# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # Copyright (C) 2016-2020 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ############################################################################*/ """Tests of the combo module""" from __future__ import division __authors__ = ["T. Vincent"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "17/01/2018" import unittest import numpy from silx.utils.testutils import ParametricTestCase from silx.math.combo import min_max class TestMinMax(ParametricTestCase): """Tests of min max combo""" FLOATING_DTYPES = 'float32', 'float64' if hasattr(numpy, "float128"): FLOATING_DTYPES += ('float128',) SIGNED_INT_DTYPES = 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64' UNSIGNED_INT_DTYPES = 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64' DTYPES = FLOATING_DTYPES + SIGNED_INT_DTYPES + UNSIGNED_INT_DTYPES def _numpy_min_max(self, data, min_positive=False, finite=False): """Reference numpy implementation of min_max :param numpy.ndarray data: Data set to use for test :param bool min_positive: True to test with positive min :param bool finite: True to only test finite values """ data = numpy.array(data, copy=False) if data.size == 0: raise ValueError('Zero-sized array') minimum = None argmin = None maximum = None argmax = None min_pos = None argmin_pos = None if finite: filtered_data = data[numpy.isfinite(data)] else: filtered_data = data if filtered_data.size > 0: if numpy.all(numpy.isnan(filtered_data)): minimum = numpy.nan argmin = 0 maximum = numpy.nan argmax = 0 else: minimum = numpy.nanmin(filtered_data) # nanargmin equivalent argmin = numpy.where(data == minimum)[0][0] maximum = numpy.nanmax(filtered_data) # nanargmax equivalent argmax = numpy.where(data == maximum)[0][0] if min_positive: with numpy.errstate(invalid='ignore'): # Ignore invalid value encountered in greater pos_data = filtered_data[filtered_data > 0] if pos_data.size > 0: min_pos = numpy.min(pos_data) argmin_pos = numpy.where(data == min_pos)[0][0] return minimum, min_pos, maximum, argmin, argmin_pos, argmax def _test_min_max(self, data, min_positive, finite=False): """Compare min_max with numpy for the given dataset :param numpy.ndarray data: Data set to use for test :param bool min_positive: True to test with positive min :param bool finite: True to only test finite values """ minimum, min_pos, maximum, argmin, argmin_pos, argmax = \ self._numpy_min_max(data, min_positive, finite) result = min_max(data, min_positive, finite) self.assertSimilar(minimum, result.minimum) self.assertSimilar(min_pos, result.min_positive) self.assertSimilar(maximum, result.maximum) self.assertSimilar(argmin, result.argmin) self.assertSimilar(argmin_pos, result.argmin_positive) self.assertSimilar(argmax, result.argmax) def assertSimilar(self, a, b): """Assert that a and b are both None or NaN or that a == b.""" self.assertTrue((a is None and b is None) or (numpy.isnan(a) and numpy.isnan(b)) or a == b) def test_different_datasets(self): """Test min_max with different numpy.arange datasets.""" size = 1000 for dtype in self.DTYPES: tests = { '0 to N': (0, 1), 'N-1 to 0': (size - 1, -1)} if dtype not in self.UNSIGNED_INT_DTYPES: tests['N/2 to -N/2'] = size // 2, -1 tests['0 to -N'] = 0, -1 for name, (start, step) in tests.items(): for min_positive in (True, False): with self.subTest(dtype=dtype, min_positive=min_positive, data=name): data = numpy.arange( start, start + step * size, step, dtype=dtype) self._test_min_max(data, min_positive) def test_nodata(self): """Test min_max with None and empty array""" for dtype in self.DTYPES: with self.subTest(dtype=dtype): with self.assertRaises(TypeError): min_max(None) data = numpy.array((), dtype=dtype) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): min_max(data) NAN_TEST_DATA = [ (float('nan'), float('nan')), # All NaNs (float('nan'), 1.0), # NaN first and positive (float('nan'), -1.0), # NaN first and negative (1.0, 2.0, float('nan')), # NaN last and positive (-1.0, -2.0, float('nan')), # NaN last and negative (1.0, float('nan'), -1.0), # Some NaN ] def test_nandata(self): """Test min_max with NaN in data""" for dtype in self.FLOATING_DTYPES: for data in self.NAN_TEST_DATA: with self.subTest(dtype=dtype, data=data): data = numpy.array(data, dtype=dtype) self._test_min_max(data, min_positive=True) INF_TEST_DATA = [ [float('inf')] * 3, # All +inf [float('-inf')] * 3, # All -inf (float('inf'), float('-inf')), # + and - inf (float('inf'), float('-inf'), float('nan')), # +/-inf, nan last (float('nan'), float('-inf'), float('inf')), # +/-inf, nan first (float('inf'), float('nan'), float('-inf')), # +/-inf, nan center ] def test_infdata(self): """Test min_max with inf.""" for dtype in self.FLOATING_DTYPES: for data in self.INF_TEST_DATA: with self.subTest(dtype=dtype, data=data): data = numpy.array(data, dtype=dtype) self._test_min_max(data, min_positive=True) def test_finite(self): """Test min_max with finite=True""" tests = [ (-1., 2., 0.), # Basic test (float('nan'), float('inf'), float('-inf')), # NaN + Inf (float('nan'), float('inf'), -2, float('-inf')), # NaN + Inf + 1 value (float('inf'), -3, -2), # values + inf ] tests += self.INF_TEST_DATA tests += self.NAN_TEST_DATA for dtype in self.FLOATING_DTYPES: for data in tests: with self.subTest(dtype=dtype, data=data): data = numpy.array(data, dtype=dtype) self._test_min_max(data, min_positive=True, finite=True) def suite(): test_suite = unittest.TestSuite() test_suite.addTests( unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestMinMax)) return test_suite if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(defaultTest="suite")