# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2016-2018 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """Primitive displaying a text field in the scene.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals __authors__ = ["T. Vincent"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "17/10/2016" import logging import numpy from ...plot._utils import ticklayout from . import core, primitives, text, transform _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class LabelledAxes(primitives.GroupBBox): """A group displaying a bounding box with axes labels around its children. """ def __init__(self): super(LabelledAxes, self).__init__() self._ticksForBounds = None self._font = text.Font() self._boxVisibility = True # TODO offset labels from anchor in pixels self._xlabel = text.Text2D(font=self._font) self._xlabel.align = 'center' self._xlabel.transforms = [self._boxTransforms, transform.Translate(tx=0.5)] self._children.insert(-1, self._xlabel) self._ylabel = text.Text2D(font=self._font) self._ylabel.align = 'center' self._ylabel.transforms = [self._boxTransforms, transform.Translate(ty=0.5)] self._children.insert(-1, self._ylabel) self._zlabel = text.Text2D(font=self._font) self._zlabel.align = 'center' self._zlabel.transforms = [self._boxTransforms, transform.Translate(tz=0.5)] self._children.insert(-1, self._zlabel) # Init tick lines with dummy pos self._tickLines = primitives.DashedLines( positions=((0., 0., 0.), (0., 0., 0.))) self._tickLines.dash = 5, 10 self._tickLines.visible = False self._children.insert(-1, self._tickLines) self._tickLabels = core.Group() self._children.insert(-1, self._tickLabels) # Sync color self.tickColor = 1., 1., 1., 1. def _updateBoxAndAxes(self): """Update bbox and axes position and size according to children. Overridden from GroupBBox """ super(LabelledAxes, self)._updateBoxAndAxes() bounds = self._group.bounds(dataBounds=True) if bounds is not None: tx, ty, tz = (bounds[1] - bounds[0]) / 2. else: tx, ty, tz = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 self._xlabel.transforms[-1].tx = tx self._ylabel.transforms[-1].ty = ty self._zlabel.transforms[-1].tz = tz @property def tickColor(self): """Color of ticks and text labels. This does NOT set bounding box color. Use :attr:`color` for the bounding box. """ return self._xlabel.foreground @tickColor.setter def tickColor(self, color): self._xlabel.foreground = color self._ylabel.foreground = color self._zlabel.foreground = color transparentColor = color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3] * 0.6 self._tickLines.setAttribute('color', transparentColor) for label in self._tickLabels.children: label.foreground = color @property def font(self): """Font of axes text labels (Font)""" return self._font @font.setter def font(self, font): self._font = font self._xlabel.font = font self._ylabel.font = font self._zlabel.font = font for label in self._tickLabels.children: label.font = font @property def xlabel(self): """Text label of the X axis (str)""" return self._xlabel.text @xlabel.setter def xlabel(self, text): self._xlabel.text = text @property def ylabel(self): """Text label of the Y axis (str)""" return self._ylabel.text @ylabel.setter def ylabel(self, text): self._ylabel.text = text @property def zlabel(self): """Text label of the Z axis (str)""" return self._zlabel.text @zlabel.setter def zlabel(self, text): self._zlabel.text = text @property def boxVisible(self): """Returns bounding box, axes labels and grid visibility.""" return self._boxVisibility @boxVisible.setter def boxVisible(self, visible): self._boxVisibility = bool(visible) for child in self._children: if child == self._tickLines: if self._ticksForBounds is not None: child.visible = self._boxVisibility elif child != self._group: child.visible = self._boxVisibility def _updateTicks(self): """Check if ticks need update and update them if needed.""" bounds = self._group.bounds(transformed=False, dataBounds=True) if bounds is None: # No content if self._ticksForBounds is not None: self._ticksForBounds = None self._tickLines.visible = False self._tickLabels.children = [] # Reset previous labels elif (self._ticksForBounds is None or not numpy.all(numpy.equal(bounds, self._ticksForBounds))): self._ticksForBounds = bounds # Update ticks ticklength = numpy.abs(bounds[1] - bounds[0]) xticks, xlabels = ticklayout.ticks(*bounds[:, 0]) yticks, ylabels = ticklayout.ticks(*bounds[:, 1]) zticks, zlabels = ticklayout.ticks(*bounds[:, 2]) # Update tick lines coords = numpy.empty( ((len(xticks) + len(yticks) + len(zticks)), 4, 3), dtype=numpy.float32) coords[:, :, :] = bounds[0, :] # account for offset from origin xcoords = coords[:len(xticks)] xcoords[:, :, 0] = numpy.asarray(xticks)[:, numpy.newaxis] xcoords[:, 1, 1] += ticklength[1] # X ticks on XY plane xcoords[:, 3, 2] += ticklength[2] # X ticks on XZ plane ycoords = coords[len(xticks):len(xticks) + len(yticks)] ycoords[:, :, 1] = numpy.asarray(yticks)[:, numpy.newaxis] ycoords[:, 1, 0] += ticklength[0] # Y ticks on XY plane ycoords[:, 3, 2] += ticklength[2] # Y ticks on YZ plane zcoords = coords[len(xticks) + len(yticks):] zcoords[:, :, 2] = numpy.asarray(zticks)[:, numpy.newaxis] zcoords[:, 1, 0] += ticklength[0] # Z ticks on XZ plane zcoords[:, 3, 1] += ticklength[1] # Z ticks on YZ plane self._tickLines.setPositions(coords.reshape(-1, 3)) self._tickLines.visible = self._boxVisibility # Update labels color = self.tickColor offsets = bounds[0] - ticklength / 20. labels = [] for tick, label in zip(xticks, xlabels): text2d = text.Text2D(text=label, font=self.font) text2d.align = 'center' text2d.foreground = color text2d.transforms = [transform.Translate( tx=tick, ty=offsets[1], tz=offsets[2])] labels.append(text2d) for tick, label in zip(yticks, ylabels): text2d = text.Text2D(text=label, font=self.font) text2d.align = 'center' text2d.foreground = color text2d.transforms = [transform.Translate( tx=offsets[0], ty=tick, tz=offsets[2])] labels.append(text2d) for tick, label in zip(zticks, zlabels): text2d = text.Text2D(text=label, font=self.font) text2d.align = 'center' text2d.foreground = color text2d.transforms = [transform.Translate( tx=offsets[0], ty=offsets[1], tz=tick)] labels.append(text2d) self._tickLabels.children = labels # Reset previous labels def prepareGL2(self, context): self._updateTicks() super(LabelledAxes, self).prepareGL2(context)