path: root/NEWS
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'NEWS')
1 files changed, 173 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d83c7f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+= src project news =
+1.20: 2018-10-28::
+ Add platform to "src version" output to make bug reports easier to generate.
+ Signal-harden backend command execution.
+1.19: 2018-10-27::
+ Filenames containing embedded spaces are handled properly.
+ The '--' token is interpreted correctly in cat commands.
+1.18: 2018-03-17::
+ Fix out-of-order 'revno' assignment when commits share same date.
+ 'list' & 'log' suppress RFC 822 headers inserted by 'fast-import'.
+ 'log' gained '-v' verbosity levels to show imported RFC 822 headers.
+ 'list' & 'log' show author date if in RFC 822 headers rather than committer.
+ Improved 'fast-import/export' round-trip fidelity using RFC 822 headers.
+1.17: 2017-11-14::
+ Show diff of changes to be committed when editing/amending commit comment.
+ 'src commit' no longer opens editor when file has not been changed.
+ 'src diff' and 'src log' accept '-b' & '-w' to ignore whitespace changes.
+ 'git log -p 1' shows "big bang" creation diff (previously no diff for r1).
+ Commands now operate on all managed files (as documented) when none given.
+ Colored output no longer crashes under Python 3.
+ 'src log -<n>' is alias for '-l <n>' a la 'git log -<n>'; ditto 'src list'.
+1.16: 2017-11-05::
+ Output of src diff & src log are colorized a la git when issuing to terminal.
+ 'src log' now accepts '-p' to emit patches a la 'git log -p'.
+1.15: 2017-10-30::
+ Fixes for fast-import, fast-export, and exec-bit propagation.
+1.14: 2017-10-17::
+ Slightly improved boilerplate commit message.
+ Fix for a minor command-parsing bug.
+1.13: 2017-03-26::
+ Improvement to tempfile handling; avoid wiring in /tmp.
+1.12: 2017-01-24::
+ Pylint cleanup, minor documentation fixes, and Python 3 port tweaks.
+1.11: 2016-02-23::
+ Now handles binary repository data cleanly under Python 3.
+ Version command reports versions for the underlying Python and back end.
+1.10: 2016-02-18::
+ Code now runs under either Python 2 or Python 3.
+ Restore (undocumented) add command for Emacs VC compatibility.
+1.9: 2016-02-15::
+ Fix status-computation bug introduced in 1.8.
+ SCCS parsing can no longer be fooled by comment lines resembing delta headers.
+1.8: 2016-02-14::
+ Stamp files are no longer used; all SRC state is carried in the master itself.
+1.7: 2016-02-10::
+ New 'visualize' command makes a DOT/graphviz visualization of repo structure.
+ It is now possible to range-restrict a tag or branch listing.
+1.6: 2016-02-08::
+ Improved prs log parsing in SCCS back end allows blank lines in comments.
+ SCCS regression tests now really work (previously a false positive).
+1.5: 2016-02-07::
+ Bugfixes for SCCS support. It now has its own regression test.
+ Documentation and FAQ update for the new back end.
+1.4: 2016-02-05::
+ Basic SCCS support - no branches or tags, limited diffs.
+ The diff command no longer leaks native commit IDs onto the screen.
+ In fast-export, properly sanitize RCS branch names illegal for git.
+1.3: 2016-02-04::
+ Make SRC able to drive RCS v5.7 (previously needed v5.8 or later).
+ If you change nothing in the template commit during edit, commit is canceled.
+1.2: 2016-01-29::
+ Documentation improvements based on user feedback.
+1.1: 2016-01-27::
+ Avoid upchucking on status A files if we happen to go through a modify check.
+ Add regression test for commit-comment editing.
+ Force binary I/O - a step towards Python 3 porting.
+1.0: 2016-01-26::
+ Now hosted on gitlab.
+ Fix for Tom Willemse's multi-file commit bug.
+0.19: 2015-04-02::
+ A pylint audit caught two unbound variables in odd cases.
+0.18: 2014-12-23::
+ Reversed range expressons are now supported.
+ In list and log, explicit ranges are no longer reversed.
+0.17: 2014-12-19::
+ Undocumented 'add' command abolished; Emacs VC will use 'commit -a' instead.
+0.16: 2014-12-18::
+ Allow -- as an argument ender in src diff.
+ Changes to a workfile's x bits are propagated to its master on checkin.
+0.15: 2014-12-08::
+ Deal gracefully with directories passed as arguments.
+0.14: 2014-11-29::
+ Fixed bugs affecting argument parsing in the presence of numeric filenames.
+0.13: 2014-11-24::
+ Fixed bug that caused spurious modified status after commit.
+0.12: 2014-11-21::
+ Log command shows the branch in the header line for each revision.
+ List and log command now have an -l option to play nice with Emacs VC.
+0.11: 2014-11-19::
+ File-not-modified status character changed to '=' to match Mercurial.
+ Fixed-width cutlines and list -f option support Emacs VC mode.
+0.10: 2014-11-19::
+ Modified check is now done by content, not modification date.
+0.9: 2014-11-16::
+ SRC is now feature-complete as planned.
+ Branch deletion is implemented and tested.
+ 'src rename' now renames tags and branches - no longer an alias for 'move'.
+ In tag and branch, a 'create' or '-c' modifier is now required to make tags.
+0.8: 2014-11-14::
+ A branch label names the tip revision of its branch.
+ src log and src list skip ignored and unregistered files in arguments.
+ The embedded help has been enriched and now features multiple topics.
+ ! works to negate patterns in ignore files.
+ src status -a forces status display of all files, including I and ?.
+0.7: 2014-11-13::
+ Bugfix release: fix initial file commit. There was a bug in my tests...
+0.6: 2014-11-12::
+ Useful boilerplate in commit and amend message buffers.
+ Tag names for revisions work; so does tag renaming.
+ Branch-sensitive traversal with .. is working.
+ Fixed yet another fast-export bug.
+0.5: 2014-11-11::
+ Removed src add. The first src commit to a file adds it.
+ Branching is mostly working - branch delete isn't implemented,
+ Tag and branch names to identify revisions don't work yet.
+ 'U' (unmodified) becomes '.' in src status listings.
+ src fast-export was broken in 0.4, it's fixed now.
+ Added src version.
+0.4: 2014-11-10::
+ Improvements to src fast-import.
+ src commit now has an -e option to force editing after -m or -f.
+ There is now a "src amend".
+0.3: 2014-11-09::
+ There is now a "src status" command, and .srcignore affects it.
+ src fast-import is implemented (by callout to rcs-fast-import).
+0.2: 2014-11-08::
+ There is a public repository on Gitorious
+ All the initially projected commands except branch are implemented.
+ The bug that caused failures with vi has been fixed.
+ ".." is a legal range separator as well as "-".
+ There is a regression-test suite, and more documentation.
+0.1: 2014-11-07::
+ Initial proof-of-concept release.