# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """ This module provides a :class:`QTreeView` dedicated to display plot3d models. This module contains: - :class:`ParamTreeView`: A QTreeView specific for plot3d parameters and scene. - :class:`ParameterTreeDelegate`: The delegate for :class:`ParamTreeView`. - A set of specific editors used by :class:`ParameterTreeDelegate`: :class:`FloatEditor`, :class:`Vector3DEditor`, :class:`Vector4DEditor`, :class:`IntSliderEditor`, :class:`BooleanEditor` """ from __future__ import absolute_import __authors__ = ["T. Vincent"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "05/12/2017" import numbers import sys from silx.third_party import six from .. import qt from ..widgets.FloatEdit import FloatEdit as _FloatEdit from ._model import visitQAbstractItemModel class FloatEditor(_FloatEdit): """Editor widget for float. :param parent: The widget's parent :param float value: The initial editor value """ valueChanged = qt.Signal(float) """Signal emitted when the float value has changed""" def __init__(self, parent=None, value=None): super(FloatEditor, self).__init__(parent, value) self.setAlignment(qt.Qt.AlignLeft) self.editingFinished.connect(self._emit) def _emit(self): self.valueChanged.emit(self.value) value = qt.Property(float, fget=_FloatEdit.value, fset=_FloatEdit.setValue, user=True, notify=valueChanged) """Qt user property of the float value this widget edits""" class Vector3DEditor(qt.QWidget): """Editor widget for QVector3D. :param parent: The widget's parent :param flags: The widgets's flags """ valueChanged = qt.Signal(qt.QVector3D) """Signal emitted when the QVector3D value has changed""" def __init__(self, parent=None, flags=qt.Qt.Widget): super(Vector3DEditor, self).__init__(parent, flags) layout = qt.QHBoxLayout(self) # layout.setSpacing(0) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setLayout(layout) self._xEdit = _FloatEdit(parent=self, value=0.) self._xEdit.setAlignment(qt.Qt.AlignLeft) # self._xEdit.editingFinished.connect(self._emit) self._yEdit = _FloatEdit(parent=self, value=0.) self._yEdit.setAlignment(qt.Qt.AlignLeft) # self._yEdit.editingFinished.connect(self._emit) self._zEdit = _FloatEdit(parent=self, value=0.) self._zEdit.setAlignment(qt.Qt.AlignLeft) # self._zEdit.editingFinished.connect(self._emit) layout.addWidget(qt.QLabel('x:')) layout.addWidget(self._xEdit) layout.addWidget(qt.QLabel('y:')) layout.addWidget(self._yEdit) layout.addWidget(qt.QLabel('z:')) layout.addWidget(self._zEdit) layout.addStretch(1) def _emit(self): vector = self.value self.valueChanged.emit(vector) def getValue(self): """Returns the QVector3D value of this widget :rtype: QVector3D """ return qt.QVector3D( self._xEdit.value(), self._yEdit.value(), self._zEdit.value()) def setValue(self, value): """Set the QVector3D value :param QVector3D value: The new value """ self._xEdit.setValue(value.x()) self._yEdit.setValue(value.y()) self._zEdit.setValue(value.z()) self.valueChanged.emit(value) value = qt.Property(qt.QVector3D, fget=getValue, fset=setValue, user=True, notify=valueChanged) """Qt user property of the QVector3D value this widget edits""" class Vector4DEditor(qt.QWidget): """Editor widget for QVector4D. :param parent: The widget's parent :param flags: The widgets's flags """ valueChanged = qt.Signal(qt.QVector4D) """Signal emitted when the QVector4D value has changed""" def __init__(self, parent=None, flags=qt.Qt.Widget): super(Vector4DEditor, self).__init__(parent, flags) layout = qt.QHBoxLayout(self) # layout.setSpacing(0) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setLayout(layout) self._xEdit = _FloatEdit(parent=self, value=0.) self._xEdit.setAlignment(qt.Qt.AlignLeft) # self._xEdit.editingFinished.connect(self._emit) self._yEdit = _FloatEdit(parent=self, value=0.) self._yEdit.setAlignment(qt.Qt.AlignLeft) # self._yEdit.editingFinished.connect(self._emit) self._zEdit = _FloatEdit(parent=self, value=0.) self._zEdit.setAlignment(qt.Qt.AlignLeft) # self._zEdit.editingFinished.connect(self._emit) self._wEdit = _FloatEdit(parent=self, value=0.) self._wEdit.setAlignment(qt.Qt.AlignLeft) # self._wEdit.editingFinished.connect(self._emit) layout.addWidget(qt.QLabel('x:')) layout.addWidget(self._xEdit) layout.addWidget(qt.QLabel('y:')) layout.addWidget(self._yEdit) layout.addWidget(qt.QLabel('z:')) layout.addWidget(self._zEdit) layout.addWidget(qt.QLabel('w:')) layout.addWidget(self._wEdit) layout.addStretch(1) def _emit(self): vector = self.value self.valueChanged.emit(vector) def getValue(self): """Returns the QVector4D value of this widget :rtype: QVector4D """ return qt.QVector4D(self._xEdit.value(), self._yEdit.value(), self._zEdit.value(), self._wEdit.value()) def setValue(self, value): """Set the QVector4D value :param QVector4D value: The new value """ self._xEdit.setValue(value.x()) self._yEdit.setValue(value.y()) self._zEdit.setValue(value.z()) self._wEdit.setValue(value.w()) self.valueChanged.emit(value) value = qt.Property(qt.QVector4D, fget=getValue, fset=setValue, user=True, notify=valueChanged) """Qt user property of the QVector4D value this widget edits""" class IntSliderEditor(qt.QSlider): """Slider editor widget for integer. Note: Tracking is disabled. :param parent: The widget's parent """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super(IntSliderEditor, self).__init__(parent) self.setOrientation(qt.Qt.Horizontal) self.setSingleStep(1) self.setRange(0, 255) self.setValue(0) class BooleanEditor(qt.QCheckBox): """Checkbox editor for bool. This is a QCheckBox with white background. :param parent: The widget's parent """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super(BooleanEditor, self).__init__(parent) self.setStyleSheet("background: white;") class ParameterTreeDelegate(qt.QStyledItemDelegate): """TreeView delegate specific to plot3d scene and object parameter tree. It provides additional editors. :param parent: Delegate's parent """ EDITORS = { bool: BooleanEditor, float: FloatEditor, qt.QVector3D: Vector3DEditor, qt.QVector4D: Vector4DEditor, } """Specific editors for different type of data""" def __init__(self, parent=None): super(ParameterTreeDelegate, self).__init__(parent) def _fixVariant(self, data): """Fix PyQt4 zero vectors being stored as QPyNullVariant. :param data: Data retrieved from the model :return: Corresponding object """ if qt.BINDING == 'PyQt4' and isinstance(data, qt.QPyNullVariant): typeName = data.typeName() if typeName == 'QVector3D': data = qt.QVector3D() elif typeName == 'QVector4D': data = qt.QVector4D() return data def paint(self, painter, option, index): """See :meth:`QStyledItemDelegate.paint`""" data = index.data(qt.Qt.DisplayRole) data = self._fixVariant(data) if isinstance(data, (qt.QVector3D, qt.QVector4D)): if isinstance(data, qt.QVector3D): text = '(x: %g; y: %g; z: %g)' % (data.x(), data.y(), data.z()) elif isinstance(data, qt.QVector4D): text = '(%g; %g; %g; %g)' % (data.x(), data.y(), data.z(), data.w()) else: text = '' painter.save() painter.setRenderHint(qt.QPainter.Antialiasing, True) # Select palette color group colorGroup = qt.QPalette.Inactive if option.state & qt.QStyle.State_Active: colorGroup = qt.QPalette.Active if not option.state & qt.QStyle.State_Enabled: colorGroup = qt.QPalette.Disabled # Draw background if selected if option.state & qt.QStyle.State_Selected: brush = option.palette.brush(colorGroup, qt.QPalette.Highlight) painter.fillRect(option.rect, brush) # Draw text if option.state & qt.QStyle.State_Selected: colorRole = qt.QPalette.HighlightedText else: colorRole = qt.QPalette.WindowText color = option.palette.color(colorGroup, colorRole) painter.setPen(qt.QPen(color)) painter.drawText(option.rect, qt.Qt.AlignLeft, text) painter.restore() # The following commented code does the same as QPainter based code # but it does not work with PySide # self.initStyleOption(option, index) # option.text = text # widget = option.widget # style = qt.QApplication.style() if not widget else widget.style() # style.drawControl(qt.QStyle.CE_ItemViewItem, option, painter, widget) else: super(ParameterTreeDelegate, self).paint(painter, option, index) def _commit(self, *args): """Commit data to the model from editors""" sender = self.sender() self.commitData.emit(sender) def editorEvent(self, event, model, option, index): """See :meth:`QStyledItemDelegate.editorEvent`""" if (event.type() == qt.QEvent.MouseButtonPress and isinstance(index.data(qt.Qt.EditRole), qt.QColor)): initialColor = index.data(qt.Qt.EditRole) def callback(color): theModel = index.model() theModel.setData(index, color, qt.Qt.EditRole) dialog = qt.QColorDialog(self.parent()) # dialog.setOption(qt.QColorDialog.ShowAlphaChannel, True) if sys.platform == 'darwin': # Use of native color dialog on macos might cause problems dialog.setOption(qt.QColorDialog.DontUseNativeDialog, True) dialog.setCurrentColor(initialColor) dialog.currentColorChanged.connect(callback) if dialog.exec_() == qt.QDialog.Rejected: # Reset color dialog.setCurrentColor(initialColor) return True else: return super(ParameterTreeDelegate, self).editorEvent( event, model, option, index) def createEditor(self, parent, option, index): """See :meth:`QStyledItemDelegate.createEditor`""" data = index.data(qt.Qt.EditRole) data = self._fixVariant(data) editorHint = index.data(qt.Qt.UserRole) if callable(editorHint): editor = editorHint() assert isinstance(editor, qt.QWidget) editor.setParent(parent) elif isinstance(data, numbers.Number) and editorHint is not None: # Use a slider editor = IntSliderEditor(parent) range_ = editorHint editor.setRange(*range_) editor.sliderReleased.connect(self._commit) elif isinstance(data, six.string_types) and editorHint is not None: # Use a combo box editor = qt.QComboBox(parent) if data not in editorHint: editor.addItem(data) editor.addItems(editorHint) index = editor.findText(data) editor.setCurrentIndex(index) editor.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._commit) else: # Handle overridden editors from Python # Mimic Qt C++ implementation for type_, editorClass in self.EDITORS.items(): if isinstance(data, type_): editor = editorClass(parent) metaObject = editor.metaObject() userProperty = metaObject.userProperty() if userProperty.isValid() and userProperty.hasNotifySignal(): notifySignal = userProperty.notifySignal() if hasattr(notifySignal, 'signature'): # Qt4 signature = notifySignal.signature() else: signature = notifySignal.methodSignature() if qt.BINDING == 'PySide2': signature = signature.data() else: signature = bytes(signature) if hasattr(signature, 'decode'): # For PySide with python3 signature = signature.decode('ascii') signalName = signature.split('(')[0] signal = getattr(editor, signalName) signal.connect(self._commit) break else: # Default handling for default types return super(ParameterTreeDelegate, self).createEditor( parent, option, index) editor.setAutoFillBackground(True) return editor def setModelData(self, editor, model, index): """See :meth:`QStyledItemDelegate.setModelData`""" if isinstance(editor, tuple(self.EDITORS.values())): # Special handling of Python classes # Translation of QStyledItemDelegate::setModelData to Python # To make it work with Python QVariant wrapping/unwrapping name = editor.metaObject().userProperty().name() if not name: pass # TODO handle the case of missing user property if name: if hasattr(editor, name): value = getattr(editor, name) else: value = editor.property(name) model.setData(index, value, qt.Qt.EditRole) else: super(ParameterTreeDelegate, self).setModelData(editor, model, index) class ParamTreeView(qt.QTreeView): """QTreeView specific to handle plot3d scene and object parameters. It provides additional editors and specific creation of persistent editors. :param parent: The widget's parent. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super(ParamTreeView, self).__init__(parent) header = self.header() header.setMinimumSectionSize(128) # For colormap pixmaps if hasattr(header, 'setSectionResizeMode'): # Qt5 header.setSectionResizeMode(qt.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) else: # Qt4 header.setResizeMode(qt.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) delegate = ParameterTreeDelegate() self.setItemDelegate(delegate) self.setSelectionBehavior(qt.QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) self.setSelectionMode(qt.QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection) self.expanded.connect(self._expanded) self.setEditTriggers(qt.QAbstractItemView.CurrentChanged | qt.QAbstractItemView.DoubleClicked) self.__persistentEditors = set() def _openEditorForIndex(self, index): """Check if it has to open a persistent editor for a specific cell. :param QModelIndex index: The cell index """ if index.flags() & qt.Qt.ItemIsEditable: data = index.data(qt.Qt.EditRole) editorHint = index.data(qt.Qt.UserRole) if (isinstance(data, bool) or callable(editorHint) or (isinstance(data, numbers.Number) and editorHint)): self.openPersistentEditor(index) self.__persistentEditors.add(index) def _openEditors(self, parent=qt.QModelIndex()): """Open persistent editors in a subtree starting at parent. :param QModelIndex parent: The root of the subtree to process. """ model = self.model() if model is not None: for index in visitQAbstractItemModel(model, parent): self._openEditorForIndex(index) def setModel(self, model): """Set the model this TreeView is displaying :param QAbstractItemModel model: """ super(ParamTreeView, self).setModel(model) self._openEditors() def rowsInserted(self, parent, start, end): """See :meth:`QTreeView.rowsInserted`""" super(ParamTreeView, self).rowsInserted(parent, start, end) model = self.model() if model is not None: for row in range(start, end+1): self._openEditorForIndex(model.index(row, 1, parent)) self._openEditors(model.index(row, 0, parent)) def _expanded(self, index): """Handle QTreeView expanded signal""" name = index.data(qt.Qt.DisplayRole) if name == 'Transform': rotateIndex = self.model().index(1, 0, index) self.setExpanded(rotateIndex, True) def dataChanged(self, topLeft, bottomRight, roles=()): """Handle model dataChanged signal eventually closing editors""" if roles: # Qt 5 super(ParamTreeView, self).dataChanged(topLeft, bottomRight, roles) else: # Qt4 compatibility super(ParamTreeView, self).dataChanged(topLeft, bottomRight) if not roles or qt.Qt.UserRole in roles: # Check editorHint update for row in range(topLeft.row(), bottomRight.row() + 1): for column in range(topLeft.column(), bottomRight.column() + 1): index = topLeft.sibling(row, column) if index.isValid(): if self._isPersistentEditorOpen(index): self.closePersistentEditor(index) self._openEditorForIndex(index) def _isPersistentEditorOpen(self, index): """Returns True if a persistent editor is opened for index :param QModelIndex index: :rtype: bool """ return index in self.__persistentEditors def selectionCommand(self, index, event=None): """Filter out selection of not selectable items""" if index.flags() & qt.Qt.ItemIsSelectable: return super(ParamTreeView, self).selectionCommand(index, event) else: return qt.QItemSelectionModel.NoUpdate