SiriDB - Connector ================== The SiriDB Connector is a self-contained Python driver for communicating with SiriDB servers. This manual describes how to install and configure SiriDB Connector for Python 3, and how to use it to develop database applications. --------------------------------------- * [Installation](#installation) * [Quick usage](#quick-usage) * [SiriDBClient](#siridbclient) * [connect](#siridbclientconnect) * [insert](#siridbclientinsert) * [query](#siridbclientquery) * [close](#siridbclientclose) * [Exception codes](#exception-codes) * [Version info](#version-info) --------------------------------------- ## Installation ------------ From PyPI (recommended) ``` pip install siridb-connector ``` From source code ``` python install ``` ## Quick usage ------- ```python import asyncio import time import random from siridb.connector import SiriDBClient async def example(siri): # Start connecting to SiriDB. # .connect() returns a list of all connections referring to the supplied # hostlist. The list can contain exceptions in case a connection could not # be made. await siri.connect() try: # insert ts = int(time.time()) value = random.random() await siri.insert({'some_measurement': [[ts, value]]}) # query resp = await siri.query('select * from "some_measurement"') print(resp) finally: # Close all SiriDB connections. siri.close() siri = SiriDBClient( username='iris', password='siri', dbname='dbtest', hostlist=[('localhost', 9000)], # Multiple connections are supported keepalive=True) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(example(siri)) ``` ## SiriDBClient Create a new SiriDB Client. This creates a new client but `.connect()` must be used to connect. ```python siri = SiriDBClient( username=, password=, dbname=, hostlist=[(, , {weight: 1}, {backup: False})], loop=None, keepalive=True, timeout=10, inactive_time=30, max_wait_retry=90) ``` Arguments: * __username__: User with permissions to use the database. * __password__: Password for the given username. * __dbname__: Name of the database. * __hostlist__: List with SiriDB servers (all servers or a subset of servers can be in this list). *Example:* ```python hostlist=[ ('server1.local', 9000, {'weight': 3}), ('server2.local', 9001), ('backup1.local', 9002, {'backup': True}) ] ``` Each server should at least have a hostname and port number. Optionally you can provide a dictionary with extra options. Available Options: - __weight__ : Should be a value between 1 and 9. A higher value gives the server more weight so it will be more likely chosen. (default 1) - __backup__ : Should be either True or False. When True the server will be marked as backup server and will only be chosen if no other server is available. (default: False) Keyword arguments: * __loop__: Asyncio loop. When 'None' the default event loop will be used. * __keepalive__: When 'True' keep-alive packages are send every 45 seconds. * __timeout__: Maximum time to complete a process, otherwise it will be cancelled. * __inactive_time__: When a server is temporary unavailable, for example the server could be paused, we mark the server as inactive after x seconds. * __max_wait_retry__: When the reconnect loop starts, we try to reconnect in 1 second, then 2 seconds, 4, 8 and so on until max_wait_retry is reached and then use this value to retry again. ****************************************************************************** ### SiriDBClient.connect Start connecting to SiriDB. `.connect()` returns a list of all connections referring to the supplied hostlist. The list can contain exceptions in case a connection could not be made. Optionally the keyword argument `timeout` can be set. This will constrain the search time for a connection. Exceeding the timeout will raise an `.TimeoutError`. ```python siri.connect(timeout=None) ``` ### SiriDBClient.insert Insert time series data into SiriDB. Requires a 'dictionary' with at least one series. Optionally the `timeout` can be adjusted (default: 300). ```python siri.insert(data, timeout=300) ``` ### SiriDBClient.query Query data out of the database. Requires a string containing the query. More about the query language can be found [here]( The documentation about the query language will inform you about a number of useful aggregation and filter functions, different ways of visualizing and grouping the requested data, and how to make changes to the set up of the database. Optionally a `time_precision` (`SECOND`, `MICROSECOND`, `MILLISECOND`, `NANOSECOND`) can be set. The default `None` sets the precision to seconds. Futhermore the `timeout` can be adjusted (default: 60). ```python from siridb.connector import (SECOND, MICROSECOND, MILLISECOND, NANOSECOND) siri.query(query, time_precision=None, timeout=60) ``` ### SiriDBClient.close Close the connection. ```python siri.close() ``` Check if the connection is closed. ```python siri.is_closed ``` ## Exception codes The following exceptions can be returned: - `AuthenticationError`: *Raised when credentials are invalid or insufficient.* - `IndexError`: *Raised when the database does not exist (anymore).* - `InsertError` (can only be raised when using the `.insert()` method): *Make sure the data is correct because this only happens when SiriDB could not process the request.* - `OverflowError` (can only be raised when using the `.insert()` method): *Raised when integer values cannot not be packed due to an overflow error (integer values should be signed and not more than 63 bits).* - `PoolError`: *SiriDB has no online server for at least one required pool. Try again later after some reasonable delay.* - `QueryError` (can only be raised when using the `.query()` method): *Make sure the query is correct because this only happens when SiriDB could not process the query. Consult the [documentation]( about the query language can be found.* - `RuntimeError`: *Raised when a general error message is received. This should no happen unless a new bug is discovered.* - `ServerError`: *Raised when a server could not perform the request, you could try another server if one is available. Consult the [documentation]( how to get additional status information about the servers.* - `TimeoutError`: *Raised when a process lasts longer than the `timeout` period* - `TypeError`: *Raised when an unknown package is received (might be caused by running a different SiriDB version).* - `UserAuthError`: *The user as no rights to perform the insert or query. Consult the [documentation]( how to change the access rights.*