# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2016-2018 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """This module defines two main classes: - :class:`FrameBrowser`: a widget with 4 buttons (first, previous, next, last) to browse between frames and a text entry to access a specific frame by typing it's number) - :class:`HorizontalSliderWithBrowser`: a FrameBrowser with an additional slider. This class inherits :class:`qt.QAbstractSlider`. """ from silx.gui import qt from silx.gui import icons from silx.utils import deprecation __authors__ = ["V.A. Sole", "P. Knobel"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "16/01/2017" class FrameBrowser(qt.QWidget): """Frame browser widget, with 4 buttons/icons and a line edit to provide a way of selecting a frame index in a stack of images. .. image:: img/FrameBrowser.png It can be used in more generic case to select an integer within a range. :param QWidget parent: Parent widget :param int n: Number of frames. This will set the range of frame indices to 0--n-1. If None, the range is initialized to the default QSlider range (0--99). """ sigIndexChanged = qt.pyqtSignal(object) def __init__(self, parent=None, n=None): qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) # Use the font size as the icon size to avoid to create bigger buttons fontMetric = self.fontMetrics() iconSize = qt.QSize(fontMetric.height(), fontMetric.height()) self.mainLayout = qt.QHBoxLayout(self) self.mainLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.mainLayout.setSpacing(0) self.firstButton = qt.QPushButton(self) self.firstButton.setIcon(icons.getQIcon("first")) self.firstButton.setIconSize(iconSize) self.previousButton = qt.QPushButton(self) self.previousButton.setIcon(icons.getQIcon("previous")) self.previousButton.setIconSize(iconSize) self._lineEdit = qt.QLineEdit(self) self._label = qt.QLabel(self) self.nextButton = qt.QPushButton(self) self.nextButton.setIcon(icons.getQIcon("next")) self.nextButton.setIconSize(iconSize) self.lastButton = qt.QPushButton(self) self.lastButton.setIcon(icons.getQIcon("last")) self.lastButton.setIconSize(iconSize) self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.firstButton) self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.previousButton) self.mainLayout.addWidget(self._lineEdit) self.mainLayout.addWidget(self._label) self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.nextButton) self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.lastButton) if n is None: first = qt.QSlider().minimum() last = qt.QSlider().maximum() else: first, last = 0, n self._lineEdit.setFixedWidth(self._lineEdit.fontMetrics().boundingRect('%05d' % last).width()) validator = qt.QIntValidator(first, last, self._lineEdit) self._lineEdit.setValidator(validator) self._lineEdit.setText("%d" % first) self._label.setText("of %d" % last) self._index = first """0-based index""" self.firstButton.clicked.connect(self._firstClicked) self.previousButton.clicked.connect(self._previousClicked) self.nextButton.clicked.connect(self._nextClicked) self.lastButton.clicked.connect(self._lastClicked) self._lineEdit.editingFinished.connect(self._textChangedSlot) def lineEdit(self): """Returns the line edit provided by this widget. :rtype: qt.QLineEdit """ return self._lineEdit def limitWidget(self): """Returns the widget displaying axes limits. :rtype: qt.QLabel """ return self._label def _firstClicked(self): """Select first/lowest frame number""" self.setValue(self.getRange()[0]) def _previousClicked(self): """Select previous frame number""" self.setValue(self.getValue() - 1) def _nextClicked(self): """Select next frame number""" self.setValue(self.getValue() + 1) def _lastClicked(self): """Select last/highest frame number""" self.setValue(self.getRange()[1]) def _textChangedSlot(self): """Select frame number typed in the line edit widget""" txt = self._lineEdit.text() if not len(txt): self._lineEdit.setText("%d" % self._index) return new_value = int(txt) if new_value == self._index: return ddict = { "event": "indexChanged", "old": self._index, "new": new_value, "id": id(self) } self._index = new_value self.sigIndexChanged.emit(ddict) def getRange(self): """Returns frame range :return: (first_index, last_index) """ validator = self.lineEdit().validator() return validator.bottom(), validator.top() def setRange(self, first, last): """Set minimum and maximum frame indices. Initialize the frame index to *first*. Update the label text to *" limits: first, last"* :param int first: Minimum frame index :param int last: Maximum frame index""" bottom = min(first, last) top = max(first, last) self._lineEdit.validator().setTop(top) self._lineEdit.validator().setBottom(bottom) self.setValue(bottom) # Update limits self._label.setText(" limits: %d, %d " % (bottom, top)) @deprecation.deprecated(replacement="FrameBrowser.setRange", since_version="0.8") def setLimits(self, first, last): return self.setRange(first, last) def setNFrames(self, nframes): """Set minimum=0 and maximum=nframes-1 frame numbers. Initialize the frame index to 0. Update the label text to *"1 of nframes"* :param int nframes: Number of frames""" top = nframes - 1 self.setRange(0, top) # display 1-based index in label self._label.setText(" of %d " % top) @deprecation.deprecated(replacement="FrameBrowser.getValue", since_version="0.8") def getCurrentIndex(self): return self._index def getValue(self): """Return current frame index""" return self._index def setValue(self, value): """Set 0-based frame index Value is clipped to current range. :param int value: Frame number""" bottom = self.lineEdit().validator().bottom() top = self.lineEdit().validator().top() value = int(value) if value < bottom: value = bottom elif value > top: value = top self._lineEdit.setText("%d" % value) self._textChangedSlot() class HorizontalSliderWithBrowser(qt.QAbstractSlider): """ Slider widget combining a :class:`QSlider` and a :class:`FrameBrowser`. .. image:: img/HorizontalSliderWithBrowser.png The data model is an integer within a range. The default value is the default :class:`QSlider` value (0), and the default range is the default QSlider range (0 -- 99) The signal emitted when the value is changed is the usual QAbstractSlider signal :attr:`valueChanged`. The signal carries the value (as an integer). :param QWidget parent: Optional parent widget """ def __init__(self, parent=None): qt.QAbstractSlider.__init__(self, parent) self.setOrientation(qt.Qt.Horizontal) self.mainLayout = qt.QHBoxLayout(self) self.mainLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.mainLayout.setSpacing(2) self._slider = qt.QSlider(self) self._slider.setOrientation(qt.Qt.Horizontal) self._browser = FrameBrowser(self) self.mainLayout.addWidget(self._slider, 1) self.mainLayout.addWidget(self._browser) self._slider.valueChanged[int].connect(self._sliderSlot) self._browser.sigIndexChanged.connect(self._browserSlot) def lineEdit(self): """Returns the line edit provided by this widget. :rtype: qt.QLineEdit """ return self._browser.lineEdit() def limitWidget(self): """Returns the widget displaying axes limits. :rtype: qt.QLabel """ return self._browser.limitWidget() def setMinimum(self, value): """Set minimum value :param int value: Minimum value""" self._slider.setMinimum(value) maximum = self._slider.maximum() self._browser.setRange(value, maximum) def setMaximum(self, value): """Set maximum value :param int value: Maximum value """ self._slider.setMaximum(value) minimum = self._slider.minimum() self._browser.setRange(minimum, value) def setRange(self, first, last): """Set minimum/maximum values :param int first: Minimum value :param int last: Maximum value""" self._slider.setRange(first, last) self._browser.setRange(first, last) def _sliderSlot(self, value): """Emit selected value when slider is activated """ self._browser.setValue(value) self.valueChanged.emit(value) def _browserSlot(self, ddict): """Emit selected value when browser state is changed""" self._slider.setValue(ddict['new']) def setValue(self, value): """Set value :param int value: value""" self._slider.setValue(value) self._browser.setValue(value) def value(self): """Get selected value""" return self._slider.value()