# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2015-2018 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """This module provides the Colormap object """ from __future__ import absolute_import __authors__ = ["H.Payno"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "09/11/2018" import unittest import numpy from silx.utils.testutils import ParametricTestCase from silx.gui import colors from silx.gui.colors import Colormap from silx.utils.exceptions import NotEditableError class TestRGBA(ParametricTestCase): """Basic tests of rgba function""" def testRGBA(self): """"Test rgba function with accepted values""" tests = { # name: (colors, expected values) 'blue': ('blue', (0., 0., 1., 1.)), '#010203': ('#010203', (1. / 255., 2. / 255., 3. / 255., 1.)), '#01020304': ('#01020304', (1. / 255., 2. / 255., 3. / 255., 4. / 255.)), '3 x uint8': (numpy.array((1, 255, 0), dtype=numpy.uint8), (1 / 255., 1., 0., 1.)), '4 x uint8': (numpy.array((1, 255, 0, 1), dtype=numpy.uint8), (1 / 255., 1., 0., 1 / 255.)), '3 x float overflow': ((3., 0.5, 1.), (1., 0.5, 1., 1.)), } for name, test in tests.items(): color, expected = test with self.subTest(msg=name): result = colors.rgba(color) self.assertEqual(result, expected) class TestApplyColormapToData(ParametricTestCase): """Tests of applyColormapToData function""" def testApplyColormapToData(self): """Simple test of applyColormapToData function""" colormap = Colormap(name='gray', normalization='linear', vmin=0, vmax=255) size = 10 expected = numpy.empty((size, 4), dtype='uint8') expected[:, 0] = numpy.arange(size, dtype='uint8') expected[:, 1] = expected[:, 0] expected[:, 2] = expected[:, 0] expected[:, 3] = 255 for dtype in ('uint8', 'int32', 'float32', 'float64'): with self.subTest(dtype=dtype): array = numpy.arange(size, dtype=dtype) result = colormap.applyToData(data=array) self.assertTrue(numpy.all(numpy.equal(result, expected))) class TestDictAPI(unittest.TestCase): """Make sure the old dictionary API is working """ def setUp(self): self.vmin = -1.0 self.vmax = 12 def testGetItem(self): """test the item getter API ([xxx])""" colormap = Colormap(name='viridis', normalization=Colormap.LINEAR, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax) self.assertTrue(colormap['name'] == 'viridis') self.assertTrue(colormap['normalization'] == Colormap.LINEAR) self.assertTrue(colormap['vmin'] == self.vmin) self.assertTrue(colormap['vmax'] == self.vmax) with self.assertRaises(KeyError): colormap['toto'] def testGetDict(self): """Test the getDict function API""" clmObject = Colormap(name='viridis', normalization=Colormap.LINEAR, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax) clmDict = clmObject._toDict() self.assertTrue(clmDict['name'] == 'viridis') self.assertTrue(clmDict['autoscale'] is False) self.assertTrue(clmDict['vmin'] == self.vmin) self.assertTrue(clmDict['vmax'] == self.vmax) self.assertTrue(clmDict['normalization'] == Colormap.LINEAR) clmObject.setVRange(None, None) self.assertTrue(clmObject._toDict()['autoscale'] is True) def testSetValidDict(self): """Test that if a colormap is created from a dict then it is correctly created and the values are copied (so if some values from the dict is changing, this won't affect the Colormap object""" clm_dict = { 'name': 'temperature', 'vmin': 1.0, 'vmax': 2.0, 'normalization': 'linear', 'colors': None, 'autoscale': False } # Test that the colormap is correctly created colormapObject = Colormap._fromDict(clm_dict) self.assertTrue(colormapObject.getName() == clm_dict['name']) self.assertTrue(colormapObject.getColormapLUT() == clm_dict['colors']) self.assertTrue(colormapObject.getVMin() == clm_dict['vmin']) self.assertTrue(colormapObject.getVMax() == clm_dict['vmax']) self.assertTrue(colormapObject.isAutoscale() == clm_dict['autoscale']) # Check that the colormap has copied the values clm_dict['vmin'] = None clm_dict['vmax'] = None clm_dict['colors'] = [1.0, 2.0] clm_dict['autoscale'] = True clm_dict['normalization'] = Colormap.LOGARITHM clm_dict['name'] = 'viridis' self.assertFalse(colormapObject.getName() == clm_dict['name']) self.assertFalse(colormapObject.getColormapLUT() == clm_dict['colors']) self.assertFalse(colormapObject.getVMin() == clm_dict['vmin']) self.assertFalse(colormapObject.getVMax() == clm_dict['vmax']) self.assertFalse(colormapObject.isAutoscale() == clm_dict['autoscale']) def testMissingKeysFromDict(self): """Make sure we can create a Colormap object from a dictionary even if there is missing keys except if those keys are 'colors' or 'name' """ colormap = Colormap._fromDict({'name': 'blue'}) self.assertTrue(colormap.getVMin() is None) colormap = Colormap._fromDict({'colors': numpy.zeros((5, 3))}) self.assertTrue(colormap.getName() is None) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): Colormap._fromDict({}) def testUnknowNorm(self): """Make sure an error is raised if the given normalization is not knowed """ clm_dict = { 'name': 'temperature', 'vmin': 1.0, 'vmax': 2.0, 'normalization': 'toto', 'colors': None, 'autoscale': False } with self.assertRaises(ValueError): Colormap._fromDict(clm_dict) def testNumericalColors(self): """Make sure the old API using colors=int was supported""" clm_dict = { 'name': 'temperature', 'vmin': 1.0, 'vmax': 2.0, 'colors': 256, 'autoscale': False } Colormap._fromDict(clm_dict) class TestObjectAPI(ParametricTestCase): """Test the new Object API of the colormap""" def testVMinVMax(self): """Test getter and setter associated to vmin and vmax values""" vmin = 1.0 vmax = 2.0 colormapObject = Colormap(name='viridis', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, normalization=Colormap.LINEAR) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): colormapObject.setVMin(3) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): colormapObject.setVMax(-2) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): colormapObject.setVRange(3, -2) self.assertTrue(colormapObject.getColormapRange() == (1.0, 2.0)) self.assertTrue(colormapObject.isAutoscale() is False) colormapObject.setVRange(None, None) self.assertTrue(colormapObject.getVMin() is None) self.assertTrue(colormapObject.getVMax() is None) self.assertTrue(colormapObject.isAutoscale() is True) def testCopy(self): """Make sure the copy function is correctly processing """ colormapObject = Colormap(name='red', colors=numpy.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]), vmin=None, vmax=None, normalization=Colormap.LOGARITHM) colormapObject2 = colormapObject.copy() self.assertTrue(colormapObject == colormapObject2) colormapObject.setColormapLUT([[0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255]]) self.assertFalse(colormapObject == colormapObject2) colormapObject2 = colormapObject.copy() self.assertTrue(colormapObject == colormapObject2) colormapObject.setNormalization(Colormap.LINEAR) self.assertFalse(colormapObject == colormapObject2) def testGetColorMapRange(self): """Make sure the getColormapRange function of colormap is correctly applying """ # test linear scale data = numpy.array([-1, 1, 2, 3, float('nan')]) cl1 = Colormap(name='gray', normalization=Colormap.LINEAR, vmin=0, vmax=2) cl2 = Colormap(name='gray', normalization=Colormap.LINEAR, vmin=None, vmax=2) cl3 = Colormap(name='gray', normalization=Colormap.LINEAR, vmin=0, vmax=None) cl4 = Colormap(name='gray', normalization=Colormap.LINEAR, vmin=None, vmax=None) self.assertTrue(cl1.getColormapRange(data) == (0, 2)) self.assertTrue(cl2.getColormapRange(data) == (-1, 2)) self.assertTrue(cl3.getColormapRange(data) == (0, 3)) self.assertTrue(cl4.getColormapRange(data) == (-1, 3)) # test linear with annoying cases self.assertEqual(cl3.getColormapRange((-1, -2)), (0, 0)) self.assertEqual(cl4.getColormapRange(()), (0., 1.)) self.assertEqual(cl4.getColormapRange( (float('nan'), float('inf'), 1., -float('inf'), 2)), (1., 2.)) self.assertEqual(cl4.getColormapRange( (float('nan'), float('inf'))), (0., 1.)) # test log scale data = numpy.array([float('nan'), -1, 1, 10, 100, 1000]) cl1 = Colormap(name='gray', normalization=Colormap.LOGARITHM, vmin=1, vmax=100) cl2 = Colormap(name='gray', normalization=Colormap.LOGARITHM, vmin=None, vmax=100) cl3 = Colormap(name='gray', normalization=Colormap.LOGARITHM, vmin=1, vmax=None) cl4 = Colormap(name='gray', normalization=Colormap.LOGARITHM, vmin=None, vmax=None) self.assertTrue(cl1.getColormapRange(data) == (1, 100)) self.assertTrue(cl2.getColormapRange(data) == (1, 100)) self.assertTrue(cl3.getColormapRange(data) == (1, 1000)) self.assertTrue(cl4.getColormapRange(data) == (1, 1000)) # test log with annoying cases self.assertEqual(cl3.getColormapRange((0.1, 0.2)), (1, 1)) self.assertEqual(cl4.getColormapRange((-2., -1.)), (1., 1.)) self.assertEqual(cl4.getColormapRange(()), (1., 10.)) self.assertEqual(cl4.getColormapRange( (float('nan'), float('inf'), 1., -float('inf'), 2)), (1., 2.)) self.assertEqual(cl4.getColormapRange( (float('nan'), float('inf'))), (1., 10.)) def testApplyToData(self): """Test applyToData on different datasets""" datasets = [ numpy.zeros((0, 0)), # Empty array numpy.array((numpy.nan, numpy.inf)), # All non-finite numpy.array((-numpy.inf, numpy.inf, 1.0, 2.0)), # Some infinite ] for normalization in ('linear', 'log'): colormap = Colormap(name='gray', normalization=normalization, vmin=None, vmax=None) for data in datasets: with self.subTest(data=data): image = colormap.applyToData(data) self.assertEqual(image.dtype, numpy.uint8) self.assertEqual(image.shape[-1], 4) self.assertEqual(image.shape[:-1], data.shape) def testGetNColors(self): """Test getNColors method""" # specific LUT colormap = Colormap(name=None, colors=((0., 0., 0.), (1., 1., 1.)), vmin=1000, vmax=2000) colors = colormap.getNColors() self.assertTrue(numpy.all(numpy.equal( colors, ((0, 0, 0, 255), (255, 255, 255, 255))))) def testEditableMode(self): """Make sure the colormap will raise NotEditableError when try to change a colormap not editable""" colormap = Colormap() colormap.setEditable(False) with self.assertRaises(NotEditableError): colormap.setVRange(0., 1.) with self.assertRaises(NotEditableError): colormap.setVMin(1.) with self.assertRaises(NotEditableError): colormap.setVMax(1.) with self.assertRaises(NotEditableError): colormap.setNormalization(Colormap.LOGARITHM) with self.assertRaises(NotEditableError): colormap.setName('magma') with self.assertRaises(NotEditableError): colormap.setColormapLUT([[0., 0., 0.], [1., 1., 1.]]) with self.assertRaises(NotEditableError): colormap._setFromDict(colormap._toDict()) state = colormap.saveState() with self.assertRaises(NotEditableError): colormap.restoreState(state) def testBadColorsType(self): """Make sure colors can't be something else than an array""" with self.assertRaises(TypeError): Colormap(colors=256) def testEqual(self): colormap1 = Colormap() colormap2 = Colormap() self.assertEqual(colormap1, colormap2) def testCompareString(self): colormap = Colormap() self.assertNotEqual(colormap, "a") def testCompareNone(self): colormap = Colormap() self.assertNotEqual(colormap, None) def testSet(self): colormap = Colormap() other = Colormap(name="viridis", vmin=1, vmax=2, normalization=Colormap.LOGARITHM) self.assertNotEqual(colormap, other) colormap.setFromColormap(other) self.assertIsNot(colormap, other) self.assertEqual(colormap, other) class TestPreferredColormaps(unittest.TestCase): """Test get|setPreferredColormaps functions""" def setUp(self): # Save preferred colormaps self._colormaps = colors.preferredColormaps() def tearDown(self): # Restore saved preferred colormaps colors.setPreferredColormaps(self._colormaps) def test(self): colormaps = 'viridis', 'magma' colors.setPreferredColormaps(colormaps) self.assertEqual(colors.preferredColormaps(), colormaps) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): colors.setPreferredColormaps(()) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): colors.setPreferredColormaps(('This is not a colormap',)) colormaps = 'red', 'green' colors.setPreferredColormaps(('This is not a colormap',) + colormaps) self.assertEqual(colors.preferredColormaps(), colormaps) class TestRegisteredLut(unittest.TestCase): """Test get|setPreferredColormaps functions""" def setUp(self): # Save preferred colormaps lut = numpy.arange(8 * 3) lut.shape = -1, 3 lut = lut / (8.0 * 3) colors.registerLUT("test_8", colors=lut, cursor_color='blue') def testColormap(self): colormap = Colormap("test_8") self.assertIsNotNone(colormap) def testCursor(self): color = colors.cursorColorForColormap("test_8") self.assertEqual(color, 'blue') def testLut(self): colormap = Colormap("test_8") colors = colormap.getNColors(8) self.assertEquals(len(colors), 8) def testUint8(self): lut = numpy.array([[255, 0, 0], [200, 0, 0], [150, 0, 0]], dtype="uint") colors.registerLUT("test_type", lut) colormap = colors.Colormap(name="test_type") lut = colormap.getNColors(3) self.assertEqual(lut.shape, (3, 4)) self.assertEqual(lut[0, 0], 255) def testFloatRGB(self): lut = numpy.array([[1.0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], dtype="float") colors.registerLUT("test_type", lut) colormap = colors.Colormap(name="test_type") lut = colormap.getNColors(3) self.assertEqual(lut.shape, (3, 4)) self.assertEqual(lut[0, 0], 255) def testFloatRGBA(self): lut = numpy.array([[1.0, 0, 0, 128 / 256.0], [0.5, 0, 0, 1.0], [0.0, 0, 0, 1.0]], dtype="float") colors.registerLUT("test_type", lut) colormap = colors.Colormap(name="test_type") lut = colormap.getNColors(3) self.assertEqual(lut.shape, (3, 4)) self.assertEqual(lut[0, 0], 255) self.assertEqual(lut[0, 3], 128) def suite(): test_suite = unittest.TestSuite() loadTests = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase test_suite.addTest(loadTests(TestApplyColormapToData)) test_suite.addTest(loadTests(TestRGBA)) test_suite.addTest(loadTests(TestDictAPI)) test_suite.addTest(loadTests(TestObjectAPI)) test_suite.addTest(loadTests(TestPreferredColormaps)) test_suite.addTest(loadTests(TestRegisteredLut)) return test_suite if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(defaultTest='suite')