#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Project: S I L X project # https://github.com/silx-kit/silx # # Copyright (C) 2012-2018 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France # # Principal author: Jérôme Kieffer (Jerome.Kieffer@ESRF.eu) # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation # files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without # restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, # copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following # conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT # HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR # OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # __author__ = "Jerome Kieffer" __contact__ = "Jerome.Kieffer@ESRF.eu" __license__ = "MIT" __copyright__ = "2012-2017 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France" __date__ = "20/09/2018" __status__ = "stable" __all__ = ["ocl", "pyopencl", "mf", "release_cl_buffers", "allocate_cl_buffers", "measure_workgroup_size", "kernel_workgroup_size"] import os import logging import numpy from .utils import get_opencl_code logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if os.environ.get("SILX_OPENCL") in ["0", "False"]: logger.info("Use of OpenCL has been disabled from environment variable: SILX_OPENCL=0") pyopencl = None else: try: import pyopencl except ImportError: logger.warning("Unable to import pyOpenCl. Please install it from: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyopencl") pyopencl = None else: import pyopencl.array as array if pyopencl is None: class mf(object): WRITE_ONLY = 1 READ_ONLY = 1 READ_WRITE = 1 else: mf = pyopencl.mem_flags if pyopencl is None: # Define default mem flags class mf(object): WRITE_ONLY = 1 READ_ONLY = 1 READ_WRITE = 1 FLOP_PER_CORE = {"GPU": 64, # GPU, Fermi at least perform 64 flops per cycle/multicore, G80 were at 24 or 48 ... "CPU": 4, # CPU, at least intel's have 4 operation per cycle "ACC": 8} # ACC: the Xeon-phi (MIC) appears to be able to process 8 Flops per hyperthreaded-core # Sources : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CUDA NVIDIA_FLOP_PER_CORE = {(1, 0): 24, # Guessed ! (1, 1): 24, # Measured on G98 [Quadro NVS 295] (1, 2): 24, # Guessed ! (1, 3): 24, # measured on a GT285 (GT200) (2, 0): 64, # Measured on a 580 (GF110) (2, 1): 96, # Measured on Quadro2000 GF106GL (3, 0): 384, # Guessed! (3, 5): 384, # Measured on K20 (3, 7): 384, # K80: Guessed! (5, 0): 256, # Maxwell 4 warps/SM 2 flops/ CU (5, 2): 256, # Titan-X (5, 3): 256, # TX1 (6, 0): 128, # GP100 (6, 1): 128, # GP104 (6, 2): 128, # ? (7, 0): 256, # Volta ? (7, 1): 256, # Volta ? } AMD_FLOP_PER_CORE = 160 # Measured on a M7820 10 core, 700MHz 1120GFlops class Device(object): """ Simple class that contains the structure of an OpenCL device """ def __init__(self, name="None", dtype=None, version=None, driver_version=None, extensions="", memory=None, available=None, cores=None, frequency=None, flop_core=None, idx=0, workgroup=1): """ Simple container with some important data for the OpenCL device description. :param name: name of the device :param dtype: device type: CPU/GPU/ACC... :param version: driver version :param driver_version: :param extensions: List of opencl extensions :param memory: maximum memory available on the device :param available: is the device deactivated or not :param cores: number of SM/cores :param frequency: frequency of the device :param flop_core: Flopating Point operation per core per cycle :param idx: index of the device within the platform :param workgroup: max workgroup size """ self.name = name.strip() self.type = dtype self.version = version self.driver_version = driver_version self.extensions = extensions.split() self.memory = memory self.available = available self.cores = cores self.frequency = frequency self.id = idx self.max_work_group_size = workgroup if not flop_core: flop_core = FLOP_PER_CORE.get(dtype, 1) if cores and frequency: self.flops = cores * frequency * flop_core else: self.flops = flop_core def __repr__(self): return "%s" % self.name def pretty_print(self): """ Complete device description :return: string """ lst = ["Name\t\t:\t%s" % self.name, "Type\t\t:\t%s" % self.type, "Memory\t\t:\t%.3f MB" % (self.memory / 2.0 ** 20), "Cores\t\t:\t%s CU" % self.cores, "Frequency\t:\t%s MHz" % self.frequency, "Speed\t\t:\t%.3f GFLOPS" % (self.flops / 1000.), "Version\t\t:\t%s" % self.version, "Available\t:\t%s" % self.available] return os.linesep.join(lst) class Platform(object): """ Simple class that contains the structure of an OpenCL platform """ def __init__(self, name="None", vendor="None", version=None, extensions=None, idx=0): """ Class containing all descriptions of a platform and all devices description within that platform. :param name: platform name :param vendor: name of the brand/vendor :param version: :param extensions: list of the extension provided by the platform to all of its devices :param idx: index of the platform """ self.name = name.strip() self.vendor = vendor.strip() self.version = version self.extensions = extensions.split() self.devices = [] self.id = idx def __repr__(self): return "%s" % self.name def add_device(self, device): """ Add new device to the platform :param device: Device instance """ self.devices.append(device) def get_device(self, key): """ Return a device according to key :param key: identifier for a device, either it's id (int) or it's name :type key: int or str """ out = None try: devid = int(key) except ValueError: for a_dev in self.devices: if a_dev.name == key: out = a_dev else: if len(self.devices) > devid > 0: out = self.devices[devid] return out def _measure_workgroup_size(device_or_context, fast=False): """Mesure the maximal work group size of the given device :param device_or_context: instance of pyopencl.Device or pyopencl.Context or 2-tuple (platformid,deviceid) :param fast: ask the kernel the valid value, don't probe it :return: maximum size for the workgroup """ if isinstance(device_or_context, pyopencl.Device): ctx = pyopencl.Context(devices=[device_or_context]) device = device_or_context elif isinstance(device_or_context, pyopencl.Context): ctx = device_or_context device = device_or_context.devices[0] elif isinstance(device_or_context, (tuple, list)) and len(device_or_context) == 2: ctx = ocl.create_context(platformid=device_or_context[0], deviceid=device_or_context[1]) device = ctx.devices[0] else: raise RuntimeError("""given parameter device_or_context is not an instanciation of a device or a context""") shape = device.max_work_group_size # get the context assert ctx is not None queue = pyopencl.CommandQueue(ctx) max_valid_wg = 1 data = numpy.random.random(shape).astype(numpy.float32) d_data = pyopencl.array.to_device(queue, data) d_data_1 = pyopencl.array.zeros_like(d_data) + 1 program = pyopencl.Program(ctx, get_opencl_code("addition")).build() if fast: max_valid_wg = program.addition.get_work_group_info(pyopencl.kernel_work_group_info.WORK_GROUP_SIZE, device) else: maxi = int(round(numpy.log2(shape))) for i in range(maxi + 1): d_res = pyopencl.array.empty_like(d_data) wg = 1 << i try: evt = program.addition( queue, (shape,), (wg,), d_data.data, d_data_1.data, d_res.data, numpy.int32(shape)) evt.wait() except Exception as error: logger.info("%s on device %s for WG=%s/%s", error, device.name, wg, shape) program = queue = d_res = d_data_1 = d_data = None break else: res = d_res.get() good = numpy.allclose(res, data + 1) if good: if wg > max_valid_wg: max_valid_wg = wg else: logger.warning("ArithmeticError on %s for WG=%s/%s", wg, device.name, shape) return max_valid_wg def _is_nvidia_gpu(vendor, devtype): return (vendor == "NVIDIA Corporation") and (devtype == "GPU") class OpenCL(object): """ Simple class that wraps the structure ocl_tools_extended.h This is a static class. ocl should be the only instance and shared among all python modules. """ platforms = [] nb_devices = 0 context_cache = {} # key: 2-tuple of int, value: context if pyopencl: platform = device = pypl = devtype = extensions = pydev = None for idx, platform in enumerate(pyopencl.get_platforms()): pypl = Platform(platform.name, platform.vendor, platform.version, platform.extensions, idx) for idd, device in enumerate(platform.get_devices()): #################################################### # Nvidia does not report int64 atomics (we are using) ... # this is a hack around as any nvidia GPU with double-precision supports int64 atomics #################################################### extensions = device.extensions if (pypl.vendor == "NVIDIA Corporation") and ('cl_khr_fp64' in extensions): extensions += ' cl_khr_int64_base_atomics cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics' try: devtype = pyopencl.device_type.to_string(device.type).upper() except ValueError: # pocl does not describe itself as a CPU ! devtype = "CPU" if len(devtype) > 3: devtype = devtype[:3] if _is_nvidia_gpu(pypl.vendor, devtype) and "compute_capability_major_nv" in dir(device): comput_cap = device.compute_capability_major_nv, device.compute_capability_minor_nv flop_core = NVIDIA_FLOP_PER_CORE.get(comput_cap, min(NVIDIA_FLOP_PER_CORE.values())) elif (pypl.vendor == "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.") and (devtype == "GPU"): flop_core = AMD_FLOP_PER_CORE elif devtype == "CPU": flop_core = FLOP_PER_CORE.get(devtype, 1) else: flop_core = 1 workgroup = device.max_work_group_size if (devtype == "CPU") and (pypl.vendor == "Apple"): logger.info("For Apple's OpenCL on CPU: Measuring actual valid max_work_goup_size.") workgroup = _measure_workgroup_size(device, fast=True) if (devtype == "GPU") and os.environ.get("GPU") == "False": # Environment variable to disable GPU devices continue pydev = Device(device.name, devtype, device.version, device.driver_version, extensions, device.global_mem_size, bool(device.available), device.max_compute_units, device.max_clock_frequency, flop_core, idd, workgroup) pypl.add_device(pydev) nb_devices += 1 platforms.append(pypl) del platform, device, pypl, devtype, extensions, pydev def __repr__(self): out = ["OpenCL devices:"] for platformid, platform in enumerate(self.platforms): deviceids = ["(%s,%s) %s" % (platformid, deviceid, dev.name) for deviceid, dev in enumerate(platform.devices)] out.append("[%s] %s: " % (platformid, platform.name) + ", ".join(deviceids)) return os.linesep.join(out) def get_platform(self, key): """ Return a platform according :param key: identifier for a platform, either an Id (int) or it's name :type key: int or str """ out = None try: platid = int(key) except ValueError: for a_plat in self.platforms: if a_plat.name == key: out = a_plat else: if len(self.platforms) > platid > 0: out = self.platforms[platid] return out def select_device(self, dtype="ALL", memory=None, extensions=None, best=True, **kwargs): """ Select a device based on few parameters (at the end, keep the one with most memory) :param dtype: "gpu" or "cpu" or "all" .... :param memory: minimum amount of memory (int) :param extensions: list of extensions to be present :param best: shall we look for the :returns: A tuple of plateform ID and device ID, else None if nothing found """ if extensions is None: extensions = [] if "type" in kwargs: dtype = kwargs["type"].upper() else: dtype = dtype.upper() if len(dtype) > 3: dtype = dtype[:3] best_found = None for platformid, platform in enumerate(self.platforms): for deviceid, device in enumerate(platform.devices): if (dtype in ["ALL", "DEF"]) or (device.type == dtype): if (memory is None) or (memory <= device.memory): found = True for ext in extensions: if ext not in device.extensions: found = False if found: if not best: return platformid, deviceid else: if not best_found: best_found = platformid, deviceid, device.flops elif best_found[2] < device.flops: best_found = platformid, deviceid, device.flops if best_found: return best_found[0], best_found[1] # Nothing found return None def create_context(self, devicetype="ALL", useFp64=False, platformid=None, deviceid=None, cached=True, memory=None): """ Choose a device and initiate a context. Devicetypes can be GPU,gpu,CPU,cpu,DEF,ACC,ALL. Suggested are GPU,CPU. For each setting to work there must be such an OpenCL device and properly installed. E.g.: If Nvidia driver is installed, GPU will succeed but CPU will fail. The AMD SDK kit is required for CPU via OpenCL. :param devicetype: string in ["cpu","gpu", "all", "acc"] :param useFp64: boolean specifying if double precision will be used :param platformid: integer :param deviceid: integer :param cached: True if we want to cache the context :param memory: minimum amount of memory of the device :return: OpenCL context on the selected device """ if (platformid is not None) and (deviceid is not None): platformid = int(platformid) deviceid = int(deviceid) elif "PYOPENCL_CTX" in os.environ: pyopencl_ctx = [int(i) if i.isdigit() else 0 for i in os.environ["PYOPENCL_CTX"].split(":")] pyopencl_ctx += [0] * (2 - len(pyopencl_ctx)) # pad with 0 platformid, deviceid = pyopencl_ctx else: if useFp64: ids = ocl.select_device(type=devicetype, extensions=["cl_khr_int64_base_atomics"]) else: ids = ocl.select_device(dtype=devicetype) if ids: platformid, deviceid = ids if (platformid is not None) and (deviceid is not None): if (platformid, deviceid) in self.context_cache: ctx = self.context_cache[(platformid, deviceid)] else: ctx = pyopencl.Context(devices=[pyopencl.get_platforms()[platformid].get_devices()[deviceid]]) if cached: self.context_cache[(platformid, deviceid)] = ctx else: logger.warning("Last chance to get an OpenCL device ... probably not the one requested") ctx = pyopencl.create_some_context(interactive=False) return ctx def device_from_context(self, context): """ Retrieves the Device from the context :param context: OpenCL context :return: instance of Device """ odevice = context.devices[0] oplat = odevice.platform device_id = oplat.get_devices().index(odevice) platform_id = pyopencl.get_platforms().index(oplat) return self.platforms[platform_id].devices[device_id] if pyopencl: ocl = OpenCL() if ocl.nb_devices == 0: ocl = None else: ocl = None def release_cl_buffers(cl_buffers): """ :param cl_buffers: the buffer you want to release :type cl_buffers: dict(str, pyopencl.Buffer) This method release the memory of the buffers store in the dict """ for key, buffer_ in cl_buffers.items(): if buffer_ is not None: if isinstance(buffer_, pyopencl.array.Array): try: buffer_.data.release() except pyopencl.LogicError: logger.error("Error while freeing buffer %s", key) else: try: buffer_.release() except pyopencl.LogicError: logger.error("Error while freeing buffer %s", key) cl_buffers[key] = None return cl_buffers def allocate_cl_buffers(buffers, device=None, context=None): """ :param buffers: the buffers info use to create the pyopencl.Buffer :type buffers: list(std, flag, numpy.dtype, int) :param device: one of the context device :param context: opencl contextdevice :return: a dict containing the instanciated pyopencl.Buffer :rtype: dict(str, pyopencl.Buffer) This method instanciate the pyopencl.Buffer from the buffers description. """ mem = {} if device is None: device = ocl.device_from_context(context) # check if enough memory is available on the device ualloc = 0 for _, _, dtype, size in buffers: ualloc += numpy.dtype(dtype).itemsize * size memory = device.memory logger.info("%.3fMB are needed on device which has %.3fMB", ualloc / 1.0e6, memory / 1.0e6) if ualloc >= memory: memError = "Fatal error in allocate_buffers." memError += "Not enough device memory for buffers" memError += "(%lu requested, %lu available)" % (ualloc, memory) raise MemoryError(memError) # noqa # do the allocation try: for name, flag, dtype, size in buffers: mem[name] = pyopencl.Buffer(context, flag, numpy.dtype(dtype).itemsize * size) except pyopencl.MemoryError as error: release_cl_buffers(mem) raise MemoryError(error) return mem def measure_workgroup_size(device): """Measure the actual size of the workgroup :param device: device or context or 2-tuple with indexes :return: the actual measured workgroup size if device is "all", returns a dict with all devices with their ids as keys. """ if (ocl is None) or (device is None): return None if isinstance(device, tuple) and (len(device) == 2): # this is probably a tuple (platformid, deviceid) device = ocl.create_context(platformid=device[0], deviceid=device[1]) if device == "all": res = {} for pid, platform in enumerate(ocl.platforms): for did, _devices in enumerate(platform.devices): tup = (pid, did) res[tup] = measure_workgroup_size(tup) else: res = _measure_workgroup_size(device) return res def kernel_workgroup_size(program, kernel): """Extract the compile time maximum workgroup size :param program: OpenCL program :param kernel: kernel or name of the kernel :return: the maximum acceptable workgroup size for the given kernel """ assert isinstance(program, pyopencl.Program) if not isinstance(kernel, pyopencl.Kernel): kernel_name = kernel assert kernel in (k.function_name for k in program.all_kernels()), "the kernel exists" kernel = program.__getattr__(kernel_name) device = program.devices[0] query_wg = pyopencl.kernel_work_group_info.WORK_GROUP_SIZE return kernel.get_work_group_info(query_wg, device)