SLIRP4NETNS 1 "July 2018" "Rootless Containers" "User Commands" ================================================== # NAME slirp4netns - User-mode networking for unprivileged network namespaces # SYNOPSIS slirp4netns [OPTION]... PID TAPNAME # DESCRIPTION slirp4netns provides user-mode networking ("slirp") for network namespaces. Unlike **veth**(4), slirp4netns does not require the root privileges on the host. Default configuration: * MTU: 1500 * CIDR: * Gateway/Host: (network address + 2) * DNS: (network address + 3) * IPv6 CIDR: fd00::/64 * IPv6 Gateway/Host: fd00::2 * IPv6 DNS: fd00::3 # OPTIONS **-c**, **--configure** bring up the interface. IP will be set to (network address + 100) by default. IPv6 will be set to a random address. **-e**, **--exit-fd=FD** specify the FD for terminating slirp4netns. **-r**, **--ready-fd=FD** specify the FD to write to when the network is configured. **-m**, **--mtu=MTU** specify MTU (max=65521). **--cidr** (since v0.3.0) specify CIDR, e.g. **--disable-host-loopback** (since v0.3.0) prohibit connecting to\* on the host namespace **-a**, **--api-socket** (since v0.3.0) API socket path **-6**, **--enable-ipv6** enable IPv6 (experimental). **-h**, **--help** show help and exit **-v**, **--version** show version and exit # EXAMPLE Terminal 1: Create user/network/mount namespaces ```console $ unshare --user --map-root-user --net --mount unshared$ echo $$ > /tmp/pid ``` Terminal 2: Start slirp4netns ```console $ slirp4netns --configure --mtu=65520 $(cat /tmp/pid) tap0 starting slirp, MTU=65520 ... ``` Terminal 1: Make sure **tap0** is configured and connected to the Internet ```console unshared$ ip a 1: lo: mtu 65536 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 1000 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 3: tap0: mtu 65520 qdisc fq_codel state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000 link/ether c2:28:0c:0e:29:06 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet brd scope global tap0 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 fe80::c028:cff:fe0e:2906/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever unshared$ echo "nameserver" > /tmp/resolv.conf unshared$ mount --bind /tmp/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf unshared$ curl ``` Bind-mounting **/etc/resolv.conf** is only needed when **/etc/resolv.conf** on the host refers to loopback addresses (**127.0.0.X**, typically because of **dnsmasq**(8) or **systemd-resolved.service**(8)) that cannot be accessed from the namespace. If your **/etc/resolv.conf** on the host is managed by **networkmanager**(8) or **systemd-resolved.service**(8), you might need to mount a new filesystem on **/etc** instead, so as to prevent the new **/etc/resolv.conf** from being unmounted unexpectedly when **/etc/resolv.conf** on the host is regenerated. ```console unshared$ mkdir /tmp/a /tmp/b unshared$ mount --rbind /etc /tmp/a unshared$ mount --rbind /tmp/b /etc unshared$ mkdir /etc/.ro unshared$ mount --move /tmp/a /etc/.ro unshared$ cd /etc unshared$ for f in .ro/*; do ln -s $f $(basename $f); done unshared$ rm resolv.conf unshared$ echo "nameserver" > /tmp/resolv.conf unshared$ curl ``` # ROUTING PING PACKETS To route ping packets, you need to set up **net.ipv4.ping_group_range** properly as the root. e.g. ```console $ sudo sh -c "echo 0 2147483647 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ping_group_range" ``` # FILTERING CONNECTIONS By default, ports listening on **INADDR_LOOPBACK** (****) on the host are accessible from the child namespace via the gateway (default: ****). **--disable-host-loopback** can be used to prohibit connecting to **INADDR_LOOPBACK** on the host. However, a host loopback address might be still accessible via the built-in DNS (default: ****) if `/etc/resolv.conf` on the host refers to a loopback address. You may want to set up iptables for limiting access to the built-in DNS in such a case. ```console unshared$ iptables -A OUTPUT -d -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT unshared$ iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j DROP ``` # API SOCKET slirp4netns can provide QMP-like API server over an UNIX socket file: ```console $ slirp4netns --api-socket /tmp/slirp4netns.sock ... ``` **add_hostfwd**: Expose a port (IPv4 only) ```console $ json='{"execute": "add_hostfwd", "arguments": {"proto": "tcp", "host_addr": "", "host_port": 8080, "guest_addr": "", "guest_port": 80}}' $ echo -n $json | nc -U /tmp/slirp4netns.sock { "return": {"id": 42}} ``` If **host_addr** is not specified, then it defaults to "". If **guest_addr** is not specified, then it will be set to the default address that corresponds to --configure. **list_hostfwd**: List exposed ports ```console $ json='{"execute": "list_hostfwd"}' $ echo -n $json | nc -U /tmp/slirp4netns.sock { "return": {"entries": [{"id": 42, "proto": "tcp", "host_addr": "", "host_port": 8080, "guest_addr": "", "guest_port": 80}]}} ``` **remove_hostfwd**: Remove an exposed port ```console $ json='{"execute": "remove_hostfwd", "arguments": {"id": 42}}' $ echo -n $json | nc -U /tmp/slirp4netns.sock { "return": {}} ``` Remarks: * Client needs to **shutdown** the socket with **SHUT_WR** after sending every request. i.e. No support for keep-alive and timeout. * slirp4netns "stops the world" during processing API requests. * A request must be less than 4095 bytes. * JSON responses may contain **error** instead of **return**. # SEE ALSO **network_namespaces**(7), **user_namespaces**(7), **veth**(4) # AVAILABILITY The slirp4netns command is available from **** under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.