# /*########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2015-2017 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ############################################################################*/ """This module provides functions making masks on an image. - :func:`circle_fill` function generates coordinates of a circle in an image. - :func:`draw_line` function generates coordinates of a line in an image. - :func:`polygon_fill_mask` function generates a mask from a set of points defining a polygon. The :class:`Polygon` class provides checking if a point is inside a polygon. The whole module uses the (row, col) (i.e., (y, x))) convention for 2D coordinates. """ __authors__ = ["Jérôme Kieffer", "T. Vincent"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "15/02/2019" __status__ = "dev" cimport cython import numpy from libc.math cimport ceil, fabs cdef class Polygon(object): """Define a polygon that provides inside check and mask generation. :param vertices: corners of the polygon :type vertices: Nx2 array of floats of (row, col) """ cdef float[:,:] vertices cdef int nvert def __init__(self, vertices): self.vertices = numpy.ascontiguousarray(vertices, dtype=numpy.float32) if self.vertices.ndim != 2 or self.vertices.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError("A list of 2d vertices is expected (n,2 dimensional array)") self.nvert = self.vertices.shape[0] def is_inside(self, row, col): """Check if (row, col) is inside or outside the polygon :param float row: :param float col: :return: True if position is inside polygon, False otherwise """ return self.c_is_inside(row, col) @cython.cdivision(True) @cython.wraparound(False) @cython.boundscheck(False) cdef bint c_is_inside(self, float row, float col) nogil: """Check if (row, col) is inside or outside the polygon Pure C_Cython class implementation. :param float row: :param float col: :return: True if position is inside polygon, False otherwise """ cdef int index, is_inside cdef float pt1x, pt1y, pt2x, pt2y, xinters is_inside = 0 pt1x = self.vertices[self.nvert-1, 1] pt1y = self.vertices[self.nvert-1, 0] for index in range(self.nvert): pt2x = self.vertices[index, 1] pt2y = self.vertices[index, 0] if (((pt1y <= row and row < pt2y) or (pt2y <= row and row < pt1y)) and # Extra (optional) condition to avoid some computation (col <= pt1x or col <= pt2x)): xinters = (row - pt1y) * (pt2x - pt1x) / (pt2y - pt1y) + pt1x is_inside ^= col < xinters pt1x, pt1y = pt2x, pt2y return is_inside @cython.cdivision(True) @cython.wraparound(False) @cython.boundscheck(False) def make_mask(self, int height, int width): """Create a mask array representing the filled polygon :param int height: Height of the mask array :param int width: Width of the mask array :return: 2D array (height, width) """ cdef unsigned char[:, :] mask = numpy.zeros((height, width), dtype=numpy.uint8) cdef int row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max # mask subpart to update cdef int row, col, index # Loop indixes cdef float pt1x, pt1y, pt2x, pt2y # segment end points cdef int xinters, is_inside, current row_min = max(int(min(self.vertices[:, 0])), 0) row_max = min(int(max(self.vertices[:, 0])) + 1, height) # Can be replaced by prange(row_min, row_max, nogil=True) with nogil: for row in range(row_min, row_max): # For each line of the image, mark intersection of all segments # in the line and then run a xor scan to fill inner parts # Adapted from http://alienryderflex.com/polygon_fill/ pt1x = self.vertices[self.nvert-1, 1] pt1y = self.vertices[self.nvert-1, 0] col_min = width - 1 col_max = 0 is_inside = 0 # Init with whether first col is inside or not for index in range(self.nvert): pt2x = self.vertices[index, 1] pt2y = self.vertices[index, 0] if ((pt1y <= row and row < pt2y) or (pt2y <= row and row < pt1y)): # Intersection casted to int so that ]x, x+1] => x xinters = (ceil(pt1x + (row - pt1y) * (pt2x - pt1x) / (pt2y - pt1y))) - 1 # Update column range to patch if xinters < col_min: col_min = xinters if xinters > col_max: col_max = xinters if xinters < 0: # Add an intersection to init value of xor scan is_inside ^= 1 elif xinters < width: # Mark intersection in mask mask[row, xinters] ^= 1 # else: do not consider intersection on the right pt1x, pt1y = pt2x, pt2y if col_min < col_max: # Clip column range to mask if col_min < 0: col_min = 0 if col_max > width - 1: col_max = width - 1 # xor exclusive scan for col in range(col_min, col_max + 1): current = mask[row, col] mask[row, col] = is_inside is_inside = current ^ is_inside # Ensures the result is exported as numpy array and not memory view. return numpy.asarray(mask) def polygon_fill_mask(vertices, shape): """Return a mask of boolean, True for pixels inside a polygon. :param vertices: Strip of segments end points (row, column) or (y, x) :type vertices: numpy.ndarray like container of dimension Nx2 :param shape: size of the mask as (height, width) :type shape: 2-tuple of int :return: Mask corresponding to the polygon :rtype: numpy.ndarray of dimension shape """ return Polygon(vertices).make_mask(shape[0], shape[1]) @cython.wraparound(False) @cython.boundscheck(False) def draw_line(int row0, int col0, int row1, int col1, int width=1): """Line includes both end points. Width is handled by drawing parallel lines, so junctions of lines belonging to different octant with width > 1 will not look nice. Using Bresenham line algorithm: Bresenham, J. E. Algorithm for computer control of a digital plotter. IBM Systems Journal. Vol 4 No 1. 1965. pp 25-30 :param int row0: Start point row :param int col0: Start point col :param int row1: End point row :param int col1: End point col :param int width: Thickness of the line in pixels (default 1) Width must be at least 1. :return: Array coordinates of points inside the line (might be negative) :rtype: 2-tuple of numpy.ndarray (rows, cols) """ cdef int drow, dcol, invert_coords cdef int db, da, delta, b, a, step_a, step_b cdef int index, offset # Loop indices # Store coordinates of points of the line cdef int[:, :] b_coords cdef int[:, :] a_coords dcol = abs(col1 - col0) drow = abs(row1 - row0) invert_coords = dcol < drow if dcol == 0 and drow == 0: return (numpy.array((row0,), dtype=numpy.int32), numpy.array((col0,), dtype=numpy.int32)) if width < 1: width = 1 # Set a and b according to segment octant if not invert_coords: da = dcol db = drow step_a = 1 if col1 > col0 else -1 step_b = 1 if row1 > row0 else -1 a = col0 b = row0 else: da = drow db = dcol step_a = 1 if row1 > row0 else -1 step_b = 1 if col1 > col0 else -1 a = row0 b = col0 b_coords = numpy.empty((da + 1, width), dtype=numpy.int32) a_coords = numpy.empty((da + 1, width), dtype=numpy.int32) with nogil: b -= (width - 1) // 2 delta = 2 * db - da for index in range(da + 1): for offset in range(width): b_coords[index, offset] = b + offset a_coords[index, offset] = a if delta >= 0: # M2: Move by step_a + step_b b += step_b delta -= 2 * da # else M1: Move by step_a a += step_a delta += 2 * db if not invert_coords: return (numpy.asarray(b_coords).reshape(-1), numpy.asarray(a_coords).reshape(-1)) else: return (numpy.asarray(a_coords).reshape(-1), numpy.asarray(b_coords).reshape(-1)) def circle_fill(int crow, int ccol, float radius): """Generates coordinate of image points lying in a disk. :param int crow: Row of the center of the disk :param int ccol: Column of the center of the disk :param float radius: Radius of the disk :return: Array coordinates of points inside the disk (might be negative) :rtype: 2-tuple of numpy.ndarray (rows, cols) """ cdef int i_radius, len_coords radius = fabs(radius) i_radius = radius coords = numpy.arange(-i_radius, ceil(radius) + 1, dtype=numpy.float32) ** 2 len_coords = len(coords) # rows, cols = where(row**2 + col**2 < radius**2) rows, cols = numpy.where(coords.reshape(1, len_coords) + coords.reshape(len_coords, 1) < radius ** 2) return rows + crow - i_radius, cols + ccol - i_radius def ellipse_fill(int crow, int ccol, float radius_r, float radius_c): """Generates coordinate of image points lying in a ellipse. :param int crow: Row of the center of the ellipse :param int ccol: Column of the center of the ellipse :param float radius_r: Radius of the ellipse in the row :param float radius_c: Radius of the ellipse in the column :return: Array coordinates of points inside the ellipse (might be negative) :rtype: 2-tuple of numpy.ndarray (rows, cols) """ cdef int i_radius_r cdef int i_radius_c i_radius_r = fabs(radius_r) i_radius_c = fabs(radius_c) x_coords = numpy.arange(-i_radius_r, ceil(radius_r) + 1, dtype=numpy.float32).reshape(-1, 1) y_coords = numpy.arange(-i_radius_c, ceil(radius_c) + 1, dtype=numpy.float32).reshape(1, -1) # rows, cols = where(x**2 + col**2 < 1) rows, cols = numpy.where(x_coords**2 / radius_r**2 + y_coords**2 / radius_c**2 < 1.0) return rows + crow - i_radius_r, cols + ccol - i_radius_c