# /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2004-2018 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # This file is part of the PyMca X-ray Fluorescence Toolkit developed at # the ESRF by the Software group. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ############################################################################*/ __author__ = "Alexandre Gobbo, V.A. Sole - ESRF Data Analysis" __contact__ = "sole@esrf.fr" __license__ = "MIT" __copyright__ = "European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France" """ EdfFile.py Generic class for Edf files manipulation. Interface: =========================== class EdfFile: __init__(self,FileName) GetNumImages(self) def GetData(self,Index, DataType="",Pos=None,Size=None): GetPixel(self,Index,Position) GetHeader(self,Index) GetStaticHeader(self,Index) WriteImage (self,Header,Data,Append=1,DataType="",WriteAsUnsigened=0,ByteOrder="") Edf format assumptions: =========================== The following details were assumed for this implementation: - Each Edf file contains a certain number of data blocks. - Each data block represents data stored in an one, two or three-dimensional array. - Each data block contains a header section, written in ASCII, and a data section of binary information. - The size of the header section in bytes is a multiple of 1024. The header is padded with spaces (0x20). If the header is not padded to a multiple of 1024, the file is recognized, but the output is always made in this format. - The header section starts by '{' and finishes by '}'. It is composed by several pairs 'keyword = value;'. The keywords are case insensitive, but the values are case sensitive. Each pair is put in a new line (they are separeted by 0x0A). In the end of each line, a semicolon (;) separes the pair of a comment, not interpreted. Exemple: { ; Exemple Header HeaderID = EH:000001:000000:000000 ; automatically generated ByteOrder = LowByteFirst ; DataType = FloatValue ; 4 bytes per pixel Size = 4000000 ; size of data section Dim_1= 1000 ; x coordinates Dim_2 = 1000 ; y coordinates (padded with spaces to complete 1024 bytes) } - There are some fields in the header that are required for this implementation. If any of these is missing, or inconsistent, it will be generated an error: Size: Represents size of data block Dim_1: size of x coordinates (Dim_2 for 2-dimentional images, and also Dim_3 for 3d) DataType ByteOrder - For the written images, these fields are automatically genereted: Size,Dim_1 (Dim_2 and Dim_3, if necessary), Byte Order, DataType, HeaderID and Image These fields are called here "static header", and can be retrieved by the method GetStaticHeader. Other header components are taken by GetHeader. Both methods returns a dictionary in which the key is the keyword of the pair. When writting an image through WriteImage method, the Header parameter should not contain the static header information, which is automatically generated. - The indexing of images through these functions is based just on the 0-based position in the file, the header items HeaderID and Image are not considered for referencing the images. - The data section contais a number of bytes equal to the value of Size keyword. Data section is going to be translated into an 1D, 2D or 3D Numpy Array, and accessed through GetData method call. """ DEBUG = 0 ################################################################################ import sys import numpy import os.path try: import gzip GZIP = True except: GZIP = False try: import bz2 BZ2 = True except: BZ2 = False MARCCD_SUPPORT = False PILATUS_CBF_SUPPORT = False CAN_USE_FASTEDF = False # Using local TiffIO from . import TiffIO TIFF_SUPPORT = True # Constants HEADER_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024 STATIC_HEADER_ELEMENTS = ( "HeaderID", "Image", "ByteOrder", "DataType", "Dim_1", "Dim_2", "Dim_3", "Offset_1", "Offset_2", "Offset_3", "Size") STATIC_HEADER_ELEMENTS_CAPS = ( "HEADERID", "IMAGE", "BYTEORDER", "DATATYPE", "DIM_1", "DIM_2", "DIM_3", "OFFSET_1", "OFFSET_2", "OFFSET_3", "SIZE") LOWER_CASE = 0 UPPER_CASE = 1 KEYS = 1 VALUES = 2 class Image(object): """ """ def __init__(self): """ Constructor """ self.Header = {} self.StaticHeader = {} self.HeaderPosition = 0 self.DataPosition = 0 self.Size = 0 self.NumDim = 1 self.Dim1 = 0 self.Dim2 = 0 self.Dim3 = 0 self.DataType = "" class EdfFile(object): """ """ def __init__(self, FileName, access=None, fastedf=None): """ Constructor :param FileName: Name of the file (either existing or to be created) :type FileName: string :param access: access mode "r" for reading (the file should exist) or "w" for writing (if the file does not exist, it does not matter). :type access: string :type fastedf: True to use the fastedf module :param fastedf: bool """ self.Images = [] self.NumImages = 0 self.FileName = FileName self.File = 0 if fastedf is None: fastedf = 0 self.fastedf = fastedf self.ADSC = False self.MARCCD = False self.TIFF = False self.PILATUS_CBF = False self.SPE = False if sys.byteorder == "big": self.SysByteOrder = "HighByteFirst" else: self.SysByteOrder = "LowByteFirst" if hasattr(FileName, "seek") and\ hasattr(FileName, "read"): # this looks like a file descriptor ... self.__ownedOpen = False self.File = FileName try: self.FileName = self.File.name except AttributeError: self.FileName = self.File.filename elif FileName.lower().endswith('.gz'): if GZIP: self.__ownedOpen = False self.File = gzip.GzipFile(FileName) else: raise IOError("No gzip module support in this system") elif FileName.lower().endswith('.bz2'): if BZ2: self.__ownedOpen = False self.File = bz2.BZ2File(FileName) else: raise IOError("No bz2 module support in this system") else: self.__ownedOpen = True if self.File in [0, None]: if access is not None: if access[0].upper() == "R": if not os.path.isfile(self.FileName): raise IOError("File %s not found" % FileName) if 'b' not in access: access += 'b' if 1: if not os.path.isfile(self.FileName): # write access if access is None: # allow writing and reading access = "ab+" self.File = open(self.FileName, access) self.File.seek(0, 0) return if 'b' not in access: access += 'b' self.File = open(self.FileName, access) return else: if access is None: if (os.access(self.FileName, os.W_OK)): access = "r+b" else: access = "rb" self.File = open(self.FileName, access) self.File.seek(0, 0) twoChars = self.File.read(2) tiff = False if sys.version < '3.0': if twoChars in ["II", "MM"]: tiff = True elif twoChars in [eval('b"II"'), eval('b"MM"')]: tiff = True if tiff: fileExtension = os.path.splitext(self.FileName)[-1] if fileExtension.lower() in [".tif", ".tiff"] or\ sys.version > '2.9': if not TIFF_SUPPORT: raise IOError("TIFF support not implemented") else: self.TIFF = True elif not MARCCD_SUPPORT: if not TIFF_SUPPORT: raise IOError("MarCCD support not implemented") else: self.TIFF = True else: self.MARCCD = True basename = os.path.basename(FileName).upper() if basename.endswith('.CBF'): if not PILATUS_CBF_SUPPORT: raise IOError("CBF support not implemented") if twoChars[0] != "{": self.PILATUS_CBF = True elif basename.endswith('.SPE'): if twoChars[0] != "$": self.SPE = True elif basename.endswith('EDF.GZ') or basename.endswith('CCD.GZ'): self.GZIP = True else: try: self.File.close() except: pass raise IOError("EdfFile: Error opening file") self.File.seek(0, 0) if self.TIFF: self._wrapTIFF() self.File.close() return if self.MARCCD: self._wrapMarCCD() self.File.close() return if self.PILATUS_CBF: self._wrapPilatusCBF() self.File.close() return if self.SPE: self._wrapSPE() self.File.close() return Index = 0 line = self.File.readline() selectedLines = [""] if sys.version > '2.6': selectedLines.append(eval('b""')) parsingHeader = False while line not in selectedLines: # decode to make sure I have character string # str to make sure python 2.x sees it as string and not unicode if sys.version < '3.0': if type(line) != type(str("")): line = "%s" % line else: try: line = str(line.decode()) except UnicodeDecodeError: try: line = str(line.decode('utf-8')) except UnicodeDecodeError: try: line = str(line.decode('latin-1')) except UnicodeDecodeError: line = "%s" % line if (line.count("{\n") >= 1) or (line.count("{\r\n") >= 1): parsingHeader = True Index = self.NumImages self.NumImages = self.NumImages + 1 self.Images.append(Image()) if line.count("=") >= 1: listItems = line.split("=", 1) typeItem = listItems[0].strip() listItems = listItems[1].split(";", 1) valueItem = listItems[0].strip() if (typeItem == "HEADER_BYTES") and (Index == 0): self.ADSC = True break # if typeItem in self.Images[Index].StaticHeader.keys(): if typeItem.upper() in STATIC_HEADER_ELEMENTS_CAPS: self.Images[Index].StaticHeader[typeItem] = valueItem else: self.Images[Index].Header[typeItem] = valueItem if ((line.count("}\n") >= 1) or (line.count("}\r") >= 1)) and (parsingHeader): parsingHeader = False # for i in STATIC_HEADER_ELEMENTS_CAPS: # if self.Images[Index].StaticHeader[i]=="": # raise "Bad File Format" self.Images[Index].DataPosition = self.File.tell() # self.File.seek(int(self.Images[Index].StaticHeader["Size"]), 1) StaticPar = SetDictCase(self.Images[Index].StaticHeader, UPPER_CASE, KEYS) if "SIZE" in StaticPar.keys(): self.Images[Index].Size = int(StaticPar["SIZE"]) if self.Images[Index].Size <= 0: self.NumImages = Index line = self.File.readline() continue else: raise TypeError("EdfFile: Image doesn't have size information") if "DIM_1" in StaticPar.keys(): self.Images[Index].Dim1 = int(StaticPar["DIM_1"]) self.Images[Index].Offset1 = int(StaticPar.get("Offset_1", "0")) else: raise TypeError("EdfFile: Image doesn't have dimension information") if "DIM_2" in StaticPar.keys(): self.Images[Index].NumDim = 2 self.Images[Index].Dim2 = int(StaticPar["DIM_2"]) self.Images[Index].Offset2 = int(StaticPar.get("Offset_2", "0")) if "DIM_3" in StaticPar.keys(): self.Images[Index].NumDim = 3 self.Images[Index].Dim3 = int(StaticPar["DIM_3"]) self.Images[Index].Offset3 = int(StaticPar.get("Offset_3", "0")) if "DATATYPE" in StaticPar.keys(): self.Images[Index].DataType = StaticPar["DATATYPE"] else: raise TypeError("EdfFile: Image doesn't have datatype information") if "BYTEORDER" in StaticPar.keys(): self.Images[Index].ByteOrder = StaticPar["BYTEORDER"] else: raise TypeError("EdfFile: Image doesn't have byteorder information") self.File.seek(self.Images[Index].Size, 1) line = self.File.readline() if self.ADSC: self.File.seek(0, 0) self.NumImages = 1 # this is a bad implementation of fabio adscimage # please take a look at the fabio module of fable at sourceforge infile = self.File header_keys = [] header = {} try: """ read an adsc header """ line = infile.readline() bytesread = len(line) while '}' not in line: if '=' in line: (key, val) = line.split('=') header_keys.append(key.strip()) header[key.strip()] = val.strip(' ;\n') line = infile.readline() bytesread = bytesread + len(line) except: raise Exception("Error processing adsc header") # banned by bzip/gzip??? try: infile.seek(int(header['HEADER_BYTES']), 0) except TypeError: # Gzipped does not allow a seek and read header is not # promising to stop in the right place infile.close() infile = self._open(fname, "rb") infile.read(int(header['HEADER_BYTES'])) binary = infile.read() infile.close() # now read the data into the array self.Images[Index].Dim1 = int(header['SIZE1']) self.Images[Index].Dim2 = int(header['SIZE2']) self.Images[Index].NumDim = 2 self.Images[Index].DataType = 'UnsignedShort' try: self.__data = numpy.reshape( numpy.fromstring(binary, numpy.uint16), (self.Images[Index].Dim2, self.Images[Index].Dim1)) except ValueError: msg = 'Size spec in ADSC-header does not match size of image data field' raise IOError(msg) if 'little' in header['BYTE_ORDER']: self.Images[Index].ByteOrder = 'LowByteFirst' else: self.Images[Index].ByteOrder = 'HighByteFirst' if self.SysByteOrder.upper() != self.Images[Index].ByteOrder.upper(): self.__data = self.__data.byteswap() self.Images[Index].ByteOrder = self.SysByteOrder self.Images[Index].StaticHeader['Dim_1'] = self.Images[Index].Dim1 self.Images[Index].StaticHeader['Dim_2'] = self.Images[Index].Dim2 self.Images[Index].StaticHeader['Offset_1'] = 0 self.Images[Index].StaticHeader['Offset_2'] = 0 self.Images[Index].StaticHeader['DataType'] = self.Images[Index].DataType self.__makeSureFileIsClosed() def _wrapTIFF(self): self._wrappedInstance = TiffIO.TiffIO(self.File, cache_length=0, mono_output=True) self.NumImages = self._wrappedInstance.getNumberOfImages() if self.NumImages < 1: return # wrapped image objects have to provide getInfo and getData # info = self._wrappedInstance.getInfo( index) # data = self._wrappedInstance.getData( index) # for the time being I am going to assume all the images # in the file have the same data type type data = None for Index in range(self.NumImages): info = self._wrappedInstance.getInfo(Index) self.Images.append(Image()) self.Images[Index].Dim1 = info['nRows'] self.Images[Index].Dim2 = info['nColumns'] self.Images[Index].NumDim = 2 if data is None: data = self._wrappedInstance.getData(0) self.Images[Index].DataType = self.__GetDefaultEdfType__(data.dtype) self.Images[Index].StaticHeader['Dim_1'] = self.Images[Index].Dim1 self.Images[Index].StaticHeader['Dim_2'] = self.Images[Index].Dim2 self.Images[Index].StaticHeader['Offset_1'] = 0 self.Images[Index].StaticHeader['Offset_2'] = 0 self.Images[Index].StaticHeader['DataType'] = self.Images[Index].DataType self.Images[Index].Header.update(info) def _wrapMarCCD(self): raise NotImplementedError("Look at the module EdfFile from PyMca") def _wrapPilatusCBF(self): raise NotImplementedError("Look at the module EdfFile from PyMca") def _wrapSPE(self): if 0 and sys.version < '3.0': self.File.seek(42) xdim = numpy.int64(numpy.fromfile(self.File, numpy.int16, 1)[0]) self.File.seek(656) ydim = numpy.int64(numpy.fromfile(self.File, numpy.int16, 1)) self.File.seek(4100) self.__data = numpy.fromfile(self.File, numpy.uint16, int(xdim * ydim)) else: import struct self.File.seek(0) a = self.File.read() xdim = numpy.int64(struct.unpack('= self.NumImages: raise ValueError("EdfFile: Index out of limit") if fastedf is None: fastedf = 0 if Pos is None and Size is None: if self.ADSC or self.MARCCD or self.PILATUS_CBF or self.SPE: return self.__data elif self.TIFF: data = self._wrappedInstance.getData(Index) return data else: self.File.seek(self.Images[Index].DataPosition, 0) datatype = self.__GetDefaultNumpyType__(self.Images[Index].DataType, index=Index) try: datasize = self.__GetSizeNumpyType__(datatype) except TypeError: print("What is the meaning of this error?") datasize = 8 if self.Images[Index].NumDim == 3: image = self.Images[Index] sizeToRead = image.Dim1 * image.Dim2 * image.Dim3 * datasize Data = numpy.fromstring(self.File.read(sizeToRead), datatype) Data = numpy.reshape(Data, (self.Images[Index].Dim3, self.Images[Index].Dim2, self.Images[Index].Dim1)) elif self.Images[Index].NumDim == 2: image = self.Images[Index] sizeToRead = image.Dim1 * image.Dim2 * datasize Data = numpy.fromstring(self.File.read(sizeToRead), datatype) # print "datatype = ",datatype # print "Data.type = ", Data.dtype.char # print "self.Images[Index].DataType ", self.Images[Index].DataType # print "Data.shape",Data.shape # print "datasize = ",datasize # print "sizeToRead ",sizeToRead # print "lenData = ", len(Data) Data = numpy.reshape(Data, (self.Images[Index].Dim2, self.Images[Index].Dim1)) elif self.Images[Index].NumDim == 1: sizeToRead = self.Images[Index].Dim1 * datasize Data = numpy.fromstring(self.File.read(sizeToRead), datatype) elif self.ADSC or self.MARCCD or self.PILATUS_CBF or self.SPE: return self.__data[Pos[1]:(Pos[1] + Size[1]), Pos[0]:(Pos[0] + Size[0])] elif self.TIFF: data = self._wrappedInstance.getData(Index) return data[Pos[1]:(Pos[1] + Size[1]), Pos[0]:(Pos[0] + Size[0])] elif fastedf and CAN_USE_FASTEDF: raise NotImplementedError("Look at the module EdfFile from PyMCA") else: if fastedf: print("It could not use fast routines") type_ = self.__GetDefaultNumpyType__(self.Images[Index].DataType, index=Index) size_pixel = self.__GetSizeNumpyType__(type_) Data = numpy.array([], type_) if self.Images[Index].NumDim == 1: if Pos is None: Pos = (0,) if Size is None: Size = (0,) sizex = self.Images[Index].Dim1 Size = list(Size) if Size[0] == 0: Size[0] = sizex - Pos[0] self.File.seek((Pos[0] * size_pixel) + self.Images[Index].DataPosition, 0) Data = numpy.fromstring(self.File.read(Size[0] * size_pixel), type_) elif self.Images[Index].NumDim == 2: if Pos is None: Pos = (0, 0) if Size is None: Size = (0, 0) Size = list(Size) sizex, sizey = self.Images[Index].Dim1, self.Images[Index].Dim2 if Size[0] == 0: Size[0] = sizex - Pos[0] if Size[1] == 0: Size[1] = sizey - Pos[1] # print len(range(Pos[1],Pos[1]+Size[1])), "LECTURES OF ", Size[0], "POINTS" # print "sizex = ", sizex, "sizey = ", sizey Data = numpy.zeros((Size[1], Size[0]), type_) dataindex = 0 for y in range(Pos[1], Pos[1] + Size[1]): self.File.seek((((y * sizex) + Pos[0]) * size_pixel) + self.Images[Index].DataPosition, 0) line = numpy.fromstring(self.File.read(Size[0] * size_pixel), type_) Data[dataindex, :] = line[:] # Data=numpy.concatenate((Data,line)) dataindex += 1 # print "DataSize = ",Data.shape # print "Requested reshape = ",Size[1],'x',Size[0] # Data = numpy.reshape(Data, (Size[1],Size[0])) elif self.Images[Index].NumDim == 3: if Pos is None: Pos = (0, 0, 0) if Size is None: Size = (0, 0, 0) Size = list(Size) sizex, sizey, sizez = self.Images[Index].Dim1, self.Images[Index].Dim2, self.Images[Index].Dim3 if Size[0] == 0: Size[0] = sizex - Pos[0] if Size[1] == 0: Size[1] = sizey - Pos[1] if Size[2] == 0: Size[2] = sizez - Pos[2] for z in range(Pos[2], Pos[2] + Size[2]): for y in range(Pos[1], Pos[1] + Size[1]): self.File.seek(((((z * sizey + y) * sizex) + Pos[0]) * size_pixel) + self.Images[Index].DataPosition, 0) line = numpy.fromstring(self.File.read(Size[0] * size_pixel), type_) Data = numpy.concatenate((Data, line)) Data = numpy.reshape(Data, (Size[2], Size[1], Size[0])) if self.SysByteOrder.upper() != self.Images[Index].ByteOrder.upper(): Data = Data.byteswap() if DataType != "": Data = self.__SetDataType__(Data, DataType) return Data def GetPixel(self, Index, Position): """ Returns double value of the pixel, regardless the format of the array Index: The zero-based index of the image in the file Position: Tuple with the coordinete (x), (x,y) or (x,y,z) """ if Index < 0 or Index >= self.NumImages: raise ValueError("EdfFile: Index out of limit") if len(Position) != self.Images[Index].NumDim: raise ValueError("EdfFile: coordinate with wrong dimension ") size_pixel = self.__GetSizeNumpyType__(self.__GetDefaultNumpyType__(self.Images[Index].DataType, index=Index)) offset = Position[0] * size_pixel if self.Images[Index].NumDim > 1: size_row = size_pixel * self.Images[Index].Dim1 offset = offset + (Position[1] * size_row) if self.Images[Index].NumDim == 3: size_img = size_row * self.Images[Index].Dim2 offset = offset + (Position[2] * size_img) self.File.seek(self.Images[Index].DataPosition + offset, 0) Data = numpy.fromstring(self.File.read(size_pixel), self.__GetDefaultNumpyType__(self.Images[Index].DataType, index=Index)) if self.SysByteOrder.upper() != self.Images[Index].ByteOrder.upper(): Data = Data.byteswap() Data = self.__SetDataType__(Data, "DoubleValue") return Data[0] def GetHeader(self, Index): """ Returns dictionary with image header fields. Does not include the basic fields (static) defined by data shape, type and file position. These are get with GetStaticHeader method. Index: The zero-based index of the image in the file """ if Index < 0 or Index >= self.NumImages: raise ValueError("Index out of limit") # return self.Images[Index].Header ret = {} for i in self.Images[Index].Header.keys(): ret[i] = self.Images[Index].Header[i] return ret def GetStaticHeader(self, Index): """ Returns dictionary with static parameters Data format and file position dependent information (dim1,dim2,size,datatype,byteorder,headerId,Image) Index: The zero-based index of the image in the file """ if Index < 0 or Index >= self.NumImages: raise ValueError("Index out of limit") # return self.Images[Index].StaticHeader ret = {} for i in self.Images[Index].StaticHeader.keys(): ret[i] = self.Images[Index].StaticHeader[i] return ret def WriteImage(self, *var, **kw): try: self.__makeSureFileIsOpen() return self._WriteImage(*var, **kw) finally: self.__makeSureFileIsClosed() def _WriteImage(self, Header, Data, Append=1, DataType="", ByteOrder=""): """ Writes image to the file. Header: Dictionary containing the non-static header information (static information is generated according to position of image and data format Append: If equals to 0, overwrites the file. Otherwise, appends to the end of the file DataType: The data type to be saved to the file: SignedByte UnsignedByte SignedShort UnsignedShort SignedInteger UnsignedInteger SignedLong UnsignedLong FloatValue DoubleValue Default: according to Data array typecode: 1: SignedByte b: UnsignedByte s: SignedShort w: UnsignedShort i: SignedInteger l: SignedLong u: UnsignedLong f: FloatValue d: DoubleValue ByteOrder: Byte order of the data in file: HighByteFirst LowByteFirst Default: system's byte order """ if Append == 0: self.File.truncate(0) self.Images = [] self.NumImages = 0 Index = self.NumImages self.NumImages = self.NumImages + 1 self.Images.append(Image()) # self.Images[Index].StaticHeader["Dim_1"] = "%d" % Data.shape[1] # self.Images[Index].StaticHeader["Dim_2"] = "%d" % Data.shape[0] scalarSize = self.__GetSizeNumpyType__(Data.dtype) if len(Data.shape) == 1: self.Images[Index].Dim1 = Data.shape[0] self.Images[Index].StaticHeader["Dim_1"] = "%d" % self.Images[Index].Dim1 self.Images[Index].Size = Data.shape[0] * scalarSize elif len(Data.shape) == 2: self.Images[Index].Dim1 = Data.shape[1] self.Images[Index].Dim2 = Data.shape[0] self.Images[Index].StaticHeader["Dim_1"] = "%d" % self.Images[Index].Dim1 self.Images[Index].StaticHeader["Dim_2"] = "%d" % self.Images[Index].Dim2 self.Images[Index].Size = Data.shape[0] * Data.shape[1] * scalarSize self.Images[Index].NumDim = 2 elif len(Data.shape) == 3: self.Images[Index].Dim1 = Data.shape[2] self.Images[Index].Dim2 = Data.shape[1] self.Images[Index].Dim3 = Data.shape[0] self.Images[Index].StaticHeader["Dim_1"] = "%d" % self.Images[Index].Dim1 self.Images[Index].StaticHeader["Dim_2"] = "%d" % self.Images[Index].Dim2 self.Images[Index].StaticHeader["Dim_3"] = "%d" % self.Images[Index].Dim3 self.Images[Index].Size = Data.shape[0] * Data.shape[1] * Data.shape[2] * scalarSize self.Images[Index].NumDim = 3 elif len(Data.shape) > 3: raise TypeError("EdfFile: Data dimension not suported") if DataType == "": self.Images[Index].DataType = self.__GetDefaultEdfType__(Data.dtype) else: self.Images[Index].DataType = DataType Data = self.__SetDataType__(Data, DataType) if ByteOrder == "": self.Images[Index].ByteOrder = self.SysByteOrder else: self.Images[Index].ByteOrder = ByteOrder self.Images[Index].StaticHeader["Size"] = "%d" % self.Images[Index].Size self.Images[Index].StaticHeader["Image"] = Index + 1 self.Images[Index].StaticHeader["HeaderID"] = "EH:%06d:000000:000000" % self.Images[Index].StaticHeader["Image"] self.Images[Index].StaticHeader["ByteOrder"] = self.Images[Index].ByteOrder self.Images[Index].StaticHeader["DataType"] = self.Images[Index].DataType self.Images[Index].Header = {} self.File.seek(0, 2) StrHeader = "{\n" for i in STATIC_HEADER_ELEMENTS: if i in self.Images[Index].StaticHeader.keys(): StrHeader = StrHeader + ("%s = %s ;\n" % (i, self.Images[Index].StaticHeader[i])) for i in Header.keys(): StrHeader = StrHeader + ("%s = %s ;\n" % (i, Header[i])) self.Images[Index].Header[i] = Header[i] newsize = (((len(StrHeader) + 1) / HEADER_BLOCK_SIZE) + 1) * HEADER_BLOCK_SIZE - 2 newsize = int(newsize) StrHeader = StrHeader.ljust(newsize) StrHeader = StrHeader + "}\n" self.Images[Index].HeaderPosition = self.File.tell() self.File.write(StrHeader.encode()) self.Images[Index].DataPosition = self.File.tell() # if self.Images[Index].StaticHeader["ByteOrder"] != self.SysByteOrder: if self.Images[Index].ByteOrder.upper() != self.SysByteOrder.upper(): self.File.write((Data.byteswap()).tostring()) else: self.File.write(Data.tostring()) def __makeSureFileIsOpen(self): if DEBUG: print("Making sure file is open") if not self.__ownedOpen: return if self.ADSC or self.MARCCD or self.PILATUS_CBF or self.SPE: if DEBUG: print("Special case. Image is buffered") return if self.File in [0, None]: if DEBUG: print("File is None") elif self.File.closed: if DEBUG: print("Reopening closed file") accessMode = self.File.mode fileName = self.File.name newFile = open(fileName, accessMode) self.File = newFile return def __makeSureFileIsClosed(self): if DEBUG: print("Making sure file is closed") if not self.__ownedOpen: return if self.ADSC or self.MARCCD or self.PILATUS_CBF or self.SPE: if DEBUG: print("Special case. Image is buffered") return if self.File in [0, None]: if DEBUG: print("File is None") elif not self.File.closed: if DEBUG: print("Closing file") self.File.close() return def __GetDefaultNumpyType__(self, EdfType, index=None): """ Internal method: returns NumPy type according to Edf type """ return self.GetDefaultNumpyType(EdfType, index) def __GetDefaultEdfType__(self, NumpyType): """ Internal method: returns Edf type according Numpy type """ if NumpyType in ["b", numpy.int8]: return "SignedByte" elif NumpyType in ["B", numpy.uint8]: return "UnsignedByte" elif NumpyType in ["h", numpy.int16]: return "SignedShort" elif NumpyType in ["H", numpy.uint16]: return "UnsignedShort" elif NumpyType in ["i", numpy.int32]: return "SignedInteger" elif NumpyType in ["I", numpy.uint32]: return "UnsignedInteger" elif NumpyType == "l": if sys.platform == 'linux2': return "Signed64" else: return "SignedLong" elif NumpyType == "L": if sys.platform == 'linux2': return "Unsigned64" else: return "UnsignedLong" elif NumpyType == numpy.int64: return "Signed64" elif NumpyType == numpy.uint64: return "Unsigned64" elif NumpyType in ["f", numpy.float32]: return "FloatValue" elif NumpyType in ["d", numpy.float64]: return "DoubleValue" else: raise TypeError("unknown NumpyType %s" % NumpyType) def __GetSizeNumpyType__(self, NumpyType): """ Internal method: returns size of NumPy's Array Types """ if NumpyType in ["b", numpy.int8]: return 1 elif NumpyType in ["B", numpy.uint8]: return 1 elif NumpyType in ["h", numpy.int16]: return 2 elif NumpyType in ["H", numpy.uint16]: return 2 elif NumpyType in ["i", numpy.int32]: return 4 elif NumpyType in ["I", numpy.uint32]: return 4 elif NumpyType == "l": if sys.platform == 'linux2': return 8 # 64 bit else: return 4 # 32 bit elif NumpyType == "L": if sys.platform == 'linux2': return 8 # 64 bit else: return 4 # 32 bit elif NumpyType in ["f", numpy.float32]: return 4 elif NumpyType in ["d", numpy.float64]: return 8 elif NumpyType == "Q": return 8 # unsigned 64 in 32 bit elif NumpyType == "q": return 8 # signed 64 in 32 bit elif NumpyType == numpy.uint64: return 8 elif NumpyType == numpy.int64: return 8 else: raise TypeError("unknown NumpyType %s" % NumpyType) def __SetDataType__(self, Array, DataType): """ Internal method: array type convertion """ # AVOID problems not using FromEdfType= Array.dtype.char FromEdfType = Array.dtype ToEdfType = self.__GetDefaultNumpyType__(DataType) if ToEdfType != FromEdfType: aux = Array.astype(self.__GetDefaultNumpyType__(DataType)) return aux return Array def __del__(self): try: self.__makeSureFileIsClosed() except: pass def GetDefaultNumpyType(self, EdfType, index=None): """ Returns NumPy type according Edf type """ if index is None: return GetDefaultNumpyType(EdfType) EdfType = EdfType.upper() if EdfType in ['SIGNED64']: return numpy.int64 if EdfType in ['UNSIGNED64']: return numpy.uint64 if EdfType in ["SIGNEDLONG", "UNSIGNEDLONG"]: dim1 = 1 dim2 = 1 dim3 = 1 if hasattr(self.Images[index], "Dim1"): dim1 = self.Images[index].Dim1 if hasattr(self.Images[index], "Dim2"): dim2 = self.Images[index].Dim2 if dim2 <= 0: dim2 = 1 if hasattr(self.Images[index], "Dim3"): dim3 = self.Images[index].Dim3 if dim3 <= 0: dim3 = 1 if hasattr(self.Images[index], "Size"): size = self.Images[index].Size if size / (dim1 * dim2 * dim3) == 8: if EdfType == "UNSIGNEDLONG": return numpy.uint64 else: return numpy.int64 if EdfType == "UNSIGNEDLONG": return numpy.uint32 else: return numpy.int32 return GetDefaultNumpyType(EdfType) def GetDefaultNumpyType(EdfType): """ Returns NumPy type according Edf type """ EdfType = EdfType.upper() if EdfType == "SIGNEDBYTE": return numpy.int8 # "b" elif EdfType == "UNSIGNEDBYTE": return numpy.uint8 # "B" elif EdfType == "SIGNEDSHORT": return numpy.int16 # "h" elif EdfType == "UNSIGNEDSHORT": return numpy.uint16 # "H" elif EdfType == "SIGNEDINTEGER": return numpy.int32 # "i" elif EdfType == "UNSIGNEDINTEGER": return numpy.uint32 # "I" elif EdfType == "SIGNEDLONG": return numpy.int32 # "i" #ESRF acquisition is made in 32bit elif EdfType == "UNSIGNEDLONG": return numpy.uint32 # "I" #ESRF acquisition is made in 32bit elif EdfType == "SIGNED64": return numpy.int64 # "l" elif EdfType == "UNSIGNED64": return numpy.uint64 # "L" elif EdfType == "FLOATVALUE": return numpy.float32 # "f" elif EdfType == "FLOAT": return numpy.float32 # "f" elif EdfType == "DOUBLEVALUE": return numpy.float64 # "d" else: raise TypeError("unknown EdfType %s" % EdfType) def SetDictCase(Dict, Case, Flag): """ Returns dictionary with keys and/or values converted into upper or lowercase Dict: input dictionary Case: LOWER_CASE, UPPER_CASE Flag: KEYS, VALUES or KEYS | VALUES """ newdict = {} for i in Dict.keys(): newkey = i newvalue = Dict[i] if Flag & KEYS: if Case == LOWER_CASE: newkey = newkey.lower() else: newkey = newkey.upper() if Flag & VALUES: if Case == LOWER_CASE: newvalue = newvalue.lower() else: newvalue = newvalue.upper() newdict[newkey] = newvalue return newdict def GetRegion(Arr, Pos, Size): """Returns array with refion of Arr. Arr must be 1d, 2d or 3d Pos and Size are tuples in the format (x) or (x,y) or (x,y,z) Both parameters must have the same size as the dimention of Arr """ Dim = len(Arr.shape) if len(Pos) != Dim: return None if len(Size) != Dim: return None if (Dim == 1): SizeX = Size[0] if SizeX == 0: SizeX = Arr.shape[0] - Pos[0] ArrRet = numpy.take(Arr, range(Pos[0], Pos[0] + SizeX)) elif (Dim == 2): SizeX = Size[0] SizeY = Size[1] if SizeX == 0: SizeX = Arr.shape[1] - Pos[0] if SizeY == 0: SizeY = Arr.shape[0] - Pos[1] ArrRet = numpy.take(Arr, range(Pos[1], Pos[1] + SizeY)) ArrRet = numpy.take(ArrRet, range(Pos[0], Pos[0] + SizeX), 1) elif (Dim == 3): SizeX = Size[0] SizeY = Size[1] SizeZ = Size[2] if SizeX == 0: SizeX = Arr.shape[2] - Pos[0] if SizeY == 0: SizeX = Arr.shape[1] - Pos[1] if SizeZ == 0: SizeZ = Arr.shape[0] - Pos[2] ArrRet = numpy.take(Arr, range(Pos[2], Pos[2] + SizeZ)) ArrRet = numpy.take(ArrRet, range(Pos[1], Pos[1] + SizeY), 1) ArrRet = numpy.take(ArrRet, range(Pos[0], Pos[0] + SizeX), 2) else: ArrRet = None return ArrRet if __name__ == "__main__": if 1: a = numpy.zeros((5, 10)) for i in range(5): for j in range(10): a[i, j] = 10 * i + j edf = EdfFile("armando.edf", access="ab+") edf.WriteImage({}, a) del edf # force to close the file inp = EdfFile("armando.edf") b = inp.GetData(0) out = EdfFile("armando2.edf") out.WriteImage({}, b) del out # force to close the file inp2 = EdfFile("armando2.edf") c = inp2.GetData(0) print("A SHAPE = ", a.shape) print("B SHAPE = ", b.shape) print("C SHAPE = ", c.shape) for i in range(5): print("A", a[i, :]) print("B", b[i, :]) print("C", c[i, :]) x = numpy.arange(100) x.shape = 5, 20 for item in ["SignedByte", "UnsignedByte", "SignedShort", "UnsignedShort", "SignedLong", "UnsignedLong", "Signed64", "Unsigned64", "FloatValue", "DoubleValue"]: fname = item + ".edf" if os.path.exists(fname): os.remove(fname) towrite = EdfFile(fname) towrite.WriteImage({}, x, DataType=item, Append=0) sys.exit(0) # Creates object based on file exe.edf exe = EdfFile("images/test_image.edf") x = EdfFile("images/test_getdata.edf") # Gets unsigned short data, storing in an signed long arr = exe.GetData(0, Pos=(100, 200), Size=(200, 400)) x.WriteImage({}, arr, 0) arr = exe.GetData(0, Pos=(100, 200)) x.WriteImage({}, arr) arr = exe.GetData(0, Size=(200, 400)) x.WriteImage({}, arr) arr = exe.GetData(0) x.WriteImage({}, arr) sys.exit() # Creates object based on file exe.edf exe = EdfFile("images/.edf") # Creates long array , filled with 0xFFFFFFFF(-1) la = numpy.zeros((100, 100)) la = la - 1 # Creates a short array, filled with 0xFFFF sa = numpy.zeros((100, 100)) sa = sa + 0xFFFF sa = sa.astype("s") # Writes long array, initializing file (append=0) exe.WriteImage({}, la, 0, "") # Appends short array with new header items exe.WriteImage({'Name': 'Alexandre', 'Date': '16/07/2001'}, sa) # Appends short array, in Edf type unsigned exe.WriteImage({}, sa, DataType="UnsignedShort") # Appends short array, in Edf type unsigned exe.WriteImage({}, sa, DataType="UnsignedLong") # Appends long array as a double, considering unsigned exe.WriteImage({}, la, DataType="DoubleValue", WriteAsUnsigened=1) # Gets unsigned short data, storing in an signed long ushort = exe.GetData(2, "SignedLong") # Makes an operation ushort = ushort - 0x10 # Saves Result as signed long exe.WriteImage({}, ushort) # Saves in the original format (unsigned short) OldHeader = exe.GetStaticHeader(2) exe.WriteImage({}, ushort, 1, OldHeader["DataType"])