= Installing SRC = Have RCS or CSSC or both installed on your system. Have "python" available as a Python 2.7 or 3.x interpreter, x >= 3. Put src somewhere on your $PATH. That's all there is to it. (The SCCS support is limited, does not include tag or branch support, and not really recommended unless you have a specific need to work with legacy SCCS histories.) If you want to use the "visualize" command, you will need to install the graphviz package to get dot(1). There's a 'make install' production you can use that also installs the manual page. It will require root permissions. Doing 'make check' performs a comprehensive test of the software. You must have both RCS and CSSC installed for this to work. You must also have a Git user configuration with user.name and user.email set; this is required for the fast-export test. The FAQ has a section on how to report bugs.