# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # Copyright (C) 2016-2017 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ############################################################################*/ """Tests for utils module""" import io import numpy import os import re import shutil import tempfile import unittest import sys from .. import utils try: import h5py from ..utils import h5ls except ImportError: h5py = None try: import fabio except ImportError: fabio = None __authors__ = ["P. Knobel"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "28/09/2017" expected_spec1 = r"""#F .* #D .* #S 1 Ordinate1 #D .* #N 2 #L Abscissa Ordinate1 1 4\.00 2 5\.00 3 6\.00 """ expected_spec2 = expected_spec1 + """ #S 2 Ordinate2 #D .* #N 2 #L Abscissa Ordinate2 1 7\.00 2 8\.00 3 9\.00 """ expected_csv = r"""Abscissa;Ordinate1;Ordinate2 1;4\.00;7\.00e\+00 2;5\.00;8\.00e\+00 3;6\.00;9\.00e\+00 """ expected_csv2 = r"""x;y0;y1 1;4\.00;7\.00e\+00 2;5\.00;8\.00e\+00 3;6\.00;9\.00e\+00 """ class TestSave(unittest.TestCase): """Test saving curves as SpecFile: """ def setUp(self): self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.spec_fname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "savespec.dat") self.csv_fname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "savecsv.csv") self.npy_fname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "savenpy.npy") self.x = [1, 2, 3] self.xlab = "Abscissa" self.y = [[4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]] self.ylabs = ["Ordinate1", "Ordinate2"] def tearDown(self): if os.path.isfile(self.spec_fname): os.unlink(self.spec_fname) if os.path.isfile(self.csv_fname): os.unlink(self.csv_fname) if os.path.isfile(self.npy_fname): os.unlink(self.npy_fname) shutil.rmtree(self.tempdir) def test_save_csv(self): utils.save1D(self.csv_fname, self.x, self.y, xlabel=self.xlab, ylabels=self.ylabs, filetype="csv", fmt=["%d", "%.2f", "%.2e"], csvdelim=";", autoheader=True) csvf = open(self.csv_fname) actual_csv = csvf.read() csvf.close() self.assertRegexpMatches(actual_csv, expected_csv) def test_save_npy(self): """npy file is saved with numpy.save after building a numpy array and converting it to a named record array""" npyf = open(self.npy_fname, "wb") utils.save1D(npyf, self.x, self.y, xlabel=self.xlab, ylabels=self.ylabs) npyf.close() npy_recarray = numpy.load(self.npy_fname) self.assertEqual(npy_recarray.shape, (3,)) self.assertTrue( numpy.array_equal( npy_recarray['Ordinate1'], numpy.array((4, 5, 6)))) def test_savespec_filename(self): """Save SpecFile using savespec()""" utils.savespec(self.spec_fname, self.x, self.y[0], xlabel=self.xlab, ylabel=self.ylabs[0], fmt=["%d", "%.2f"], close_file=True, scan_number=1) specf = open(self.spec_fname) actual_spec = specf.read() specf.close() self.assertRegexpMatches(actual_spec, expected_spec1) def test_savespec_file_handle(self): """Save SpecFile using savespec(), passing a file handle""" # first savespec: open, write file header, save y[0] as scan 1, # return file handle specf = utils.savespec(self.spec_fname, self.x, self.y[0], xlabel=self.xlab, ylabel=self.ylabs[0], fmt=["%d", "%.2f"], close_file=False) # second savespec: save y[1] as scan 2, close file utils.savespec(specf, self.x, self.y[1], xlabel=self.xlab, ylabel=self.ylabs[1], fmt=["%d", "%.2f"], write_file_header=False, close_file=True, scan_number=2) specf = open(self.spec_fname) actual_spec = specf.read() specf.close() self.assertRegexpMatches(actual_spec, expected_spec2) def test_save_spec(self): """Save SpecFile using save()""" utils.save1D(self.spec_fname, self.x, self.y, xlabel=self.xlab, ylabels=self.ylabs, filetype="spec", fmt=["%d", "%.2f"]) specf = open(self.spec_fname) actual_spec = specf.read() specf.close() self.assertRegexpMatches(actual_spec, expected_spec2) def test_save_csv_no_labels(self): """Save csv using save(), with autoheader=True but xlabel=None and ylabels=None This is a non-regression test for bug #223""" self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.spec_fname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "savespec.dat") self.csv_fname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "savecsv.csv") self.npy_fname = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "savenpy.npy") self.x = [1, 2, 3] self.xlab = "Abscissa" self.y = [[4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]] self.ylabs = ["Ordinate1", "Ordinate2"] utils.save1D(self.csv_fname, self.x, self.y, autoheader=True, fmt=["%d", "%.2f", "%.2e"]) csvf = open(self.csv_fname) actual_csv = csvf.read() csvf.close() self.assertRegexpMatches(actual_csv, expected_csv2) def assert_match_any_string_in_list(test, pattern, list_of_strings): for string_ in list_of_strings: if re.match(pattern, string_): return True return False @unittest.skipIf(h5py is None, "Could not import h5py") class TestH5Ls(unittest.TestCase): """Test displaying the following HDF5 file structure: +foo +bar """ def assertMatchAnyStringInList(self, pattern, list_of_strings): for string_ in list_of_strings: if re.match(pattern, string_): return None raise AssertionError("regex pattern %s does not match any" % pattern + " string in list " + str(list_of_strings)) def testHdf5(self): fd, self.h5_fname = tempfile.mkstemp(text=False) # Close and delete (we just want the name) os.close(fd) os.unlink(self.h5_fname) self.h5f = h5py.File(self.h5_fname, "w") self.h5f["/foo/bar/tmp"] = [1, 2, 3] self.h5f["/foo/bar/spam"] = [[1, 2], [3, 4]] self.h5f["/foo/data"] = [3.14] self.h5f.close() rep = h5ls(self.h5_fname) lines = rep.split("\n") self.assertIn("+foo", lines) self.assertIn("\t+bar", lines) self.assertMatchAnyStringInList( r'\t\t', lines) self.assertMatchAnyStringInList( r'\t\t', lines) self.assertMatchAnyStringInList( r'\t', lines) os.unlink(self.h5_fname) # Following test case disabled d/t errors on AppVeyor: # os.unlink(spec_fname) # PermissionError: [WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because # it is being used by another process: 'C:\\...\\savespec.dat' # def testSpec(self): # tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # spec_fname = os.path.join(tempdir, "savespec.dat") # # x = [1, 2, 3] # xlab = "Abscissa" # y = [[4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]] # ylabs = ["Ordinate1", "Ordinate2"] # utils.save1D(spec_fname, x, y, xlabel=xlab, # ylabels=ylabs, filetype="spec", # fmt=["%d", "%.2f"]) # # rep = h5ls(spec_fname) # lines = rep.split("\n") # self.assertIn("+1.1", lines) # self.assertIn("\t+instrument", lines) # # self.assertMatchAnyStringInList( # r'\t\t\t', # lines) # self.assertMatchAnyStringInList( # r'\t\t', # lines) # # os.unlink(spec_fname) # shutil.rmtree(tempdir) class TestOpen(unittest.TestCase): """Test `silx.io.utils.open` function.""" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.tmp_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp() cls.createResources(cls.tmp_directory) @classmethod def createResources(cls, directory): if h5py is not None: cls.h5_filename = os.path.join(directory, "test.h5") h5 = h5py.File(cls.h5_filename, mode="w") h5["group/group/dataset"] = 50 h5.close() cls.spec_filename = os.path.join(directory, "test.dat") utils.savespec(cls.spec_filename, [1], [1.1], xlabel="x", ylabel="y", fmt=["%d", "%.2f"], close_file=True, scan_number=1) if fabio is not None: cls.edf_filename = os.path.join(directory, "test.edf") header = fabio.fabioimage.OrderedDict() header["integer"] = "10" data = numpy.array([[10, 50], [50, 10]]) fabiofile = fabio.edfimage.EdfImage(data, header) fabiofile.write(cls.edf_filename) cls.txt_filename = os.path.join(directory, "test.txt") f = io.open(cls.txt_filename, "w+t") f.write(u"Kikoo") f.close() cls.missing_filename = os.path.join(directory, "test.missing") @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): if sys.platform == "win32" and fabio is not None: # gc collect is needed to close a file descriptor # opened by fabio and not released. # https://github.com/silx-kit/fabio/issues/167 import gc gc.collect() shutil.rmtree(cls.tmp_directory) def testH5(self): if h5py is None: self.skipTest("H5py is missing") f = utils.open(self.h5_filename) self.assertIsNotNone(f) self.assertIsInstance(f, h5py.File) f.close() def testH5With(self): if h5py is None: self.skipTest("H5py is missing") with utils.open(self.h5_filename) as f: self.assertIsNotNone(f) self.assertIsInstance(f, h5py.File) def testH5_withPath(self): if h5py is None: self.skipTest("H5py is missing") f = utils.open(self.h5_filename + "::/group/group/dataset") self.assertIsNotNone(f) self.assertEqual(f.h5py_class, h5py.Dataset) self.assertEqual(f[()], 50) f.close() def testH5With_withPath(self): if h5py is None: self.skipTest("H5py is missing") with utils.open(self.h5_filename + "::/group/group") as f: self.assertIsNotNone(f) self.assertEqual(f.h5py_class, h5py.Group) self.assertIn("dataset", f) def testSpec(self): f = utils.open(self.spec_filename) self.assertIsNotNone(f) if h5py is not None: self.assertEquals(f.h5py_class, h5py.File) f.close() def testSpecWith(self): with utils.open(self.spec_filename) as f: self.assertIsNotNone(f) if h5py is not None: self.assertEquals(f.h5py_class, h5py.File) def testEdf(self): if h5py is None: self.skipTest("H5py is missing") if fabio is None: self.skipTest("Fabio is missing") f = utils.open(self.edf_filename) self.assertIsNotNone(f) self.assertEquals(f.h5py_class, h5py.File) f.close() def testEdfWith(self): if h5py is None: self.skipTest("H5py is missing") if fabio is None: self.skipTest("Fabio is missing") with utils.open(self.edf_filename) as f: self.assertIsNotNone(f) self.assertEquals(f.h5py_class, h5py.File) def testUnsupported(self): self.assertRaises(IOError, utils.open, self.txt_filename) def testNotExists(self): # load it self.assertRaises(IOError, utils.open, self.missing_filename) class TestNodes(unittest.TestCase): """Test `silx.io.utils.is_` functions.""" def test_real_h5py_objects(self): if h5py is None: self.skipTest("H5py is missing") name = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".h5") try: with h5py.File(name, "w") as h5file: h5group = h5file.create_group("arrays") h5dataset = h5group.create_dataset("scalar", data=10) self.assertTrue(utils.is_file(h5file)) self.assertTrue(utils.is_group(h5file)) self.assertFalse(utils.is_dataset(h5file)) self.assertFalse(utils.is_file(h5group)) self.assertTrue(utils.is_group(h5group)) self.assertFalse(utils.is_dataset(h5group)) self.assertFalse(utils.is_file(h5dataset)) self.assertFalse(utils.is_group(h5dataset)) self.assertTrue(utils.is_dataset(h5dataset)) finally: os.unlink(name) def test_h5py_like_file(self): if h5py is None: self.skipTest("H5py is missing") class Foo(object): def __init__(self): self.h5py_class = h5py.File obj = Foo() self.assertTrue(utils.is_file(obj)) self.assertTrue(utils.is_group(obj)) self.assertFalse(utils.is_dataset(obj)) def test_h5py_like_group(self): if h5py is None: self.skipTest("H5py is missing") class Foo(object): def __init__(self): self.h5py_class = h5py.Group obj = Foo() self.assertFalse(utils.is_file(obj)) self.assertTrue(utils.is_group(obj)) self.assertFalse(utils.is_dataset(obj)) def test_h5py_like_dataset(self): if h5py is None: self.skipTest("H5py is missing") class Foo(object): def __init__(self): self.h5py_class = h5py.Dataset obj = Foo() self.assertFalse(utils.is_file(obj)) self.assertFalse(utils.is_group(obj)) self.assertTrue(utils.is_dataset(obj)) def test_bad(self): if h5py is None: self.skipTest("H5py is missing") class Foo(object): def __init__(self): pass obj = Foo() self.assertFalse(utils.is_file(obj)) self.assertFalse(utils.is_group(obj)) self.assertFalse(utils.is_dataset(obj)) def test_bad_api(self): if h5py is None: self.skipTest("H5py is missing") class Foo(object): def __init__(self): self.h5py_class = int obj = Foo() self.assertFalse(utils.is_file(obj)) self.assertFalse(utils.is_group(obj)) self.assertFalse(utils.is_dataset(obj)) def suite(): loadTests = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase test_suite = unittest.TestSuite() test_suite.addTest(loadTests(TestSave)) test_suite.addTest(loadTests(TestH5Ls)) test_suite.addTest(loadTests(TestOpen)) test_suite.addTest(loadTests(TestNodes)) return test_suite if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(defaultTest="suite")