = numpy.nanmax(xData + xErrorPlus) # Compute y bounds if yError is None: self.yMin, self.yMax = min_max(yData, min_positive=False) else: # Takes the error into account if hasattr(yError, 'shape') and len(yError.shape) == 2: yErrorMinus, yErrorPlus = yError[0], yError[1] else: yErrorMinus, yErrorPlus = yError, yError self.yMin = numpy.nanmin(yData - yErrorMinus) self.yMax = numpy.nanmax(yData + yErrorPlus) # Handle data offset if xData.itemsize > 4 or yData.itemsize > 4: # Use normalization # offset data, do not offset error as it is relative self.offset = self.xMin, self.yMin self.xData = (xData - self.offset[0]).astype(numpy.float32) self.yData = (yData - self.offset[1]).astype(numpy.float32) else: # float32 self.offset = 0., 0. self.xData = xData self.yData = yData if fillColor is not None: # Use different baseline depending of Y log scale self.fill = _Fill2D(self.xData, self.yData, baseline=-38 if isYLog else 0, color=fillColor, offset=self.offset) else: self.fill = None self._errorBars = _ErrorBars(self.xData, self.yData, xError, yError, self.xMin, self.yMin, offset=self.offset) self.lines = _Lines2D() self.lines.style = lineStyle self.lines.color = lineColor self.lines.width = lineWidth self.lines.dashPeriod = lineDashPeriod self.lines.offset = self.offset self.points = _Points2D() self.points.marker = marker self.points.color = markerColor self.points.size = markerSize self.points.offset = self.offset xVboData = _proxyProperty(('lines', 'xVboData'), ('points', 'xVboData')) yVboData = _proxyProperty(('lines', 'yVboData'), ('points', 'yVboData')) colorVboData = _proxyProperty(('lines', 'colorVboData'), ('points', 'colorVboData')) useColorVboData = _proxyProperty(('lines', 'useColorVboData'), ('points', 'useColorVboData')) distVboData = _proxyProperty(('lines', 'distVboData')) lineStyle = _proxyProperty(('lines', 'style')) lineColor = _proxyProperty(('lines', 'color')) lineWidth = _proxyProperty(('lines', 'width')) lineDashPeriod = _proxyProperty(('lines', 'dashPeriod')) marker = _proxyProperty(('points', 'marker')) markerColor = _proxyProperty(('points', 'color')) markerSize = _proxyProperty(('points', 'size')) @classmethod def init(cls): """OpenGL context initialization""" _Lines2D.init() _Points2D.init() def prepare(self): """Rendering preparation: build indices and bounding box vertices""" if self.xVboData is None: xAttrib, yAttrib, cAttrib, dAttrib = None, None, None, None if self.lineStyle in (DASHED, DASHDOT, DOTTED): dists = _distancesFromArrays(self.xData, self.yData) if self.colorData is None: xAttrib, yAttrib, dAttrib = vertexBuffer( (self.xData, self.yData, dists)) else: xAttrib, yAttrib, cAttrib, dAttrib = vertexBuffer( (self.xData, self.yData, self.colorData, dists)) elif self.colorData is None: xAttrib, yAttrib = vertexBuffer((self.xData, self.yData)) else: xAttrib, yAttrib, cAttrib = vertexBuffer( (self.xData, self.yData, self.colorData)) self.xVboData = xAttrib self.yVboData = yAttrib self.distVboData = dAttrib if cAttrib is not None and self.colorData.dtype.kind == 'u': cAttrib.normalization = True # Normalize uint to [0, 1] self.colorVboData = cAttrib self.useColorVboData = cAttrib is not None def render(self, matrix, isXLog, isYLog): """Perform rendering :param numpy.ndarray matrix: 4x4 transform matrix to use :param bool isXLog: :param bool isYLog: """ self.prepare() if self.fill is not None: self.fill.render(matrix) self._errorBars.render(matrix) self.lines.render(matrix) self.points.render(matrix) def discard(self): """Release VBOs""" if self.xVboData is not None: self.xVboData.vbo.discard() self.xVboData = None self.yVboData = None self.colorVboData = None self.distVboData = None self._errorBars.discard() if self.fill is not None: self.fill.discard() def pick(self, xPickMin, yPickMin, xPickMax, yPickMax): """Perform picking on the curve according to its rendering. The picking area is [xPickMin, xPickMax], [yPickMin, yPickMax]. In case a segment between 2 points with indices i, i+1 is picked, only its lower index end point (i.e., i) is added to the result. In case an end point with index i is picked it is added to the result, and the segment [i-1, i] is not tested for picking. :return: The indices of the picked data :rtype: list of int """ if (self.marker is None and self.lineStyle is None) or \ self.xMin > xPickMax or xPickMin > self.xMax or \ self.yMin > yPickMax or yPickMin > self.yMax: return None # offset picking bounds xPickMin = xPickMin - self.offset[0] xPickMax = xPickMax - self.offset[0] yPickMin = yPickMin - self.offset[1] yPickMax = yPickMax - self.offset[1] if self.lineStyle is not None: # Using Cohen-Sutherland algorithm for line clipping with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Ignore NaN comparison warnings warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning) codes = ((self.yData > yPickMax) << 3) | \ ((self.yData < yPickMin) << 2) | \ ((self.xData > xPickMax) << 1) | \ (self.xData < xPickMin) notNaN = numpy.logical_not(numpy.logical_or( numpy.isnan(self.xData), numpy.isnan(self.yData))) # Add all points that are inside the picking area indices = numpy.nonzero( numpy.logical_and(codes == 0, notNaN))[0].tolist() # Segment that might cross the area with no end point inside it segToTestIdx = numpy.nonzero((codes[:-1] != 0) & (codes[1:] != 0) & ((codes[:-1] & codes[1:]) == 0))[0] TOP, BOTTOM, RIGHT, LEFT = (1 << 3), (1 << 2), (1 << 1), (1 << 0) for index in segToTestIdx: if index not in indices: x0, y0 = self.xData[index], self.yData[index] x1, y1 = self.xData[index + 1], self.yData[index + 1] code1 = codes[index + 1] # check for crossing with horizontal bounds # y0 == y1 is a never event: # => pt0 and pt1 in same vertical area are not in segToTest if code1 & TOP: x = x0 + (x1 - x0) * (yPickMax - y0) / (y1 - y0) elif code1 & BOTTOM: x = x0 + (x1 - x0) * (yPickMin - y0) / (y1 - y0) else: x = None # No horizontal bounds intersection test if x is not None and xPickMin <= x <= xPickMax: # Intersection indices.append(index) else: # check for crossing with vertical bounds # x0 == x1 is a never event (see remark for y) if code1 & RIGHT: y = y0 + (y1 - y0) * (xPickMax - x0) / (x1 - x0) elif code1 & LEFT: y = y0 + (y1 - y0) * (xPickMin - x0) / (x1 - x0) else: y = None # No vertical bounds intersection test if y is not None and yPickMin <= y <= yPickMax: # Intersection indices.append(index) indices.sort() else: with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Ignore NaN comparison warnings warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning) indices = numpy.nonzero((self.xData >= xPickMin) & (self.xData <= xPickMax) & (self.yData >= yPickMin) & (self.yData <= yPickMax))[0].tolist() return indices