# coding: utf-8 # /*########################################################################## # Copyright (C) 2016-2017 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ############################################################################*/ """Tests for commonh5 wrapper""" __authors__ = ["V. Valls"] __license__ = "MIT" __date__ = "21/09/2017" import logging import numpy import unittest import tempfile import shutil _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) import silx.io import silx.io.utils import h5py try: from .. import commonh5 except ImportError: commonh5 = None class _TestCommonFeatures(unittest.TestCase): """Test common features supported by h5py and our implementation.""" __test__ = False # ignore abstract class tests @classmethod def createFile(cls): return None @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): # Set to None cause create_resource can raise an excpetion cls.h5 = None cls.h5 = cls.create_resource() if cls.h5 is None: raise unittest.SkipTest("File not created") @classmethod def create_resource(cls): """Must be implemented""" return None @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls.h5 = None def test_file(self): node = self.h5 self.assertTrue(silx.io.is_file(node)) self.assertTrue(silx.io.is_group(node)) self.assertFalse(silx.io.is_dataset(node)) self.assertEqual(len(node.attrs), 0) def test_group(self): node = self.h5["group"] self.assertFalse(silx.io.is_file(node)) self.assertTrue(silx.io.is_group(node)) self.assertFalse(silx.io.is_dataset(node)) self.assertEqual(len(node.attrs), 0) class_ = self.h5.get("group", getclass=True) classlink = self.h5.get("group", getlink=True, getclass=True) self.assertEqual(class_, h5py.Group) self.assertEqual(classlink, h5py.HardLink) def test_dataset(self): node = self.h5["group/dataset"] self.assertFalse(silx.io.is_file(node)) self.assertFalse(silx.io.is_group(node)) self.assertTrue(silx.io.is_dataset(node)) self.assertEqual(len(node.attrs), 0) class_ = self.h5.get("group/dataset", getclass=True) classlink = self.h5.get("group/dataset", getlink=True, getclass=True) self.assertEqual(class_, h5py.Dataset) self.assertEqual(classlink, h5py.HardLink) def test_soft_link(self): node = self.h5["link/soft_link"] self.assertEqual(node.name, "/link/soft_link") class_ = self.h5.get("link/soft_link", getclass=True) link = self.h5.get("link/soft_link", getlink=True) classlink = self.h5.get("link/soft_link", getlink=True, getclass=True) self.assertEqual(class_, h5py.Dataset) self.assertTrue(isinstance(link, (h5py.SoftLink, commonh5.SoftLink))) self.assertTrue(silx.io.utils.is_softlink(link)) self.assertEqual(classlink, h5py.SoftLink) def test_external_link(self): node = self.h5["link/external_link"] self.assertEqual(node.name, "/target/dataset") class_ = self.h5.get("link/external_link", getclass=True) classlink = self.h5.get("link/external_link", getlink=True, getclass=True) self.assertEqual(class_, h5py.Dataset) self.assertEqual(classlink, h5py.ExternalLink) def test_external_link_to_link(self): node = self.h5["link/external_link_to_link"] self.assertEqual(node.name, "/target/link") class_ = self.h5.get("link/external_link_to_link", getclass=True) classlink = self.h5.get("link/external_link_to_link", getlink=True, getclass=True) self.assertEqual(class_, h5py.Dataset) self.assertEqual(classlink, h5py.ExternalLink) def test_create_groups(self): c = self.h5.create_group(self.id() + "/a/b/c") d = c.create_group("/" + self.id() + "/a/b/d") self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.h5.create_group, self.id() + "/a/b/d") self.assertEqual(c.name, "/" + self.id() + "/a/b/c") self.assertEqual(d.name, "/" + self.id() + "/a/b/d") def test_setitem_python_object_dataset(self): group = self.h5.create_group(self.id()) group["a"] = 10 self.assertEqual(group["a"].dtype.kind, "i") def test_setitem_numpy_dataset(self): group = self.h5.create_group(self.id()) group["a"] = numpy.array([10, 20, 30]) self.assertEqual(group["a"].dtype.kind, "i") self.assertEqual(group["a"].shape, (3,)) def test_setitem_link(self): group = self.h5.create_group(self.id()) group["a"] = 10 group["b"] = group["a"] self.assertEqual(group["b"].dtype.kind, "i") def test_setitem_dataset_is_sub_group(self): self.h5[self.id() + "/a"] = 10 class TestCommonFeatures_h5py(_TestCommonFeatures): """Check if h5py is compliant with what we expect.""" __test__ = True # because _TestCommonFeatures is ignored @classmethod def create_resource(cls): cls.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() externalh5 = h5py.File(cls.tmp_dir + "/external.h5", mode="w") externalh5["target/dataset"] = 50 externalh5["target/link"] = h5py.SoftLink("/target/dataset") externalh5.close() h5 = h5py.File(cls.tmp_dir + "/base.h5", mode="w") h5["group/dataset"] = 50 h5["link/soft_link"] = h5py.SoftLink("/group/dataset") h5["link/external_link"] = h5py.ExternalLink("external.h5", "/target/dataset") h5["link/external_link_to_link"] = h5py.ExternalLink("external.h5", "/target/link") return h5 @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(TestCommonFeatures_h5py, cls).tearDownClass() if hasattr(cls, "tmp_dir") and cls.tmp_dir is not None: shutil.rmtree(cls.tmp_dir) class TestCommonFeatures_commonH5(_TestCommonFeatures): """Check if commonh5 is compliant with h5py.""" __test__ = True # because _TestCommonFeatures is ignored @classmethod def create_resource(cls): h5 = commonh5.File("base.h5", "w") h5.create_group("group").create_dataset("dataset", data=numpy.int32(50)) link = h5.create_group("link") link.add_node(commonh5.SoftLink("soft_link", "/group/dataset")) return h5 def test_external_link(self): # not applicable pass def test_external_link_to_link(self): # not applicable pass class TestSpecificCommonH5(unittest.TestCase): """Test specific features from commonh5. Test of shared features should be done by TestCommonFeatures.""" def setUp(self): if commonh5 is None: self.skipTest("silx.io.commonh5 is needed") def test_node_attrs(self): node = commonh5.Node("Foo", attrs={"a": 1}) self.assertEqual(node.attrs["a"], 1) node.attrs["b"] = 8 self.assertEqual(node.attrs["b"], 8) node.attrs["b"] = 2 self.assertEqual(node.attrs["b"], 2) def test_node_readonly_attrs(self): f = commonh5.File(name="Foo", mode="r") node = commonh5.Node("Foo", attrs={"a": 1}) node.attrs["b"] = 8 f.add_node(node) self.assertEqual(node.attrs["b"], 8) try: node.attrs["b"] = 1 self.fail() except RuntimeError: pass def test_create_dataset(self): f = commonh5.File(name="Foo", mode="w") node = f.create_dataset("foo", data=numpy.array([1])) self.assertIs(node.parent, f) self.assertIs(f["foo"], node) def test_create_group(self): f = commonh5.File(name="Foo", mode="w") node = f.create_group("foo") self.assertIs(node.parent, f) self.assertIs(f["foo"], node) def test_readonly_create_dataset(self): f = commonh5.File(name="Foo", mode="r") try: f.create_dataset("foo", data=numpy.array([1])) self.fail() except RuntimeError: pass def test_readonly_create_group(self): f = commonh5.File(name="Foo", mode="r") try: f.create_group("foo") self.fail() except RuntimeError: pass def test_create_unicode_dataset(self): f = commonh5.File(name="Foo", mode="w") try: f.create_dataset("foo", data=numpy.array(u"aaaa")) self.fail() except TypeError: pass def test_setitem_dataset(self): self.h5 = commonh5.File(name="Foo", mode="w") group = self.h5.create_group(self.id()) group["a"] = commonh5.Dataset(None, data=numpy.array(10)) self.assertEqual(group["a"].dtype.kind, "i") def test_setitem_explicit_link(self): self.h5 = commonh5.File(name="Foo", mode="w") group = self.h5.create_group(self.id()) group["a"] = 10 group["b"] = commonh5.SoftLink(None, path="/" + self.id() + "/a") self.assertEqual(group["b"].dtype.kind, "i")