#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2019 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """Module for data sparsification on CPU/GPU.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, with_statement, division __authors__ = ["P. Paleo"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "07/06/2019" import numpy import pyopencl.array as parray from collections import namedtuple from pyopencl.scan import GenericScanKernel from pyopencl.tools import dtype_to_ctype from .common import pyopencl as cl from .processing import OpenclProcessing, EventDescription, BufferDescription mf = cl.mem_flags CSRData = namedtuple("CSRData", ["data", "indices", "indptr"]) def tuple_to_csrdata(arrs): """ Converts a 3-tuple to a CSRData namedtuple. """ if arrs is None: return None return CSRData(data=arrs[0], indices=arrs[1], indptr=arrs[2]) class CSR(OpenclProcessing): kernel_files = ["sparse.cl"] def __init__(self, shape, dtype="f", max_nnz=None, idx_dtype=numpy.int32, ctx=None, devicetype="all", platformid=None, deviceid=None, block_size=None, memory=None, profile=False): """ Compute Compressed Sparse Row format of an image (2D matrix). It is designed to be compatible with scipy.sparse.csr_matrix. :param shape: tuple Matrix shape. :param dtype: str or numpy.dtype, optional Numeric data type. By default, sparse matrix data will be float32. :param max_nnz: int, optional Maximum number of non-zero elements. By default, the arrays "data" and "indices" are allocated with prod(shape) elements, but in practice a much lesser space is needed. The number of non-zero items cannot be known in advance, but one can estimate an upper-bound with this parameter to save memory. Opencl processing parameters ----------------------------- Please refer to the documentation of silx.opencl.processing.OpenclProcessing for information on the other parameters. """ OpenclProcessing.__init__(self, ctx=ctx, devicetype=devicetype, platformid=platformid, deviceid=deviceid, block_size=block_size, memory=memory, profile=profile) self._set_parameters(shape, dtype, max_nnz, idx_dtype) self._allocate_memory() self._setup_kernels() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------- Initialization -------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _set_parameters(self, shape, dtype, max_nnz, idx_dtype): self.shape = shape self.size = numpy.prod(shape) self._set_idx_dtype(idx_dtype) assert len(shape) == 2 # if max_nnz is None: self.max_nnz = numpy.prod(shape) # worst case else: self.max_nnz = int(max_nnz) self._set_dtype(dtype) def _set_idx_dtype(self, idx_dtype): idx_dtype = numpy.dtype(idx_dtype) if idx_dtype.kind not in ["i", "u"]: raise ValueError("Not an integer type: %s" % idx_dtype) # scan value type must have size divisible by 4 bytes if idx_dtype.itemsize % 4 != 0: raise ValueError("Due to an internal pyopencl limitation, idx_dtype type must have size divisible by 4 bytes") self.indice_dtype = idx_dtype # def _set_dtype(self, dtype): self.dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype) if self.dtype.kind == "c": raise ValueError("Complex data is not supported") if self.dtype == numpy.dtype(numpy.float32): self._c_zero_str = "0.0f" elif self.dtype == numpy.dtype(numpy.float64): self._c_zero_str = "0.0" else: # assuming integer self._c_zero_str = "0" self.c_dtype = dtype_to_ctype(self.dtype) self.idx_c_dtype = dtype_to_ctype(self.indice_dtype) def _allocate_memory(self): self.is_cpu = (self.device.type == "CPU") # move to OpenclProcessing ? self.buffers = [ BufferDescription("array", (self.size,), self.dtype, mf.READ_ONLY), BufferDescription("data", (self.max_nnz,), self.dtype, mf.READ_WRITE), BufferDescription("indices", (self.max_nnz,), self.indice_dtype, mf.READ_WRITE), BufferDescription("indptr", (self.shape[0]+1,), self.indice_dtype, mf.READ_WRITE), ] self.allocate_buffers(use_array=True) for arr_name in ["array", "data", "indices", "indptr"]: setattr(self, arr_name, self.cl_mem[arr_name]) self.cl_mem[arr_name].fill(0) # allocate_buffers() uses empty() self._old_array = self.array self._old_data = self.data self._old_indices = self.indices self._old_indptr = self.indptr def _setup_kernels(self): self._setup_compaction_kernel() self._setup_decompaction_kernel() def _setup_compaction_kernel(self): kernel_signature = str( "__global %s *data, \ __global %s *data_compacted, \ __global %s *indices, \ __global %s* indptr \ """ % (self.c_dtype, self.c_dtype, self.idx_c_dtype, self.idx_c_dtype) ) if self.dtype.kind == "f": map_nonzero_expr = "(fabs(data[i]) > %s) ? 1 : 0" % self._c_zero_str elif self.dtype.kind in ["u", "i"]: map_nonzero_expr = "(data[i] != %s) ? 1 : 0" % self._c_zero_str else: raise ValueError("Unknown data type") self.scan_kernel = GenericScanKernel( self.ctx, self.indice_dtype, arguments=kernel_signature, input_expr=map_nonzero_expr, scan_expr="a+b", neutral="0", output_statement=""" // item is the running sum of input_expr(i), i.e the cumsum of "nonzero" if (prev_item != item) { data_compacted[item-1] = data[i]; indices[item-1] = GET_INDEX(i); } // The last cumsum element of each line of "nonzero" goes to inptr[i] if ((i+1) % IMAGE_WIDTH == 0) { indptr[(i/IMAGE_WIDTH)+1] = item; } """, options=["-DIMAGE_WIDTH=%d" % self.shape[1]], preamble="#define GET_INDEX(i) (i % IMAGE_WIDTH)", ) def _setup_decompaction_kernel(self): OpenclProcessing.compile_kernels( self, self.kernel_files, compile_options=[ "-DIMAGE_WIDTH=%d" % self.shape[1], "-DDTYPE=%s" % self.c_dtype, "-DIDX_DTYPE=%s" % self.idx_c_dtype, ] ) device = self.ctx.devices[0] wg_x = min( device.max_work_group_size, 32, self.kernels.max_workgroup_size("densify_csr") ) self._decomp_wg = (wg_x, 1) self._decomp_grid = (self._decomp_wg[0], self.shape[0]) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------- Array utils ----------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO handle pyopencl Buffer def check_array(self, arr): """ Check that provided array is compatible with current context. :param arr: numpy.ndarray or pyopencl.array.Array 2D array in dense format. """ assert arr.size == self.size assert arr.dtype == self.dtype # TODO handle pyopencl Buffer def check_sparse_arrays(self, csr_data): """ Check that the provided sparse arrays are compatible with the current context. :param arrays: namedtuple CSRData. It contains the arrays "data", "indices", "indptr" """ assert isinstance(csr_data, CSRData) for arr in [csr_data.data, csr_data.indices, csr_data.indptr]: assert arr.ndim == 1 assert csr_data.data.size <= self.max_nnz assert csr_data.indices.size <= self.max_nnz assert csr_data.indptr.size == self.shape[0]+1 assert csr_data.data.dtype == self.dtype assert csr_data.indices.dtype == self.indice_dtype assert csr_data.indptr.dtype == self.indice_dtype def set_array(self, arr): """ Set the provided array as the current context 2D matrix. :param arr: numpy.ndarray or pyopencl.array.Array 2D array in dense format. """ if arr is None: return self.check_array(arr) # GenericScanKernel only supports 1D data if isinstance(arr, parray.Array): self._old_array = self.array self.array = arr elif isinstance(arr, numpy.ndarray): self.array[:] = arr.ravel()[:] else: raise ValueError("Expected pyopencl array or numpy array") def set_sparse_arrays(self, csr_data): if csr_data is None: return self.check_sparse_arrays(csr_data) for name, arr in {"data": csr_data.data, "indices": csr_data.indices, "indptr": csr_data.indptr}.items(): # The current array is a device array. Don't copy, use it directly if isinstance(arr, parray.Array): setattr(self, "_old_" + name, getattr(self, name)) setattr(self, name, arr) # The current array is a numpy.ndarray: copy H2D elif isinstance(arr, numpy.ndarray): getattr(self, name)[:arr.size] = arr[:] else: raise ValueError("Unsupported array type: %s" % type(arr)) def _recover_arrays_references(self): """ Recover the previous arrays references, and return the references of the "current" arrays. """ array = self.array data = self.data indices = self.indices indptr = self.indptr for name in ["array", "data", "indices", "indptr"]: # self.X = self._old_X setattr(self, name, getattr(self, "_old_" + name)) return array, (data, indices, indptr) def get_sparse_arrays(self, output): """ Get the 2D dense array of the current context. :param output: tuple or None tuple in the form (data, indices, indptr). These arrays have to be compatible with the current context (size and data type). The content of these arrays will be overwritten with the result of the previous computation. """ numels = self.max_nnz if output is None: data = self.data.get()[:numels] ind = self.indices.get()[:numels] indptr = self.indptr.get() res = (data, ind, indptr) else: res = output return res def get_array(self, output): if output is None: res = self.array.get().reshape(self.shape) else: res = output return res # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------- Compaction ------------------------------------ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def sparsify(self, arr, output=None): """ Convert an image (2D matrix) into a CSR representation. :param arr: numpy.ndarray or pyopencl.array.Array Input array. :param output: tuple of pyopencl.array.Array, optional If provided, this must be a tuple of 3 arrays (data, indices, indptr). The content of each array is overwritten by the computation result. """ self.set_array(arr) self.set_sparse_arrays(tuple_to_csrdata(output)) evt = self.scan_kernel( self.array, self.data, self.indices, self.indptr, ) #~ evt.wait() self.profile_add(evt, "sparsification kernel") res = self.get_sparse_arrays(output) self._recover_arrays_references() return res # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------- Decompaction ---------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def densify(self, data, indices, indptr, output=None): self.set_sparse_arrays( CSRData(data=data, indices=indices, indptr=indptr) ) self.set_array(output) evt = self.kernels.densify_csr( self.queue, self._decomp_grid, self._decomp_wg, self.data.data, self.indices.data, self.indptr.data, self.array.data, numpy.int32(self.shape[0]), ) #~ evt.wait() self.profile_add(evt, "desparsification kernel") res = self.get_array(output) self._recover_arrays_references() return res