#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2016-2019 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """Module for sinogram filtering on CPU/GPU.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, with_statement, division __authors__ = ["P. Paleo"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "07/06/2019" import numpy as np from math import pi import pyopencl.array as parray from .common import pyopencl as cl from .processing import OpenclProcessing from ..math.fft.clfft import CLFFT, __have_clfft__ from ..math.fft.npfft import NPFFT from ..image.tomography import generate_powers, get_next_power, compute_fourier_filter from ..utils.deprecation import deprecated class SinoFilter(OpenclProcessing): """A class for performing sinogram filtering on GPU using OpenCL. This is a convolution in the Fourier space, along one dimension: - In 2D: (n_a, d_x): n_a filterings (1D FFT of size d_x) - In 3D: (n_z, n_a, d_x): n_z*n_a filterings (1D FFT of size d_x) """ kernel_files = ["array_utils.cl"] powers = generate_powers() def __init__(self, sino_shape, filter_name=None, ctx=None, devicetype="all", platformid=None, deviceid=None, profile=False, extra_options=None): """Constructor of OpenCL FFT-Convolve. :param sino_shape: shape of the sinogram. :param filter_name: Name of the filter. Defaut is "ram-lak". :param ctx: actual working context, left to None for automatic initialization from device type or platformid/deviceid :param devicetype: type of device, can be "CPU", "GPU", "ACC" or "ALL" :param platformid: integer with the platform_identifier, as given by clinfo :param deviceid: Integer with the device identifier, as given by clinfo :param profile: switch on profiling to be able to profile at the kernel level, store profiling elements (makes code slightly slower) :param dict extra_options: Advanced extra options. Current options are: cutoff, use_numpy_fft """ OpenclProcessing.__init__(self, ctx=ctx, devicetype=devicetype, platformid=platformid, deviceid=deviceid, profile=profile) self._init_extra_options(extra_options) self._calculate_shapes(sino_shape) self._init_fft() self._allocate_memory() self._compute_filter(filter_name) self._init_kernels() def _calculate_shapes(self, sino_shape): """ :param sino_shape: shape of the sinogram. """ self.ndim = len(sino_shape) if self.ndim == 2: n_angles, dwidth = sino_shape else: raise ValueError("Invalid sinogram number of dimensions: " "expected 2 dimensions") self.sino_shape = sino_shape self.n_angles = n_angles self.dwidth = dwidth self.dwidth_padded = get_next_power(2 * self.dwidth, powers=self.powers) self.sino_padded_shape = (n_angles, self.dwidth_padded) sino_f_shape = list(self.sino_padded_shape) sino_f_shape[-1] = sino_f_shape[-1] // 2 + 1 self.sino_f_shape = tuple(sino_f_shape) def _init_extra_options(self, extra_options): """ :param dict extra_options: Advanced extra options. Current options are: cutoff, """ self.extra_options = { "cutoff": 1., "use_numpy_fft": False, } if extra_options is not None: self.extra_options.update(extra_options) def _init_fft(self): if __have_clfft__ and not(self.extra_options["use_numpy_fft"]): self.fft_backend = "opencl" self.fft = CLFFT( self.sino_padded_shape, dtype=np.float32, axes=(-1,), ctx=self.ctx, ) else: self.fft_backend = "numpy" print("The gpyfft module was not found. The Fourier transforms " "will be done on CPU. For more performances, it is advised " "to install gpyfft.""") self.fft = NPFFT( template=np.zeros(self.sino_padded_shape, "f"), axes=(-1,), ) def _allocate_memory(self): self.d_filter_f = parray.zeros(self.queue, (self.sino_f_shape[-1],), np.complex64) self.is_cpu = (self.device.type == "CPU") # These are already allocated by FFT() if using the opencl backend if self.fft_backend == "opencl": self.d_sino_padded = self.fft.data_in self.d_sino_f = self.fft.data_out else: # When using the numpy backend, arrays are not pre-allocated self.d_sino_padded = np.zeros(self.sino_padded_shape, "f") self.d_sino_f = np.zeros(self.sino_f_shape, np.complex64) # These are needed for rectangular memcpy in certain cases (see below). self.tmp_sino_device = parray.zeros(self.queue, self.sino_shape, "f") self.tmp_sino_host = np.zeros(self.sino_shape, "f") def _compute_filter(self, filter_name): """ :param str filter_name: filter name """ self.filter_name = filter_name or "ram-lak" filter_f = compute_fourier_filter( self.dwidth_padded, self.filter_name, cutoff=self.extra_options["cutoff"], )[:self.dwidth_padded // 2 + 1] # R2C self.set_filter(filter_f, normalize=True) def set_filter(self, h_filt, normalize=True): """ Set a filter for sinogram filtering. :param h_filt: Filter. Each line of the sinogram will be filtered with this filter. It has to be the Real-to-Complex Fourier Transform of some real filter, padded to 2*sinogram_width. :param normalize: Whether to normalize the filter with pi/num_angles. """ if h_filt.size != self.sino_f_shape[-1]: raise ValueError( """ Invalid filter size: expected %d, got %d. Please check that the filter is the Fourier R2C transform of some real 1D filter. """ % (self.sino_f_shape[-1], h_filt.size) ) if not(np.iscomplexobj(h_filt)): print("Warning: expected a complex Fourier filter") self.filter_f = h_filt if normalize: self.filter_f *= pi / self.n_angles self.filter_f = self.filter_f.astype(np.complex64) self.d_filter_f[:] = self.filter_f[:] def _init_kernels(self): OpenclProcessing.compile_kernels(self, self.kernel_files) h, w = self.d_sino_f.shape self.mult_kern_args = (self.queue, (int(w), (int(h))), None, self.d_sino_f.data, self.d_filter_f.data, np.int32(w), np.int32(h)) def check_array(self, arr): if arr.dtype != np.float32: raise ValueError("Expected data type = numpy.float32") if arr.shape != self.sino_shape: raise ValueError("Expected sinogram shape %s, got %s" % (self.sino_shape, arr.shape)) if not(isinstance(arr, np.ndarray) or isinstance(arr, parray.Array)): raise ValueError("Expected either numpy.ndarray or " "pyopencl.array.Array") def copy2d(self, dst, src, transfer_shape, dst_offset=(0, 0), src_offset=(0, 0)): """ :param dst: :param src: :param transfer_shape: :param dst_offset: :param src_offset: """ shape = tuple(int(i) for i in transfer_shape[::-1]) ev = self.kernels.cpy2d(self.queue, shape, None, dst.data, src.data, np.int32(dst.shape[1]), np.int32(src.shape[1]), np.int32(dst_offset), np.int32(src_offset), np.int32(transfer_shape[::-1])) ev.wait() def copy2d_host(self, dst, src, transfer_shape, dst_offset=(0, 0), src_offset=(0, 0)): """ :param dst: :param src: :param transfer_shape: :param dst_offset: :param src_offset: """ s = transfer_shape do = dst_offset so = src_offset dst[do[0]:do[0] + s[0], do[1]:do[1] + s[1]] = src[so[0]:so[0] + s[0], so[1]:so[1] + s[1]] def _prepare_input_sino(self, sino): """ :param sino: sinogram """ self.check_array(sino) self.d_sino_padded.fill(0) if self.fft_backend == "opencl": # OpenCL backend: FFT/mult/IFFT are done on device. if isinstance(sino, np.ndarray): # OpenCL backend + numpy input: copy H->D. # As pyopencl does not support rectangular copies, we have to # do a copy H->D in a temporary device buffer, and then call a # kernel doing the rectangular D-D copy. self.tmp_sino_device[:] = sino[:] if self.is_cpu: self.tmp_sino_device.finish() d_sino_ref = self.tmp_sino_device else: d_sino_ref = sino # Rectangular copy D->D self.copy2d(self.d_sino_padded, d_sino_ref, self.sino_shape) if self.is_cpu: self.d_sino_padded.finish() # should not be required here else: # Numpy backend: FFT/mult/IFFT are done on host. if not(isinstance(sino, np.ndarray)): # Numpy backend + pyopencl input: need to copy D->H self.tmp_sino_host[:] = sino[:] h_sino_ref = self.tmp_sino_host else: h_sino_ref = sino # Rectangular copy H->H self.copy2d_host(self.d_sino_padded, h_sino_ref, self.sino_shape) def _get_output_sino(self, output): """ :param Union[numpy.dtype,None] output: sinogram output. :return: sinogram """ if output is None: res = np.zeros(self.sino_shape, dtype=np.float32) else: res = output if self.fft_backend == "opencl": if isinstance(res, np.ndarray): # OpenCL backend + numpy output: copy D->H # As pyopencl does not support rectangular copies, we first have # to call a kernel doing rectangular copy D->D, then do a copy # D->H. self.copy2d(dst=self.tmp_sino_device, src=self.d_sino_padded, transfer_shape=self.sino_shape) if self.is_cpu: self.tmp_sino_device.finish() # should not be required here res[:] = self.tmp_sino_device.get()[:] else: if self.is_cpu: self.d_sino_padded.finish() self.copy2d(res, self.d_sino_padded, self.sino_shape) if self.is_cpu: res.finish() # should not be required here else: if not(isinstance(res, np.ndarray)): # Numpy backend + pyopencl output: rect copy H->H + copy H->D self.copy2d_host(dst=self.tmp_sino_host, src=self.d_sino_padded, transfer_shape=self.sino_shape) res[:] = self.tmp_sino_host[:] else: # Numpy backend + numpy output: rect copy H->H self.copy2d_host(res, self.d_sino_padded, self.sino_shape) return res def _do_fft(self): if self.fft_backend == "opencl": self.fft.fft(self.d_sino_padded, output=self.d_sino_f) if self.is_cpu: self.d_sino_f.finish() else: # numpy backend does not support "output=" argument, # and rfft always return a complex128 result. res = self.fft.fft(self.d_sino_padded).astype(np.complex64) self.d_sino_f[:] = res[:] def _multiply_fourier(self): if self.fft_backend == "opencl": # Everything is on device. Call the multiplication kernel. ev = self.kernels.inplace_complex_mul_2Dby1D( *self.mult_kern_args ) ev.wait() if self.is_cpu: self.d_sino_f.finish() # should not be required here else: # Everything is on host. self.d_sino_f *= self.filter_f def _do_ifft(self): if self.fft_backend == "opencl": if self.is_cpu: self.d_sino_padded.fill(0) self.d_sino_padded.finish() self.fft.ifft(self.d_sino_f, output=self.d_sino_padded) if self.is_cpu: self.d_sino_padded.finish() else: # numpy backend does not support "output=" argument, # and irfft always return a float64 result. res = self.fft.ifft(self.d_sino_f).astype("f") self.d_sino_padded[:] = res[:] def filter_sino(self, sino, output=None): """ :param sino: sinogram :param output: :return: filtered sinogram """ # Handle input sinogram self._prepare_input_sino(sino) # FFT self._do_fft() # multiply with filter in the Fourier domain self._multiply_fourier() # iFFT self._do_ifft() # return res = self._get_output_sino(output) return res # ~ return output __call__ = filter_sino # ------------------- # - Compatibility - # ------------------- def nextpow2(N): p = 1 while p < N: p *= 2 return p @deprecated(replacement="Backprojection.sino_filter", since_version="0.10") def fourier_filter(sino, filter_=None, fft_size=None): """Simple np based implementation of fourier space filter. This function is deprecated, please use silx.opencl.sinofilter.SinoFilter. :param sino: of shape shape = (num_projs, num_bins) :param filter: filter function to apply in fourier space :fft_size: size on which perform the fft. May be larger than the sino array :return: filtered sinogram """ assert sino.ndim == 2 num_projs, num_bins = sino.shape if fft_size is None: fft_size = nextpow2(num_bins * 2 - 1) else: assert fft_size >= num_bins if fft_size == num_bins: sino_zeropadded = sino.astype(np.float32) else: sino_zeropadded = np.zeros((num_projs, fft_size), dtype=np.complex64) sino_zeropadded[:, :num_bins] = sino.astype(np.float32) if filter_ is None: h = np.zeros(fft_size, dtype=np.float32) L2 = fft_size // 2 + 1 h[0] = 1 / 4. j = np.linspace(1, L2, L2 // 2, False) h[1:L2:2] = -1. / (np.pi ** 2 * j ** 2) h[L2:] = np.copy(h[1:L2 - 1][::-1]) filter_ = np.fft.fft(h).astype(np.complex64) # Linear convolution sino_f = np.fft.fft(sino, fft_size) sino_f = sino_f * filter_ sino_filtered = np.fft.ifft(sino_f)[:, :num_bins].real return np.ascontiguousarray(sino_filtered.real, dtype=np.float32)