# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # Copyright (C) 2016-2018 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ############################################################################*/ """This module provides classes and function to convert file formats supported by *silx* into HDF5 file. Currently, SPEC file and fabio images are the supported formats. Read the documentation of :mod:`silx.io.spech5` and :mod:`silx.io.fabioh5` for information on the structure of the output HDF5 files. Text strings are written to the HDF5 datasets as variable-length utf-8. .. warning:: The output format for text strings changed in silx version 0.7.0. Prior to that, text was output as fixed-length ASCII. To be on the safe side, when reading back a HDF5 file written with an older version of silx, you can test for the presence of a *decode* attribute. To ensure that you always work with unicode text:: >>> import h5py >>> h5f = h5py.File("my_scans.h5", "r") >>> title = h5f["/68.1/title"] >>> if hasattr(title, "decode"): ... title = title.decode() .. note:: This module has a dependency on the `h5py `_ library, which is not a mandatory dependency for `silx`. You might need to install it if you don't already have it. """ import logging import numpy import silx.io from silx.io import is_dataset, is_group, is_softlink from silx.third_party import six __authors__ = ["P. Knobel"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "12/02/2018" _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: import h5py except ImportError as e: _logger.error("Module " + __name__ + " requires h5py") raise e def _create_link(h5f, link_name, target_name, link_type="soft", overwrite_data=False): """Create a link in a HDF5 file If member with name ``link_name`` already exists, delete it first or ignore link depending on global param ``overwrite_data``. :param h5f: :class:`h5py.File` object :param link_name: Link path :param target_name: Handle for target group or dataset :param str link_type: "soft" or "hard" :param bool overwrite_data: If True, delete existing member (group, dataset or link) with the same name. Default is False. """ if link_name not in h5f: _logger.debug("Creating link " + link_name + " -> " + target_name) elif overwrite_data: _logger.warn("Overwriting " + link_name + " with link to " + target_name) del h5f[link_name] else: _logger.warn(link_name + " already exist. Cannot create link to " + target_name) return None if link_type == "hard": h5f[link_name] = h5f[target_name] elif link_type == "soft": h5f[link_name] = h5py.SoftLink(target_name) else: raise ValueError("link_type must be 'hard' or 'soft'") def _attr_utf8(attr_value): """If attr_value is bytes, make sure we output utf-8 :param attr_value: String (possibly bytes if PY2) :return: Attr ready to be written by h5py as utf8 """ if isinstance(attr_value, six.binary_type) or \ isinstance(attr_value, six.text_type): out_attr_value = numpy.array( attr_value, dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=six.text_type)) else: out_attr_value = attr_value return out_attr_value class Hdf5Writer(object): """Converter class to write the content of a data file to a HDF5 file. """ def __init__(self, h5path='/', overwrite_data=False, link_type="soft", create_dataset_args=None, min_size=500): """ :param h5path: Target path where the scan groups will be written in the output HDF5 file. :param bool overwrite_data: See documentation of :func:`write_to_h5` :param str link_type: ``"hard"`` or ``"soft"`` (default) :param dict create_dataset_args: Dictionary of args you want to pass to ``h5py.File.create_dataset``. See documentation of :func:`write_to_h5` :param int min_size: See documentation of :func:`write_to_h5` """ self.h5path = h5path if not h5path.startswith("/"): # target path must be absolute self.h5path = "/" + h5path if not self.h5path.endswith("/"): self.h5path += "/" self._h5f = None """h5py.File object, assigned in :meth:`write`""" if create_dataset_args is None: create_dataset_args = {} self.create_dataset_args = create_dataset_args self.min_size = min_size self.overwrite_data = overwrite_data # boolean self.link_type = link_type """'soft' or 'hard' """ self._links = [] """List of *(link_path, target_path)* tuples.""" def write(self, infile, h5f): """Do the conversion from :attr:`sfh5` (Spec file) to *h5f* (HDF5) All the parameters needed for the conversion have been initialized in the constructor. :param infile: :class:`SpecH5` object :param h5f: :class:`h5py.File` instance """ # Recurse through all groups and datasets to add them to the HDF5 self._h5f = h5f infile.visititems(self.append_member_to_h5, visit_links=True) # Handle the attributes of the root group root_grp = h5f[self.h5path] for key in infile.attrs: if self.overwrite_data or key not in root_grp.attrs: root_grp.attrs.create(key, _attr_utf8(infile.attrs[key])) # Handle links at the end, when their targets are created for link_name, target_name in self._links: _create_link(self._h5f, link_name, target_name, link_type=self.link_type, overwrite_data=self.overwrite_data) self._links = [] def append_member_to_h5(self, h5like_name, obj): """Add one group or one dataset to :attr:`h5f`""" h5_name = self.h5path + h5like_name.lstrip("/") if is_softlink(obj): # links to be created after all groups and datasets h5_target = self.h5path + obj.path.lstrip("/") self._links.append((h5_name, h5_target)) elif is_dataset(obj): _logger.debug("Saving dataset: " + h5_name) member_initially_exists = h5_name in self._h5f if self.overwrite_data and member_initially_exists: _logger.warn("Overwriting dataset: " + h5_name) del self._h5f[h5_name] if self.overwrite_data or not member_initially_exists: # fancy arguments don't apply to small dataset if obj.size < self.min_size: ds = self._h5f.create_dataset(h5_name, data=obj.value) else: ds = self._h5f.create_dataset(h5_name, data=obj.value, **self.create_dataset_args) else: ds = self._h5f[h5_name] # add HDF5 attributes for key in obj.attrs: if self.overwrite_data or key not in ds.attrs: ds.attrs.create(key, _attr_utf8(obj.attrs[key])) if not self.overwrite_data and member_initially_exists: _logger.warn("Not overwriting existing dataset: " + h5_name) elif is_group(obj): if h5_name not in self._h5f: _logger.debug("Creating group: " + h5_name) grp = self._h5f.create_group(h5_name) else: grp = self._h5f[h5_name] # add HDF5 attributes for key in obj.attrs: if self.overwrite_data or key not in grp.attrs: grp.attrs.create(key, _attr_utf8(obj.attrs[key])) def _is_commonh5_group(grp): """Return True if grp is a commonh5 group. (h5py.Group objects are not commonh5 groups)""" return is_group(grp) and not isinstance(grp, h5py.Group) def write_to_h5(infile, h5file, h5path='/', mode="a", overwrite_data=False, link_type="soft", create_dataset_args=None, min_size=500): """Write content of a h5py-like object into a HDF5 file. :param infile: Path of input file, or :class:`commonh5.File` object or :class:`commonh5.Group` object. :param h5file: Path of output HDF5 file or HDF5 file handle (`h5py.File` object) :param str h5path: Target path in HDF5 file in which scan groups are created. Default is root (``"/"``) :param str mode: Can be ``"r+"`` (read/write, file must exist), ``"w"`` (write, existing file is lost), ``"w-"`` (write, fail if exists) or ``"a"`` (read/write if exists, create otherwise). This parameter is ignored if ``h5file`` is a file handle. :param bool overwrite_data: If ``True``, existing groups and datasets can be overwritten, if ``False`` they are skipped. This parameter is only relevant if ``file_mode`` is ``"r+"`` or ``"a"``. :param str link_type: *"soft"* (default) or *"hard"* :param dict create_dataset_args: Dictionary of args you want to pass to ``h5py.File.create_dataset``. This allows you to specify filters and compression parameters. Don't specify ``name`` and ``data``. These arguments are only applied to datasets larger than 1MB. :param int min_size: Minimum number of elements in a dataset to apply chunking and compression. Default is 500. The structure of the spec data in an HDF5 file is described in the documentation of :mod:`silx.io.spech5`. """ writer = Hdf5Writer(h5path=h5path, overwrite_data=overwrite_data, link_type=link_type, create_dataset_args=create_dataset_args, min_size=min_size) # both infile and h5file can be either file handle or a file name: 4 cases if not isinstance(h5file, h5py.File) and not is_group(infile): with silx.io.open(infile) as h5pylike: if not _is_commonh5_group(h5pylike): raise IOError("Cannot convert HDF5 file %s to HDF5" % infile) with h5py.File(h5file, mode) as h5f: writer.write(h5pylike, h5f) elif isinstance(h5file, h5py.File) and not is_group(infile): with silx.io.open(infile) as h5pylike: if not _is_commonh5_group(h5pylike): raise IOError("Cannot convert HDF5 file %s to HDF5" % infile) writer.write(h5pylike, h5file) elif is_group(infile) and not isinstance(h5file, h5py.File): if not _is_commonh5_group(infile): raise IOError("Cannot convert HDF5 file %s to HDF5" % infile.file.name) with h5py.File(h5file, mode) as h5f: writer.write(infile, h5f) else: if not _is_commonh5_group(infile): raise IOError("Cannot convert HDF5 file %s to HDF5" % infile.file.name) writer.write(infile, h5file) def convert(infile, h5file, mode="w-", create_dataset_args=None): """Convert a supported file into an HDF5 file, write scans into the root group (``/``). This is a convenience shortcut to call:: write_to_h5(h5like, h5file, h5path='/', mode="w-", link_type="soft") :param infile: Path of input file or :class:`commonh5.File` object or :class:`commonh5.Group` object :param h5file: Path of output HDF5 file, or h5py.File object :param mode: Can be ``"w"`` (write, existing file is lost), ``"w-"`` (write, fail if exists). This is ignored if ``h5file`` is a file handle. :param create_dataset_args: Dictionary of args you want to pass to ``h5py.File.create_dataset``. This allows you to specify filters and compression parameters. Don't specify ``name`` and ``data``. """ if mode not in ["w", "w-"]: raise IOError("File mode must be 'w' or 'w-'. Use write_to_h5" + " to append data to an existing HDF5 file.") write_to_h5(infile, h5file, h5path='/', mode=mode, create_dataset_args=create_dataset_args)