# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2015-2019 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """This module provides functions to add to shaders.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals __authors__ = ["T. Vincent"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "17/07/2018" import contextlib import logging import string import numpy from ... import _glutils from ..._glutils import gl from . import event from . import utils _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ProgramFunction(object): """Class providing a function to add to a GLProgram shaders. """ def setupProgram(self, context, program): """Sets-up uniforms of a program using this shader function. :param RenderContext context: The current rendering context :param GLProgram program: The program to set-up. It MUST be in use and using this function. """ pass class Fog(event.Notifier, ProgramFunction): """Linear fog over the whole scene content. The background of the viewport is used as fog color, otherwise it defaults to white. """ # TODO: add more controls (set fog range), add more fog modes _fragDecl = """ /* (1/(far - near) or 0, near) z in [0 (camera), -inf[ */ uniform vec2 fogExtentInfo; /* Color to use as fog color */ uniform vec3 fogColor; vec4 fog(vec4 color, vec4 cameraPosition) { /* d = (pos - near) / (far - near) */ float distance = fogExtentInfo.x * (cameraPosition.z/cameraPosition.w - fogExtentInfo.y); float fogFactor = clamp(distance, 0.0, 1.0); vec3 rgb = mix(color.rgb, fogColor, fogFactor); return vec4(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, color.a); } """ _fragDeclNoop = """ vec4 fog(vec4 color, vec4 cameraPosition) { return color; } """ def __init__(self): super(Fog, self).__init__() self._isOn = True @property def isOn(self): """True to enable fog, False to disable (bool)""" return self._isOn @isOn.setter def isOn(self, isOn): isOn = bool(isOn) if self._isOn != isOn: self._isOn = bool(isOn) self.notify() @property def fragDecl(self): return self._fragDecl if self.isOn else self._fragDeclNoop @property def fragCall(self): return "fog" @staticmethod def _zExtentCamera(viewport): """Return (far, near) planes Z in camera coordinates. :param Viewport viewport: :return: (far, near) position in camera coords (from 0 to -inf) """ # Provide scene z extent in camera coords bounds = viewport.camera.extrinsic.transformBounds( viewport.scene.bounds(transformed=True, dataBounds=True)) return bounds[:, 2] def setupProgram(self, context, program): if not self.isOn: return far, near = context.cache(key='zExtentCamera', factory=self._zExtentCamera, viewport=context.viewport) extent = far - near gl.glUniform2f(program.uniforms['fogExtentInfo'], 0.9/extent if extent != 0. else 0., near) # Use background color as fog color bgColor = context.viewport.background if bgColor is None: bgColor = 1., 1., 1. gl.glUniform3f(program.uniforms['fogColor'], *bgColor[:3]) class ClippingPlane(ProgramFunction): """Description of a clipping plane and rendering. Convention: Clipping is performed in camera/eye space. :param point: Local coordinates of a point on the plane. :type point: numpy.ndarray-like of 3 float32 :param normal: Local coordinates of the plane normal. :type normal: numpy.ndarray-like of 3 float32 """ _fragDecl = """ /* Clipping plane */ /* as rx + gy + bz + a > 0, clipping all positive */ uniform vec4 planeEq; /* Position is in camera/eye coordinates */ bool isClipped(vec4 position) { vec4 tmp = planeEq * position; float value = tmp.x + tmp.y + tmp.z + planeEq.a; return (value < 0.0001); } void clipping(vec4 position) { if (isClipped(position)) { discard; } } /* End of clipping */ """ _fragDeclNoop = """ bool isClipped(vec4 position) { return false; } void clipping(vec4 position) {} """ def __init__(self, point=(0., 0., 0.), normal=(0., 0., 0.)): self._plane = utils.Plane(point, normal) @property def plane(self): """Plane parameters in camera space.""" return self._plane # GL2 @property def fragDecl(self): return self._fragDecl if self.plane.isPlane else self._fragDeclNoop @property def fragCall(self): return "clipping" def setupProgram(self, context, program): """Sets-up uniforms of a program using this shader function. :param RenderContext context: The current rendering context :param GLProgram program: The program to set-up. It MUST be in use and using this function. """ if self.plane.isPlane: gl.glUniform4f(program.uniforms['planeEq'], *self.plane.parameters) class DirectionalLight(event.Notifier, ProgramFunction): """Description of a directional Phong light. :param direction: The direction of the light or None to disable light :type direction: ndarray of 3 floats or None :param ambient: RGB ambient light :type ambient: ndarray of 3 floats in [0, 1], default: (1., 1., 1.) :param diffuse: RGB diffuse light parameter :type diffuse: ndarray of 3 floats in [0, 1], default: (0., 0., 0.) :param specular: RGB specular light parameter :type specular: ndarray of 3 floats in [0, 1], default: (1., 1., 1.) :param int shininess: The shininess of the material for specular term, default: 0 which disables specular component. """ fragmentShaderFunction = """ /* Lighting */ struct DLight { vec3 lightDir; // Direction of light in object space vec3 ambient; vec3 diffuse; vec3 specular; float shininess; vec3 viewPos; // Camera position in object space }; uniform DLight dLight; vec4 lighting(vec4 color, vec3 position, vec3 normal) { normal = normalize(normal); // 1-sided float nDotL = max(0.0, dot(normal, - dLight.lightDir)); // 2-sided //float nDotL = dot(normal, - dLight.lightDir); //if (nDotL < 0.) { // nDotL = - nDotL; // normal = - normal; //} float specFactor = 0.; if (dLight.shininess > 0. && nDotL > 0.) { vec3 reflection = reflect(dLight.lightDir, normal); vec3 viewDir = normalize(dLight.viewPos - position); specFactor = max(0.0, dot(reflection, viewDir)); if (specFactor > 0.) { specFactor = pow(specFactor, dLight.shininess); } } vec3 enlightedColor = color.rgb * (dLight.ambient + dLight.diffuse * nDotL) + dLight.specular * specFactor; return vec4(enlightedColor.rgb, color.a); } /* End of Lighting */ """ fragmentShaderFunctionNoop = """ vec4 lighting(vec4 color, vec3 position, vec3 normal) { return color; } """ def __init__(self, direction=None, ambient=(1., 1., 1.), diffuse=(0., 0., 0.), specular=(1., 1., 1.), shininess=0): super(DirectionalLight, self).__init__() self._direction = None self.direction = direction # Set _direction self._isOn = True self._ambient = ambient self._diffuse = diffuse self._specular = specular self._shininess = shininess ambient = event.notifyProperty('_ambient') diffuse = event.notifyProperty('_diffuse') specular = event.notifyProperty('_specular') shininess = event.notifyProperty('_shininess') @property def isOn(self): """True if light is on, False otherwise.""" return self._isOn and self._direction is not None @isOn.setter def isOn(self, isOn): self._isOn = bool(isOn) @contextlib.contextmanager def turnOff(self): """Context manager to temporary turn off lighting during rendering. >>> with light.turnOff(): ... # Do some rendering without lighting """ wason = self._isOn self._isOn = False yield self._isOn = wason @property def direction(self): """The direction of the light, or None if light is not on.""" return self._direction @direction.setter def direction(self, direction): if direction is None: self._direction = None else: assert len(direction) == 3 direction = numpy.array(direction, dtype=numpy.float32, copy=True) norm = numpy.linalg.norm(direction) assert norm != 0 self._direction = direction / norm self.notify() # GL2 @property def fragmentDef(self): """Definition to add to fragment shader""" if self.isOn: return self.fragmentShaderFunction else: return self.fragmentShaderFunctionNoop @property def fragmentCall(self): """Function name to call in fragment shader""" return "lighting" def setupProgram(self, context, program): """Sets-up uniforms of a program using this shader function. :param RenderContext context: The current rendering context :param GLProgram program: The program to set-up. It MUST be in use and using this function. """ if self.isOn and self._direction is not None: # Transform light direction from camera space to object coords lightdir = context.objectToCamera.transformDir( self._direction, direct=False) lightdir /= numpy.linalg.norm(lightdir) gl.glUniform3f(program.uniforms['dLight.lightDir'], *lightdir) # Convert view position to object coords viewpos = context.objectToCamera.transformPoint( numpy.array((0., 0., 0., 1.), dtype=numpy.float32), direct=False, perspectiveDivide=True)[:3] gl.glUniform3f(program.uniforms['dLight.viewPos'], *viewpos) gl.glUniform3f(program.uniforms['dLight.ambient'], *self.ambient) gl.glUniform3f(program.uniforms['dLight.diffuse'], *self.diffuse) gl.glUniform3f(program.uniforms['dLight.specular'], *self.specular) gl.glUniform1f(program.uniforms['dLight.shininess'], self.shininess) class Colormap(event.Notifier, ProgramFunction): _declTemplate = string.Template(""" uniform struct { sampler2D texture; bool isLog; float min; float oneOverRange; } cmap; const float oneOverLog10 = 0.43429448190325176; vec4 colormap(float value) { if (cmap.isLog) { /* Log10 mapping */ if (value > 0.0) { value = clamp(cmap.oneOverRange * (oneOverLog10 * log(value) - cmap.min), 0.0, 1.0); } else { value = 0.0; } } else { /* Linear mapping */ value = clamp(cmap.oneOverRange * (value - cmap.min), 0.0, 1.0); } $discard vec4 color = texture2D(cmap.texture, vec2(value, 0.5)); return color; } """) _discardCode = """ if (value == 0.) { discard; } """ call = "colormap" NORMS = 'linear', 'log' """Tuple of supported normalizations.""" _COLORMAP_TEXTURE_UNIT = 1 """Texture unit to use for storing the colormap""" def __init__(self, colormap=None, norm='linear', range_=(1., 10.)): """Shader function to apply a colormap to a value. :param colormap: RGB(A) color look-up table (default: gray) :param colormap: numpy.ndarray of numpy.uint8 of dimension Nx3 or Nx4 :param str norm: Normalization to apply: 'linear' (default) or 'log'. :param range_: Range of value to map to the colormap. :type range_: 2-tuple of float (begin, end). """ super(Colormap, self).__init__() # Init privates to default self._colormap = None self._norm = 'linear' self._range = 1., 10. self._displayValuesBelowMin = True self._texture = None self._update_texture = True if colormap is None: # default colormap colormap = numpy.empty((256, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8) colormap[:] = numpy.arange(256, dtype=numpy.uint8)[:, numpy.newaxis] # Set to param values through properties to go through asserts self.colormap = colormap self.norm = norm self.range_ = range_ @property def decl(self): """Source code of the function declaration""" return self._declTemplate.substitute( discard="" if self.displayValuesBelowMin else self._discardCode) @property def colormap(self): """Color look-up table to use.""" return numpy.array(self._colormap, copy=True) @colormap.setter def colormap(self, colormap): colormap = numpy.array(colormap, copy=True) assert colormap.ndim == 2 assert colormap.shape[1] in (3, 4) self._colormap = colormap self._update_texture = True self.notify() @property def norm(self): """Normalization to use for colormap mapping. Either 'linear' (the default) or 'log' for log10 mapping. With 'log' normalization, values <= 0. are set to 1. (i.e. log == 0) """ return self._norm @norm.setter def norm(self, norm): if norm != self._norm: assert norm in self.NORMS self._norm = norm if norm == 'log': self.range_ = self.range_ # To test for positive range_ self.notify() @property def range_(self): """Range of values to map to the colormap. 2-tuple of floats: (begin, end). The begin value is mapped to the origin of the colormap and the end value is mapped to the other end of the colormap. The colormap is reversed if begin > end. """ return self._range @range_.setter def range_(self, range_): assert len(range_) == 2 range_ = float(range_[0]), float(range_[1]) if self.norm == 'log' and (range_[0] <= 0. or range_[1] <= 0.): _logger.warning( "Log normalization and negative range: updating range.") minPos = numpy.finfo(numpy.float32).tiny range_ = max(range_[0], minPos), max(range_[1], minPos) if range_ != self._range: self._range = range_ self.notify() @property def displayValuesBelowMin(self): """True to display values below colormap min, False to discard them. """ return self._displayValuesBelowMin @displayValuesBelowMin.setter def displayValuesBelowMin(self, displayValuesBelowMin): displayValuesBelowMin = bool(displayValuesBelowMin) if self._displayValuesBelowMin != displayValuesBelowMin: self._displayValuesBelowMin = displayValuesBelowMin self.notify() def setupProgram(self, context, program): """Sets-up uniforms of a program using this shader function. :param RenderContext context: The current rendering context :param GLProgram program: The program to set-up. It MUST be in use and using this function. """ self.prepareGL2(context) # TODO see how to handle if self._texture is None: # No colormap return self._texture.bind() gl.glUniform1i(program.uniforms['cmap.texture'], self._texture.texUnit) gl.glUniform1i(program.uniforms['cmap.isLog'], self._norm == 'log') min_, max_ = self.range_ if self._norm == 'log': min_, max_ = numpy.log10(min_), numpy.log10(max_) gl.glUniform1f(program.uniforms['cmap.min'], min_) gl.glUniform1f(program.uniforms['cmap.oneOverRange'], (1. / (max_ - min_)) if max_ != min_ else 0.) def prepareGL2(self, context): if self._texture is None or self._update_texture: if self._texture is not None: self._texture.discard() colormap = numpy.empty( (16, self._colormap.shape[0], self._colormap.shape[1]), dtype=self._colormap.dtype) colormap[:] = self._colormap format_ = gl.GL_RGBA if colormap.shape[-1] == 4 else gl.GL_RGB self._texture = _glutils.Texture( format_, colormap, format_, texUnit=self._COLORMAP_TEXTURE_UNIT, minFilter=gl.GL_NEAREST, magFilter=gl.GL_NEAREST, wrap=gl.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) self._update_texture = False