# slirp4netns maintainers file (Moby-style TOML syntax) [Org] # Approvers (aka Core Maintainers) approve pull requests and ship releases. # GitHub Team: rootless-containers/slirp4netns-approvers # # An approver may approve PRs and ship releases without waiting for LGTMs from other approvers. # However, the approver should try to get LGTMs from other approvers for significant changes. # # Release guide (since v1.1.1): # 1. Bump up the version string in `configure.ac` to `vX.Y.Z` (or `vX.Y.Z-beta.W`) # 2. `git commit -a -s -m vX.Y.Z` # 3. Bump up the version string to `vX.Y.Z+dev` (or `vX.Y.Z-beta.W+dev`) # 4. `git commit -a -s -m vX.Y.Z+dev` # 5. Open a PR and merge it. # 6. Create a tag `v.X.Y.Z` for the `vX.Y.Z` commit, with a GPG sign: `git tag -s vX.Y.Z ` # 7. Push the tag to the upstream: `git push upstream vX.Y.Z` # 8. GitHub Actions automatically ships a draft release with statically compiled binaries `slirp4netns-$(uname -m)` and `SHA256SUMS`: https://github.com/rootless-containers/slirp4netns/releases # If it fails, check the GitHub Actions log: https://github.com/rootless-containers/slirp4netns/actions?query=workflow%3ARelease # 9. Sign `SHA256SUMS`: `gpg --detach-sign -a SHA256SUMS` # This command will create `SHA256SUMS.asc`. Make sure to use the same GPG key used for `git tag -s vX.Y.Z `. # 10. Attach `SHA256SUMS.asc` and add release note texts to the draft release, and ship the release. [Org.Approvers] people = [ "akihirosuda", "cyphar", "giuseppe", ] # Package maintainers maintain distro packages. # GitHub Team: rootless-containers/slirp4netns-package-maintainers [Org.PackageMaintainers] # https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/slirp4netns # https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/vbatts/shadow-utils-newxidmap/package/slirp4netns/ [Org.PackageMaintainers.Fedora] people = [ "giuseppe", "lsm5", "rhatdan", "vbatts", ] # https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/slirp4netns/ [Org.PackageMaintainers.Arch] people = [ "barthalion", ] # https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE%3AFactory/slirp4netns [Org.PackageMaintainers.openSUSE] people = [ "cyphar", "saschagrunert", ] # https://packages.debian.org/buster/slirp4netns [Org.PackageMaintainers.Debian] people = [ "siretart", ] # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tree/master/pkgs/tools/networking/slirp4netns [Org.PackageMaintainers.NixOS] people = [ "orivej-nixos", ] # https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/app-emulation/slirp4netns [Org.PackageMaintainers.Gentoo] people = [ "zmedico", "g-braeunlich", ] # https://git.slackbuilds.org/slackbuilds/tree/network/slirp4netns [Org.PackageMaintainers.Slackware] people = [ "vbatts", ] # https://github.com/void-linux/void-packages/tree/master/srcpkgs/slirp4netns [Org.PackageMaintainers.Void] people = [ "cameronnemo", ] # alphabetical order [people] [people.akihirosuda] Name = "Akihiro Suda" Email = "akihiro.suda.cz@hco.ntt.co.jp" GitHub = "AkihiroSuda" [people.barthalion] Name = "Bartłomiej Piotrowski" GitHub = "barthalion" [people.cameronnemo] Name = "Cameron Nemo" GitHub = "CameronNemo" [people.cyphar] Name = "Aleksa Sarai" Email = "cyphar@cyphar.com" GitHub = "cyphar" [people.g-braeunlich] Name = "Gerhard Bräunlich" GitHub = "g-braeunlich" [people.giuseppe] Name = "Giuseppe Scrivano" Email = "giuseppe@scrivano.org" GitHub = "giuseppe" [people.lsm5] Name = "Lokesh Mandvekar" GitHub = "lsm5" [people.rhatdan] Name = "Daniel Walsh" GitHub = "rhatdan" [people.orivej-nixos] Name = "Orivej Desh" GitHub = "orivej-nixos" [people.saschagrunert] Name = "Sascha Grunert" GitHub = "saschagrunert" [people.siretart] Name = "Reinhard Tartler" GitHub = "siretart" [people.vbatts] Name = "Vincent Batts" GitHub = "vbatts" [people.zmedico] Name = "Zac Medico" GitHub = "zmedico"