# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2014-2017 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ############################################################################*/ """ This modules provides the rendering of plot titles, axes and grid. """ __authors__ = ["T. Vincent"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "03/04/2017" # TODO # keep aspect ratio managed here? # smarter dirty flag handling? import math import weakref import logging from collections import namedtuple import numpy from ...._glutils import gl, Program from ..._utils import FLOAT32_SAFE_MIN, FLOAT32_MINPOS, FLOAT32_SAFE_MAX from .GLSupport import mat4Ortho from .GLText import Text2D, CENTER, BOTTOM, TOP, LEFT, RIGHT, ROTATE_270 from ..._utils.ticklayout import niceNumbersAdaptative, niceNumbersForLog10 _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # PlotAxis #################################################################### class PlotAxis(object): """Represents a 1D axis of the plot. This class is intended to be used with :class:`GLPlotFrame`. """ def __init__(self, plot, tickLength=(0., 0.), labelAlign=CENTER, labelVAlign=CENTER, titleAlign=CENTER, titleVAlign=CENTER, titleRotate=0, titleOffset=(0., 0.)): self._ticks = None self._plot = weakref.ref(plot) self._isLog = False self._dataRange = 1., 100. self._displayCoords = (0., 0.), (1., 0.) self._title = '' self._tickLength = tickLength self._labelAlign = labelAlign self._labelVAlign = labelVAlign self._titleAlign = titleAlign self._titleVAlign = titleVAlign self._titleRotate = titleRotate self._titleOffset = titleOffset @property def dataRange(self): """The range of the data represented on the axis as a tuple of 2 floats: (min, max).""" return self._dataRange @dataRange.setter def dataRange(self, dataRange): assert len(dataRange) == 2 assert dataRange[0] <= dataRange[1] dataRange = float(dataRange[0]), float(dataRange[1]) if dataRange != self._dataRange: self._dataRange = dataRange self._dirtyTicks() @property def isLog(self): """Whether the axis is using a log10 scale or not as a bool.""" return self._isLog @isLog.setter def isLog(self, isLog): isLog = bool(isLog) if isLog != self._isLog: self._isLog = isLog self._dirtyTicks() @property def displayCoords(self): """The coordinates of the start and end points of the axis in display space (i.e., in pixels) as a tuple of 2 tuples of 2 floats: ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)). """ return self._displayCoords @displayCoords.setter def displayCoords(self, displayCoords): assert len(displayCoords) == 2 assert len(displayCoords[0]) == 2 assert len(displayCoords[1]) == 2 displayCoords = tuple(displayCoords[0]), tuple(displayCoords[1]) if displayCoords != self._displayCoords: self._displayCoords = displayCoords self._dirtyTicks() @property def title(self): """The text label associated with this axis as a str in latin-1.""" return self._title @title.setter def title(self, title): if title != self._title: self._title = title plot = self._plot() if plot is not None: plot._dirty() @property def ticks(self): """Ticks as tuples: ((x, y) in display, dataPos, textLabel).""" if self._ticks is None: self._ticks = tuple(self._ticksGenerator()) return self._ticks def getVerticesAndLabels(self): """Create the list of vertices for axis and associated text labels. :returns: A tuple: List of 2D line vertices, List of Text2D labels. """ vertices = list(self.displayCoords) # Add start and end points labels = [] tickLabelsSize = [0., 0.] xTickLength, yTickLength = self._tickLength for (xPixel, yPixel), dataPos, text in self.ticks: if text is None: tickScale = 0.5 else: tickScale = 1. label = Text2D(text=text, x=xPixel - xTickLength, y=yPixel - yTickLength, align=self._labelAlign, valign=self._labelVAlign) width, height = label.size if width > tickLabelsSize[0]: tickLabelsSize[0] = width if height > tickLabelsSize[1]: tickLabelsSize[1] = height labels.append(label) vertices.append((xPixel, yPixel)) vertices.append((xPixel + tickScale * xTickLength, yPixel + tickScale * yTickLength)) (x0, y0), (x1, y1) = self.displayCoords xAxisCenter = 0.5 * (x0 + x1) yAxisCenter = 0.5 * (y0 + y1) xOffset, yOffset = self._titleOffset # Adaptative title positioning: # tickNorm = math.sqrt(xTickLength ** 2 + yTickLength ** 2) # xOffset = -tickLabelsSize[0] * xTickLength / tickNorm # xOffset -= 3 * xTickLength # yOffset = -tickLabelsSize[1] * yTickLength / tickNorm # yOffset -= 3 * yTickLength axisTitle = Text2D(text=self.title, x=xAxisCenter + xOffset, y=yAxisCenter + yOffset, align=self._titleAlign, valign=self._titleVAlign, rotate=self._titleRotate) labels.append(axisTitle) return vertices, labels def _dirtyTicks(self): """Mark ticks as dirty and notify listener (i.e., background).""" self._ticks = None plot = self._plot() if plot is not None: plot._dirty() @staticmethod def _frange(start, stop, step): """range for float (including stop).""" while start <= stop: yield start start += step def _ticksGenerator(self): """Generator of ticks as tuples: ((x, y) in display, dataPos, textLabel). """ dataMin, dataMax = self.dataRange if self.isLog and dataMin <= 0.: _logger.warning( 'Getting ticks while isLog=True and dataRange[0]<=0.') dataMin = 1. if dataMax < dataMin: dataMax = 1. if dataMin != dataMax: # data range is not null (x0, y0), (x1, y1) = self.displayCoords if self.isLog: logMin, logMax = math.log10(dataMin), math.log10(dataMax) tickMin, tickMax, step, _ = niceNumbersForLog10(logMin, logMax) xScale = (x1 - x0) / (logMax - logMin) yScale = (y1 - y0) / (logMax - logMin) for logPos in self._frange(tickMin, tickMax, step): if logMin <= logPos <= logMax: dataPos = 10 ** logPos xPixel = x0 + (logPos - logMin) * xScale yPixel = y0 + (logPos - logMin) * yScale text = '1e%+03d' % logPos yield ((xPixel, yPixel), dataPos, text) if step == 1: ticks = list(self._frange(tickMin, tickMax, step))[:-1] for logPos in ticks: dataOrigPos = 10 ** logPos for index in range(2, 10): dataPos = dataOrigPos * index if dataMin <= dataPos <= dataMax: logSubPos = math.log10(dataPos) xPixel = x0 + (logSubPos - logMin) * xScale yPixel = y0 + (logSubPos - logMin) * yScale yield ((xPixel, yPixel), dataPos, None) else: xScale = (x1 - x0) / (dataMax - dataMin) yScale = (y1 - y0) / (dataMax - dataMin) nbPixels = math.sqrt(pow(x1 - x0, 2) + pow(y1 - y0, 2)) # Density of 1.3 label per 92 pixels # i.e., 1.3 label per inch on a 92 dpi screen tickMin, tickMax, step, nbFrac = niceNumbersAdaptative( dataMin, dataMax, nbPixels, 1.3 / 92) for dataPos in self._frange(tickMin, tickMax, step): if dataMin <= dataPos <= dataMax: xPixel = x0 + (dataPos - dataMin) * xScale yPixel = y0 + (dataPos - dataMin) * yScale if nbFrac == 0: text = '%g' % dataPos else: text = ('%.' + str(nbFrac) + 'f') % dataPos yield ((xPixel, yPixel), dataPos, text) # GLPlotFrame ################################################################# class GLPlotFrame(object): """Base class for rendering a 2D frame surrounded by axes.""" _TICK_LENGTH_IN_PIXELS = 5 _LINE_WIDTH = 1 _SHADERS = { 'vertex': """ attribute vec2 position; uniform mat4 matrix; void main(void) { gl_Position = matrix * vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0); } """, 'fragment': """ uniform vec4 color; uniform float tickFactor; /* = 1./tickLength or 0. for solid line */ void main(void) { if (mod(tickFactor * (gl_FragCoord.x + gl_FragCoord.y), 2.) < 1.) { gl_FragColor = color; } else { discard; } } """ } _Margins = namedtuple('Margins', ('left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom')) # Margins used when plot frame is not displayed _NoDisplayMargins = _Margins(0, 0, 0, 0) def __init__(self, margins): """ :param margins: The margins around plot area for axis and labels. :type margins: dict with 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom' keys and values as ints. """ self._renderResources = None self._margins = self._Margins(**margins) self.axes = [] # List of PlotAxis to be updated by subclasses self._grid = False self._size = 0., 0. self._title = '' self._displayed = True @property def isDirty(self): """True if it need to refresh graphic rendering, False otherwise.""" return self._renderResources is None GRID_NONE = 0 GRID_MAIN_TICKS = 1 GRID_SUB_TICKS = 2 GRID_ALL_TICKS = (GRID_MAIN_TICKS + GRID_SUB_TICKS) @property def displayed(self): """Whether axes and their labels are displayed or not (bool)""" return self._displayed @displayed.setter def displayed(self, displayed): displayed = bool(displayed) if displayed != self._displayed: self._displayed = displayed self._dirty() @property def margins(self): """Margins in pixels around the plot.""" if not self.displayed: return self._NoDisplayMargins else: return self._margins @property def grid(self): """Grid display mode: - 0: No grid. - 1: Grid on main ticks. - 2: Grid on sub-ticks for log scale axes. - 3: Grid on main and sub ticks.""" return self._grid @grid.setter def grid(self, grid): assert grid in (self.GRID_NONE, self.GRID_MAIN_TICKS, self.GRID_SUB_TICKS, self.GRID_ALL_TICKS) if grid != self._grid: self._grid = grid self._dirty() @property def size(self): """Size in pixels of the plot area including margins.""" return self._size @size.setter def size(self, size): assert len(size) == 2 size = tuple(size) if size != self._size: self._size = size self._dirty() @property def plotOrigin(self): """Plot area origin (left, top) in widget coordinates in pixels.""" return self.margins.left, self.margins.top @property def plotSize(self): """Plot area size (width, height) in pixels.""" w, h = self.size w -= self.margins.left + self.margins.right h -= self.margins.top + self.margins.bottom return w, h @property def title(self): """Main title as a str in latin-1.""" return self._title @title.setter def title(self, title): if title != self._title: self._title = title self._dirty() # In-place update # if self._renderResources is not None: # self._renderResources[-1][-1].text = title def _dirty(self): # When Text2D require discard we need to handle it self._renderResources = None def _buildGridVertices(self): if self._grid == self.GRID_NONE: return [] elif self._grid == self.GRID_MAIN_TICKS: def test(text): return text is not None elif self._grid == self.GRID_SUB_TICKS: def test(text): return text is None elif self._grid == self.GRID_ALL_TICKS: def test(_): return True else: logging.warning('Wrong grid mode: %d' % self._grid) return [] return self._buildGridVerticesWithTest(test) def _buildGridVerticesWithTest(self, test): """Override in subclass to generate grid vertices""" return [] def _buildVerticesAndLabels(self): # To fill with copy of axes lists vertices = [] labels = [] for axis in self.axes: axisVertices, axisLabels = axis.getVerticesAndLabels() vertices += axisVertices labels += axisLabels vertices = numpy.array(vertices, dtype=numpy.float32) # Add main title xTitle = (self.size[0] + self.margins.left - self.margins.right) // 2 yTitle = self.margins.top - self._TICK_LENGTH_IN_PIXELS labels.append(Text2D(text=self.title, x=xTitle, y=yTitle, align=CENTER, valign=BOTTOM)) # grid gridVertices = numpy.array(self._buildGridVertices(), dtype=numpy.float32) self._renderResources = (vertices, gridVertices, labels) _program = Program( _SHADERS['vertex'], _SHADERS['fragment'], attrib0='position') def render(self): if not self.displayed: return if self._renderResources is None: self._buildVerticesAndLabels() vertices, gridVertices, labels = self._renderResources width, height = self.size matProj = mat4Ortho(0, width, height, 0, 1, -1) gl.glViewport(0, 0, width, height) prog = self._program prog.use() gl.glLineWidth(self._LINE_WIDTH) gl.glUniformMatrix4fv(prog.uniforms['matrix'], 1, gl.GL_TRUE, matProj) gl.glUniform4f(prog.uniforms['color'], 0., 0., 0., 1.) gl.glUniform1f(prog.uniforms['tickFactor'], 0.) gl.glEnableVertexAttribArray(prog.attributes['position']) gl.glVertexAttribPointer(prog.attributes['position'], 2, gl.GL_FLOAT, gl.GL_FALSE, 0, vertices) gl.glDrawArrays(gl.GL_LINES, 0, len(vertices)) for label in labels: label.render(matProj) def renderGrid(self): if self._grid == self.GRID_NONE: return if self._renderResources is None: self._buildVerticesAndLabels() vertices, gridVertices, labels = self._renderResources width, height = self.size matProj = mat4Ortho(0, width, height, 0, 1, -1) gl.glViewport(0, 0, width, height) prog = self._program prog.use() gl.glLineWidth(self._LINE_WIDTH) gl.glUniformMatrix4fv(prog.uniforms['matrix'], 1, gl.GL_TRUE, matProj) gl.glUniform4f(prog.uniforms['color'], 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.) gl.glUniform1f(prog.uniforms['tickFactor'], 0.) # 1/2.) # 1/tickLen gl.glEnableVertexAttribArray(prog.attributes['position']) gl.glVertexAttribPointer(prog.attributes['position'], 2, gl.GL_FLOAT, gl.GL_FALSE, 0, gridVertices) gl.glDrawArrays(gl.GL_LINES, 0, len(gridVertices)) # GLPlotFrame2D ############################################################### class GLPlotFrame2D(GLPlotFrame): def __init__(self, margins): """ :param margins: The margins around plot area for axis and labels. :type margins: dict with 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom' keys and values as ints. """ super(GLPlotFrame2D, self).__init__(margins) self.axes.append(PlotAxis(self, tickLength=(0., -5.), labelAlign=CENTER, labelVAlign=TOP, titleAlign=CENTER, titleVAlign=TOP, titleRotate=0, titleOffset=(0, self.margins.bottom // 2))) self._x2AxisCoords = () self.axes.append(PlotAxis(self, tickLength=(5., 0.), labelAlign=RIGHT, labelVAlign=CENTER, titleAlign=CENTER, titleVAlign=BOTTOM, titleRotate=ROTATE_270, titleOffset=(-3 * self.margins.left // 4, 0))) self._y2Axis = PlotAxis(self, tickLength=(-5., 0.), labelAlign=LEFT, labelVAlign=CENTER, titleAlign=CENTER, titleVAlign=TOP, titleRotate=ROTATE_270, titleOffset=(3 * self.margins.right // 4, 0)) self._isYAxisInverted = False self._dataRanges = { 'x': (1., 100.), 'y': (1., 100.), 'y2': (1., 100.)} self._baseVectors = (1., 0.), (0., 1.) self._transformedDataRanges = None self._transformedDataProjMat = None self._transformedDataY2ProjMat = None def _dirty(self): super(GLPlotFrame2D, self)._dirty() self._transformedDataRanges = None self._transformedDataProjMat = None self._transformedDataY2ProjMat = None @property def isDirty(self): """True if it need to refresh graphic rendering, False otherwise.""" return (super(GLPlotFrame2D, self).isDirty or self._transformedDataRanges is None or self._transformedDataProjMat is None or self._transformedDataY2ProjMat is None) @property def xAxis(self): return self.axes[0] @property def yAxis(self): return self.axes[1] @property def y2Axis(self): return self._y2Axis @property def isY2Axis(self): """Whether to display the left Y axis or not.""" return len(self.axes) == 3 @isY2Axis.setter def isY2Axis(self, isY2Axis): if isY2Axis != self.isY2Axis: if isY2Axis: self.axes.append(self._y2Axis) else: self.axes = self.axes[:2] self._dirty() @property def isYAxisInverted(self): """Whether Y axes are inverted or not as a bool.""" return self._isYAxisInverted @isYAxisInverted.setter def isYAxisInverted(self, value): value = bool(value) if value != self._isYAxisInverted: self._isYAxisInverted = value self._dirty() DEFAULT_BASE_VECTORS = (1., 0.), (0., 1.) """Values of baseVectors for orthogonal axes.""" @property def baseVectors(self): """Coordinates of the X and Y axes in the orthogonal plot coords. Raises ValueError if corresponding matrix is singular. 2 tuples of 2 floats: (xx, xy), (yx, yy) """ return self._baseVectors @baseVectors.setter def baseVectors(self, baseVectors): self._dirty() (xx, xy), (yx, yy) = baseVectors vectors = (float(xx), float(xy)), (float(yx), float(yy)) det = (vectors[0][0] * vectors[1][1] - vectors[1][0] * vectors[0][1]) if det == 0.: raise ValueError("Singular matrix for base vectors: " + str(vectors)) if vectors != self._baseVectors: self._baseVectors = vectors self._dirty() @property def dataRanges(self): """Ranges of data visible in the plot on x, y and y2 axes. This is different to the axes range when axes are not orthogonal. Type: ((xMin, xMax), (yMin, yMax), (y2Min, y2Max)) """ return self._DataRanges(self._dataRanges['x'], self._dataRanges['y'], self._dataRanges['y2']) @staticmethod def _clipToSafeRange(min_, max_, isLog): # Clip range if needed minLimit = FLOAT32_MINPOS if isLog else FLOAT32_SAFE_MIN min_ = numpy.clip(min_, minLimit, FLOAT32_SAFE_MAX) max_ = numpy.clip(max_, minLimit, FLOAT32_SAFE_MAX) assert min_ < max_ return min_, max_ def setDataRanges(self, x=None, y=None, y2=None): """Set data range over each axes. The provided ranges are clipped to possible values (i.e., 32 float range + positive range for log scale). :param x: (min, max) data range over X axis :param y: (min, max) data range over Y axis :param y2: (min, max) data range over Y2 axis """ if x is not None: self._dataRanges['x'] = \ self._clipToSafeRange(x[0], x[1], self.xAxis.isLog) if y is not None: self._dataRanges['y'] = \ self._clipToSafeRange(y[0], y[1], self.yAxis.isLog) if y2 is not None: self._dataRanges['y2'] = \ self._clipToSafeRange(y2[0], y2[1], self.y2Axis.isLog) self.xAxis.dataRange = self._dataRanges['x'] self.yAxis.dataRange = self._dataRanges['y'] self.y2Axis.dataRange = self._dataRanges['y2'] _DataRanges = namedtuple('dataRanges', ('x', 'y', 'y2')) @property def transformedDataRanges(self): """Bounds of the displayed area in transformed data coordinates (i.e., log scale applied if any as well as skew) 3-tuple of 2-tuple (min, max) for each axis: x, y, y2. """ if self._transformedDataRanges is None: (xMin, xMax), (yMin, yMax), (y2Min, y2Max) = self.dataRanges if self.xAxis.isLog: try: xMin = math.log10(xMin) except ValueError: _logger.info('xMin: warning log10(%f)', xMin) xMin = 0. try: xMax = math.log10(xMax) except ValueError: _logger.info('xMax: warning log10(%f)', xMax) xMax = 0. if self.yAxis.isLog: try: yMin = math.log10(yMin) except ValueError: _logger.info('yMin: warning log10(%f)', yMin) yMin = 0. try: yMax = math.log10(yMax) except ValueError: _logger.info('yMax: warning log10(%f)', yMax) yMax = 0. try: y2Min = math.log10(y2Min) except ValueError: _logger.info('yMin: warning log10(%f)', y2Min) y2Min = 0. try: y2Max = math.log10(y2Max) except ValueError: _logger.info('yMax: warning log10(%f)', y2Max) y2Max = 0. # Non-orthogonal axes if self.baseVectors != self.DEFAULT_BASE_VECTORS: (xx, xy), (yx, yy) = self.baseVectors skew_mat = numpy.array(((xx, yx), (xy, yy))) corners = [(xMin, yMin), (xMin, yMax), (xMax, yMin), (xMax, yMax), (xMin, y2Min), (xMin, y2Max), (xMax, y2Min), (xMax, y2Max)] corners = numpy.array( [numpy.dot(skew_mat, corner) for corner in corners], dtype=numpy.float32) xMin, xMax = corners[:, 0].min(), corners[:, 0].max() yMin, yMax = corners[0:4, 1].min(), corners[0:4, 1].max() y2Min, y2Max = corners[4:, 1].min(), corners[4:, 1].max() self._transformedDataRanges = self._DataRanges( (xMin, xMax), (yMin, yMax), (y2Min, y2Max)) return self._transformedDataRanges @property def transformedDataProjMat(self): """Orthographic projection matrix for rendering transformed data :type: numpy.matrix """ if self._transformedDataProjMat is None: xMin, xMax = self.transformedDataRanges.x yMin, yMax = self.transformedDataRanges.y if self.isYAxisInverted: mat = mat4Ortho(xMin, xMax, yMax, yMin, 1, -1) else: mat = mat4Ortho(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, 1, -1) # Non-orthogonal axes if self.baseVectors != self.DEFAULT_BASE_VECTORS: (xx, xy), (yx, yy) = self.baseVectors mat = mat * numpy.matrix(( (xx, yx, 0., 0.), (xy, yy, 0., 0.), (0., 0., 1., 0.), (0., 0., 0., 1.)), dtype=numpy.float32) self._transformedDataProjMat = mat return self._transformedDataProjMat @property def transformedDataY2ProjMat(self): """Orthographic projection matrix for rendering transformed data for the 2nd Y axis :type: numpy.matrix """ if self._transformedDataY2ProjMat is None: xMin, xMax = self.transformedDataRanges.x y2Min, y2Max = self.transformedDataRanges.y2 if self.isYAxisInverted: mat = mat4Ortho(xMin, xMax, y2Max, y2Min, 1, -1) else: mat = mat4Ortho(xMin, xMax, y2Min, y2Max, 1, -1) # Non-orthogonal axes if self.baseVectors != self.DEFAULT_BASE_VECTORS: (xx, xy), (yx, yy) = self.baseVectors mat = mat * numpy.matrix(( (xx, yx, 0., 0.), (xy, yy, 0., 0.), (0., 0., 1., 0.), (0., 0., 0., 1.)), dtype=numpy.float32) self._transformedDataY2ProjMat = mat return self._transformedDataY2ProjMat def dataToPixel(self, x, y, axis='left'): """Convert data coordinate to widget pixel coordinate. """ assert axis in ('left', 'right') trBounds = self.transformedDataRanges if self.xAxis.isLog: if x < FLOAT32_MINPOS: return None xDataTr = math.log10(x) else: xDataTr = x if self.yAxis.isLog: if y < FLOAT32_MINPOS: return None yDataTr = math.log10(y) else: yDataTr = y # Non-orthogonal axes if self.baseVectors != self.DEFAULT_BASE_VECTORS: (xx, xy), (yx, yy) = self.baseVectors skew_mat = numpy.array(((xx, yx), (xy, yy))) coords = numpy.dot(skew_mat, numpy.array((xDataTr, yDataTr))) xDataTr, yDataTr = coords plotWidth, plotHeight = self.plotSize xPixel = int(self.margins.left + plotWidth * (xDataTr - trBounds.x[0]) / (trBounds.x[1] - trBounds.x[0])) usedAxis = trBounds.y if axis == "left" else trBounds.y2 yOffset = (plotHeight * (yDataTr - usedAxis[0]) / (usedAxis[1] - usedAxis[0])) if self.isYAxisInverted: yPixel = int(self.margins.top + yOffset) else: yPixel = int(self.size[1] - self.margins.bottom - yOffset) return xPixel, yPixel def pixelToData(self, x, y, axis="left"): """Convert pixel position to data coordinates. :param float x: X coord :param float y: Y coord :param str axis: Y axis to use in ('left', 'right') :return: (x, y) position in data coords """ assert axis in ("left", "right") plotWidth, plotHeight = self.plotSize trBounds = self.transformedDataRanges xData = (x - self.margins.left + 0.5) / float(plotWidth) xData = trBounds.x[0] + xData * (trBounds.x[1] - trBounds.x[0]) usedAxis = trBounds.y if axis == "left" else trBounds.y2 if self.isYAxisInverted: yData = (y - self.margins.top + 0.5) / float(plotHeight) yData = usedAxis[0] + yData * (usedAxis[1] - usedAxis[0]) else: yData = self.size[1] - self.margins.bottom - y - 0.5 yData /= float(plotHeight) yData = usedAxis[0] + yData * (usedAxis[1] - usedAxis[0]) # non-orthogonal axis if self.baseVectors != self.DEFAULT_BASE_VECTORS: (xx, xy), (yx, yy) = self.baseVectors skew_mat = numpy.array(((xx, yx), (xy, yy))) skew_mat = numpy.linalg.inv(skew_mat) coords = numpy.dot(skew_mat, numpy.array((xData, yData))) xData, yData = coords if self.xAxis.isLog: xData = pow(10, xData) if self.yAxis.isLog: yData = pow(10, yData) return xData, yData def _buildGridVerticesWithTest(self, test): vertices = [] if self.baseVectors == self.DEFAULT_BASE_VECTORS: for axis in self.axes: for (xPixel, yPixel), data, text in axis.ticks: if test(text): vertices.append((xPixel, yPixel)) if axis == self.xAxis: vertices.append((xPixel, self.margins.top)) elif axis == self.yAxis: vertices.append((self.size[0] - self.margins.right, yPixel)) else: # axis == self.y2Axis vertices.append((self.margins.left, yPixel)) else: # Get plot corners in data coords plotLeft, plotTop = self.plotOrigin plotWidth, plotHeight = self.plotSize corners = [(plotLeft, plotTop), (plotLeft, plotTop + plotHeight), (plotLeft + plotWidth, plotTop + plotHeight), (plotLeft + plotWidth, plotTop)] for axis in self.axes: if axis == self.xAxis: cornersInData = numpy.array([ self.pixelToData(x, y) for (x, y) in corners]) borders = ((cornersInData[0], cornersInData[3]), # top (cornersInData[1], cornersInData[0]), # left (cornersInData[3], cornersInData[2])) # right for (xPixel, yPixel), data, text in axis.ticks: if test(text): for (x0, y0), (x1, y1) in borders: if min(x0, x1) <= data < max(x0, x1): yIntersect = (data - x0) * \ (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0) + y0 pixelPos = self.dataToPixel( data, yIntersect) if pixelPos is not None: vertices.append((xPixel, yPixel)) vertices.append(pixelPos) break # Stop at first intersection else: # y or y2 axes if axis == self.yAxis: axis_name = 'left' cornersInData = numpy.array([ self.pixelToData(x, y) for (x, y) in corners]) borders = ( (cornersInData[3], cornersInData[2]), # right (cornersInData[0], cornersInData[3]), # top (cornersInData[2], cornersInData[1])) # bottom else: # axis == self.y2Axis axis_name = 'right' corners = numpy.array([self.pixelToData( x, y, axis='right') for (x, y) in corners]) borders = ( (cornersInData[1], cornersInData[0]), # left (cornersInData[0], cornersInData[3]), # top (cornersInData[2], cornersInData[1])) # bottom for (xPixel, yPixel), data, text in axis.ticks: if test(text): for (x0, y0), (x1, y1) in borders: if min(y0, y1) <= data < max(y0, y1): xIntersect = (data - y0) * \ (x1 - x0) / (y1 - y0) + x0 pixelPos = self.dataToPixel( xIntersect, data, axis=axis_name) if pixelPos is not None: vertices.append((xPixel, yPixel)) vertices.append(pixelPos) break # Stop at first intersection return vertices def _buildVerticesAndLabels(self): width, height = self.size xCoords = (self.margins.left - 0.5, width - self.margins.right + 0.5) yCoords = (height - self.margins.bottom + 0.5, self.margins.top - 0.5) self.axes[0].displayCoords = ((xCoords[0], yCoords[0]), (xCoords[1], yCoords[0])) self._x2AxisCoords = ((xCoords[0], yCoords[1]), (xCoords[1], yCoords[1])) if self.isYAxisInverted: # Y axes are inverted, axes coordinates are inverted yCoords = yCoords[1], yCoords[0] self.axes[1].displayCoords = ((xCoords[0], yCoords[0]), (xCoords[0], yCoords[1])) self._y2Axis.displayCoords = ((xCoords[1], yCoords[0]), (xCoords[1], yCoords[1])) super(GLPlotFrame2D, self)._buildVerticesAndLabels() vertices, gridVertices, labels = self._renderResources # Adds vertices for borders without axis extraVertices = [] extraVertices += self._x2AxisCoords if not self.isY2Axis: extraVertices += self._y2Axis.displayCoords extraVertices = numpy.array( extraVertices, copy=False, dtype=numpy.float32) vertices = numpy.append(vertices, extraVertices, axis=0) self._renderResources = (vertices, gridVertices, labels)