# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2017-2021 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ###########################################################################*/ """This package provides a class sharred by widget from the data module to format data as text in the same way.""" __authors__ = ["V. Valls"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "24/07/2018" import logging import numbers import numpy from silx.gui import qt import h5py _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TextFormatter(qt.QObject): """Formatter to convert data to string. The method :meth:`toString` returns a formatted string from an input data using parameters set to this object. It support most python and numpy data, expecting dictionary. Unsupported data are displayed using the string representation of the object (`str`). It provides a set of parameters to custom the formatting of integer and float values (:meth:`setIntegerFormat`, :meth:`setFloatFormat`). It also allows to custom the use of quotes to display text data (:meth:`setUseQuoteForText`), and custom unit used to display imaginary numbers (:meth:`setImaginaryUnit`). The object emit an event `formatChanged` every time a parametter is changed. """ formatChanged = qt.Signal() """Emitted when properties of the formatter change.""" def __init__(self, parent=None, formatter=None): """ Constructor :param qt.QObject parent: Owner of the object :param TextFormatter formatter: Instantiate this object from the formatter """ qt.QObject.__init__(self, parent) if formatter is not None: self.__integerFormat = formatter.integerFormat() self.__floatFormat = formatter.floatFormat() self.__useQuoteForText = formatter.useQuoteForText() self.__imaginaryUnit = formatter.imaginaryUnit() self.__enumFormat = formatter.enumFormat() else: self.__integerFormat = "%d" self.__floatFormat = "%g" self.__useQuoteForText = True self.__imaginaryUnit = u"j" self.__enumFormat = u"%(name)s(%(value)d)" def integerFormat(self): """Returns the format string controlling how the integer data are formated by this object. This is the C-style format string used by python when formatting strings with the modulus operator. :rtype: str """ return self.__integerFormat def setIntegerFormat(self, value): """Set format string controlling how the integer data are formated by this object. :param str value: Format string (e.g. "%d", "%i", "%08i"). This is the C-style format string used by python when formatting strings with the modulus operator. """ if self.__integerFormat == value: return self.__integerFormat = value self.formatChanged.emit() def floatFormat(self): """Returns the format string controlling how the floating-point data are formated by this object. This is the C-style format string used by python when formatting strings with the modulus operator. :rtype: str """ return self.__floatFormat def setFloatFormat(self, value): """Set format string controlling how the floating-point data are formated by this object. :param str value: Format string (e.g. "%.3f", "%d", "%-10.2f", "%10.3e"). This is the C-style format string used by python when formatting strings with the modulus operator. """ if self.__floatFormat == value: return self.__floatFormat = value self.formatChanged.emit() def useQuoteForText(self): """Returns true if the string data are formatted using double quotes. Else, no quotes are used. """ return self.__integerFormat def setUseQuoteForText(self, useQuote): """Set the use of quotes to delimit string data. :param bool useQuote: True to use quotes. """ if self.__useQuoteForText == useQuote: return self.__useQuoteForText = useQuote self.formatChanged.emit() def imaginaryUnit(self): """Returns the unit display for imaginary numbers. :rtype: str """ return self.__imaginaryUnit def setImaginaryUnit(self, imaginaryUnit): """Set the unit display for imaginary numbers. :param str imaginaryUnit: Unit displayed after imaginary numbers """ if self.__imaginaryUnit == imaginaryUnit: return self.__imaginaryUnit = imaginaryUnit self.formatChanged.emit() def setEnumFormat(self, value): """Set format string controlling how the enum data are formated by this object. :param str value: Format string (e.g. "%(name)s(%(value)d)"). This is the C-style format string used by python when formatting strings with the modulus operator. """ if self.__enumFormat == value: return self.__enumFormat = value self.formatChanged.emit() def enumFormat(self): """Returns the format string controlling how the enum data are formated by this object. This is the C-style format string used by python when formatting strings with the modulus operator. :rtype: str """ return self.__enumFormat def __formatText(self, text): if self.__useQuoteForText: text = "\"%s\"" % text.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\"", "\\\"") return text def __formatBinary(self, data): if isinstance(data, numpy.void): data = data.item() if isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray): # Before numpy 1.15.0 the item API was returning a numpy array data = data.astype(numpy.uint8) else: # Now it is supposed to be a bytes type pass data = ["\\x%02X" % d for d in data] if self.__useQuoteForText: return "b\"%s\"" % "".join(data) else: return "".join(data) def __formatSafeAscii(self, data): data = [chr(d) if (d > 0x20 and d < 0x7F) else "\\x%02X" % d for d in data] if self.__useQuoteForText: data = [c if c != '"' else "\\" + c for c in data] return "b\"%s\"" % "".join(data) else: return "".join(data) def __formatCharString(self, data): """Format text of char. From the specifications we expect to have ASCII, but we also allow CP1252 in some ceases as fallback. If no encoding fits, it will display a readable ASCII chars, with escaped chars (using the python syntax) for non decoded characters. :param data: A binary string of char expected in ASCII :rtype: str """ try: text = "%s" % data.decode("ascii") return self.__formatText(text) except UnicodeDecodeError: # Here we can spam errors, this is definitly a badly # generated file _logger.error("Invalid ASCII string %s.", data) if data == b"\xB0": _logger.error("Fallback using cp1252 encoding") return self.__formatText(u"\u00B0") return self.__formatSafeAscii(data) def __formatH5pyObject(self, data, dtype): # That's an HDF5 object ref = h5py.check_dtype(ref=dtype) if ref is not None: if bool(data): return "REF" else: return "NULL_REF" vlen = h5py.check_dtype(vlen=dtype) if vlen is not None: if vlen == str: # HDF5 UTF8 # With h5py>=3 reading dataset returns bytes if isinstance(data, (bytes, numpy.bytes_)): try: data = data.decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: self.__formatSafeAscii(data) return self.__formatText(data) elif vlen == bytes: # HDF5 ASCII return self.__formatCharString(data) elif isinstance(vlen, numpy.dtype): return self.toString(data, vlen) return None def toString(self, data, dtype=None): """Format a data into a string using formatter options :param object data: Data to render :param dtype: enforce a dtype (mostly used to remember the h5py dtype, special h5py dtypes are not propagated from array to items) :rtype: str """ if isinstance(data, tuple): text = [self.toString(d) for d in data] return "(" + " ".join(text) + ")" elif isinstance(data, list): text = [self.toString(d) for d in data] return "[" + " ".join(text) + "]" elif isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray): if dtype is None: dtype = data.dtype if data.shape == (): # it is a scaler return self.toString(data[()], dtype) else: text = [self.toString(d, dtype) for d in data] return "[" + " ".join(text) + "]" if dtype is not None and dtype.kind == 'O': text = self.__formatH5pyObject(data, dtype) if text is not None: return text elif isinstance(data, numpy.void): if dtype is None: dtype = data.dtype if dtype.fields is not None: text = [] for index, field in enumerate(dtype.fields.items()): text.append(field[0] + ":" + self.toString(data[index], field[1][0])) return "(" + " ".join(text) + ")" return self.__formatBinary(data) elif isinstance(data, (numpy.unicode_, str)): return self.__formatText(data) elif isinstance(data, (numpy.string_, bytes)): if dtype is None and hasattr(data, "dtype"): dtype = data.dtype if dtype is not None: # Maybe a sub item from HDF5 if dtype.kind == 'S': return self.__formatCharString(data) elif dtype.kind == 'O': text = self.__formatH5pyObject(data, dtype) if text is not None: return text try: # Try ascii/utf-8 text = "%s" % data.decode("utf-8") return self.__formatText(text) except UnicodeDecodeError: pass return self.__formatBinary(data) elif isinstance(data, str): text = "%s" % data return self.__formatText(text) elif isinstance(data, (numpy.integer)): if dtype is None: dtype = data.dtype enumType = h5py.check_dtype(enum=dtype) if enumType is not None: for key, value in enumType.items(): if value == data: result = {} result["name"] = key result["value"] = data return self.__enumFormat % result return self.__integerFormat % data elif isinstance(data, (numbers.Integral)): return self.__integerFormat % data elif isinstance(data, (numbers.Real, numpy.floating)): # It have to be done before complex checking return self.__floatFormat % data elif isinstance(data, (numpy.complexfloating, numbers.Complex)): text = "" if data.real != 0: text += self.__floatFormat % data.real if data.real != 0 and data.imag != 0: if data.imag < 0: template = self.__floatFormat + " - " + self.__floatFormat + self.__imaginaryUnit params = (data.real, -data.imag) else: template = self.__floatFormat + " + " + self.__floatFormat + self.__imaginaryUnit params = (data.real, data.imag) else: if data.imag != 0: template = self.__floatFormat + self.__imaginaryUnit params = (data.imag) else: template = self.__floatFormat params = (data.real) return template % params elif isinstance(data, h5py.h5r.Reference): dtype = h5py.special_dtype(ref=h5py.Reference) text = self.__formatH5pyObject(data, dtype) return text elif isinstance(data, h5py.h5r.RegionReference): dtype = h5py.special_dtype(ref=h5py.RegionReference) text = self.__formatH5pyObject(data, dtype) return text elif isinstance(data, numpy.object_) or dtype is not None: if dtype is None: dtype = data.dtype text = self.__formatH5pyObject(data, dtype) if text is not None: return text # That's a numpy object return str(data) return str(data)