#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2016 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """Test of the linalg module""" from __future__ import division, print_function __authors__ = ["Pierre paleo"] __license__ = "MIT" __copyright__ = "2013-2017 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France" __date__ = "01/08/2019" import time import logging import numpy as np import unittest try: import mako except ImportError: mako = None from ..common import ocl if ocl: import pyopencl as cl import pyopencl.array as parray from .. import linalg from silx.test.utils import utilstest logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: from scipy.ndimage.filters import laplace _has_scipy = True except ImportError: _has_scipy = False # TODO move this function in math or image ? def gradient(img): ''' Compute the gradient of an image as a numpy array Code from https://github.com/emmanuelle/tomo-tv/ ''' shape = [img.ndim, ] + list(img.shape) gradient = np.zeros(shape, dtype=img.dtype) slice_all = [0, slice(None, -1),] for d in range(img.ndim): gradient[slice_all] = np.diff(img, axis=d) slice_all[0] = d + 1 slice_all.insert(1, slice(None)) return gradient # TODO move this function in math or image ? def divergence(grad): ''' Compute the divergence of a gradient Code from https://github.com/emmanuelle/tomo-tv/ ''' res = np.zeros(grad.shape[1:]) for d in range(grad.shape[0]): this_grad = np.rollaxis(grad[d], d) this_res = np.rollaxis(res, d) this_res[:-1] += this_grad[:-1] this_res[1:-1] -= this_grad[:-2] this_res[-1] -= this_grad[-2] return res @unittest.skipUnless(ocl and mako, "PyOpenCl is missing") class TestLinAlg(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): if ocl is None: return self.getfiles() self.la = linalg.LinAlg(self.image.shape) self.allocate_arrays() def allocate_arrays(self): """ Allocate various types of arrays for the tests """ # numpy images self.grad = np.zeros(self.image.shape, dtype=np.complex64) self.grad2 = np.zeros((2,) + self.image.shape, dtype=np.float32) self.grad_ref = gradient(self.image) self.div_ref = divergence(self.grad_ref) self.image2 = np.zeros_like(self.image) # Device images self.gradient_parray = parray.empty(self.la.queue, self.image.shape, np.complex64) self.gradient_parray.fill(0) # we should be using cl.Buffer(self.la.ctx, cl.mem_flags.READ_WRITE, size=self.image.nbytes*2), # but platforms not suporting openCL 1.2 have a problem with enqueue_fill_buffer, # so we use the parray "fill" utility self.gradient_buffer = self.gradient_parray.data # Do the same for image self.image_parray = parray.to_device(self.la.queue, self.image) self.image_buffer = self.image_parray.data # Refs tmp = np.zeros(self.image.shape, dtype=np.complex64) tmp.real = np.copy(self.grad_ref[0]) tmp.imag = np.copy(self.grad_ref[1]) self.grad_ref_parray = parray.to_device(self.la.queue, tmp) self.grad_ref_buffer = self.grad_ref_parray.data def tearDown(self): self.image = None self.image2 = None self.grad = None self.grad2 = None self.grad_ref = None self.div_ref = None self.gradient_parray.data.release() self.gradient_parray = None self.gradient_buffer = None self.image_parray.data.release() self.image_parray = None self.image_buffer = None self.grad_ref_parray.data.release() self.grad_ref_parray = None self.grad_ref_buffer = None def getfiles(self): # load 512x512 MRI phantom - TODO include Lena or ascent once a .npz is available self.image = np.load(utilstest.getfile("Brain512.npz"))["data"] def compare(self, result, reference, abstol, name): errmax = np.max(np.abs(result - reference)) logger.info("%s: Max error = %e" % (name, errmax)) self.assertTrue(errmax < abstol, str("%s: Max error is too high" % name)) @unittest.skipUnless(ocl and mako, "pyopencl is missing") def test_gradient(self): arrays = { "numpy.ndarray": self.image, "buffer": self.image_buffer, "parray": self.image_parray } for desc, image in arrays.items(): # Test with dst on host (numpy.ndarray) res = self.la.gradient(image, return_to_host=True) self.compare(res, self.grad_ref, 1e-6, str("gradient[src=%s, dst=numpy.ndarray]" % desc)) # Test with dst on device (pyopencl.Buffer) self.la.gradient(image, dst=self.gradient_buffer) cl.enqueue_copy(self.la.queue, self.grad, self.gradient_buffer) self.grad2[0] = self.grad.real self.grad2[1] = self.grad.imag self.compare(self.grad2, self.grad_ref, 1e-6, str("gradient[src=%s, dst=buffer]" % desc)) # Test with dst on device (pyopencl.Array) self.la.gradient(image, dst=self.gradient_parray) self.grad = self.gradient_parray.get() self.grad2[0] = self.grad.real self.grad2[1] = self.grad.imag self.compare(self.grad2, self.grad_ref, 1e-6, str("gradient[src=%s, dst=parray]" % desc)) @unittest.skipUnless(ocl and mako, "pyopencl is missing") def test_divergence(self): arrays = { "numpy.ndarray": self.grad_ref, "buffer": self.grad_ref_buffer, "parray": self.grad_ref_parray } for desc, grad in arrays.items(): # Test with dst on host (numpy.ndarray) res = self.la.divergence(grad, return_to_host=True) self.compare(res, self.div_ref, 1e-6, str("divergence[src=%s, dst=numpy.ndarray]" % desc)) # Test with dst on device (pyopencl.Buffer) self.la.divergence(grad, dst=self.image_buffer) cl.enqueue_copy(self.la.queue, self.image2, self.image_buffer) self.compare(self.image2, self.div_ref, 1e-6, str("divergence[src=%s, dst=buffer]" % desc)) # Test with dst on device (pyopencl.Array) self.la.divergence(grad, dst=self.image_parray) self.image2 = self.image_parray.get() self.compare(self.image2, self.div_ref, 1e-6, str("divergence[src=%s, dst=parray]" % desc)) @unittest.skipUnless(ocl and mako and _has_scipy, "pyopencl and/or scipy is missing") def test_laplacian(self): laplacian_ref = laplace(self.image) # Laplacian = div(grad) self.la.gradient(self.image) laplacian_ocl = self.la.divergence(self.la.d_gradient, return_to_host=True) self.compare(laplacian_ocl, laplacian_ref, 1e-6, "laplacian") def suite(): testSuite = unittest.TestSuite() testSuite.addTest(TestLinAlg("test_gradient")) testSuite.addTest(TestLinAlg("test_divergence")) testSuite.addTest(TestLinAlg("test_laplacian")) return testSuite if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(defaultTest="suite")